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Ex-Nazi guard, 94, goes on trial over 170,000 killings at Auschwitz


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Ex-Nazi guard, 94, goes on trial over 170,000 killings at Auschwitz


"It somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial"

DETMOLD: -- He is 94 today, at the centre of what is likely to be one of the last ever Nazi war crimes trials.

But Reinhold Hanning was 20 years old in 1942 when he started serving as a Nazi SS guard at Auschwitz where he is accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 170,000 people.

Hanning has faced testimony from survivors of the death camp in his court case which got underway on Thursday in the German city of Detmold.

He met Jewish prisoners as they piled off cattle trucks and possibly led some to the gas chambers according to prosecutors who have brought the case with 38 joint plaintiffs from Hungary, Israel, Canada, Britain, the United States and Germany.

Camp inmates still have vivid memories.

Survivor Leon Schwarzbaum is 94, just like Hanning who admits being a guard but denies involvement in the mass killings, part of the Nazis’ “Final Solution” for the extermination of Europe’s Jews.

“The crematoria, the chimneys, were spewing fire,” he told a news conference in Detmold on the eve of the trial.

“The smell of burning flesh was so unbelievable. You could hardly bear it because you knew there were human beings burning there.”

It is never too late to bring those involved in the Nazi killing machine to justice, says fellow survivor Justin Sonder, deported at 17. He lost 22 members of his family under the Nazi regime.

“I was often asked if there were SS men in Auschwitz who showed compassion. Let me tell you clearly, absolutely not,” he said.

“They would beat you, they would kick you, they would throw your cap away so you had to get it and you were shot.”

Erna de Vries was deported to Auschwitz along with her mother in 1943, at the age of 23. Considered a “Jewish crossbreed” as her father was Protestant, she was saved from the gas chamber and transferred to a labour camp.

“I survived, but to this day I don’t know exactly how my mother was killed,” she told Reuters ahead of the trial.

“The last thing she said to me was: ‘You will survive and explain what happened to us.’

“I am not hateful but it somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial.”

Germany’s Nazi war crimes office in Ludwigsburg has found that Hanning served as a guard at Auschwitz until at least June 1944.

Prosecutors maintain that the Nazis’ machinery of murder hinged on people like Hanning guarding the prisoners, and they accuse him of expediting, or at least facilitating, the slaughter.

A precedent for such an approach was set in 2011 when death camp guard Ivan Demjanjuk was convicted of being an accessory to mass murder.

Last year, 94-year-old Oskar Groening, known as the “bookkeeper of Auschwitz”, was sentenced to four years in prison for being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 people in Auschwitz.

Three other former death camp workers in their 90s – two men and one woman – are due to go on trial in the next few months.

Because of their age, their hearings, like Hanning’s, will be restricted to two hours per day, assuming they are fit to face trial.

But Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff, responsible for war crime investigations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said from his office in Jerusalem that age should not be an obstacle to prosecution.

“When you think of these cases, don’t think of frail, old, sick men and women,” he said, “but of young people who devoted their energies to a system that implemented the Final Solution and aimed to obliterate the Jewish people.”

More than a million Jews as well as other victims were killed by the Nazis at the Auschwitz camp in occupied, wartime Poland.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-12

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“I am not hateful but it somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial.”

A question .

Is this issue based upon justice or is it revenge?

There seems to be an element of doubt concerning the matter certainly in one persons mind.

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“I am not hateful but it somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial.”

A question .

Is this issue based upon justice or is it revenge?

There seems to be an element of doubt concerning the matter certainly in one persons mind.

If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

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Because, at the end of the war, it was decided that defending Europe from communism was more important than punishing all the Nazis and war criminals. We, the West, actually used former Nazis to run West Germany.

Who knows what was right? You can only do what you think best at the time

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“I am not hateful but it somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial.”

A question .

Is this issue based upon justice or is it revenge?

There seems to be an element of doubt concerning the matter certainly in one persons mind.

If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

The Jewish lobbies have become more powerful in the West since WW11 and, along with Israel, ensure those involved are brought to justice when identified.

Sadly there is no such lobby or activists for bring those responsible for genocide of Armenians in WW1, Chinese (including ethnic Chinese throughout S E Asia), Allied POW's and instances since.

Japan still doesn't admit its horrendous war crimes let alone bring anyone to trial.

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While most likely everyone agrees to take those involved to justice, irrespective of age and health, it also needs to be said, that 99.9% of the Germans living today were NOT involved. The Nazi-aera being a part, and a nasty one on top, of their history the world has to stop pointing to the Germans today.
Most of the problems in dealing with today's refugee avalanche (10%-15%) and asylum chancers (85%-90%) has to do with what I call the German inferiority complex; in meanwhile third generation the kids in Germany are being told about their guilt which is of course absolute rubbish.
Other societies around the corner (I refer to the communist Cambodians known as "Khmer Rouge") did equal genocide over four years 35 years after the Germans.

