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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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You think The Americans would open their eyes and learn from the

Pathetic give away European Countries. America has always been

About: get an education, work hard and no matter who you are, where

You come from, you can be successful. Now, it looks like a new

Generation wants to sit on their ass and look for a free ride....We all

know, "No Such Thing as Free," someone has to pay!!!

"Pathetic give away European Countries". ?!?!?....My Pathetic give away European Country has free health care for everyone for as long as I can remember.....something that does not exist in the big US of A....(that Land of the Freeeee)

America may not have free health care, but the health care we do have is the envy of the world. 5 years ago I had open heart surgery, and suffered an unrelated complication resulting in 17 days on a respirator and in a coma in ICU. Total time in the hospital was 27 days. I recovered, and the total bill was over $250,000. My cost was $1346, total. Insurance paid the rest. The amazing thing is, if I had shown up at the hospital without insurance, I still would have received the same quality of care, but if unable to pay, the cost ends up in the form of higher pemiums for those of us responsible enough to make sure we have insurance at all times. Since the implemention of Obamacare, my insurance (which I pay for) has gone up 82% in 3 years. Sander's proposals are beautiful dreams, but he has no realistic solutions to pay for them. Perhaps if the USA did not have to pay for the large military expenditures, and was able to focus on just our territory, some of Sander's proposals could be implemented. But that would require the rest of the Free World to step up and pay their fair share as well, and frankly, especially in Europe, the budgets are stretched thin with social spending and dealing with the massive influx of migrants. The social engineering during the current administration has doubled the US deficit, and is virtually equal to the deficits created by all administrations before it. Until the USA gets a grip on spending, our problems are going to get worse, not better. The USA has got to stop being a nanny state, and start promoting personal responsibility. That will not happen with either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. For the record, I would have liked to vote for John Kasich, but that option was not available.

No Country has free health care. What Country envies America Health Care system it is the most expensive health care system of any industrialised country on Earth with the worst patient outcomes. Your operation would have cost half that in a publicly funded health care system. Most of the bill is profit gouged by greedy health providers also looks like you ran into trouble needing ICU. Probably wouldn't have happened in a publicly funded health care system as they have to pick up the tab if they stuff up. If you showed up to a hospital without insurance you would have been transported elsewhere. Sanders health care is fully funded and you will see your premiums and health care costs come down dramatically. Sanders is actually going to only fund wars where the countries who have an issue stump up cash and commitment as well rather than just the American taxpayer footing the bill. Yes, I have heard a little of Kasich's positions and they do sound quite sensible. Unfortunately the word Leehman Bros. hangs over his head.

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I am looking forward to seeing the candidates acting like presidents in waiting. It's just getting nasty right now on the campaign trail. Someone with integrity who will balance the economy and everything else will follow. Eliminate Clinton & Sanders, Good luck USA !

Then look no further than Hillary or Bernie. They're both presidential, inclusive and saying things which bolster Americans' sense of self-worth.

In contrast, the Republican contenders are dividers, and keep hammering on how screwed up America is. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather go with an articulate person who can put a sentence together, who doesn't build themselves up by cutting others down, and who is willing and able to take tangible action to improve situations for all Americans, not just rednecks and the very rich.

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

Finally someone who makes me proud that I too am an American. Thabk you so very much for your intelligent informed assessment and importance of the coming POTUS election. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to quote you to my friends I left behind in America ... I must admit I'm envious of your comments and wish I had said them myself .... excellent, just excellent clap2.gif

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It's going to be Trump vs the witch in November. Next topic please . . .

It is indeed looking like that's the case. If I can't have Sanders then Trump will get my vote, as he's the only other candidate taking a stand against "free trade," which is of course a product of lobbying, as well as our campaign finance laws run amok--another issue Trump speaks truthfully about.

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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Whatever happens I hope that moron Trump doesn't get into a position of power.

I would like to see if Bernie Sanders can change things for the US, but I suspect that Hillary will in fact win.

What has improved under obama for you.?

He has set back race realtaions back to the Jim Crowe days for one. His biggest supporters(coloreds) have been hurt the worst under his presidency.

