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Awfull Chinese drivers in CNX, beware.


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There seems to be an influx of idiot Chinese drivers in CNX.

I had two of them pull up alongside me whilst I was stationary at a set of lights with my right-hand indicator on waiting to turn right. They were in the "fast" lane of the oncoming traffic, talking to each other on walkie talkies.

When the lights changed they turned right, again into the "fast" lane of oncoming cars and stopped to have a discussion with each other.

I have no idea what their insurance situation might be, but as "revered" guests I imagine the farang could automatically be in the wrong.

Maybe time to buy a dash cam?

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When I choose not to drive my car or ride my bike I take a taxi. Once you get the local taxi drivers started on the subject of Chinese drivers, riders, tourists, then you get an honest insight of the downright stupidity of these visitors. The lights on, but there certainly ain't anybody home.

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If you have survived driving in mainland China you can drive anywhere in the world. Apart from shouting in their mobiles whilst driving and oblivious to all else they also do things like not putting their headlights on at night in an effort to save the battery. Taxi is the way to go, save yourself hassles.

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Yesterday , one of these cut across the main CM-HangDong highway to go do a U turn. Straight out of soi across two lanes of traffic with oncoming traffic which he could plainly see. Just kept going and everybody had to avoid. Not much of a brain in there.

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Surely they cannot be worse than Thai drivers,for which the

indicator/turn signal is a mystery ,and you have to

be a bit of a mind reader to try and fathom what they are

going to do next.

regards worgeordie

I think they believe it's a decorative or fairy-light, and therefore only to be used at Christmas, or after changing-lanes in celebration of having made it ? rolleyes.gif

Then again, any competent farang-trained driver can surely 'read' the traffic, and sense by-osmosis that they are/might-be contemplating a manouver ! I know my wife can, she is constantly drawing my attention away from the road, as she comments on other road-users, despite her not sitting in the rear-seat ! laugh.png

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Not defending them but remember they are also driving left hand drive cars.

Not easy fullstop to drive on the opposite system and even worse when 80% of those Chinese have a genetic eye defect meaning they are all looking through the bottom of a beer glass.

Thats worrying.

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Surely they cannot be worse than Thai drivers,for which the

indicator/turn signal is a mystery ,and you have to

be a bit of a mind reader to try and fathom what they are

going to do next.

regards worgeordie

I agree, on a daily basis, I guess at least twice,I have to take action to avoid a collision/ accident with local drivers for various reasons. I have also driven in China and even that depends what part you are in that seems to determine the level of incompetence, but the Thais have them beaten hands down, but simply my opinion.

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Surely they cannot be worse than Thai drivers,for which the

indicator/turn signal is a mystery ,and you have to

be a bit of a mind reader to try and fathom what they are

going to do next.

regards worgeordie

I agree, on a daily basis, I guess at least twice,I have to take action to avoid a collision/ accident with local drivers for various reasons. I have also driven in China and even that depends what part you are in that seems to determine the level of incompetence, but the Thais have them beaten hands down, but simply my opinion.

I drive on these same roads you do every single day and rarely have a problem. Sure there are close-calls occasionally, but I get more of that driving in New York City.

Back on topic, yes OP, these Chinese drivers are pretty arrogant. They always seem to be in some sort of caravan, but hopefully they'll be departing soon. Chinese drivers are way worse than Thai drivers, hands down.

Edited by Rimmer
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Surely they cannot be worse than Thai drivers,for which the

indicator/turn signal is a mystery ,and you have to

be a bit of a mind reader to try and fathom what they are

going to do next.

regards worgeordie

They are worse....

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If you have survived driving in mainland China you can drive anywhere in the world. Apart from shouting in their mobiles whilst driving and oblivious to all else they also do things like not putting their headlights on at night in an effort to save the battery. Taxi is the way to go, save yourself hassles.

Anywhere? Even in India and etc?


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If you have survived driving in mainland China you can drive anywhere in the world. Apart from shouting in their mobiles whilst driving and oblivious to all else they also do things like not putting their headlights on at night in an effort to save the battery. Taxi is the way to go, save yourself hassles.

Anywhere? Even in India and etc?


