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Refugee crisis: European divisions deepen over moves to tighten borders

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Refugee crisis: European divisions deepen over moves to tighten borders


EUROPE -- The asylum seekers keep coming and Europe keeps arguing over what to do.

Seeking to stem the flow across the continent, central and eastern European leaders on Monday are debating plans to help tighten border security in the Balkans.

But Germany, which has borne the brunt of the influx, objects, amid warnings that any closure of borders into the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria would simply strand migrants arriving in Greece.

The UN’s refugee agency is also concerned about moves to tighten Europe’s borders.

The UNHCR says it recognises “the challenges some European countries are facing due to significant arrivals of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. Clearly States have a sovereign right to manage their borders; however, this must be done in accordance with national, EU and international law. The possible damaging impact of individual measures and practices on the rights and lives of refugees has to be considered.”

Debt-laded Greece is already overwhelmed by the migration crisis and facing an EU ultimatum to gets its house in order.

Improving registration is one of the key demands but plans for a refugee reception centre on the Greek island of Kos have sparked protests by locals.

In the latest rally on Sunday, some 2,000 people gathered for what turned into an angry confrontation with police.

Many on Kos fear a so-called migrant “hotspot” would hurt tourism, the island’s main source of income.

Greece says that four other registration centres will open this week, ahead of an EU summit.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/15/refugee-crisis-european-divisions-deepen-over-moves-to-tighten-borders/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-15


It will come as no surprise that this is causing division within the EU.

The migrant crisis is only the straw that broke the camels back.

Merkel invited them and is now panicking. Threats being issued over border controls.

If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

Estimates for arrivals in Jan 2016 range from 62 - 92, 000. 3000 a day.

That NATO amphibious taxi service is going to be extremely busy come the end of March and the improved crossing conditions.


Herr Merkel and the UN won't like this. You better get permission from mom and dad first.whistling.gif

I don't give a hoot what the UN want unless it's got to do with refugee camps somewhere far away from Germany.

Denmark has already called for the 1951 convention to be overhauled in line with mobility of refugees in modern times, which rubbed UN the wrong way but who cares?

Oh, and it's Frau Merkel. Actually Dr. Merkel. "Herr" means "Mister".


Herr Merkel and the UN won't like this. You better get permission from mom and dad first.whistling.gif

I don't give a hoot what the UN want unless it's got to do with refugee camps somewhere far away from Germany.

Denmark has already called for the 1951 convention to be overhauled in line with mobility of refugees in modern times, which rubbed UN the wrong way but who cares?

Oh, and it's Frau Merkel. Actually Dr. Merkel. "Herr" means "Mister".

Well, looking at pictures I'd say it's "Herr" then. thumbsup.gif


Well, Turkey just made last week a new refugee camp for Syrian Turkmen and Arabs on Syrian territory without asking permission to Assad.

Syrian Kurds were not allowed to take shelter...

All this with EU funds.

Is this a new way to tighten European borders by using selective mass human helpless buffers ?


Oh, and it's Frau Merkel. Actually Dr. Merkel. "Herr" means "Mister".

Well, looking at pictures I'd say it's "Herr" then. thumbsup.gif

Used to be much worse, believe me...



It will come as no surprise that this is causing division within the EU.

The migrant crisis is only the straw that broke the camels back.

Merkel invited them and is now panicking. Threats being issued over border controls.

If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

Estimates for arrivals in Jan 2016 range from 62 - 92, 000. 3000 a day.

That NATO amphibious taxi service is going to be extremely busy come the end of March and the improved crossing conditions.

Her mistake was in thinking she could browbeat, cajole and intimidate other sovereign EU member states into doing what she told them they must.

Even now, she won't really back track and stills calls for a "EU solution" i.e. We, Germany, will tell you what you must do.

Hope the German electorate finally wake up to this absurd woman or want's to make the EU more like the Warsaw Pact.


What I cannot understand is why European countries should pay for these refugees on a scale equal to or in some cases greater than the people who have lived & worked all their lives in each respective European country, as refugees they should be given shelter but what about all the national homeless people and in some cases pensioners who have to survive in various homes or shelters and not provided with the same amount of care unless they have contributed to the state during their life as a born & bred citizen, in anyone's language this is wrong & why so many people are upset.