Nothing. I'm not an American.

I just think Trump is a clown and a dangerous one at that.

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

Really well put Thaidream.

I can never remember meeting an American I didn't like. Good people. When I see them being manipulated politically and economically it really pisses me off. They deserve much better in my book. The reason I am a Bernie supporter is I know he has the best interests of the American People that I have met at the centre of his policies. The obscenely wealthy can struggle by on $100M rather than $10B. Poor bloody sods.

Edited by up2u2
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Not overly impressed with any of the candidates, so more a question of who wouldn't mess things up even more.

Cruz and Rubio are lightweights, both in terms of support and leadership. Might not be bad, but can't really see either handling things properly in the oval office.

Trump is an accident waiting to happen. Certainly not the person to lead, bridge differences and act as the responsible adult (both domestically and abroad).

Sanders represents a set of ideals which may, under different conditions, be the long term right thing for the USA. That said, far from clear how this vision will fare the clash with changing realities.

Clinton stands for much that people find objectionable and wrong in the USA political system. Fair enough, she earned it. Might not be the best candidate in a perfect world, and even not in an imperfect one. With the current crop of candidates, though, I see no one who got a better shot at keeping things together.

Many election campaigns see people cheer for extremes in the earlier stages. Often, initial polls reflect sentiments against current affairs, policies and events. This seems to be the case with Trump's and Sanders's current popularity. More a indication of leadership vacuum than an affirmation of the candidates abilities to lead the nation. The importance of such candidacies got less to do with their actual chances of being elected, but rather with their impact on mainstream political positions and trends. The messages might not have near term consequences, but I think it is obvious to many that voters are not particularly happy with certain aspects of current USA politics.

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It's going to be Trump vs the witch in November. Next topic please . . .

It is indeed looking like that's the case. If I can't have Sanders then Trump will get my vote, as he's the only other candidate taking a stand against "free trade," which is of course a product of lobbying, as well as our campaign finance laws run amok--another issue Trump speaks truthfully about.

Interesting that you choose a candidate from each side. I like your open-mindedness. My first pick would be for Trump because of his anti Washington stance and a breath of fresh air.

However, what does worry me about Trump is the way he childishly goads Cruz and Rubio, but isn't very good at it. He comes across as inept at winning an intelligent debate.

Cruz talks a lot without actually saying much, so Rubio at the moment seems a good shout. Not sure though if he has the backbone to run a country.

Correct me if I am wrong, but would history show that Republican govts have a better record of military? IE) looking after the safety of the States and it's allies?

I'm English so many might ask what all this has got to do with me. But unfortunately, the western world follows America. So it impacts on many in the world.

If I had my way, I would have certain nations as friends as it would be foolhardy to alienate everyone, but I sure as s**t hope Britain leaves the EU. I want ALL the troops brought home and look after MY country and do the job the police are totally inept at. Let other countries kill each other, after all, they are living 500 years behind the West so why should we be worried? They can eliminate themselves without our help!!

But I digress. I do not know enough about Bernie, but maybe he could be a breath of fresh air similar to Trump, but maybe a more sensible option?

Being English, I would lean towards a Republican govt but please please please . . . NOT Clinton. Been there, done that more than enough times. Vote Clinton and either stand still or go backwards as a nation


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It's going to be Trump vs the witch in November. Next topic please . . .

It is indeed looking like that's the case. If I can't have Sanders then Trump will get my vote, as he's the only other candidate taking a stand against "free trade," which is of course a product of lobbying, as well as our campaign finance laws run amok--another issue Trump speaks truthfully about.

Interesting that you choose a candidate from each side. I like your open-mindedness.

I think that is more common this election than in any other in history.

People of both major parties are tired of voting in politicians who promise to do something then don't even seem to try when they start collecting their taxpayer funded paycheck followed by lifetime benefits. They want something different.

Enter Trump & Sanders. Trump is definitely not a politician, and Bernie is something of an outsider himself being such a Socialist (not even a Democrat).