New York City apparently, according to one poster.
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My friend living in Pai tells me they are just as bad there.

I first realized what kind of drivers they were in the early 70s when I first went to Vancouver B C,

Pai is a human circus or tragedy however u want to see it. Stay an hour on any given junction and I guarantee you an accident or at least dangerous situation involving Chinese often they fall coming to a halt or even just standing. Change your position and stand in front of the motorbike shops best spot Aya and there is a good chance u see them driving into the next shop. Pai looks like zombie town bandages all over. It happen to me twice in the hills that this idiots came in a curve on my site. There must be clearly a medical explanation something is missing.

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The feeling I get is that a lot of these Chinese visitors are crap riders / drivers because they've never even ridden before, just hire bikes here as it's cheaper than taxis etc. Saw several yesterday on my many trips across the centre of CM (hunting the elusive rack to fit a top box on a 2015 Click).

Quite a few were so so, but then I didn't see them manoeuvre much, several though were shocking. All sorts of antics, pulling out, turning without looking, stopping without any indication at all, turning round to natter to the pillion. One was stopped at lights nearside line, decided he wanted to turn right, so proceeded to just go once the lights changed, no looking nothing. Until a few behind gave a blast on their horns which seemed to temporarily shock the dope out of his trance. So many just look totally bewildered, like rabbits caught in headlights, not like anyone confident riding a bike. Sure the locals pull some strokes (as do quite a few farangs!!!) but PRC take it to a whole new level. Many I see are no better when on foot either, just the consequences are less, unless their needing to cross a road is involved and you're one of the drivers who has to stand on the brake to avoid hitting them as they wander aimlessly across a road that is.

Edited by SooKee
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When I choose not to drive my car or ride my bike I take a taxi. Once you get the local taxi drivers started on the subject of Chinese drivers, riders, tourists, then you get an honest insight of the downright stupidity of these visitors. The lights on, but there certainly ain't anybody home.

With over 500.000 chinese in NZ the problem is quite bad there, turning right from the left is normal for them, stopping on a busy road in a busy lane to have a conversation is quite common.

Maybe they think that because the law prohibits talking or txting while driving, unless you have a hands free, that you just stop in the middle of the Rd to have a chat.

They have no idea how to reverse or what a roundabout is, I don't know how they pass driving tests.

Edited by kiwikeith
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Was in town the other day with my wife. We're going around the moat, slow traffic. Two Chinese in front of us on rented bikes suddenly stop. Wife hit the breaks, but still tapped their rear tires. They immediately start yelling, screaming and dancing around like Godzilla is stomping down the street. Actually, Godzilla may have been better for them. My wife gets out, slams or door and starts tearing them new one - IN CHINESE - (She half Chinese and speaks it fluently). They were totally shocked into submission, and didn't take long for them to start bowing and holding up their hands in apology, before jumping back on their bikes and getting the hell away from the terror they had just encountered. When she got back in the car, and after I stopped laughing, I asked her what she said to them. She just grinned and tole me: "You wouldn't understand", and resumed driving.

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The feeling I get is that a lot of these Chinese visitors are crap riders / drivers because they've never even ridden before, just hire bikes here as it's cheaper than taxis etc. Saw several yesterday on my many trips across the centre of CM (hunting the elusive rack to fit a top box on a 2015 Click).

Quite a few were so so, but then I didn't see them manoeuvre much, several though were shocking. All sorts of antics, pulling out, turning without looking, stopping without any indication at all, turning round to natter to the pillion. One was stopped at lights nearside line, decided he wanted to turn right, so proceeded to just go once the lights changed, no looking nothing. Until a few behind gave a blast on their horns which seemed to temporarily shock the dope out of his trance. So many just look totally bewildered, like rabbits caught in headlights, not like anyone confident riding a bike. Sure the locals pull some strokes (as do quite a few farangs!!!) but PRC take it to a whole new level. Many I see are no better when on foot either, just the consequences are less, unless their needing to cross a road is involved and you're one of the drivers who has to stand on the brake to avoid hitting them as they wander aimlessly across a road that is.


I had same filling then come to Pattaya and look for some "Falang"


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