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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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Although not ideal, i think mr Trump would be the best of a really bad bunch....isn't there any good, honest, up-standing, americans about these days? Not one without a skeleton in his closet?

You gotta have a republican this time, Bernie and Hitlery are nut-jobs worse than The Donald....glad i haven't got a vote...er, NONE OF THE ABOVE seems a good choice.

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America is hard to understand. They make a law for all,then one State doesn't like it ,and Changes it. .I was taking to a Trucker last year who had just driven through 5 States only to be blocked entering Idaho cause his Truck was 14/6 hi not 14. This seems to represent the U S quite well to me..

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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Right. Obama has doubled the US national debt in just 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all of the prior US presidents did in 240 years. We can't afford another five minutes of him, much less 4 years. If he doubled it again it would be 40 trillion dollars. No, I don't think we need any more Obama.

He's the guy who decided to attack Libya and kill Qaddafi and turn the place over to ISIS. He's no better than GW Bush.

There are enough Americans who have "had it up to here" with Washington DC on both side of the aisle that you are seeing a wipe-out of the establishment.

We don't want to feel a socialist burn either because then we'd wind up like Europe. Everyone on the planet would be storming in for free benefits which is exactly what you get when things are "free". Now the UK's national debt is fast approaching that of the US as a percentage of GDP and climbing fast. These "happy times" can't go on forever when paid for with debt.

Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo.


Better abstain from voting then.

I think you know very little about Europe, or ....

do I notice some hidden jealousy.

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300 million Americans and these are the choices we have? A habitual liar who accomplished absolutely nothing as a senator or secretary of state and is the political version of a Kardashian; aTexas nut job; a New York super rich nut job; an inexperienced robot; and Bernie. Guess I'll go with Bernie but I am not thrilled with the choices.

I have to agree the choices are less than spectacular on both sides. But that's what we've got to deal with this time and we will deal with it by electing the lesser of the evils, Hillary Clinton.

Isn't it sad that the US has a choice which would be the lesser of the evils.

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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Right. Obama has doubled the US national debt in just 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all of the prior US presidents did in 240 years. We can't afford another five minutes of him, much less 4 years. If he doubled it again it would be 40 trillion dollars. No, I don't think we need any more Obama.

He's the guy who decided to attack Libya and kill Qaddafi and turn the place over to ISIS. He's no better than GW Bush.

There are enough Americans who have "had it up to here" with Washington DC on both side of the aisle that you are seeing a wipe-out of the establishment.

We don't want to feel a socialist burn either because then we'd wind up like Europe. Everyone on the planet would be storming in for free benefits which is exactly what you get when things are "free". Now the UK's national debt is fast approaching that of the US as a percentage of GDP and climbing fast. These "happy times" can't go on forever when paid for with debt.

Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo.


Better abstain from voting then.

I think you know very little about Europe, or ....

do I notice some hidden jealousy.

I've never voted anywhere and doubt I ever would.

I don't know much about Europe having never lived there and never really spent any time there (mainland Europe I've been to Prague and that's it).

Jealousy of what?

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Personally I find it peculiar that US citizens who generally come across as anti-authoritarian want to vote an individual, Trump, into Office who represents authoritarianism.

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and what exactly has this got to do with thailand - other than that the whole world incl. thailand will be a lot worse off once this up himself w.....r gets in office?

I pray you are wrong my friend, i really do. There can be nothing more frightening than having a bully at the helm of the most powerful nation on Earth.

History is littered with stories about power crazy bullies getting into power, we don't need to write another one.

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One can't really be too authoritarian as an American president. Too many checks and balances. Remember last years arguments here about Obama's executive orders? Those orders are already beginning to become unwound by the Supreme Court. It's a good system assuming one wants to pass legislation. Most proposals are designed not to pass but lay the groundwork for politicking instead.

Washington could use a deal maker. Used to be a deal would incorporate some of what both side wanted in order to reach majority consensus. Nobody got exactly what they wanted but in the main it was progress that moved the country forward. What legislation that gets passed now, instead, must incorporate the worst ideas from both sides so both sides are happy and the country loses out. That will continue under Hillary. That and more wars. Just the idea of not experiencing more of that makes Trump attractive to some.

That's not to say Trump wouldn't try it on with the executive orders. Obama certainly opened the door for that, but ultimately most would be quashed or voided by the SC IMO.

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Hilary is too much "Clinton" - dishonest from the soles of her feet to the roots of her hair.

Trump is just SO un-Presidential material - but after Presidents like Bush and this grotesque Obama - he could be good.

No matter, Trump IS going to be the next President of the United States - so good luck to him and all of us.

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Bernie all the way. oi love to have a president like Bernie but no chance:(

with Bernie, i believe there will be more equality, better mid class and less trouble on Earth.

I believe Trump is the most fascist presidential candidate ever. if he is selected, i am sure there will be a world war 3 and handing the red button of ballistic missiles to Trump? holy sh...i...t..e!

or muslim radicalism and any radicalism sure will climb. just trouble to the world. i am sure many countries do not even accept him in their borders!

and Murricans voting for him are the uneducated or prejudiced or very selfish Murricans i believe that cannot differentiate right or wrong or care about their rant.

i trust the people of USA for not selecting Trump and going forward with Bernie.

