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Canadian Teachers report assault at Pattaya Go-Go Bar

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A 5,000 Baht bin at a gogo bar racked up by two female Canucks. That implies a <deleted> load of lady drinks bought for the girls. Or maybe they bought a few baskets of ping pong balls as well? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Sounds like maybe they bat for the other team.

No excuses for the security staff over reacting to this situation and they deserve some punishment, but really, the two chicks should have had more sense than to rack up a bill that size and not have the cash to cover it.

This poor judgement was shown by 2 teachers incredible. These are the people entrusted to teach and train young minds. I guess it is true that we have 2 sides to our personality. When it comes to bars and bahts not paying the bar could get you in a world of hurt. The two teachers in question showed incredibly poor judgement in any case.
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The bar did give the girls an opportunity to go to an ATM machine, fair enough.

When the other one tried to leave without anyone paying the bill is when problems arose.

It is actually illegal in Thailand to leave an establishment without paying the bill .

What exactly was the assault ?

The girls dont look harmed

Maybe they were physically stopped from leaving, which is fair enough .

Which has just reminded me, I still have an outstanding bar bill from last week end, really must go and pay it today

Totally inappropriate. If they try to do a runner, call the police. But to assault a customer is against the law and may have serious consequences, as stated in this article.

From the article:

The injuries sustained to the women were documented by medics at Hospital and a report of the incident will likely be sent to the Governor of Chonburi Province who may decide to impose a closure order of up to 5 years on the venue.

Running up a 5k tab is easy.
5 year closure highly unlikely. It will be tossed into the governors G file.

Before I even came to Thailand for the first time I researched all of the clubs, read about peoples' experiences there, read about the "rules", read about the culture and attitudes, read the warnings and the cautions from other farang about scenarios INCLUDING this one, and the first time I set foot into one of those places I paid for every drink as I went, I checked the prices on the bill in the cup, and I counted. Where is the common sense in these people and others like them? I NEVER got intoxicated enough that I wasn't fully aware of what was going on at any given time. WHY are people like this so stupid, coming halfway around the world to a vastly different culture without learning about it first - there are limitless amounts of info and stories of others' experiences readily available . Do they KNOW where they are? They want this to be Disneyland?


^^^ It's possible they didn't realize the bill was getting that large. BTW how do two gals drink 5,000 baht worth of drinks?

it's called "padding the bill!" happens all the time, that's why you should ALWAYS look at the bill when it is delivered to your table, and you should get a bill everytime you order a drink, if you don't LEAVE!

Maybe they were not math teachers

I have only been to a girly bar once , in Bangkok . I paid for drinks as ordered , so no more money , no more drinks .

These women are complete idiots who don't know how to conduct themselves in a foreign land , as are many of the tourists who come to Thailand on holiday .

They suffer from letting your hair down on holidays and the eyes wide shut syndrome.

Security must hate farangs, loaded with cash, go go girls all over them. Probably can't wait to practice some kick boxing at the very first opportunity. Jealous pricks

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

"Loaded with cash ??????????????????????????????????"


^^^ It's possible they didn't realize the bill was getting that large. BTW how do two gals drink 5,000 baht worth of drinks?

I'd imagine they bought some lady drinks for attentive staff.

"A fight ensued during which time the detained woman was injured. Despite Because of this the outstanding bill was paid in full by the pair."


Like we hear so many times the bill was probably jacked up,

I don't go to these bars anymore don't trust the girls or the

staff, last time I was there last year only had 2 drinks,

girl had maybe 3 at the most and they charged me 1200 baht

and when I tried arguing they went and got the male staff, so I

paid and told them I would never be back.


Thais only understand money is number one , sounds like these girls were ripped off,

The girls that work in there sell their bodies, OF COURSE, they are there for money. I don't think normal Thai girls think along the lines " Oh great, let's get a job where we can take off all our clothes and drunk farang men older than grandpa can grope and paw at us, and if we are lucky a couple of lesbians might also have a go at us."

It was good that you got todays Thai bash in though. "Thais ONLY understand money". Some of the ones I know also understand English, Thai and Japanese.

I have a feeling hookers worldwide are interested also in money.

Bill sounds high, but totally doable. I have seen western girls being swamped for drinks before in these places. The bin is always in front of you, you should check it after every time they add to it. I have caught them out before doing it to a group I was with. I won't name the place but I asked "WHATS UP, with these extra drinks?" They corrected it, and I have never been back. Simple.