I'm not a big fan of Trump but when I look at the other Republicans I can't help but think more of the same as what got us in the mess we are. Same for Hillary. She offers more of the same that has done nothing for our country. At least this time no one is running on "Hope & Change". That well has been poisoned for a few generations. Now it is more like "Destroy and Rebuild".

If the country doesn't head in the right direction after this election, there might not be another until after the revolution. OK, that's highly improbable to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

No, Sanders' "problem" is that black people (and to a lesser extent hispanics) will not vote for him. His rallies are whiter than a New England blizzard. The Democratic Party essentially has become the Black Party. And while Hillary does everything but put on Black Face and sing Black Like Me, Sanders looks like a crotchety White old New Yorker. Blacks will never vote for that.

"The Democratic Party essentially has become the Black Party"

If you are saying that the Democratic party is the party that black people instinctively and loyally vote for, then black people will vote for whichever candidate the party runs for president.

People tend to vote for the party they voted for the last time, and the time before that.

Except, of course, those treasured "swing voters".

Edited by Enoon
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The only two people who will not be business as usual are Trump and Sanders. I like some things about both but there is no way I would want Trump speaking for me as he is rude and a bit of a bully. The little respect we have left in the world would disappear the second he took office. That leaves Sanders.... New ideas for a broken system .... I think I am starting to feel the Bern :)

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A number of potential leaders have been left off, including Mickey Mouse. Alfred E. Newman and Mickey are getting a little old now, although experience probably counts for something.

This poll is limited to the candidates getting the most attention and therefore the ones that probably the majority of our members will have some knowledge about their strengths and weaknesses.

Well, it appears that Goofy won the vote here.

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The megalomania, the nationalist rhetoric, the xenophobia, the scapegoating, the brinksmanship, the temper tamtrums, the contempt for the press, the angry oratory, haughty posture and commanding hand gestures when he speaks, the cult of personality, the encouraging of a goon squad treatment of protesters by supporters?

The comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are not overblown. Despite his high entertainment value, and the resulting 24/7 coverage he gets from the news, he is a very dangerous demagogue who would almost certainly get America involved in another military conflict due to diplomatic failures and exacerbate already divisive social tensions at home.

People who think it would be entertaining to have Donald Trump as a president should recall that cheering and adoring crowds thronged the roads when Hitler rode into Austria after the 1938 Anschluss as well.

Edited by Gecko123
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It's going to be Trump vs the witch in November. Next topic please . . .

It is indeed looking like that's the case. If I can't have Sanders then Trump will get my vote, as he's the only other candidate taking a stand against "free trade," which is of course a product of lobbying, as well as our campaign finance laws run amok--another issue Trump speaks truthfully about.

Interesting that you choose a candidate from each side. I like your open-mindedness. My first pick would be for Trump because of his anti Washington stance and a breath of fresh air.

However, what does worry me about Trump is the way he childishly goads Cruz and Rubio, but isn't very good at it. He comes across as inept at winning an intelligent debate.

Cruz talks a lot without actually saying much, so Rubio at the moment seems a good shout. Not sure though if he has the backbone to run a country.

Correct me if I am wrong, but would history show that Republican govts have a better record of military? IE) looking after the safety of the States and it's allies?

I'm English so many might ask what all this has got to do with me. But unfortunately, the western world follows America. So it impacts on many in the world.

If I had my way, I would have certain nations as friends as it would be foolhardy to alienate everyone, but I sure as s**t hope Britain leaves the EU. I want ALL the troops brought home and look after MY country and do the job the police are totally inept at. Let other countries kill each other, after all, they are living 500 years behind the West so why should we be worried? They can eliminate themselves without our help!!

But I digress. I do not know enough about Bernie, but maybe he could be a breath of fresh air similar to Trump, but maybe a more sensible option?

Being English, I would lean towards a Republican govt but please please please . . . NOT Clinton. Been there, done that more than enough times. Vote Clinton and either stand still or go backwards as a nation


Thanks, though I don't see it as choosing a candidate from each side because Sanders and Trump both are staunchly anti-establishment. Their D / R designations are mostly just window dressing, which is why neither man is treated well by the mainstream media (as the press has long become part and parcel of the ruling oligarchy).

