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Who's in the wrong? Motorbike crashes into pedestrian, 2nd moto flips


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After watching this video a number of times and reading prior post. My opionion is the pedestrian is at fault. Had he been in a cross walk then the table is turned. He is another unwise person in the middle of traffic failing to look both ways then he darts and is struck.

Had this been me I still looking both ways before I dart across the street. This being Thailand you always have stray dogs and not wise pedistrian making the decision to cross the street when not safe. As in the video here. My 2 baht!

Sorry, I have to disagree. Have you ever seen any drivers or motorcyclists stop at any pedestrian crossing? No way they will stop, ever! You take your life in your hands every time you walk across a major any road, especially in built up areas.Why do you think there are so many overhead pedestrian walkways? Because the various government authorities know from experience that fatalities are inevitable. Hell, drivers and motorcyclists even go through red lights in this country so why would you expect them to stop or slow down for a lowly pedestrian? Conclusion: lack of common sense, lack of education, lack of caring about others, it's all me, me, me.

Edited by powerkick
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Unfortunately for years we have been conditioned to always look to blame someone. Be it in order to get an insurance company to pay out, or for the police to press charges. Everyone is looking to point a finger. Problem is that fault finding never addresses the issues, everyone goes away happy that they have found the guilty party so nobody else is at fault.

Accidents happen because of prediction failures, normal everyday people doing normal everyday things get caught out when something unpredicted happens. The pedestrian and the first rider could have both avoided the incident if they predicted the actions of the other.

We all do it, normally without incident. We could fault the rider for not slowing down or the pedestrian for not looking.

Thing is it will keep happening, best to try and make sure it does not happen to us.


But the pedestrian DID look several times both ways and when he was on the other side of the road he was hit from behind by a motorbike who was clearly on the wrong side of the road. It was the bike riders fault 100% and because of HIS stupidity another biker came off.

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....Had he been in a cross walk then the table is turned.....failing to look both ways....

Written with western-tinted spectacles.

Crosswalks mean nothing here.

In Thailand, must look both ways MULTIPLE times.


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There clearly is a middle line in the road that should not be crossed by any kind of vehicle. The boy thought he was safe by reaching the middle and taking that last glance to his back to make sure he was safe. Before he crossed across the street motorbikes were already driving on the wrong side of the road. The fault lies with the kid crossing the street in the middle of traffic and that motorcycle driver that hit the kid. No matter who sees the video... nothing will stop people from crossing the road at the wrong place (crosswalks,zebra crossings)..... nothing will be done to stop the motorcycles driving up the wrong side of the road or passing cars on both sides while they are stopped....nothing will be done to stop businesses from putting signs on the sides of the road so people have to walk in the road.. So the real person at fault here is the person with the Dashcam making every one realize that NOTHING CAN DONE no matter what you record!

Rubbish and with that attitude nothing will change. The middle line does not mean that is your side and you are not allowed to cross it. The middle line is there as a guide only. The Highway code states Keep To The Left. That means as near the kerb or verge as is safe to do so. This then gives other vehicles more space to pass or avoid obstructions should they need to.

The motorcycle is completely at fault in this case as they were not observing the way ahead to be clear. The man crossing the road was obviously going to do so and the motorcycle rider, was impatient and selfish as they often are. I hope the pedestrian is okay. I hope the motorcycle rider gets sent on a training course to learn how to ride safely.

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As is the case with many accidents both parties were negligent.

One seemingly jaywalking across the road and coming out between parked vehicles, and the motorcyclist on the wrong side of the road and not looking where he was going.

Watch the video again. He clearly looked in both directions before crossing the yellow line to the other side of the road and was on his way across watching the other traffic coming towards him. The motorbike was on the wrong side of the road overtaking all the cars. The road was wet and HE hit the pedestrian when HE should not have been on that side of the road.

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There clearly is a middle line in the road that should not be crossed by any kind of vehicle. The boy thought he was safe by reaching the middle and taking that last glance to his back to make sure he was safe. Before he crossed across the street motorbikes were already driving on the wrong side of the road. The fault lies with the kid crossing the street in the middle of traffic and that motorcycle driver that hit the kid. No matter who sees the video... nothing will stop people from crossing the road at the wrong place (crosswalks,zebra crossings)..... nothing will be done to stop the motorcycles driving up the wrong side of the road or passing cars on both sides while they are stopped....nothing will be done to stop businesses from putting signs on the sides of the road so people have to walk in the road.. So the real person at fault here is the person with the Dashcam making every one realize that NOTHING CAN DONE no matter what you record!

I hope the motorcycle rider gets sent on a training course to learn how to ride safely.
...after 40 lashes with a motorbike chain! Edited by Fookhaht
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I will go with the motorcycle driver being at fault because (1) he was riding on the wrong side of the road (doesn't everyone just naturally look in the direction of oncoming traffic), (2) the pedestrian had already begun crossing the road way before the motocy arrived, (3) the motocy rider saw the pedestrian, knew he was crossing, but as when a car is indicating to turn or change lanes they are so arrogant that they think they can nip round you before you turn or in this case before the pedestrian crosses the road, you even see the little flick to the right as he tries to go around the pedestrian.

As for the people who suggest the pedestrian should be crossing at a cross-walk, yes in an ideal world traffic would stop for cross-walks to allow pedestrians to cross, but even the ones with lights get ignored by a lot of drivers, and let's face it, most motorcycle riders. I used to try to stop at cross-walks for pedestrians but realised it was in fact more dangerous because the traffic behind me didn't like it (tooting the horn etc) and also the traffic in the other lanes didn't stop so the pedestrian was in danger because I allowed him into the road. As for the cross-walks with traffic lights, I always stop on a red but have lost count of the number of times I've seen a pedestrian almost mowed down by motorcycles that won't stop, or the number of drivers that toot their horns because they don't want you to stop. Selfish.

