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Victims of Sara Netanyahu’s 'abusive behaviour' win 39,000 euros


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Victims of Sara Netanyahu’s 'abusive behaviour' win 39,000 euros


JERUSALEM: -- A man who was insulted and verbally abused by the wife of the Israeli Prime Minister has spoken out about his experience.

A labour court in Jerusalem ruled that Sara Netanyahu’s angry outbursts and demands created an abusive work environment at the leader’s official residence.

Meni Naftali and other former staff members were awarded 39,000 euros in damages.

Naftali resigned in 2012 after a 20-month period working at the residence.

Prior to the court ruling, the Prime Minister’s Office had dismissed the allegations as “evil, skewed gossip.”

A separate accusation of abusive behaviour — dating back to 2010 — was settled out of court.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-12

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She should know better... she could bomb, burn, skin or torture as many Palestinians she wants, why would she bother insulting an israeli, that's highly forbidden, even among israelis... the elected people man, elected by oh my God!... don't mess with that... while genocidiing Arabs is recommended and sponsored... what was she thinking???

Edited by reggaebkk
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Birds of a feather, flock together. It figures that his wife would be as insane as he is. Or as lacking in compassion or humanity. This is an extreme man, who has been warmongering his entire career. It makes sense that he wife would be as out of touch, and as arrogant as the man himself is.

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She should know better... she could bomb, burn, skin or torture as many Palestinians she wants, why would she bother insulting an israeli, that's highly forbidden, even among israelis... the elected people man, elected by oh my God!... don't mess with that... while genocidiing Arabs is recommended and sponsored... what was she thinking???

No obsessive Israel demonization here. No sirree.rolleyes.gif

It's so predictable that any story touching on Israel, and this is a negative story about the wife of their PM and it doesn't surprise me that she's a handful, is seen as a call for OPEN SEASON for such odious over the top not to mention OFF TOPIC hate speech posts.

Edited by Jingthing
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Bet he will be called Antisemitic soon...

Well he fits the mold! He doesn't like Arabs for a start, aren't they semites as well?? thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

The term antisemitic refers specifically to Jews but if you aren't willing to accept established definitions, for you, just think Jew haters.


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Bet he will be called Antisemitic soon...

Well he fits the mold! He doesn't like Arabs for a start, aren't they semites as well?? thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

The term antisemitic refers specifically to Jews but if you aren't willing to accept established definitions, for you, just think Jew haters.


The terms "critic toward Israel politic" does not mean "jew hater" but if you aren't willing to accept established definitions....

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She should know better... she could bomb, burn, skin or torture as many Palestinians she wants, why would she bother insulting an israeli, that's highly forbidden, even among israelis... the elected people man, elected by oh my God!... don't mess with that... while genocidiing Arabs is recommended and sponsored... what was she thinking???

No obsessive Israel demonization here. No sirree.rolleyes.gif

It's so predictable that any story touching on Israel, and this is a negative story about the wife of their PM and it doesn't surprise me that she's a handful, is seen as a call for OPEN SEASON for such odious over the top not to mention OFF TOPIC hate speech posts.

Pavlov's dogs are nothing if not consistent.
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I see our esteemed members are attempting to out do one another as to who can make the biggest presumption fallacy.

I guess all of your interactions with the outside world can be deducted from the behavior of your wives or girlfriends.

The OP states that the PM's Office dismissed the allegation as evil, skewed gossip.

This raises it beyond the personal and into the realm of public policy and governance. Government resources pay for the functioning of the PM's Office. If they involve themselves in such a matter then it becomes a reflection of the Leadership both in tone and style.

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I see our esteemed members are attempting to out do one another as to who can make the biggest presumption fallacy.

I guess all of your interactions with the outside world can be deducted from the behavior of your wives or girlfriends.

The OP states that the PM's Office dismissed the allegation as evil, skewed gossip.

This raises it beyond the personal and into the realm of public policy and governance. Government resources pay for the functioning of the PM's Office. If they involve themselves in such a matter then it becomes a reflection of the Leadership both in tone and style.

What husband isn't going to defend his wife, especially such a strong spiritedwhistling.gif woman as the lovely Sara, if they are to remain married? So yes public because it's the PM's wife, but also quite personal.

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A Prime Minister may defend his wife but he may not use the public purse to do so. This is corrupt behaviour. Further, the force of government was brought to bear on the complainant, whose allegations turned out to be true. This is also corrupt. Some may argue that it is defensible but I still believe it is corrupt.

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A Prime Minister may defend his wife but he may not use the public purse to do so. This is corrupt behaviour. Further, the force of government was brought to bear on the complainant, whose allegations turned out to be true. This is also corrupt. Some may argue that it is defensible but I still believe it is corrupt.

Well, if you're an Israeli citizen perhaps you can pursue these charges. Israel has taken legal action against high officials before, in recent history, even leading to incarceration.

Otherwise, I don't see this as an important news story, except for it's gossip value and to advance the impression that Sarah Netanyahu may be a boss from hell.

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It really could be much worse:


Bibi was quite the Hebrew Hunk in his Israeli salad days:


In any case, about this case, 39K Euros buys a boat load of yummy hummus but this scandal ain't exactly Watergate.

It's more FUNNY than anything.

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It really could be much worse:


Bibi was quite the Hebrew Hunk in his Israeli salad days:


In any case, about this case, 39K Euros buys a boat load of yummy hummus but this scandal ain't exactly Watergate.

It's more FUNNY than anything.

Reminds me of (Bill) Clinton's days when he was in hot water because of stains on Monika's dress, and Hillary supported her husband ;-/

DNA evidence is sometimes at the heart of comic situations. Sometimes.

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