I share your concern regarding Trump's tendency to bloviate, except that his rhetoric should also been seen as an equal and opposite reaction to political correctness--and from my vantage point, that good outweighs any bad by far.

A growing number of Americans are realizing they've been disenfranchised by the two-party system; that in fact, the two parties are really one, beyond a few divisive social issues. Whether as a result of the far-Right's Christian fundamentalists or the Left's so-called social justice warriors, politicians wield political correctness to perpetuate an Us vs. Them mentality, provoking Americans to hate each other, all the while doing the bidding of their corporate overlords in the form of things like "free trade" and ceaseless wars.

What I like, then, about both Sanders and Trump is that each in his own way makes a priority of the issue most impacting the country: money in politics and the need to get it under control.

Which brings me to answer your question: at this point, if the Republicans have a better record running the military--and I'm not saying they do, given Iraq--it's definitely an instance of the lesser of two evils. As far as I'm concerned, no establishment candidate should be trusted, not while their campaigns are paid for in part by multinational defense contractors, for whom war equals profit.

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Free Health Care??? No such thing Someone Has to Pay!!

In Americe we pay $350+per month for health insurance so

It doesn't break us.....you can't afford to retire and live in

Your own Country because of low pensions and high taxes

For all these FREE things

Not quite correct, it's free to the extent that everyone pays a little. In Australia it's 1-1/2 % (Medicare) if that's what $350 a month is in the US, well good luck to you! Once you retire in Europe and/or Oz that is the end of your Medicare payments and the end of tax payments (If you're on the the government pension as most working people are.).

The good folk in the US have allowed the old Dutch "Yankie" attitude of "if you can't afford to look after youself then bad luck to you" "work harder!" to rule their lives, what they are not allowed to see is that the rest of the world has realised that a happy worker is a good worker!

The American system would rather see the worker poor and with no future so that they're concentrating on staying alive rather than looking forward to the rightful reward of all their labours!

Sorry America, you've allowed the cancer of money politics because you weren't interested, now you're paying the price!! sad.pngwai.gif

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

Edited by Jingthing
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The megalomania, the nationalist rhetoric, the xenophobia, the scapegoating, the brinksmanship, the temper tamtrums, the contempt for the press, the angry oratory, haughty posture and commanding hand gestures when he speaks, the cult of personality, the encouraging of a goon squad treatment of protesters by supporters?

The comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are not overblown. Despite his high entertainment value, and the resulting 24/7 coverage he gets from the news, he is a very dangerous demagogue who would almost certainly get America involved in another military conflict due to diplomatic failures and exacerbate already divisive social tensions at home.

People who think it would be entertaining to have Donald Trump as a president should recall that cheering and adoring crowds thronged the roads when Hitler rode into Austria after the 1938 Anschluss as well.

The first sentences are so utterly vacant as to render the remainder of this post drivel. (Remember, in any election, the incumbent is either running directly or his/her platform).

Even if all you said in the first part is true your keen observation apparently has no room for why such a phenomena might present itself today in American psyche. The numbers involved are historic, vast, if not overwhelming. You indict Trump and supporters as the problem, suggesting whatever motivates them is your accepted worldview. What these people protest is the problem (not themselves for protesting it), which you give no voice to here. But perhaps we can tease the underlying issue if we accept your premises.

America is sick of the dissolving glue of national identity being forcibly, insidiously engineered into a transnational amalgam that is repugnant.

Americans are not so much sick of people from elsewhere as the realization that the people from elsewhere are increasingly making America look exactly like the last place [they] left. Americans do not want to embrace others at the expense of no longer being themselves; we should this always be the price they pay for compassion? Americans want to be Americans and the fact that this needs to be defended intellectually suggests the depth of disease they protest.

America has been a nation where racial division has been used as tool to balkanize, divide, and rule the people, especially lately. Now, in the US people are guilty of corruption of blood, because they were born white. Black people have the highest unemployment rates since the jim crowe era under Obama and you suggest people are scapegoating? "Scapegoating" is effectively where the goat was sacrificed for the whole. In the US the resident status quo is the scapegoat for the social engineering progressives. One does not have to agree but a failure to see this, as the post above, suggests the validity of Trump/American's protests.

