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Thai research shows university graduates still have highest unemployment rate


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Research shows university graduates still have highest unemployment rate


BANGKOK: -- The National Statistics Office today revealed its latest research of employment situation among population over 15 years old in January this year showing that university graduates still have the highest unemployment rate.

It said that of the 38.13 million population in the working age, up to 347,000 people are still unemployed, or 0.9%.

When compared with the same period last year, unemployment dropped by 57,000 people.

However, if compared with December last year, unemployment rose by 92,000 people.

It said university graduates remained to have the highest unemployment rate or 103,000 people, followed by pre-university or Matayomsuksa Plai level graduates of 71,000 people.

It went on stating that youths or population aged 15-24 years old have the highest unemployment rate of 4.3%.

But when taking into consideration of unemployment rate of the same period last year of 4.5%, it showed a decline.

However when compared with the previous month, unemployment rate rose from 2.5% to 4.3%.

For unemployment rate among adults or over 25-year-old population, it stood at 0.5%, a decline from 0.7% when compared with same period last year.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/152881

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-29

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

And you would know this how? Are you some expert on the Thai employment sector? Please...

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"...university graduates still have the highest unemployment rate."

Can't hire anyone who is more qualified than someone who either paid for, or got his job through family connections. Too much face to lose when someone who is more qualified exposes the fact that the person presently holding the position doesn't know squat about his job.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

yeah. i agree 100000%

I wanted to pay a thai writter to write for THEIR BLOG and pay them to do it. the "smart thai" person wanted 2000 baht per 1-2 paragraph post.... on their own site.... i was like...

i pay and american 150b an article... a perfectly informative ... well written... with FACTS and reference. THe thai spoke english, but had an iq of a tomato. and wrote with errors, it felt like i was reading an article about how to talk to babies in baby talk.

OVER PAID.. UNDER QUALIFIED... 99.9% of the 1% think im lying? prove me wrong... asshat.

Now i pay a simple happy thai. 500b a day to write 2 articles in thai. DId the "smart thai" person win? I hope not... i hope never. now the thai with no degree is making more money than the one with a degree. Privileged thais aint so priviledged without the underprivileged. Universities dont seem to be the place where smart people are any more. ... just ones desperate to be placed into top positions.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

A young woman from our village, went to college for 5 years to become an English teacher. She graduated and can not speak English.

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One problem is that these graduates usually have not been prepared for much. They have been socialized but they have not been educated.

Thai graduates tend to know only one thing: how to be Thai.

An indicator of the quality of Thai education can be seen in that cashiers at Tesco Lotus and Big C must generally be 4 year graduates

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I don't think anyone believes the accuracy of those NSO unemployment statistics, however if Thai graduates think they have problems, they should look at their Chinese counterparts. In China, students have started calling their graduation ceremonies 'unemployment parties'. Maybe the phrase will catch on here in Thailand.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

just like all the western countries
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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

And you would know this how? Are you some expert on the Thai employment sector? Please...

I used to employ Thai people so it makes me an expert I suppose.

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unemployment dropped by 57,000 people

And where exactly is employment increasing for Thais?

There has been an upsurge in construction with the government funding of infrastructure but that seems to attract largely low-paid migrants. I suspect unemployment drops due in part to more Thais leaving Thailand (ie., to Russia, Israel, Europe, Turkey, etc.) for employment rather than remain in Thailand as unemployed.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

yeah. i agree 100000%

I wanted to pay a thai writter to write for THEIR BLOG and pay them to do it. the "smart thai" person wanted 2000 baht per 1-2 paragraph post.... on their own site.... i was like...

i pay and american 150b an article... a perfectly informative ... well written... with FACTS and reference. THe thai spoke english, but had an iq of a tomato. and wrote with errors, it felt like i was reading an article about how to talk to babies in baby talk.

OVER PAID.. UNDER QUALIFIED... 99.9% of the 1% think im lying? prove me wrong... asshat.

Now i pay a simple happy thai. 500b a day to write 2 articles in thai. DId the "smart thai" person win? I hope not... i hope never. now the thai with no degree is making more money than the one with a degree. Privileged thais aint so priviledged without the underprivileged. Universities dont seem to be the place where smart people are any more. ... just ones desperate to be placed into top positions.

The irony is strong in this one :P

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I don't think anyone believes the accuracy of those NSO unemployment statistics, however if Thai graduates think they have problems, they should look at their Chinese counterparts. In China, students have started calling their graduation ceremonies 'unemployment parties'. Maybe the phrase will catch on here in Thailand.