Whenever I wonder why I've never been to one of these bars, a story like this turns up, and I'm reminded why.

I've never felt the need to try such a place, don't condemn those who do, but just not my number.


Between the two girls they did not have 5k baht on a night out while on vacation. The

bill is updated after every drink and sitting right in front of you. One girl left to

get money from an ATM and did not return. The 2nd girl decided to leave. While

maybe the bar should have escorted the first young lady to the nearest ATM so she

could find her way back. But the ladies may not have told the staff at the time.

The teachers as well as the bar could have handled the situation better but the

young ladies are at greater fault than the bar as far as I am concerned.


A 5,000 Baht bin at a gogo bar racked up by two female Canucks. That implies a <deleted> load of lady drinks bought for the girls. Or maybe they bought a few baskets of ping pong balls as well? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Sounds like maybe they bat for the other team.

No excuses for the security staff over reacting to this situation and they deserve some punishment, but really, the two chicks should have had more sense than to rack up a bill that size and not have the cash to cover it.

these teachers need to go back to school they got a lot to learn about Thailand and sure there dikes

Why were they not in school? Summer vacation starts the end of June in Canada. Unless they are English teachers over here.


These two women must belong to the LBGT brigade. Most bars give a new bill every time a drink is ordered so it is easy to keep an eye on what you are spending. Normally in this situation for a tourist the person going to the ATM machine is accompanied by a member of staff, so it all seems a bit strange.

I hope someone checked their work permits if they are teaching here in Thailand, as they don't seem very sensible.


Whenever I wonder why I've never been to one of these bars, a story like this turns up, and I'm reminded why.

I've never felt the need to try such a place, don't condemn those who do, but just not my number.

Me too, I never go to bars where they expect some of that paper stuff with the Kings head on at the end of the evening , dont they realise that we are guests in this country and should be treated as such


Thais only understand money is number one , sounds like these girls were ripped off,

The girls that work in there sell their bodies, OF COURSE, they are there for money. I don't think normal Thai girls think along the lines " Oh great, let's get a job where we can take off all our clothes and drunk farang men older than grandpa can grope and paw at us, and if we are lucky a couple of lesbians might also have a go at us."

It was good that you got todays Thai bash in though. "Thais ONLY understand money". Some of the ones I know also understand English, Thai and Japanese.

I have a feeling hookers worldwide are interested also in money.

Bill sounds high, but totally doable. I have seen western girls being swamped for drinks before in these places. The bin is always in front of you, you should check it after every time they add to it. I have caught them out before doing it to a group I was with. I won't name the place but I asked "WHATS UP, with these extra drinks?" They corrected it, and I have never been back. Simple.

You are right of course. Heard some stories where business travelers got badly ripped off with "lady drinks" and "entertainment" surcharges on bills in Romania. The worst was in a supposedly 5 star International hotel. I was lucky and pre-warned by a mate from Glasgow who'd been there before so stayed elsewhere.

And they do send some very large men to the ATM with you.

Working girls are of course looking for money; and the easiest way to earn it. Other countries can be much more dangerous than Thailand - ask the American Secret Service about South America.

If the Canadians were interested in female company then it's easy to rack up lady drinks. As they drank more themselves they'd start thinking the attention was because the girls liked them - and not just for the money. In that scenario it's very easy to loose track of the bill. But, their latter actions suggest they were trying to do a runner - again something that would be more appealing as alcohol diminished their ability to think clearly and removed inhibitions.


Thais only understand money is number one , sounds like these girls were ripped off,

yes they must been ripped off ...5000 that's crazy and still new people fall into this scam. Karaoke bars is another trap in Thailand .Jungle laws


This is my favourite bar in WS. I would go there probably twice a week.

The bill is updated after every purchase with a cumalative total, if you are keeping track there is no way to pad the bill.

Generally when the bill starts getting around 2,000 they will show you how much it is, I was in on Monday and the bill was 1,600 ish and the waitress made me aware of how much it was.

It's just like going to a restaurant, ordering food and not paying for it. It's wrong and if you get hurt trying to do a runner then good.