"Brinkmanship?" Under Obama the Doomsday Clock has inched ever closer to midnight. One cant get any clearer than this but lets try: add to this every other issue on the global calendar right now and the ante has been upped across the globe. Enter regions are moving closer to war. "Brinkmanship?" http://thebulletin.org/timeline

Under Obama, Freedom of the Press rankings for the United States has dropped so far as to be mind numbing. America, land of the free, is roughly dropped to 49th in freedom. Under Obama Namibia and Botswana have more press freedom. "Contempt of the press?" How about contempt for reason? https://index.rsf.org/#!/

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." etc, ad naseum. "Haughty posture?" Get on "high horse..."

It will be ages before another human assumes this mantle from Obama. Period! While some of what is charged against Trump is true, without context it's demagoguery. Obama is the standard against which American protest/Trump now contrast.

"Megalomania." "Cult of personality?" I rest my case below. Only Hitler and Obama have been so universally enshrined in to cult in the modern era.


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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but having 800 to 1000 foreign military bases covering the planet in no way shape or form indicates one's desire of "we are trying to be alone" . No one asked us (USA) to invade Korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria etc etc etc etc... our psychotic sociopathic leaders/govt decided to do that all on their own ... Why? ... to these psychotic sociopaths the MIC and war is nothing more than a business. An evil nasty deadly heart wrenching business, but none the less a business. It's simply a means to an end and that end is more power and wealth. And the backers or the funders of these MIC military terrorists is the bankers which is the other blight on America and every nation/country on our planet. The bankers as with the MIC DO NOT produce or make anything useful or productive or contribute to a peaceful happy society, they simply tear down, destroy and spread misery where ever and when ever they can .... all for power and wealth ... they want whats theirs yours and mine, that's "their" goal ... total dominance (power) and 99% of all the wealth, you see that's the world and the aphrodisiac of the psychotic sociopath ... that's the world of todays US govt and it's cowardly paunchy rich beyond imagination "leaders"

I don't actually disagree with you in principle. This is why I will never again vote for an entrenched politician who I now know is owned by Wall Street and the MIC through campaign contributions. Huge contributions.

Just in the past two years, Bill and Hillary Clinton have received more than $60 million dollars for "speeches". Am I to believe that isn't buying influence?

As for the military bases all over it has to stop. Europe can (almost) afford its proud socialism because it spends tiny amounts on defense. The US spends more than half of the world's military budget and has big bases in Europe. Germany acts like it's hot stuff while it's land is covered by US military hardware it doesn't have to pay for.

This is just part of the backlash of the voters right now. They are waking up to the clear fact that there's little difference between an R and a D. They are looking for an outsider to go to DC and kick butt. They have no option other than Trump, who's funding his own campaign and decrying the mess we're in.

We're going to get to see how that works out.



World War II Germany

During World War II, Nazi Germany extracted payments from occupied countries and compelled loans. In addition, countries were obliged to provide resources, and forced labour.

After World War II, according to the Potsdam conference held between July 17 and August 2, 1945, Germany was to pay the Allies US$23 billion mainly in machinery and manufacturing plants. Reparations to the Soviet Union stopped in 1953. In addition, in accordance with the agreed-upon policy of de-industrialisation and pastoralization of Germany, large numbers of factories were dismantled or destroyed.[citation needed] Dismantling in the west stopped in 1950.

Beginning before the German surrender and continuing for the next two years, the United States pursued a vigorous program of harvesting all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents and many leading scientists in Germany (known as Operation Paperclip). Historian John Gimbel, in his book Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany, states that the "intellectual reparations" taken by the U.S. and the UK amounted to close to $10 billion.[5] German reparations were partly to be in the form of forced labor. By 1947, approximately 4,000,000 German POWs and civilians were used as forced labor (under various headings, such as "reparations labor" or "enforced labor") in the Soviet Union, France, the UK, Belgium and in Germany in U.S run "Military Labor Service Units".