Everyone should send refugees straight through to Germany until Merkel says enough.

No more. Until then send them directly to her. This flood is entirely of her making.


Everyone should send refugees straight through to Germany until Merkel says enough.

No more. Until then send them directly to her. This flood is entirely of her making.

The first is exactly what has been happening all along, the second has been tried.

Namely a Bavarian district president put some volunteering refugees on a bus and had them driven right in front of the chancellery in Berlin, 500 km.

Merkel wasn't happy about it, but did nothing to change politics; she told him he actually should bus those refugees to Greece, but then they would just walk right back up to him again.

Which firstly shows Merkal still dreams of a European solution that will not come. She lost her last allies with Sweden (where stupidity and denial of reality took went to such length that civil war is just round the corner with natives crying they want their country back as they know it and forming militias) and Austria, along with the more reluctant followers from Holland and France.

Secondly, it shows helplessness, as she apparently sees no way to prevent any given number of unknown people crossing half a dozen European countries illegally. Which apparently does not serve to make her realize she's been totally on the wrong track.


Oh, and it's Frau Merkel. Actually Dr. Merkel. "Herr" means "Mister".

Well, looking at pictures I'd say it's "Herr" then. thumbsup.gif

Used to be much worse, believe me...


She's never had a proper job in all her life. Just like Tony Blair.

Baerboxer, on 16 Feb 2016 - 11:52, said:
SgtRock, on 15 Feb 2016 - 19:00, said:

It will come as no surprise that this is causing division within the EU.

The migrant crisis is only the straw that broke the camels back.

Merkel invited them and is now panicking. Threats being issued over border controls.

If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

Estimates for arrivals in Jan 2016 range from 62 - 92, 000. 3000 a day.

That NATO amphibious taxi service is going to be extremely busy come the end of March and the improved crossing conditions.

Her mistake was in thinking she could browbeat, cajole and intimidate other sovereign EU member states into doing what she told them they must.

Even now, she won't really back track and stills calls for a "EU solution" i.e. We, Germany, will tell you what you must do.

Hope the German electorate finally wake up to this absurd woman or want's to make the EU more like the Warsaw Pact.

Spot on. I think the German public have woken up and that will be shown in 2017.

I would like to see the Germans adhering to International law which says that refugees must be given safety, shelter and food.

Large fields, fenced off with razor wire and electric fences - Safety

Tents, loads of tents - Shelter.

Field kitchens and ablution blocks - Food and amenities.

These could be knocked up by Military engineers for relative peanuts, all staffed by Military personnel for added security.

Job done.


Her mistake was in thinking she could browbeat, cajole and intimidate other sovereign EU member states into doing what she told them they must.

Spot on. I think the German public have woken up and that will be shown in 2017.

Nah, looks like Christmas will come early. There will be elections in three German states in March 2016, and in two more states later that year.

And in Saxony-Anhalt it looks like they won't even be able to form a grand coalition if newcomer AFD only gets the votes the polls indicate, and they are thought to be too low.

And, of course, neither SPD nor CDU will join AFD because they are so evil right-wing populist they demand half a year early all the things the ruling coalition legislates half a year later.


Her mistake was in thinking she could browbeat, cajole and intimidate other sovereign EU member states into doing what she told them they must.

Spot on. I think the German public have woken up and that will be shown in 2017.

Nah, looks like Christmas will come early. There will be elections in three German states in March 2016, and in two more states later that year.

And in Saxony-Anhalt it looks like they won't even be able to form a grand coalition if newcomer AFD only gets the votes the polls indicate, and they are thought to be too low.

And, of course, neither SPD nor CDU will join AFD because they are so evil right-wing populist they demand half a year early all the things the ruling coalition legislates half a year later.

Did you read fully the AFD Program?

If not, read it.

There are only certain mass media painting here the "right devil" on the wall.

The ever-growing membership are civil people who have dropped out of the established parties.

The party is committed to the interests of the Germans.

