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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

"No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


"16 competitors" over egging that pudding a little. Worst line up in history.

Newton Leroy Gingrich is your 'go to man' in picking a winner. Not. If you want to lose the nomination race he'd be the guy to go too. Something wrong with Leroy his heads HUGE!!!!!

Brilliant. Libtards like to attack the messenger, proving I won because they can't refute the facts.

Get used to saying "President Trump".


Refute the facts that Leroy is a loser. Why would anyone listen to a loser. He ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Romney. Who cares what Leroy thinks lol

"Who cares what Leroy thinks lol"

Yet you somehow are under the delusion what you think IS important. lol

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Hopefully these polls showing Clinton continue to slip against Trump will make super delegates realize...

A vote for Hillary is just helping Trump..

I vote for Bernie stops Trump cold..

If the most important thing To the DNC and other democrats is to avoid a Trump presidency at all costs.. Then get the super delegates to vote for Bernie

Certainly not a majority , but there are many democrats that would vote Trump over Hillary

But none that I have heard that would vote Trump over Bernie

Even long time Dem strategist Harlan Hill has advised will vote for Trump over Hillary


Trump is your Number One eh.

Bernie is your Number Two.

Two guys on opposite extremes makes the preference more than curious.

The Democratic party established ex officio convention delegates after Sen. George McGovern won one state in 1972 and after former vp Walter Mondale won one state in 1984.

Ex officio convention delegates are almost entirely elected officials local, state, federal. They have won elections and it is furthermore the safe presumption currently elected officials at each level of government know how to win elections.

Bernie Sanders is the Independent US Senator elected from Vermont who has never been a member of either political party. Sanders has loudly and long denounced ex officio delegates. Yet Sanders now wants the ex officio delegates to switch to him even though HRC will enter the convention with more pledged delegates won in the primaries and caucuses and more total raw votes than Sanders has received or will receive.

Bernie btw has long since gone off the deep end of personal reason and of any political realism or balance.

Actually you have that backwards ... First choice is Bernie

Although if no Bernie in General election, they will likely go for Trump

I understand that Hillary will likely have more pledged delegates and win the nomination

Although some posters feel that Trump needs to be stopped at all costs..

My opinion is that best way to stop Trump is to elect Bernie

But while many say that the most important thing for them is to stop Trump.. There support for Hillary proves that wrong

As picking her as Democratic nominee gives Trump a chance to become president

Regret to be the one to break it to anyone but whomever is the nominee of either party has a chance to be Potus.

So just to get some grounding in existing realities, let's take a quick look at the odds today in Vegas of who has what probability to be elected Potus.....

HRC has 2-5 odds or 71.4%

Donald Trump odds or 7-4 or 36.3%

Bernie has odds of 18-1

Joe Biden has odds of 33-1 (2.9%)

If one has been reading this thread from its OP the posts definitely give anyone clarity as to what the rightwhing and Republican attack machine would do to Bernie Sanders the socialist as the nominee of the Democratic party...and Bernie hadn't ever in his life been a member of the D party until he decided to go after Hillary Clinton. Neither Hillary nor Trump has launched into Bernie's self-proclaimed socialism so Bernie's had a free ride on it.

Btw anyone who believes Bernie post-convention will not campaign for HRC as the nominee for Potus is nuts. All HRC needs to be elected is the Obama coalition and she's already got it.

It is also the case that Bernie will return to the Senate in January as the Independent US Senator that he is. As an Independent he needs to caucus (side with) the D party or the R party to get assigned by either party's leadership to committees, or Bernie gets no committee assignments which would leave Bernie sitting in his office cutting out paper dolls or giving speeches only.


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Bernie is a now a declared Democrat, he will remain so regardless of the outcome. The odds in Vegas reflect that the Democrat nomination was rigged from the git-go. No he did not enter the race to go after Clinton, he entered the race because he cares about America and the people, unlike either of the other 2 that would be crowned either King or Empress. Hillary is the 2nd most disliked, only behind the orange monster. If she gets anointed as empress to be by the DNC this likely will turn out to be the lowest voter turn out in history. Her problems continue to mount and the polls show the orange monster has caught up with her. Wasserman-Schultz will more than likely rightly loose her position as DNC chair and hopefully her primary against a candidate Bernie has thrown his support behind. I have no doubt Bernie will do all he can to defeat the proto-fascist but beyond a polite endorsement for the Clinton's don't bet the farm on it. The scary part of all of this is Clinton may actually face indictment, after the convention. Personally I hope it is tomorrow.