Thais only understand money is number one , sounds like these girls were ripped off,

yes they must been ripped off ...5000 that's crazy and still new people fall into this scam. Karaoke bars is another trap in Thailand .Jungle laws

It's easy to spend 5,000 Baht in a bar, you both have no idea what you are writing about and probably never been to Pattaya


Thais only understand money is number one , sounds like these girls were ripped off,

yes they must been ripped off ...5000 that's crazy and still new people fall into this scam. Karaoke bars is another trap in Thailand .Jungle laws

5,000 is a big bill but not that unusual for 3 people. The bar should be using a computerised system which shows a cumultive total and itemises each drink. From reports I read it was the drunk customers who first assaulted the service girls. Although that doesn't give the security or any other employee an excuse to act violently it can explain it.

The has right ask police for assistance but not taking laws on their own hand. The bar licence should suspended for a year as new regulation .

Say you were sitting on a bench and someone came and picked up your wallet containing 5000 Baht and walked off with it .

Would you just let them walk away and call the Police


You can barely sit down in a Walking street bar for 10 minutes without some stupid farang trying to stiff the staff for free drinks, the old walk out to the ATM scam is so well known they just look at each other and sigh.

Normally they call the tourist police who are very good at sorting out these problems. But if she tried to walk out to Walking Street its only to be expected she would be stopped. This is not just a problem in Walking street, or Pattaya or Thailand. How long would you last in Wolverhampton or Wanchai or Winnipeg if you try to leave a bar without paying?

But I bet they wished they had kept their mouths shut and not got their pictures splashed all over the internet.

Funny really, the only Canadian woman I know about is Eskimo Nell and these two just don't fit the breed..........or maybe they do in a reverse sort of way?


^^^ It's possible they didn't realize the bill was getting that large. BTW how do two gals drink 5,000 baht worth of drinks?

It's known as bill padding. Doubtful the true bill was anything close to that.


From a Canadian perspective let me go through the procedure.

Young people coming from Canada DO NOT read about the dos and don't. They expect that everyone lives by the same rules or will let them go because they are a tourist.

In almost every Canadian Bar including strip clubs and disco there are security people in most cases even strip clubs there are female guards.

Yes people try to do a runner on their bill and yes there are people that have a few to many or try to be nice to the girls and can not afford it.

In Canada it is usually going for a private dance for 10 songs at 20 a pop and then opening a wallet that has 10 dollars in it.

In any case if you are successful doing a runner and are stupid enough to go back to the bar they will say hello to you in a back room.

If your friend goes to get money and you go anywhere near a door a person will stand in front of you and not so gently guide you back to your seat so they make sure you do not slip away. Oh Yeah if your friend does a runner on you or takes to long you will probably end up in the back room.

Not sure why but people int he back room usually slip and fall down a lot.

I have been in many bars and have had them in a few try to do the padded bill. Once bitten never again.

I also frequent a bar in patpong and have no issues nor have I seen anyone have issues. BUT again I have never sean anyone come in with no money

As to these lovely specimens of Canadian femininity all i can say is that they should have been more aware. No one sits with you for free in clubs in Canada so why would they sit with you for free here.



What are young women doing in gogo bars ?smile.png

How did they manage a 5k bill?cheesy.gif

What sort of idiots are they really?coffee1.gif

More fine examples of the teaching profession in Thailandwhistling.gif

What are young women doing in gogo bars ?smile.png Are young women not allowed in bars?

How did they manage a 5k bill?cheesy.gif Easy to run up a 5K bill in a gogo bar, unless you're a cheap charlie. If you don't know the answer then it speaks for itself

What sort of idiots are they really?coffee1.gifSo they were not only assaulted but insulted as well on this forum.

More fine examples of the teaching profession in Thailandwhistling.gifWhere did you read that they were working in Thailand?


Two people can not cover a bill of 5K, what were they expecting some punter to pay for them.

If I never had the money to cover a bill I would not even bother going inside, many cheaper places to drink and have fun aside from a go-go. Not too hard to reach a bill of that size.


Whenever I wonder why I've never been to one of these bars, a story like this turns up, and I'm reminded why.

I've never felt the need to try such a place, don't condemn those who do, but just not my number.

Most gogos are well run and honest.

Never a good idea to run a tab if you aren't a regular visitor to any bar (of any kind).

Personally, if I were in a gogo and some white women walked in, as customers, I would leave.

It isn't a suitable place for them, and I wouldn't be comfortable drinking with them present.


What are young women doing in gogo bars ?smile.png Are young women not allowed in bars?

A gogo is a private place for men and hookers.

If they aren't one or the other, they have no place in there.


When I were a teacher, If I had been photographed after a bar fight in a hooker joint, I would have been sacked on a morality clause.

Hopefully these two 'ladies' will likewise be dismissed.

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