Germany paid Israel 3 billion DM in Holocaust reparations, and paid 450 million DM to the World Jewish Congress to compensate survivors in other countries. No reparations were paid to the Roma who were killed during the Holocaust. Some of the estimates of homosexual men and women murdered under the Nazi regime range from 2,000-10,000. Little evidence exists of the numbers of actual homosexuals murdered. Though many homosexual survivors applied for reparations, only one received financial compensation; the presence of many homosexuals in Party organizations such as the S. A. is thought to have had a chilling effect on such claims in post-war Germany.[6]

World War II Italy
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The megalomania, the nationalist rhetoric, the xenophobia, the scapegoating, the brinksmanship, the temper tamtrums, the contempt for the press, the angry oratory, haughty posture and commanding hand gestures when he speaks, the cult of personality, the encouraging of a goon squad treatment of protesters by supporters?

The comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are not overblown. Despite his high entertainment value, and the resulting 24/7 coverage he gets from the news, he is a very dangerous demagogue who would almost certainly get America involved in another military conflict due to diplomatic failures and exacerbate already divisive social tensions at home.

People who think it would be entertaining to have Donald Trump as a president should recall that cheering and adoring crowds thronged the roads when Hitler rode into Austria after the 1938 Anschluss as well.

The first sentences are so utterly vacant as to render the remainder of this post drivel. (Remember, in any election, the incumbent is either running directly or his/her platform).

Even if all you said in the first part is true your keen observation apparently has no room for why such a phenomena might present itself today in American psyche. The numbers involved are historic, vast, if not overwhelming. You indict Trump and supporters as the problem, suggesting whatever motivates them is your accepted worldview. What these people protest is the problem (not themselves for protesting it), which you give no voice to here. But perhaps we can tease the underlying issue if we accept your premises.

America is sick of the dissolving glue of national identity being forcibly, insidiously engineered into a transnational amalgam that is repugnant.

Americans are not so much sick of people from elsewhere as the realization that the people from elsewhere are increasingly making America look exactly like the last place [they] left. Americans do not want to embrace others at the expense of no longer being themselves; we should this always be the price they pay for compassion? Americans want to be Americans and the fact that this needs to be defended intellectually suggests the depth of disease they protest.

America has been a nation where racial division has been used as tool to balkanize, divide, and rule the people, especially lately. Now, in the US people are guilty of corruption of blood, because they were born white. Black people have the highest unemployment rates since the jim crowe era under Obama and you suggest people are scapegoating? "Scapegoating" is effectively where the goat was sacrificed for the whole. In the US the resident status quo is the scapegoat for the social engineering progressives. One does not have to agree but a failure to see this, as the post above, suggests the validity of Trump/American's protests.

"Brinkmanship?" Under Obama the Doomsday Clock has inched ever closer to midnight. One cant get any clearer than this but lets try: add to this every other issue on the global calendar right now and the ante has been upped across the globe. Enter regions are moving closer to war. "Brinkmanship?" http://thebulletin.org/timeline

Under Obama, Freedom of the Press rankings for the United States has dropped so far as to be mind numbing. America, land of the free, is roughly dropped to 49th in freedom. Under Obama Namibia and Botswana have more press freedom. "Contempt of the press?" How about contempt for reason? https://index.rsf.org/#!/

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." etc, ad naseum. "Haughty posture?" Get on "high horse..."

It will be ages before another human assumes this mantle from Obama. Period! While some of what is charged against Trump is true, without context it's demagoguery. Obama is the standard against which American protest/Trump now contrast.

"Megalomania." "Cult of personality?" I rest my case below. Only Hitler and Obama have been so universally enshrined in to cult in the modern era.

What an absolute load of contrived balderdash. America is fast becoming a failed State. Every Institution has been infiltrated by the greed of the wealthy elite and Corporate America. Although Obama has managed to repair some of the damage done by his Republican predecessor W Bush it is systemic reform that is now required. His move to provide affordable health care for millions of Americans and unemployment numbers have improved, although they are shitty low paid jobs the Budget is now in surplus and the national debt has decreased slightly and Obama his gained the respect of nations around the world and restored some self respect for the American people. With an obstructionist Conservative Congress it is amazing he has managed to achieve what he has.