Edited by Galactus
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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Right. Obama has doubled the US national debt in just 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all of the prior US presidents did in 240 years. We can't afford another five minutes of him, much less 4 years. If he doubled it again it would be 40 trillion dollars. No, I don't think we need any more Obama.

He's the guy who decided to attack Libya and kill Qaddafi and turn the place over to ISIS. He's no better than GW Bush.

There are enough Americans who have "had it up to here" with Washington DC on both side of the aisle that you are seeing a wipe-out of the establishment.

We don't want to feel a socialist burn either because then we'd wind up like Europe. Everyone on the planet would be storming in for free benefits which is exactly what you get when things are "free". Now the UK's national debt is fast approaching that of the US as a percentage of GDP and climbing fast. These "happy times" can't go on forever when paid for with debt.

Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo.


Better abstain from voting then.

I think you know very little about Europe, or ....

do I notice some hidden jealousy.

I've never voted anywhere and doubt I ever would.

I don't know much about Europe having never lived there and never really spent any time there (mainland Europe I've been to Prague and that's it).

Jealousy of what?

Message was meant to be for never Sure.

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I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

Oh you flatter us too much. But I'm hansum

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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Right. Obama has doubled the US national debt in just 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all of the prior US presidents did in 240 years. We can't afford another five minutes of him, much less 4 years. If he doubled it again it would be 40 trillion dollars. No, I don't think we need any more Obama.

He's the guy who decided to attack Libya and kill Qaddafi and turn the place over to ISIS. He's no better than GW Bush.

There are enough Americans who have "had it up to here" with Washington DC on both side of the aisle that you are seeing a wipe-out of the establishment.

We don't want to feel a socialist burn either because then we'd wind up like Europe. Everyone on the planet would be storming in for free benefits which is exactly what you get when things are "free". Now the UK's national debt is fast approaching that of the US as a percentage of GDP and climbing fast. These "happy times" can't go on forever when paid for with debt.

Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo.


Better abstain from voting then.

I think you know very little about Europe, or ....

do I notice some hidden jealousy.

What do you mean by jealousy? Europe's a basket case.

It too will reject it's career politicians in their hunt for taxes plus ever shrinking pension funds and racial tensions

It's tipping point is closer than America's when expenditure will result in decline

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Seems unbelievable that a country as great as USA co even consider proposing a contender for president who has so little real diplomatic skills or experience, maybe the combed hair forward is supposed cover more that these deficiencies.

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The ignorance not only in the states but on TV is making me want to puke. Trump is a fascist, modern day but pure and not so simple. The other members of the buffoon car are dominionists that think their interpretation of bible should rule the US and the world. Hillary is nothing but a bought and sold neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. Bernie is the only chance for the US and the world, barring a real revolution in the states. A real revolution, while ridding the world of some very bad, insane actors would result in chaos in the entire world. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there. Bring back Nuremberg.

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Seems unbelievable that a country as great as USA co even consider proposing a contender for president who has so little real diplomatic skills or experience, maybe the combed hair forward is supposed cover more that these deficiencies.

People are doing all they can to stop this madness. The Germans never got to see the Charlie Chaplin film about The Dictator, but the American people are going to have every opportunity to see this con man American fascisti has no clothes (not that anyone would want to see him naked, especially his wife). I have faith that the divisive evil that he represents will be blocked before it's too late. There is still plenty of time.

No, I'm not claiming HRC isn't deeply flawed, she is ... but she'll just be another mediocre president. Trump will be a disaster.

Edited by Jingthing
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Personally I find it peculiar that US citizens who generally come across as anti-authoritarian want to vote an individual, Trump, into Office who represents authoritarianism.

And Obama isn't what you call "authoritanian"?

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The ignorance not only in the states but on TV is making me want to puke. Trump is a fascist, modern day but pure and not so simple. The other members of the buffoon car are dominionists that think their interpretation of bible should rule the US and the world. Hillary is nothing but a bought and sold neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. Bernie is the only chance for the US and the world, barring a real revolution in the states. A real revolution, while ridding the world of some very bad, insane actors would result in chaos in the entire world. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there. Bring back Nuremberg.

Obviously you are either a leftish or you have no idea what the word "fascist" means... although usually those two things walk hand in hand.

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Sanders #1; then Trump; then inoffensive Rubio, third; then Cruz, the brain dead tea-bagger fourth; then finally that horrid warmonging Hillary monster, she would be last

Wow, sorry you see Hillary as a horrid warmonging monster. Last time I checked, it was Republican presidents who dragged US soldiers to war.

Well, I hope you don't have bad dreams with your vivid imagination of horrid female monsters lurking around. Hillary will be president. Perhaps you could use some psychiatric help for the imagined demons in your head.

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As of now, according to this T.Visa straw poll, if all Democrats voted for Democrats and all Republicans voted for Republicans,

.....the Dems would win: 198 to 171

Well, Im not a Democrat but I chose Bernie Sanders in the poll. I will not be switching my vote to either of the front runners. Of the Sanders voters I know, which are quite a few because I have done work on the campaign, some would switch to Trump, some would write in Bernie as I intend to do and many will stay home. So, I'm not sure the conclusion you've drawn is justifiable.

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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

Descending on the dark side.

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Who would make the best POTUS?

Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

Descending on the dark side.

If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

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