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Redshirt leader Jatuporn detained at army barracks


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BREAKING: Redshirt Leader Jatuporn Detained at Army Barracks
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

An April 23, 2015, file photo of Jatuporn Prompan, chairman of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

BANGKOK_ -- Prominent Redshirt leader Jatuporn Prompan was taken into custody by a group of soldiers this morning, several days after his movement announced a boycott of the new constitution drafted by the military government.

Jatuporn is being detained at the First Region Army barracks on Ratchadamnoen Avenue for interrogation, said another Redshirt core activist Weng Tojirakarn, adding that soldiers did not offer any explanation for the arrest.

“The soldiers invited him away,” Weng told Khaosod English. “We don’t know what the issue is. They are probably worried about the constitution. We insisted that we would not accept this constitution. We will boycott it.”

According to Weng, soldiers arrived at the studio of Peace TV - a Redshirt-affiliated TV station where Jatuporn works as a show host - at around 11am today and took him away into their custody.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1454395020

-- Khaosod English 2016-02-02

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Surely, if they do not want this constitution they should vote against it rather than boycott the referendum.

LOL. Do you believe that the vote will be fair, that the question and options, will be anything other than the choice of 1) Give the military more power, or 2) We agree?

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

they are all going to move to malaysia or laos or cambodia?

You mean a mass emigration of Thais to the next door neighbours?

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

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Surely, if they do not want this constitution they should vote against it rather than boycott the referendum.

You speak too much common sense.


Given that the last constitution came relatively close to being voted down (about 60% when they were expecting 90% or so) even after a BIG push by the then Generalissimo, his associates and supporters. I think this version of the junta are trying to avert any face losing disasters.

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

You might wish to read this, posted by londonthai in another thread:


Looks like active opposition will not be tolerated.

I shall not comment on the 'election buying' flapdoodle as it has been done to death.

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

You might wish to read this, posted by londonthai in another thread:


Looks like active opposition will not be tolerated.

I shall not comment on the 'election buying' flapdoodle as it has been done to death.

Depends a bit.. if they are lying about it then sure there should be punishment.. but if they make fair comments there should not.

Problem is of course who will be the judge of that. But in the past there have been cases of complete lies over opponents and laws to make people rally against them. I can understand that they want to make deliberate untrue misinformation punishable.

But as I said.. who will be the judge of it.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

Wrong, there is no reconciliation with the junta, true or otherwise. That is just smoke and mirrors.

If there were a democracy in Thailand, then the voters could send Jatuporn packing.

As it is, the junta is just making him more important in the eyes of his supporters.

PTP as a political party which follows Thaksin is not the future for Thailand. Red Shirts who want a better future need new leadership and their own party.

The one point where Weng and Jatuporn are right is that accepting this constitution would be a huge mistake.

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

".. it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections."

Well, they international community disagrees with you but I guess you have heard differently, right? Same old drivel from the naivety bunch.

Hey smedley. Will the new constitution make it harder for your army friends to overthrow elected governments? Oh wait, I forgot. After the new constitution is in place there won't be any need for a coup since the army will have final say anyway.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

Wrong, there is no reconciliation with the junta, true or otherwise. That is just smoke and mirrors.

If there were a democracy in Thailand, then the voters could send Jatuporn packing.

As it is, the junta is just making him more important in the eyes of his supporters.

PTP as a political party which follows Thaksin is not the future for Thailand. Red Shirts who want a better future need new leadership and their own party.

The one point where Weng and Jatuporn are right is that accepting this constitution would be a huge mistake.

I too hope that the awoken masses have realised that Thaksin is not their savior. They of course already know that the power base in Bangkok cares not a jot for them either.

Thailand desperately needs a fresh young leader free from all the feudalistic clap trap. This leader would have a hell of a task breaking the current status quo though,

We can only hope....

Edited by mrrizzla
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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

They are all cretins. Nothing to choose between any of them. The only competition is who can keep their snouts in the trough for longest.

Being going on for decades and not likely to change anytime soon.

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Surely, if they do not want this constitution they should vote against it rather than boycott the referendum.

LOL. Do you believe that the vote will be fair, that the question and options, will be anything other than the choice of 1) Give the military more power, or 2) We agree?

Surely the answer to that will come at the time of the referendum. If there is no real choice then yes definitely boycott it but until the wording is known then it sound like they just want to be negative fit the sake of it.

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

You might wish to read this, posted by londonthai in another thread:


Looks like active opposition will not be tolerated.

I shall not comment on the 'election buying' flapdoodle as it has been done to death.

Depends a bit.. if they are lying about it then sure there should be punishment.. but if they make fair comments there should not.

Problem is of course who will be the judge of that. But in the past there have been cases of complete lies over opponents and laws to make people rally against them. I can understand that they want to make deliberate untrue misinformation punishable.

But as I said.. who will be the judge of it.

well as we know only too well from the past, when Thaksin and his red army oppose something people lose their lives including children

sensible none violent debate about the pros and cons is only natural and I assume will be allowed, but Thaksin and reds don't play by any rules - they just murder people and lie to get what they want

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is it only me that finds it exceedingly funny when leaders of the Redshirts PTP and Thaksin affilliates point the finger at something being undemocratic..........seriously, these are the people that resort to murder and terroism when things aren't going their way (including the murder of children and gloating about it on stage)

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

".. it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections."

Well, they international community disagrees with you but I guess you have heard differently, right? Same old drivel from the naivety bunch.

Hey smedley. Will the new constitution make it harder for your army friends to overthrow elected governments? Oh wait, I forgot. After the new constitution is in place there won't be any need for a coup since the army will have final say anyway.

Great isn't it

My preference over Thaksin any day lol

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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

Agree, but IMHO little doubt they will deliberately and in a planned approach cause as much trouble as they possibly can, using every means possible including blatant untruths and violence.

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

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is it only me that finds it exceedingly funny when leaders of the Redshirts PTP and Thaksin affilliates point the finger at something being undemocratic..........seriously, these are the people that resort to murder and terroism when things aren't going their way (including the murder of children and gloating about it on stage)

I have a spare screwdriver if you want to tighten those blinkers any tighter. Both sides have resorted to violence and none of it is acceptable. Sadly, by championing the demise of the democratic process in Thailand (which at least has a chance if governments are allowed to go full term and suffer the judgement of the electorate (remember the international community repeatedly said the last two elections were clean)) you are just guaranteeing further bloodshed.

This really is going to get very, very ugly and no amount of taking people away for "talks" will change that.

Edit: I think he's a loudmouthed buffoon too - but then, so is Trump. The democratic process accepts such and has to, to exist.

Edited by Snig27
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