Hence learn from history, keep it alive and ensure we all know about all those things but it is time to turn the leaf for all those who are not to be blamed and this is, today, 99.999% of the German population.

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If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

But it is not OK to bring the small fish on the grill after they let ALL big fishs running away!!!

Think about what happend with a normal soldier if him spoke "NO I don't do it" in this time!!!

If they don't killed him, him where a prisoner too!!! And his complete family also!!!


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If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

But it is not OK to bring the small fish on the grill after they let ALL big fishs running away!!!

Think about what happend with a normal soldier if him spoke "NO I don't do it" in this time!!!

If they don't killed him, him where a prisoner too!!! And his complete family also!!!


There is no equality in injustice. If "big fish" do not get caught (for whatever reason) "small fish" cannot claim injustice. Otherwise the rule of law principle is inevitably bound to fail.

Those very very few soldiers or police officers who refused to take part in the mass murders were NOT punished. The "me or them"-situation is a myth. Pleading superior orders was no excuse in the trials after the war.

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The Jewish lobbies have become more powerful in the West since WW11 and, along with Israel, ensure those involved are brought to justice when identified.

Sadly there is no such lobby or activists for bring those responsible for genocide of Armenians in WW1, Chinese (including ethnic Chinese throughout S E Asia), Allied POW's and instances since.

Japan still doesn't admit its horrendous war crimes let alone bring anyone to trial.

Wikipedia seems to disagree:


But that's just Wikipedia......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

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Lemme see,

At age 20 he could have said NO, and been shot in the head,


He could go along with whatever his bosses said, and lived another 74 years.

Guess he made the best choice!

At 94, free medical care in a nice home at the state's expense can't be all that bad.

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Lemme see,

At age 20 he could have said NO, and been shot in the head,


He could go along with whatever his bosses said, and lived another 74 years.

Guess he made the best choice!

At 94, free medical care in a nice home at the state's expense can't be all that bad.

No, he would not have been punished. He would have been transferred to another unit and nothing else (not even a so called "Strafbataillon" = penal battalion).

But the conclusion is right, though: he had 74 years of life that his victims did not have (not necessary to do the killings himself, aiding and abetting is sufficient).

Edited by jope
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There is no equality in injustice. If "big fish" do not get caught (for whatever reason) "small fish" cannot claim injustice. Otherwise the rule of law principle is inevitably bound to fail.

Those very very few soldiers or police officers who refused to take part in the mass murders were NOT punished. The "me or them"-situation is a myth. Pleading superior orders was no excuse in the trials after the war.

But why they don't do it 65 years ago? With all the SS Stars and the small one!!! Now the most survivors are dead. Also the most other witnesses. This people are now very old, sick, senil, demenzia and so they can't send they in jail. Shit happens!!!

But this court trials costs a lot of money and help no one. But this money can help about of other things.

jope - The "me or them"-situation is a myth

Sure, and you still believe about Santa Claus or?

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“I am not hateful but it somehow feels like justice to see this man, who was working there when my mother died, on trial.”

A question .

Is this issue based upon justice or is it revenge?

There seems to be an element of doubt concerning the matter certainly in one persons mind.

If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

The Jewish lobbies have become more powerful in the West since WW11 and, along with Israel, ensure those involved are brought to justice when identified.

Sadly there is no such lobby or activists for bring those responsible for genocide of Armenians in WW1, Chinese (including ethnic Chinese throughout S E Asia), Allied POW's and instances since.

Japan still doesn't admit its horrendous war crimes let alone bring anyone to trial.

Not really true - and you are going way off beam here. The Japanese have 'apologized' at various times after WWII. You can certainly question the sincerity of the apologies, made worse by various Japanese PM's continuing visits to shrines honouring persons whom most consider as war criminals.

There was also an extensive war crimes tribunal for Japanese war criminals held in Tokyo at the end of the war.

Given that waging an aggressive war against wasn't illegal until the mid C20, I don't think you are going to get very far with going after Turkey for war crimes either.

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While most likely everyone agrees to take those involved to justice, irrespective of age and health, it also needs to be said, that 99.9% of the Germans living today were NOT involved. The Nazi-aera being a part, and a nasty one on top, of their history the world has to stop pointing to the Germans today.

Most of the problems in dealing with today's refugee avalanche (10%-15%) and asylum chancers (85%-90%) has to do with what I call the German inferiority complex; in meanwhile third generation the kids in Germany are being told about their guilt which is of course absolute rubbish.