The Philippines another example, very large numbers of undergrads and postgrads can't find employment, been like this for decades.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

Manual labour? What's wrong with being a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician. A friend of mine's son has two degrees and sat on his backside trying to get professional work for 2 years without success but took on a trade course in carpentry to fill in the time. He's happy as a pig in a pigsty now. ANd of course has the wherewithal to start his own business especially with his economics degree. By the way a guy in the states who has the highest IQ in the USA is a truck driver.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

Manual labour? What's wrong with being a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician. A friend of mine's son has two degrees and sat on his backside trying to get professional work for 2 years without success but took on a trade course in carpentry to fill in the time. He's happy as a pig in a pigsty now. ANd of course has the wherewithal to start his own business especially with his economics degree. By the way a guy in the states who has the highest IQ in the USA is a truck driver.

Here's another factor, plenty of Thai companies and foreign companies operating in Thailand avoid / don't employ new your graduates because so many of them are: lazy they don't listen and don't follow work output instructions, they continuously come late of are regularly absent, they refuse to contribute to work discussions, they play games / talk to friends on the smartphones when they are supposed to be working or listening to the boss etc. I know 5 Japanese companies who now have actual policies which have been generated by this whole situation: 3 have policies youngest age for employment is 25, 2 more have 27 years youngest age policies.

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

Manual labour? What's wrong with being a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician. A friend of mine's son has two degrees and sat on his backside trying to get professional work for 2 years without success but took on a trade course in carpentry to fill in the time. He's happy as a pig in a pigsty now. ANd of course has the wherewithal to start his own business especially with his economics degree. By the way a guy in the states who has the highest IQ in the USA is a truck driver.

+ Indeed. The 'Brain of Britain' a few years back was a London tube train driver.

I'm wondering if the high unemployment rates with undergraduates can also be linked to the type of degree that the student studies for. It would seem in the West that numerous students who have degrees in "The Arts' or "Social Studies" have difficulties in finding employment, whilst generally doctors, engineers and the like get jobs. Is it the same in Thailand I wonder?

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My wife once employed a woman with a Masters degree in English and Business. First of all her English was horrible and she could not even put together a simple budget.

However, I liked her smile and she dressed super sexy, so encouraged my wife not to fire her. Unfortunately, my wife with no degree (but common sense) did not listen to me ;-)

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Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

Manual labour? What's wrong with being a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician. A friend of mine's son has two degrees and sat on his backside trying to get professional work for 2 years without success but took on a trade course in carpentry to fill in the time. He's happy as a pig in a pigsty now. ANd of course has the wherewithal to start his own business especially with his economics degree. By the way a guy in the states who has the highest IQ in the USA is a truck driver.

Nothing wrong with manual labor but when you get a real education your not aiming for manual labor your aiming for greater things.

Now if people are happy as manual laborers then that is good, its not my thing but we can't all be working with our brains. Some people have skills with their hands and some have their brains. Mostly people who go university want to use their brains not their hands. So that is what they studied for.

When I studied manual labor was the last I wanted to do and also I was not suitable for that. So it would have been a last resort for me. I would not go to uni for a long time and become a manual laborer, if I wanted that I would study a trade from the start and do a shorter education and work earlier in life. That is how it is done. if you make a choice for one thing your going to go for it and then the other thing is a last resort.

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In much of the world, an unemployment rate of 4 or 5 percent is no big deal. It is just the normal slack in the system. So having undergrads at this level of unemployment in Thailand is inconsequential.

However, the reported overall unemployment in Thailand at 1 to 2 percent is a much greater concern. It is a misleading number that masks severe underemployment, especially in the informal sector (e.g. agriculture).

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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  • 5 months later...
On 3/1/2016 at 11:40 PM, phoenixdoglover said:

In much of the world, an unemployment rate of 4 or 5 percent is no big deal. It is just the normal slack in the system. So having undergrads at this level of unemployment in Thailand is inconsequential.

However, the reported overall unemployment in Thailand at 1 to 2 percent is a much greater concern. It is a misleading number that masks severe underemployment, especially in the informal sector (e.g. agriculture).

Yep.  This is the bottom line.  40% jobs are agriculture and are seasonal.  If you lose your office job in Bangkok, move back to the farm and work one hour a week in the field then are "employed".


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