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Canada to end bombing campaign against ISIL within two weeks


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Canada to end bombing campaign against ISIL within two weeks


"Call us old fashioned, but we think that we ought to avoid doing precisely what our enemies want us to do"

OTTAWA: -- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the country would be pulling out by 22 February its six fighter jets that have been bombing Islamic State (ISIL) targets in Iraq and Syria.

Trudeau had promised to end Canada’s controversial combat role in the fight against ISIL in the run-up to his election last year.

“ISIL would like us to see them as a credible threat to our way of life and to our civilization. We know Canada is stronger, much stronger than the threat posed by a murderous gang of thugs who are terrorising some of the more vulnerable people on earth,” he said on Monday in Ottawa.

Opinion polls show Canadians are sharply divided over the role of their armed forces in tackling the threat of ISIL.

Support for foreign missions fell after a decade of involvement in Afghanistan that ended in 2011, during which 158 Canadian soldiers were killed.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-09

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Canada knows whatever they won't do, their much greater neighbor to the south will always pick up the slack.

So save some loonies, why not?

Sorry, truthiness hurts.

I also reckon Trudeau thinks that if Canada doesn't bomb Daesh targets, that Daesh might leave Canada alone. Maybe, maybe not.

Edited by Jingthing
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Canada knows whatever they won't do, their much greater neighbor to the south will always pick up the slack.

So save some loonies, why not?

Sorry, truthiness hurts.

I also reckon Trudeau thinks that if Canada doesn't bomb Daesh targets, that Daesh might leave Canada alone. Maybe, maybe not.

They're also out of money.

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"We know Canada is stronger, much stronger than the threat posed by a murderous gang of thugs who are terrorising some of the more vulnerable people on earth," he said on Monday in Ottawa."

But as we are not so vulnerable, we are not going to help in the fight.

Useless PM.

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Well the US and its lackies have spent a year supposedly bombing ISIS have have managed to hit little of any importance. Doubt ISIS will notice the Canadians gone as have their minds more concentrated in the Russians who actually are blasting the living he'll out of them.

Australia should also pack up and leave, enough of this farce.

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Well the US and its lackies have spent a year supposedly bombing ISIS have have managed to hit little of any importance. Doubt ISIS will notice the Canadians gone as have their minds more concentrated in the Russians who actually are blasting the living he'll out of them.

Australia should also pack up and leave, enough of this farce.

The coalition of nations going after ISIS have done a very good job. Little collateral damage and many high level targets eliminated. The Russians are bombing the rebels. Giving ISIS the upper hand. And killing many, many, many innocent civilians.

Methinks you are reading the wrong news.....but you're right. Enough of this farce. Time for Russia to pack up and go home.

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When there is an inevitable Charlie Hebdo-style attack in Ottawa, will the Canadian politicians change their minds?

Daesh is a scourge on this planet and need to be wiped from the face of it.

Normally, I'm a quite peaceful fellow......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

No because a Daesh attack in Canada, like the one in France, will be carried out by a majority of Canadian born or Canadian resident activists.

Bombing various countries over the last ten years has not resulted in a marked reduction in terrorist attacks. They just chug along at approximately the same rate, carried out by a few people, willing to die, whose connection with the places being bombed is often only online.

Money spent on bombs should be spent on policing and anti-terrorist activities within the countries who are throwing money away on largely symbolic attacks. The UK is joining the struggle carrying out one bombing mission for every hundred or so that the Russians are doing.

In ten years time the places being bombed will be as unstable as they are today (as they were ten years ago), and only the initials or names of the terrorist groups attacking the west successfully from within will have changed.

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Why not take the money saved on bombs, planes, and men. And build a few schools for the kids in Syria ?

Many of the children have been killed. Millions do not have homes because they have been destroyed. Many hundreds are orphaned. I don't think that schools are very high on the priority of things to build in Syria.

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When there is an inevitable Charlie Hebdo-style attack in Ottawa, will the Canadian politicians change their minds?

Daesh is a scourge on this planet and need to be wiped from the face of it.

Normally, I'm a quite peaceful fellow......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

Uh, it's Canada. It really doesn't matter whether or not they participate.

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"Shiny Pony Jihadi Justin Trudeau" Canada's P.M. never had to work a real job in his life. Inheriting daddy's millions. He worked as a part-time drama teacher, loves to smoke that funny green weed and intends to legalize it.

He's gone to prayer at many mosques... even extremist Wahhabi mosques..

Here he Canada's P.M. Jihadi Justin Trudeau at prayer... :





Pulling Canada's military and F-18's out of the conflict is a mistake... There have been two Canadian soldiers murdered by Muslim extremists in Canada and a nut case inspired by ISIS that entered Canada's Parliament Building with a rifle and was shot dead by security.


The "Toronto 18" Muslim terrorists had a training camp in the forests of Ontario, Canada and had plans to blow up buildings in Toronto, Canada and Canada's capital city, Ottawa. They had plans to be-head the Prime Minister and other members of Parliament.

It was pure luck that Canada's security service caught them before they carried out their mission.

Both Al-Queada and ISIS list Canada on their target radar.

Trudeau is bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi Muslim "refugees" ... even expelling Canadian troops from Canadian military bases so Muslims can live there. Putting aside tens of millions of dollars to build them Mosques, buy Qurans, prayer mats, and feet washing bowels, and give them "free" health care and services.... while we have Canadian citizens that are homeless and living on the streets in our major cities.. .

Trudeau is going to be the worst Prime Minister in Canada's history.. He's going to also be an economic disaster for Canada.... and he will just piss off out NATO allies, including the U.S.

