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Australian accused of planning to pack kangaroo with bomb


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Australian accused of planning to pack kangaroo with bomb

Sevdet Besim. File photo, source: Internet

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — A teenage suspect discussed with a British accomplice packing a kangaroo with explosives before setting it loose on Australian police officers, prosecutors alleged on Thursday.

Sevdet Ramadan Besim was ordered in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday to stand trial in the Victoria state Supreme Court on charges that he planned an Islamic State group-inspired terrorist attack at a Veterans' Day ceremony that included targeting police officers in April last year.

Besim, 19, pleaded not guilty to four charges relating to a plot to attack commemorative services in Melbourne or the neighboring city of Dandenong to mark ANZAC Day, the annual April 25 commemoration of the 1915 Gallipoli landings in Turkey. The campaign was the first major military action fought by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during World War I and hundreds of thousands attend commemoration services around Australia. Besim faces a potential life sentence in prison if convicted.

Besim and four alleged conspirators were arrested in Melbourne a week before ANZAC Day. He has been in custody since.

Prosecutors alleged in court documents that Besim discussed with a British-based accomplice in online conversations that a kangaroo could be packed with explosives, painted with "the IS symbol" and set loose on police.

Besim was also accused of planning to use a car to run over, then behead, a police officer.

Besim allegedly said in online communications he was "ready to fight these dogs on there (sic) doorstep."

"I'd love to take out some cops," Besim is alleged to have written. "I was gonna meet with them then take some heads."

Police allege Besim was motivated by an extremist ideology and had expressed support for terrorist organizations, particularly the Islamic State movement.

A British court in October sentenced a 15-year-old boy from Blackburn, northwestern England, for his part in the ANZAC Day plot.

In passing sentence in the Manchester Crown Court, Judge John Saunders said the teenager, who can't be named because of his age, would only be released when he was no longer a danger to the public. Saunders handed down a life sentence with no chance of parole for five years.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-29

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He is not an aussie

What constitutes being an Aussie, and which criteria does he fail?

If your family immigrated more than 50 years ago you're Australian and less than that you're not? Or is it just if your surname isn't pre-industrial, European you're not :huh:

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I would like to see how he planned to pack a roo with explosives

I doubt an adult female roo would just sit there while this numnut tried it

Better he go back to where his family came from and try it with a camel

You all know about Arab semen and camels the ships of the desert whistling.gif

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He is not an aussie

What constitutes being an Aussie, and which criteria does he fail?

I will try and answer this one, though it is difficult.

It has to do with his eyes.

It has been my experience that Aussies judge other Aussies as Aussies according to the vibe that they put out and this guy does not put out that vibe.

As a form of explanation I would like to say, for example, that you could meet 2 guys , just for arguments sake, from Pakistan or Mexico or wherever, and you can tell just from what the put out if they hold themselves as Australian or not, or, if they just got off the boat so to speak.

I know that this is lame but an Aussie would understand it, I think.

I am an Aussie.

By your yardstick, there would be some 5th generation Anglo Saxons that don't give off the vibe. Nerdy bookworms, perhaps, some schizophrenics perhaps. Etc.

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He is not an aussie

What constitutes being an Aussie, and which criteria does he fail?

I will try and answer this one, though it is difficult.

It has to do with his eyes.

It has been my experience that Aussies judge other Aussies as Aussies according to the vibe that they put out and this guy does not put out that vibe.

As a form of explanation I would like to say, for example, that you could meet 2 guys , just for arguments sake, from Pakistan or Mexico or wherever, and you can tell just from what the put out if they hold themselves as Australian or not, or, if they just got off the boat so to speak.

I know that this is lame but an Aussie would understand it, I think.

This Aussie doesn't understand it and my mob have been around for awhile, replete with a convict ancestor.

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He is not an aussie

What constitutes being an Aussie, and which criteria does he fail?

I will try and answer this one, though it is difficult.

It has to do with his eyes.

It has been my experience that Aussies judge other Aussies as Aussies according to the vibe that they put out and this guy does not put out that vibe.

As a form of explanation I would like to say, for example, that you could meet 2 guys , just for arguments sake, from Pakistan or Mexico or wherever, and you can tell just from what the put out if they hold themselves as Australian or not, or, if they just got off the boat so to speak.

I know that this is lame but an Aussie would understand it, I think.

This Aussie doesn't understand it and my mob have been around for awhile, replete with a convict ancestor.

Well sorry mate, it seems you're not a true Aussie :P

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Is it normal to take a kangaroo to a Veterans Day parade?