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Refute the facts that Leroy is a loser. Why would anyone listen to a loser. He ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Romney. Who cares what Leroy thinks lol

"Who cares what Leroy thinks lol"

Yet you somehow are under the delusion what you think IS important. lol

Hardly a delusion not wanting to accept the opinion of someone who loses. Next you will be trumpeting Leroy's marriage advice. The guys a knuckle-head.

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Bernie Sanders the socialist would get shredded by the rightwing and Republican party attack machines if he were the D party nominee. He's been spared that by HRC and anyone else in the D party and by the MSM and left of center media as well.

Bernie has had a free ride about his self-proclaimed socialism since the day he announced. The moment he would become the D party nominee you'd hide your wallet and you know it (you could get to keep your arsenal however). It's bad enough already that Trump has gained the votes to be the R party nominee because now we have to hide our daughters (and Ivana has to start locking and deadbolting the bedroom door).

Rightwingers have been attacking HRC and the Clintons for 25 years 24/7 because they know a Clinton on the November ballot means a D party win and the right loses. The bottom line is that continued attacks on HRC benefit Donald Trump. Almost anyone can and does recognise the fact.

So the right carries on as per usual and as predictable. As we continue to see.

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Refute the facts that Leroy is a loser. Why would anyone listen to a loser. He ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Romney. Who cares what Leroy thinks lol

"Who cares what Leroy thinks lol"

Yet you somehow are under the delusion what you think IS important. lol

Hardly a delusion not wanting to accept the opinion of someone who loses. Next you will be trumpeting Leroy's marriage advice. The guys a knuckle-head.

In the Republican party Newt's an intellectual. laugh.png



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Dont blame Nader....or SCOTUS...or Bill Clinton...or the Boogeyman for Gore losing. He lost because he had less personality than a cigar store wooden indian and couldn't even win his home state despite being a sitting VP for 8 years. Dubya was an unknown quantity outside of Texas but he came across as likable in late 2000 and personality goes a long way.

Besides, only once in the last 70 + years has a party held the White House for more than 2 terms and that was Reagan/Bush....which means it's the GOP's turn and another reason why Clinton will lose thumbsup.gif

Clinton will lose because she's a loser. .........."


Well yes. But pointing out her obvious shortcomings, lack of character, ethics, honesty, etc. is such low hanging fruit at this point, I thought I would do like a couple of other posters and present statistics

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This is the kind of people Clinton/Wasserman Schultz want in government and running the so-called Democrat Party. Yea, vote for someone who is really Republican, Clinton. http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/print/look_at_the_lobbyists_clinton_and_wasserman_schultz_picked_to_20160526

Good and revealing article! Yes, Republican supporters are on the DNC's platform committee. That shows you how much big money is involved.

Here's another article about the same topic with more and different details about the committee:


Regarding the post-Obama Democratic Party, this article states:

“The Democratic Party, especially the DNC, have never liked Obama’s policies to disengage lobbyists from campaign fundraising,” says Craig Holman, an expert on ethics and campaign finance with Public Citizen. “The party only went along with the restrictions because Obama was the party leader. As soon as Obama could no longer be viewed as the leader of the party, the DNC quietly repealed the lobbyist restrictions. The public learned about it only weeks later.”

I'm sure that Sanders would, at least on this issue, be more like Obama than would Clinton.

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Bernie Sanders the socialist would get shredded by the rightwing and Republican party attack machines if he were the D party nominee. He's been spared that by HRC and anyone else in the D party and by the MSM and left of center media as well.

Bernie has had a free ride about his self-proclaimed socialism since the day he announced. The moment he would become the D party nominee you'd hide your wallet and you know it (you could get to keep your arsenal however). It's bad enough already that Trump has gained the votes to be the R party nominee because now we have to hide our daughters (and Ivana has to start locking and deadbolting the bedroom door).