Full commitment to the constitution.

In the days of unlimited migrations a purely existential and understandable perspective.

And this party has more grassroots democracy than any other.

Everyone is called here to actively participate.


And, of course, neither SPD nor CDU will join AFD because they are so evil right-wing populist they demand half a year early all the things the ruling coalition legislates half a year later.

Did you read fully the AFD Program?

If not, read it.

There are only certain mass media painting here the "right devil" on the wall.

The ever-growing membership are civil people who have dropped out of the established parties.

The party is committed to the interests of the Germans.

Full commitment to the constitution.

Wrong tree, preaching to the choir!

I have read that party program, I consider AFD a democratic party, I am actually all in favour of them.

That said, I'd like it still better if CDU were to come round and get back to realistic politics in a position were they don't have to compromise as much with other parties. I.e. without Merkel.

That post was sarcasm as some posters here think AFD were xenophobic, evil, extreme right and whatnot, so I pointed out they are habitually lambasted for demanding the same-self things the non-evil ruling coalition then puts into law, much belated.


And, of course, neither SPD nor CDU will join AFD because they are so evil right-wing populist they demand half a year early all the things the ruling coalition legislates half a year later.

Did you read fully the AFD Program?

If not, read it.

There are only certain mass media painting here the "right devil" on the wall.

The ever-growing membership are civil people who have dropped out of the established parties.

The party is committed to the interests of the Germans.

Full commitment to the constitution.

Wrong tree, preaching to the choir!

I have read that party program, I consider AFD a democratic party, I am actually all in favour of them.

That said, I'd like it still better if CDU were to come round and get back to realistic politics in a position were they don't have to compromise as much with other parties. I.e. without Merkel.

That post was sarcasm as some posters here think AFD were xenophobic, evil, extreme right and whatnot, so I pointed out they are habitually lambasted for demanding the same-self things the non-evil ruling coalition then puts into law, much belated.

That is true.

Merkel made her own party and coalition incapable of governing.

Then her big mouth (We make it, no limitations).

Embarrassing for all Germans.

She has appeared in such an important question of how EU migration policies can work, not even interviewed the partner countries in the EU.

That shows that the whole construction: EU, not really works.

And it's not just a German problem.

Even in England, France, Belgium and in many other countries, the native residents are annoyed by the immersive mass influx of strangers with absolute opposite ways of comprehending of coexistence.

The social, cultural, religious and especially financial problems are inevitable.

Hopefully more rational politicians get their way in the EU, representing the interests of their native inhabitants. Merkel no longer represents the interests of the Germans and not the interests of the Europeans. Hopefully the next elections will show it.


The sheer effort required for media activists to craft their "picture is worth a thousand words" narrative and always find women and children for their political news/photo ops, is now so obvious it would be laughable if it did not scream "collusion." Indeed, we are all now aware EU governments are psyops their own people with false narratives. The images, as above, are further evidence of the cognitive dissonance affecting the EU, and the world. The photos are primarily children, women, the elderly, and rarely depict those that are now terrorizing (lower case "t") the EU with rapes/robberies/assaults/mayhem/intimidation,antisemitism, protest, demands, ad naseum. Our own senses now inform us of a very different narrative unfolding then the governments tired refrain. Governments are clinging to falsehoods and 1/2 measures but they cannot sell their wares any longer.


Well, Turkey just made last week a new refugee camp for Syrian Turkmen and Arabs on Syrian territory without asking permission to Assad.

Syrian Kurds were not allowed to take shelter...

All this with EU funds.

Is this a new way to tighten European borders by using selective mass human helpless buffers ?

Not surprising now that Turkey is now hosting approx 2.5 million refugees and still waiting for the promised funding commitments from EU countries. Turkey is trying to stop the human wave of Syrian refugees fleeing from Aleppo & trying to cross over to it's territory. Don't believe the Russians whose actions have generated this new mass movement are lifting one finger to assist.

Turkey is claiming the Kurds fighting in Syria are affiliated to or members of PKK who have been killing within Turkish territory for years, as well as recently committing acts of terrorism on Turkish soil, therefore a threat to national security.

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