Yes of course. It's like Teddy Bear's Picnic Day or "Bring Your Dog" day....most Aussies have a pet kangaroo, and on this day they can parade them.

Don't confuse with ANZAC day where Aussies with pet koalas bring their koalas to town.

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I can't help but recall the story of the chap in Alaska or Canada who threw a stick of dynamite to blow a hole in the ice to go fishing. His dog thought he was playing fetch, and brought the lit dynamite back and dropped it under the chap's truck.

I can just imagine an enraged kangaroo with a pouch full of PE, running frantic and scared, right back to this terrorists car, or his uncle's kebab shop.

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He is not an aussie

So what is he?

An Aussie short for Australian is a person that loves there country and proud to say so, he is just a piece of scum that was let in the country by mistake. He might even have an Aussie passport but to read what he was plannining means he was against the Australian way of life., to follow the law and make an oath. So my view is he is not an Aussie ,far from it and should be deported back to where he came from.

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He is not an aussie

So what is he?

An Aussie short for Australian is a person that loves there country and proud to say so, he is just a piece of scum that was let in the country by mistake. He might even have an Aussie passport but to read what he was plannining means he was against the Australian way of life., to follow the law and make an oath. So my view is he is not an Aussie ,far from it and should be deported back to where he came from.

He is a migrant or son or grandson of a migrant that despises our country but wants the benefits.

lts on record that a religious leader from one of these people has said that they will never assimilate.

We have taken in nationalities from all over the world & after some initial problems or adjustments they have all settled down & their children are as Australian as any of us.

All except one particular group who "demand" special treatment & want things to be changed to suit them.

They recently put in a submission in one state for inheritance laws to be changed to suit them.

lt was not allowed this time but they have said that they will keep trying until they get what they want.

inheritance laws this time, if they get it, then what else do they want to change?

They should never have been allowed into the country.

No prizes for guessing who this group are.

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Another hopping mad ISIS supporter

Personally, I'd like to see him get hold of a decent sized Roo in the first place. How bout a Big red....it's going to end badly for the terrorist imo.

He was probably thinking of a Skippy size roo or maybe a Wallaby... Offer a bit of grass up and it would come wilingly

Really, these ISIS disciples are not the smartest guys around... borderline 80 IQs i'd guess

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Another hopping mad ISIS supporter

Personally, I'd like to see him get hold of a decent sized Roo in the first place. How bout a Big red....it's going to end badly for the terrorist imo.

He was probably thinking of a Skippy size roo or maybe a Wallaby... Offer a bit of grass up and it would come wilingly

Really, these ISIS disciples are not the smartest guys around... borderline 80 IQs i'd guess

Yes clearly he's another fool that was educated in YouTube whilst failing to attend his government funded high school classes.

His mother and father too busy selling Kababs from their inner city fast food shop & you Mohammed or whatever his name was wanted to work out the fastest way to bite the hand that's fed him for all these years.

Drop him to the Croc's I say.

These terrorist wannabes are too afraid to fight real men. I'm an old fart but I'd challenge any of these ISIS douchebags to a fistfight but they're pussy cowards they'd rather hide explosives and blow women and children and Kangaroos up. What a bunch of pussies !

It should be no surprise, anyone that idiolises a paedophile must be gutless scum !

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He is not an aussie

So what is he?
An Aussie short for Australian is a person that loves there country and proud to say so, he is just a piece of scum that was let in the country by mistake. He might even have an Aussie passport but to read what he was plannining means he was against the Australian way of life., to follow the law and make an oath. So my view is he is not an Aussie ,far from it and should be deported back to where he came from.

He is a migrant or son or grandson of a migrant that despises our country but wants the benefits.

lts on record that a religious leader from one of these people has said that they will never assimilate.

We have taken in nationalities from all over the world & after some initial problems or adjustments they have all settled down & their children are as Australian as any of us.

All except one particular group who "demand" special treatment & want things to be changed to suit them.

They recently put in a submission in one state for inheritance laws to be changed to suit them.

lt was not allowed this time but they have said that they will keep trying until they get what they want.

inheritance laws this time, if they get it, then what else do they want to change?

They should never have been allowed into the country.

No prizes for guessing who this group are.

Australians call a spade a spade. Not "you all know what this digging implement is don't you". If you are an aussie the show some gonads and say muslim. They will not put a fatma out on you. Its no wonder governments can control when there is chicken s$#@/ around that are scared of their own shadow and use political correctness to cover up the fact they have no balls
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