Rightwingers have been attacking HRC and the Clintons for 25 years 24/7 because they know a Clinton on the November ballot means a D party win and the right loses. The bottom line is that continued attacks on HRC benefit Donald Trump. Almost anyone can and does recognise the fact.

So the right carries on as per usual and as predictable. As we continue to see.

Bernie is going to cost HRC the election so I don't see your logic.

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Interesting theory on the vile monster-Bernie connection that Bernie will have no choice but to help our next president, HILLARY CLINTON, beat the vile monster.


The vile monster promises to kill the Paris Climate plan. He is so horrible!

The near-term political consequences of this will — or should — be that there is now no chance whatsoever that Bernie Sanders will do anything at all on his way out that could imperil party unity in a way that makes a Trump victory more likely. I don’t believe Sanders has any intention to do that, by the way, but this should theoretically render it an impossibility in his mind, because it dramatically increases the stakes for a relatively smooth resolution of the Democratic primaries. Indeed, I believe it’s likely Sanders will see it this way, too.

It's not clear whether the ridiculous vile monster - Sanders "debate" will ever take place. This news may make it less likely. It's out there already that the vile beast would do it to beat up on Hillary Clinton ... he doesn't care about Sanders because he LOST.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump would debate Sanders for the opportunity to get his message across to a national audience. Cowardly Clinton has refused to debate Trump. Sanders would debate Trump to stay in the limelight. Sanders can't get the exposure that Trump gets.

It would be unusual for someone who has won his party's nomination to debate someone from the other party who probably won't win. It says a lot about Trump who is afraid of no one.

The US typically hasn't signed international agreements that would lose it any of its sovereignty. Of course that doesn't affect Obama who hates America anyway. The US never signed the Geneva Conventions and it goes back farther than that. Treaties the US signs typically are with just one country such as a mutual defense agreement. Exceptions of course.

Trump sees the climate agreement as a loss of US sovereignty and would never give up US authority of its own dealings to an international group.

Trump also wants to pull out of NATO. He might reconsider if the other members start paying their way.

BTW the UN can also go <deleted> itself. This is the United States of America.


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Interesting theory on the vile monster-Bernie connection that Bernie will have no choice but to help our next president, HILLARY CLINTON, beat the vile monster.


The vile monster promises to kill the Paris Climate plan. He is so horrible!

The near-term political consequences of this will — or should — be that there is now no chance whatsoever that Bernie Sanders will do anything at all on his way out that could imperil party unity in a way that makes a Trump victory more likely. I don’t believe Sanders has any intention to do that, by the way, but this should theoretically render it an impossibility in his mind, because it dramatically increases the stakes for a relatively smooth resolution of the Democratic primaries. Indeed, I believe it’s likely Sanders will see it this way, too.

It's not clear whether the ridiculous vile monster - Sanders "debate" will ever take place. This news may make it less likely. It's out there already that the vile beast would do it to beat up on Hillary Clinton ... he doesn't care about Sanders because he LOST.

If vile beast/monster is code for charlatan then I'd agree with you, but seriously between Trump and Clinton, who do you think has more innocent blood on their hands and who is most likely to spill a lot more?

Edited by lannarebirth
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Trump would debate Sanders for the opportunity to get his message across to a national audience. Cowardly Clinton has refused to debate Trump. Sanders would debate Trump to stay in the limelight. Sanders can't get the exposure that Trump gets.

It would be unusual for someone who has won his party's nomination to debate someone from the other party who probably won't win. It says a lot about Trump who is afraid of no one.

The US typically hasn't signed international agreements that would lose it any of its sovereignty. Of course that doesn't affect Obama who hates America anyway. The US never signed the Geneva Conventions and it goes back farther than that. Treaties the US signs typically are with just one country such as a mutual defense agreement. Exceptions of course.

Trump sees the climate agreement as a loss of US sovereignty and would never give up US authority of its own dealings to an international group.

Trump also wants to pull out of NATO. He might reconsider if the other members start paying their way.