Other societies around the corner (I refer to the communist Cambodians known as "Khmer Rouge") did equal genocide over four years 35 years after the Germans.

Hence learn from history, keep it alive and ensure we all know about all those things but it is time to turn the leaf for all those who are not to be blamed and this is, today, 99.999% of the German population.

Living today? Must be more than 0.1% I would guess.

Sad truth is that a majority of Germans supported the NAZI party by the late '30s.

This was partly our own fault because of the outrageous Versailles reparations after world war 1.

Now, the Germans are a highly civilised social democratic people.

There is a great documentary on YouTube called "Make me a German". Check it out!

In my experience, I don't think they feel guilt anymore. I used to give them a Zieg Heil going into the office and they called me a Tommy bastard!

I guess they feel obliged to punish old war criminals to keep the Zionists happy.

Keep showing the news reels to school kids so we don't forget. But move on...


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There is no equality in injustice. If "big fish" do not get caught (for whatever reason) "small fish" cannot claim injustice. Otherwise the rule of law principle is inevitably bound to fail.

Those very very few soldiers or police officers who refused to take part in the mass murders were NOT punished. The "me or them"-situation is a myth. Pleading superior orders was no excuse in the trials after the war.

But why they don't do it 65 years ago? With all the SS Stars and the small one!!! Now the most survivors are dead. Also the most other witnesses. This people are now very old, sick, senil, demenzia and so they can't send they in jail. Shit happens!!!

But this court trials costs a lot of money and help no one. But this money can help about of other things.

jope - The "me or them"-situation is a myth

Sure, and you still believe about Santa Claus or?

No better way to get away with mass murder. "My commander told me so."

Those few who resisted gave witness statements in court: no punishment, no disciplinary measures. I do not provide links, they would lead to German sites. For those who are interested: Google "Polizeibataillone". Plenty to read including those witness statements.

And in case you are wondering why there was no punishment: it was not necessary. Apparently, most of these otherwise "normal family men" saw murder as a more or less unpleasant part of their job description.

So grab your Santa Claus and face the facts: this and all the other former SS guards had a choice and he chose to help commiting horrible crimes.

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There is no equality in injustice. If "big fish" do not get caught (for whatever reason) "small fish" cannot claim injustice. Otherwise the rule of law principle is inevitably bound to fail.

Those very very few soldiers or police officers who refused to take part in the mass murders were NOT punished. The "me or them"-situation is a myth. Pleading superior orders was no excuse in the trials after the war.

But why they don't do it 65 years ago? With all the SS Stars and the small one!!! Now the most survivors are dead. Also the most other witnesses. This people are now very old, sick, senil, demenzia and so they can't send they in jail. Shit happens!!!

But this court trials costs a lot of money and help no one. But this money can help about of other things.

jope - The "me or them"-situation is a myth

Sure, and you still believe about Santa Claus or?

No better way to get away with mass murder. "My commander told me so."

Those few who resisted gave witness statements in court: no punishment, no disciplinary measures. I do not provide links, they would lead to German sites. For those who are interested: Google "Polizeibataillone". Plenty to read including those witness statements.

And in case you are wondering why there was no punishment: it was not necessary. Apparently, most of these otherwise "normal family men" saw murder as a more or less unpleasant part of their job description.

So grab your Santa Claus and face the facts: this and all the other former SS guards had a choice and he chose to help commiting horrible crimes.

It was far from as easy as you make it out to be, and really not the environment to make an unwelcome choice.
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I don't know what happened, I wasn't there and I don't trust history books, so I won't blame a party or another.

Holocaust denial is a criminal offence in 14 european countries and should be in all countries.

too many people have buried their heads in the sand

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And another thing, what if some leader (fuehrer) got up and said all of our current problems are due to Muslims? I'll bet they would get many supporters from TV alone

Then what would happen?

Consider the precursors, the history, the education of some poor deluded folks

Just sayin!

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And another thing, what if some leader (fuehrer) got up and said all of our current problems are due to Muslims? I'll bet they would get many supporters from TV alone

Then what would happen?

Consider the precursors, the history, the education of some poor deluded folks

Just sayin!

That's correct.

We need to be watchful of such things and aware that the perpetrators of total evil grew up as normal human beings. Such evil is potentially within us all. Remembering the Shoah is not only about the Shoah but also about this awareness for all of humanity.

This material is well covered and current here:


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WOW, not a single TV armchair sadist calling for his nuts to be cut off or similar. Perhaps the headline should have included him being a suspected paedophile and this thread would have been up to 10 pages of people wanting to torture him by now.

As far as I know he hasn't been proven guilty of anything, nor confessed.

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