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Who's in the wrong? Motorbike crashes into pedestrian, 2nd moto flips


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Who's in the wrong? Motorbike crashes into pedestrian, 2nd moto flips (VIDEO)
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Everyone knows you don’t just trust the traffic lights in Thailand, and today’s viral video has reminded us to expect the unexpected when crossing the road.

The dashcam footage of the accident in Samut Prakarn yesterday shows a nasty collision between a pedestrian in a purple shirt crossing the road and a motorbike, causing both to be knocked hard to the ground.

Just when you think it’s over, another motorbike, in an attempt to avoid running over the pair, brakes hard and flips over onto the road.


Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/01/21/whos-wrong-motorbike-crashes-pedestrian-2nd-moto-flips-video

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-01-22

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There clearly is a middle line in the road that should not be crossed by any kind of vehicle. The boy thought he was safe by reaching the middle and taking that last glance to his back to make sure he was safe. Before he crossed across the street motorbikes were already driving on the wrong side of the road. The fault lies with the kid crossing the street in the middle of traffic and that motorcycle driver that hit the kid. No matter who sees the video... nothing will stop people from crossing the road at the wrong place (crosswalks,zebra crossings)..... nothing will be done to stop the motorcycles driving up the wrong side of the road or passing cars on both sides while they are stopped....nothing will be done to stop businesses from putting signs on the sides of the road so people have to walk in the road.. So the real person at fault here is the person with the Dashcam making every one realize that NOTHING CAN DONE no matter what you record!

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There clearly is a middle line in the road that should not be crossed by any kind of vehicle. The boy thought he was safe by reaching the middle and taking that last glance to his back to make sure he was safe. Before he crossed across the street motorbikes were already driving on the wrong side of the road. The fault lies with the kid crossing the street in the middle of traffic and that motorcycle driver that hit the kid. No matter who sees the video... nothing will stop people from crossing the road at the wrong place (crosswalks,zebra crossings)..... nothing will be done to stop the motorcycles driving up the wrong side of the road or passing cars on both sides while they are stopped....nothing will be done to stop businesses from putting signs on the sides of the road so people have to walk in the road.. So the real person at fault here is the person with the Dashcam making every one realize that NOTHING CAN DONE no matter what you record!

Of course nothing can be done! The accident already happened!!! The problem is that nothing WILL BE DONE so this doesn't happen in the future.
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Unfortunately for years we have been conditioned to always look to blame someone. Be it in order to get an insurance company to pay out, or for the police to press charges. Everyone is looking to point a finger. Problem is that fault finding never addresses the issues, everyone goes away happy that they have found the guilty party so nobody else is at fault.

Accidents happen because of prediction failures, normal everyday people doing normal everyday things get caught out when something unpredicted happens. The pedestrian and the first rider could have both avoided the incident if they predicted the actions of the other.

We all do it, normally without incident. We could fault the rider for not slowing down or the pedestrian for not looking.

Thing is it will keep happening, best to try and make sure it does not happen to us.


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the pedestrian appears to be crossing cautiously. is the bike rider paying attention? it's not like the pedestrian appeared out of nowhere.

The bike is doing the natural thing, overtaking the pedestrian like they do with vehicles, especially during traffic jams. A habit inculcated to become the their rights.

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That's not true, at the end of the clip a man in a helmet is walking out to help and the cars are just slowing down yet,

I see 4 people walking away and one lady even runs away like she wasn't there at all.

The motocy driver looks dead after it happened but nobody seems to care. He drove against traffic though so i guess it was his fault. He drove there because the pedestrians walked on the road on the left lane where the motocy should be driving.

They walked on the road because the sidewalk was probably loaded with advertisings and streetvendors.

This shows the position of motocydrivers, they are considered inhuman.wai2.gif

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After watching this video a number of times and reading prior post. My opionion is the pedestrian is at fault. Had he been in a cross walk then the table is turned. He is another unwise person in the middle of traffic failing to look both ways then he darts and is struck.

Had this been me I still looking both ways before I dart across the street. This being Thailand you always have stray dogs and not wise pedistrian making the decision to cross the street when not safe. As in the video here. My 2 baht!

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most Thai people when driving cars or bikes seem to be unaware of anything going on around them. the next time your out just look at the Thai person riding a bike next to you at the traffic lights, look at there face and eyes there vacant, light are no but no ones at home.

It's a necessity. If you let the surrounding traffic penetrate your consciousness, you'll be too scared to drive.
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As is the case with many accidents both parties were negligent.

One seemingly jaywalking across the road and coming out between parked vehicles, and the motorcyclist on the wrong side of the road and not looking where he was going.

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After watching this video a number of times and reading prior post. My opionion is the pedestrian is at fault. Had he been in a cross walk then the table is turned. He is another unwise person in the middle of traffic failing to look both ways then he darts and is struck.

Had this been me I still looking both ways before I dart across the street. This being Thailand you always have stray dogs and not wise pedistrian making the decision to cross the street when not safe. As in the video here. My 2 baht!

There is this little device in all vehicles on the road that should be employed in such a situation, be it a human or Soi dog crossing the road. It's called 'the brakes'.

The stupid motorcyclist chose to use a different device, called 'the accelerator'.

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Well, I suppose in every country in the world it is an offence to drive on the wrong side of the road (like the motorbike here that hit the lad). I suppose too it is an offence to "Jay walk", although I cannot see any other way to cross most Soi's here in Thailand.

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Surely the motorbike was in the middle or over the line, because he was overtaking the parked car (which was well away from the kerb) and which pulled out before seeing there was no other traffic coming.

Pontless suggesting the pedestrian should have used the walkways...WHAT WALKWAYS. and even at pedestrian crossings...WHO STOPS?

The motorbike driver should have seen the man in the purple shirt, and avoided him.

Parked car 25% pedestrian 25% Bike driver 50% to blame!

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This news forum is getting worse. This should be posted somewhere else as it isn't news. Random articles from a poor amateurish online 'newspaper' seems to be a daily occurrence. Coconuts or stickboy are pathetic - stick to the real news.

I take your comments to infer that you don't drive in Thailand.

Because the poor driving habits of motorcyclists in this country is the major cause of their demise. And this is REAL news.

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we live in this sort of area, usually there are 2 rows of bikes in the middle of the road between two lanes of cars going in opposite directions weaving in and out to avoid cars, as well as on the outside of the 'lanes' on each side of the road. Normally see at least 2 accidents week with people lying on the road, almost never with a helmet on. You have to jaywalk to cross a road anywhere as no vehicles, including the Police take any notice of zebra crossings or even red lights at crossings. Thailand needs proper driving tests, but nobody seems to care about thousands killed on the roads here every year

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After it happened they all walk back like there's nobody laying on the road.....whistling.gif

It amazes me that not a single person is interested in helping the motorcycle drivers.

I was run over by a motorcyclist once in Bangkok and he was kicked in the head by a witness. This driver is an idiot why should anyone rush to hep him/her.

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This news forum is getting worse. This should be posted somewhere else as it isn't news. Random articles from a poor amateurish online 'newspaper' seems to be a daily occurrence. Coconuts or stickboy are pathetic - stick to the real news.

I take your comments to infer that you don't drive in Thailand.

Because the poor driving habits of motorcyclists in this country is the major cause of their demise. And this is REAL news.

Take what you want mate. I've driven a car for 30 years here. I very rarely drive a motorcycle. they are for people that can't afford cars. No sane person chooses to ride a motorcycle in a Thai city.

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