BTW the UN can also go <deleted> itself. This is the United States of America.


There is no proposal for a Clinton-Vile Monster debate until AFTER both conventions. The vile monster has clinched it for the republicans and Hillary Clinton is very close to clinching it for the democrats. Clinton-Vile Monster debates will happen later.

I don't actually believe there will ever be a Sanders-Vile Monster debate, but we'll see. The Vile Monster may as well debate Martin O'Malley who has as much chance of being the actual democrat nominee as Sanders. It's not bravery for the vile monster to accept that showboat. It's a great chance for him to attack his ACTUAL opponent -- Hilary Clinton. Does Sanders really want to help the Vile Monster to do that? I still doubt it. We'll see.

Your other points are typical far right wing extremism. Yes, radical isolationists with such radical views should indeed support the vile monster. His politics remind me of other historical fascist isolationists like Henry Ford.

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Well that's all pretty gloomy Publicus. Any good news you can hustle up on Bernie for me?

Democrats stand an excellent probability to win back majority control of the Senate in November, effective January 3rd. (Odds are 8-11 (58%) D's will do it.)

Bernie can get anything he wants from the D party majority leadership in the Senate. In fact Bernie will be the number one shining star of the 100 US Senators...with Elizabeth Warren as number two but a more distant one behind Bernie.

Bernie can get chairman of a Select Committee on Banks and Banking. Or perhaps chairman of a Select Committee on Campaign Finance Reform. Chairman of whatever standing committee Bernie wants, or of a Special Committee, or of the blockbuster of all committees, a Select Committee on __________.

A US Senator is elected for six years, meaning no other federal elected official gets a longer term of office. A US Senator who is a committee chairman is lord of his own fifedom with a staff and a budget that are his to do his/her pleasure on issues, people, institutions of the economy or society etc etc.

A committee chariman has subpoena power and the authority to take testimony, depositions and the like under oath by those called in by the committee. The Congress has its own Capitol Police to go haul you in and sit you down if you don't show.

Chairman Bernie can raise any hell he likes and no one can stop him as long as his public supports him. Bernie is in for very big things in the US Senate come January. Superstar. Huuuuuge. He will leave a long lasting impact on whatever issue(s) he chooses to pursue to his heart's content.

Howzzat? Definitely looking forward to it here. Positively. Yes! Chairman Bernie. biggrin.png

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There is some noise that Bernie forces want to have the party platform refer to Israeli occupation. Bernie can get lots of things, but if that is pushed, that will be a problem. Hillary Clinton won't want to run on a platform with that language. That would be great ammunition for the vile monster. For what ... some platform words? If they push it, there will be a big internal fight damaging democratic unity.

People may or may not agree with that inclusion, but the point here is election politics against the vile monster.

There are some things Bernie can probably get in the platform that will be much less thorny. Such as a statement indicating the GOAL of universal healthcare.

Edited by Jingthing
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There is some noise that Bernie forces want to have the party platform refer to Israeli occupation. Bernie can get lots of things, but if that is pushed, that will be a problem. Hillary Clinton won't want to run on a platform with that language. That would be great ammunition for the vile monster. For what ... some platform words? If they push it, there will be a big internal fight damaging democratic unity.

People may or may not agree with that inclusion, but the point here is election politics against the vile monster.

There are some things Bernie can probably get in the platform that will be much less thorny. Such as a statement indicating the GOAL of universal healthcare.

Indeed, D's must press their historical stand on Israel lest Bernie and his people create a new issue that did not exist as an issue.

The thing about Bernie (in addition to his picking our pockets) is his inattention to foreign policy, and his absence of any facility on foreign policy or of anything international or global. Stay out of ground wars yes, but after that basic stuff Bernie invariably moves on to his stock themes about the economy, political processes and his common wealth of the commonweal passions,

Bernie hardly ever speaks about CCP China or Russia so he might want to adopt the same posture in respect of the US ally Israel. Don't think Bernie's smart enough on it though to do that. Not savvy enough, if at all savvy.

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Trump would debate Sanders for the opportunity to get his message across to a national audience. Cowardly Clinton has refused to debate Trump. Sanders would debate Trump to stay in the limelight. Sanders can't get the exposure that Trump gets.