The government said they wanted to reduce fatalities by 80% - well by coincidence the number involving motorcycles is around 80%. Simple solution, just ban the bloody motorcycles!!!

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

this post is a classic example of why Thais hate farangs. Go home.

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" the first motorbike who hit the pedestrian was driving in the wrong lane, triggering the double crash."

I think that answers the question as to who is to blame.

The me first attitude prevails, looked like the rider just drove straight int the pedestrian.

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When turning right i get right over on the line, but they always try to overtake further into my r/h lane, never considering slowing down and passing on my left. Thai driving habits are abominable, they have now idea whatsoever of how to place their vehicle.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

this post is a classic example of why Thais hate farangs. Go home.

Ah, that dreary old refrain of "go home".

You don't like a view then prove it wrong.

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" the first motorbike who hit the pedestrian was driving in the wrong lane, triggering the double crash."

I think that answers the question as to who is to blame.

The driver of the first motorbike was also wearing a purple shirt like the man he hit. Is it possible a fellow worker was trying to exact a little revenge for a perceived slight when the opportunity presented itself? The driver looked like he was aiming for the pedestrian rather than taking evasive action. On the other hand, he may have been texting or on drugs or both. Who knows? In any case, his victim walked away while the driver was still hugging the pavement. Maybe an illustration of som nam naa.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

Wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed. What a terrible racist post.

If you think that of Thai people, why on earth are you here?

I hope you are not married to one of these people. What would she say?

You are ignorant, as well as racist - 'Thainess' is a list of positive qualities that are part of the Thai curriculum.

Go home you sad old man.

I agree with some of your post but your definition of Thainess is not one of them...

Well I am talking about Thainess as the translation of "kwam bpen Thai", not some idea that a bunch of expats think it is.

As I can't put the Thai version here(for some bizarre reason), I've translated the following myself to show you what Thainess is:

Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

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Well I am talking about Thainess as the translation of "kwam bpen Thai", not some idea that a bunch of expats think it is.

As I can't put the Thai version here(for some bizarre reason), I've translated the following myself to show you what Thainess is:

Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

In reality the attributes are corruption, xenophobia, a lack of common sense, logic and reason and emotional immaturity with a strong tendency to explode into violence if the poor darlings lose face. The only art and culture that is worth anything at all is country music and dance, the rest is hi so supported antiquated frozen in time junk or western parody.

Edited by jacky54
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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

Wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed. What a terrible racist post.

If you think that of Thai people, why on earth are you here?

I hope you are not married to one of these people. What would she say?

You are ignorant, as well as racist - 'Thainess' is a list of positive qualities that are part of the Thai curriculum.

Go home you sad old man.

I agree with some of your post but your definition of Thainess is not one of them...

Well I am talking about Thainess as the translation of "kwam bpen Thai", not some idea that a bunch of expats think it is.

As I can't put the Thai version here(for some bizarre reason), I've translated the following myself to show you what Thainess is:

Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

If Thainess is a cultural idea that the Thais claim exists, then it cannot only promote aspects that are positive and ignore the negative aspects.

It is either a representation of a cultural, good and bad or it is just a propaganda phrase which in reality is meaningless.

Not just applicable to Thainess but all nations that claim to have unique features that set them apart.

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Sir Anthony Rumbold on Thainess as retiring Ambassador 1967, some of the better things he came up with!

Sir Anthony Rumbold, British ambassador to Thailand from 1965 and 1967, said of Thai society: "They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous.

"Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all,"

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Motor bike...

I do not see any crossings in the video, so where does a pedestrian cross?

Fact was the motor bike rider should be aware that if the pedestrian was not looking at him he could not see him.

The bike was overtaking far too close to stationary traffic, someone could have easily opened a car door on him or suddenly turned right or done a "U" turn, understand now why most bike riders think there is no need for a helmet ...nothing of importance to protect.

Edited by Basil B
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Rule 7 (D) of the British Highway Code (applying to pedestrians): "If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly."

I know we are not in the UK but I have respect for this well written document which is pretty much 100% common sense. Clearly the motorcyclist is driving in a manner that renders him not blameless but the pedestrian, also, must take his share of blame.

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Well I am talking about Thainess as the translation of "kwam bpen Thai", not some idea that a bunch of expats think it is.

As I can't put the Thai version here(for some bizarre reason), I've translated the following myself to show you what Thainess is:

Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

In reality the attributes are corruption, xenophobia, a lack of common sense, logic and reason and emotional immaturity with a strong tendency to explode into violence if the poor darlings lose face. The only art and culture that is worth anything at all is country music and dance, the rest is hi so supported antiquated frozen in time junk or western parody.

Wow, do you have ANY Thai friends Jacky?

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the pedestrian appears to be crossing cautiously. is the bike rider paying attention? it's not like the pedestrian appeared out of nowhere.

It's my experience that Thais are incapable of planning or anticipating. The average car driver doesn't see beyond 1 meter in front of their hood, and the average motorcycle rider doesn't see beyond 1 meter in front of their front tire. If you navigate Thai roads, plan accordingly.

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The pedestrian is the one that is causing this accident.

He is walking down the middle of the road while the motorcycle is overtaking the traffic, as he looks back several times he must have seen that the motorcycle is coming and still he just step out in to the lane!

BS the motorcycle was in the wrong lane
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