What is required now is someone who can really continue Obama's legacy and push for institutional reform using the best ideas from other countries that outperform America in health, education, financial sector and social justice. That person is Bernie Sanders.

Your comments sound intellectual but on scant analysis they are just apologetic Right Wing drivel.

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It's going to be Trump vs the witch in November. Next topic please . . .

It is indeed looking like that's the case. If I can't have Sanders then Trump will get my vote, as he's the only other candidate taking a stand against "free trade," which is of course a product of lobbying, as well as our campaign finance laws run amok--another issue Trump speaks truthfully about.

Interesting that you choose a candidate from each side. I like your open-mindedness. My first pick would be for Trump because of his anti Washington stance and a breath of fresh air.

However, what does worry me about Trump is the way he childishly goads Cruz and Rubio, but isn't very good at it. He comes across as inept at winning an intelligent debate.

Cruz talks a lot without actually saying much, so Rubio at the moment seems a good shout. Not sure though if he has the backbone to run a country.

Correct me if I am wrong, but would history show that Republican govts have a better record of military? IE) looking after the safety of the States and it's allies?

I'm English so many might ask what all this has got to do with me. But unfortunately, the western world follows America. So it impacts on many in the world.

If I had my way, I would have certain nations as friends as it would be foolhardy to alienate everyone, but I sure as s**t hope Britain leaves the EU. I want ALL the troops brought home and look after MY country and do the job the police are totally inept at. Let other countries kill each other, after all, they are living 500 years behind the West so why should we be worried? They can eliminate themselves without our help!!

But I digress. I do not know enough about Bernie, but maybe he could be a breath of fresh air similar to Trump, but maybe a more sensible option?

Being English, I would lean towards a Republican govt but please please please . . . NOT Clinton. Been there, done that more than enough times. Vote Clinton and either stand still or go backwards as a nation


Thanks, though I don't see it as choosing a candidate from each side because Sanders and Trump both are staunchly anti-establishment. Their D / R designations are mostly just window dressing, which is why neither man is treated well by the mainstream media (as the press has long become part and parcel of the ruling oligarchy).

I share your concern regarding Trump's tendency to bloviate, except that his rhetoric should also been seen as an equal and opposite reaction to political correctness--and from my vantage point, that good outweighs any bad by far.

A growing number of Americans are realizing they've been disenfranchised by the two-party system; that in fact, the two parties are really one, beyond a few divisive social issues. Whether as a result of the far-Right's Christian fundamentalists or the Left's so-called social justice warriors, politicians wield political correctness to perpetuate an Us vs. Them mentality, provoking Americans to hate each other, all the while doing the bidding of their corporate overlords in the form of things like "free trade" and ceaseless wars.

What I like, then, about both Sanders and Trump is that each in his own way makes a priority of the issue most impacting the country: money in politics and the need to get it under control.

Which brings me to answer your question: at this point, if the Republicans have a better record running the military--and I'm not saying they do, given Iraq--it's definitely an instance of the lesser of two evils. As far as I'm concerned, no establishment candidate should be trusted, not while their campaigns are paid for in part by multinational defense contractors, for whom war equals profit.

Got ya. I must say in the UK for far too long, the labour party and the conservative party have had hardly any differences! Labour never meant labour for me. I spent more time in work under the blues than the reds! Now we have Corbyn as Labour leader and he is far left, more so than Sanders I would suggest. However, he has sympathising links to the IRA who were/are terrorists so I don't really see a future for him in mainstream politics.

Going back to the military in USA, I was implying that the Republican govt put more emphasis in keeping the country safe more than what the Dems would? More about intent than success or failure . . .

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300 million Americans and these are the choices we have? A habitual liar who accomplished absolutely nothing as a senator or secretary of state and is the political version of a Kardashian; aTexas nut job; a New York super rich nut job; an inexperienced robot; and Bernie. Guess I'll go with Bernie but I am not thrilled with the choices.

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