It would be unusual for someone who has won his party's nomination to debate someone from the other party who probably won't win. It says a lot about Trump who is afraid of no one.

The US typically hasn't signed international agreements that would lose it any of its sovereignty. Of course that doesn't affect Obama who hates America anyway. The US never signed the Geneva Conventions and it goes back farther than that. Treaties the US signs typically are with just one country such as a mutual defense agreement. Exceptions of course.

Trump sees the climate agreement as a loss of US sovereignty and would never give up US authority of its own dealings to an international group.

Trump also wants to pull out of NATO. He might reconsider if the other members start paying their way.

BTW the UN can also go <deleted> itself. This is the United States of America.


There is no proposal for a Clinton-Vile Monster debate until AFTER both conventions. The vile monster has clinched it for the republicans and Hillary Clinton is very close to clinching it for the democrats. -snip-

Oh really? Crooked Clinton has lost almost 80% of the last 14 primaries to Bernie. Yes this is dead on topic. She is sinking faster than the Titanic. Don't bet the farm on that loser getting the nomination. Of course the Dems are so stupid they may run that nag in the race anyway.

If Crooked Clinton was a race horse she wouldn't be called a contender. She'd be called a loser. Crooked Clinton The Loser with the personality of a bale of hay.

I've been telling you for about a year now that Loser Clinton wouldn't be the next POTUS. I've been telling you that she's such a proven loser that she might not get the Dem nomination. I've been telling you since last June that you shouldn't underestimate Donald Trump and I've predicted that he will be the next POTUS.

WHEN will you ever learn to listen to me? thumbsup.gif

President Donald Trump.


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Trump would debate Sanders for the opportunity to get his message across to a national audience. Cowardly Clinton has refused to debate Trump. Sanders would debate Trump to stay in the limelight. Sanders can't get the exposure that Trump gets.

It would be unusual for someone who has won his party's nomination to debate someone from the other party who probably won't win. It says a lot about Trump who is afraid of no one.

The US typically hasn't signed international agreements that would lose it any of its sovereignty. Of course that doesn't affect Obama who hates America anyway. The US never signed the Geneva Conventions and it goes back farther than that. Treaties the US signs typically are with just one country such as a mutual defense agreement. Exceptions of course.

Trump sees the climate agreement as a loss of US sovereignty and would never give up US authority of its own dealings to an international group.

Trump also wants to pull out of NATO. He might reconsider if the other members start paying their way.

BTW the UN can also go <deleted> itself. This is the United States of America.


There is no proposal for a Clinton-Vile Monster debate until AFTER both conventions. The vile monster has clinched it for the republicans and Hillary Clinton is very close to clinching it for the democrats. -snip-


If Crooked Clinton was a race horse she wouldn't be called a contender. She'd be called a loser. Crooked Clinton The Loser with the personality of a bale of hay.



She would probably be called Elmers

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If Crooked Clinton was a race horse she wouldn't be called a contender. She'd be called a loser. Crooked Clinton The Loser with the personality of a bale of hay.



She would probably be called Elmers

Hahaha. Good one. thumbsup.gif

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But she isn't. Not even close. I realize some Sanders supporters are as nihilistic as trump supporters and just want to BLOW EVERYTHING UP for entertainment purposes. That's tragic and they can't be helped. But there is still plenty of time to stop trump.

This is from a VERY LEFTIST commentator who has been very supportive of Sanders, but that game is OVER ... time to focus on stopping trump.

It’s that Trump is a danger to the Republic. He doesn’t understand the basic functions of government, including the relationship between the civilian and military echelons, the role of the Constitution and the rule of law. He doesn’t understand the meaning of international treaties and America’s legal obligations on matters like torture and refugees.


No, this is no ordinary election, because Trump is no ordinary candidate. Everyone with a stake in democracy — candidates, leaders of both parties, activist groups, religious groups including Jewish organizations — should stop treating it and him like business as usual, and focus on the fate of the Republic.


That last is SOOOOO cute coming from wingnuts, after 8 years of Obama...

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