Our U.S. friends should consider building a wall on their northern border with us up here in Canada.... not just on their southern Mexico border...

Edited by Catoni
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Well the US and its lackies have spent a year supposedly bombing ISIS have have managed to hit little of any importance. Doubt ISIS will notice the Canadians gone as have their minds more concentrated in the Russians who actually are blasting the living he'll out of them.

Australia should also pack up and leave, enough of this farce.

The coalition of nations going after ISIS have done a very good job. Little collateral damage and many high level targets eliminated. The Russians are bombing the rebels. Giving ISIS the upper hand. And killing many, many, many innocent civilians.

Methinks you are reading the wrong news.....but you're right. Enough of this farce. Time for Russia to pack up and go home.

I agree with the part of your post that the coalition have attempted to limit collateral damage, etc. but when the Russians are done with the rebels and Assad is more secure they will surely go after ISIS/ISIL with a vengeance. Unfortunately they will not limit collateral damage. They will probably do some significant damage to ISIS and degrade their ability to carry out their Caliphate, something the coalition has been unable/unwilling to do. Sad to say but I'm kind of counting on the Russians to carry this off as certainly the coalition strategy is only having the impact of prolonging the problem.

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Smart PM - who understands you need a strategy to defeat the enemy.

Meanwhile...ISIS celebrated Trudeau's win in Canada... and the withdrawal of Canadian F-18's

.....and their "brothers in Allah" online celebrated and praised Allah that Canada was going to.... as they put it in their own words... "...run away..."



If ISIS is happy about it... ...then something is wrong..

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This is what socialists do...they don't want to fight Islamic extremists because they make up a substantial base of their domestic political support. It's the same for Europa, why do you think the socialist parties there allowed unchecked radical Muslim immigration into their countries for decades.

A sad day for Canada when they elected this surrender monkey.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Well the US and its lackies have spent a year supposedly bombing ISIS have have managed to hit little of any importance. Doubt ISIS will notice the Canadians gone as have their minds more concentrated in the Russians who actually are blasting the living he'll out of them.

Australia should also pack up and leave, enough of this farce.

Trouble is that it appears that the Russians are blasting everybody else as well, there seems to be more civilians fleeing the Russians than Daesh.

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Trudeau did what he promised to do in his election campaign.

Time will tell if it results in more or less domestic terrorism.

Trudeau inherited his socialist father's millions. (His Prime Minister father, Pierre Trudeau joined the Liberal Party, but said he would always be a socialist at heart. he joined the Liberals because he knew he would never get elected as a socialist. Pierre refused to join the army in World War II and rode his motorcycle around Montreal wearing a German helmet.)

Justin Trudeau worked as a part time drama school teacher. He likes to smoke weed, and has prayed at a number of mosques including extremist Wahhabi mosques. He's never had to meet a payroll, knows nothing of economics or history. He studied acting and drama and is he's a good orator. He got elected because of his famous father's name and the ability to speak and promise goodies to everyone.

he also promised to legalize marijuana. And he promised to start running large deficits.. (having the government borrow money and go into debt... raising taxes to help pay for all the "goodies" he will give us using our own money and borrowed money of future generations.)

I'm not sure what you can expect from such a person as Prime Minister of Canada. I'm seriously worried about Canada's future.

I fully expect terrorism in Canada, demand for Sharia law in Muslim areas in Canada over time... along with increase in rapes and assaults on women and girls as is being experienced in many European countries now.

Edited by Catoni
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"Shiny Pony Jihadi Justin Trudeau" Canada's P.M. never had to work a real job in his life. Inheriting daddy's millions. He worked as a part-time drama teacher, loves to smoke that funny green weed and intends to legalize it.

He's gone to prayer at many mosques... even extremist Wahhabi mosques..

Here he Canada's P.M. Jihadi Justin Trudeau at prayer... :





Pulling Canada's military and F-18's out of the conflict is a mistake... There have been two Canadian soldiers murdered by Muslim extremists in Canada and a nut case inspired by ISIS that entered Canada's Parliament Building with a rifle and was shot dead by security.

The "Toronto 18" Muslim terrorists had a training camp in the forests of Ontario, Canada and had plans to blow up buildings in Toronto, Canada and Canada's capital city, Ottawa. They had plans to be-head the Prime Minister and other members of Parliament.

It was pure luck that Canada's security service caught them before they carried out their mission.

Both Al-Queada and ISIS list Canada on their target radar.

Trudeau is bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi Muslim "refugees" ... even expelling Canadian troops from Canadian military bases so Muslims can live there. Putting aside tens of millions of dollars to build them Mosques, buy Qurans, prayer mats, and feet washing bowels, and give them "free" health care and services.... while we have Canadian citizens that are homeless and living on the streets in our major cities.. .

Trudeau is going to be the worst Prime Minister in Canada's history.. He's going to also be an economic disaster for Canada.... and he will just piss off out NATO allies, including the U.S.

Our U.S. friends should consider building a wall on their northern border with us up here in Canada.... not just on their southern Mexico border...

Everything you say is true! However, it does not follow that they are accomplishing anything in Syria. They could! They should. But this is not the plan.

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This is what socialists do...they don't want to fight Islamic extremists because they make up a substantial base of their domestic political support. It's the same for Europa, why do you think the socialist parties there allowed unchecked radical Muslim immigration into their countries for decades.

A sad day for Canada when they elected this surrender monkey.

Its hardly fringe observation- the left and islamic jihad have similar intermediate goals- the destruction of all things traditional, western, and post enlightenment.

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