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Need to get out of the house - URGENT

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It's a very common story. You used to live with the same person for years, having breakfast, go to work, back for diner. Enjoy the week end and a couple of weeks holiday together. Happy life together.

Then come retirement, together 24/7/365. And happy together no more.

I need to get the hell out of the house ! URGENT !

A smartass suggested that i spent my days in Starbuck like the people who have been fired and won't tell their wife. Thanks but no thanks

Basically I need an activity, a job, whatever ... that will take me out of the house 5 days a week like in the good old time (I would never have thought I would ever say that !!!). I've run a company in Hong Kong for 20+ years so I can do a lot of things

Any suggestion welcomed

Bangkok area.

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Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

I think the OP was trying to make a point that now he has retired, his lifestyle and routines have all changed, hence boredom is setting in. And I can guarantee you he is not alone, I know many people who have gone through the same thing.


OP do you live in a city?

If yes i cannot help you.

If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).


Retirement is a scary thing. I'll be there in a few years. As much as I'm looking forward to being with family full time, I'm also thinking to myself "what am I going to do" Buy myself lots of toys...pool table, motorcycles, gym equip. or find a decent gym. Surely an adjustment.


Just a suggestion. It may not get ou out of the house but have you considered online at something like Coursera. This gives you something to keep your mind active and gives you goals to achieve.

If You are in Chiangmai there is a place where youcan rent table space quite reasonably so you could even get out of the house and see other people at the same time.


OP do you live in a city?

If yes i cannot help you.

If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

get yourself a loving dog,

who doesnt answer back.

will greet you when you come home,SOBER OR PEEYED.

you can take it for walks,

doesnt snore in bed,

and will always be there for you.

and not forgetting the family doesnt visit.

love me love my dog.



Bored, its a modern thing,manly used by kids with a short attention span,

I am retired,since I was 42,and I can tell you its a whole lot better than

going to work everyday,just wish I had time to be bored,there is so much

to do.you must be bored through lack of imagination,why you posted for

help on here.P.S. now 70.

regards Worgeordie


OP do you live in a city?

If yes i cannot help you.

If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

What? No hobbies? No bucket list to pursue?

I believe there is a misunderstanding. I'm busy no problem. I just need to get out of the house.

Just a suggestion. It may not get ou out of the house but have you considered online at something like Coursera. This gives you something to keep your mind active and gives you goals to achieve.

I did. I joined the CISCO Networking Academy and follow an online training leading to a CCNA certification. Not that I'm interesting by the certification at a professional level but as you say as a way to keep the mind active and develop my knowledge in a field that interest me.


Take up very long distance running? There is nothing short of a real job that keep away for that long

Where are you?

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This is why golf was invented.

Go to any golf course in the world monday to friday and it will be full of retired guys getting away from their wives


OP do you live in a city?

If yes i cannot help you.

If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

get yourself a loving dog,

Did it. I have a lovely 3 month old GR puppy, probably one of the thing that keeping me sane


Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

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Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

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Actually we've been married for bit longer than that ...

I believe to keep the relation healthy we need to keep some private breathing space.

It's not a problem of keeping busy, it's really, literally, getting out of the house.


Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Actually we've been married for bit longer than that ...

I believe to keep the relation healthy we need to keep some private breathing space.


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It's time to start working on you now. Go to gym, pool, running, what ever will get you into shape. Find a local lake or park and go sit relax and read a book. Get some guys together for a night out. Take a road trip and visit someplace every few weeks with a few of the boys. I do all of the above plus go out for a few beers from time to time and it keeps me away and not board.


Can't help you there but as a pet I got my self a gold fish... the only thing around me that opens

it's mouth with out to say anything or to ask me for money.....


You could take Thai classes. Means you'd be keeping the brain active- you'd have a reason to get out of the house, you'd meet people while doing so, and you'd have a vaguely useful skill for living here (or if you know Thai already you could always take advanced classes). Plus you'd be on regular schedule with it. Homework. Etc.

Yoga. Art classes. Photography classes.

Join a sports club. Squash, badminton.

I don't know if any of that is helpful at all.


Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

That is quite an unpleasant thing to say ,





photography is a very rewarding hobby

i'd like to say cycling or get a motorcycle and explore but it's kind of dangerous out there...

find some friends you can meet up with; parks, coffee shops, lunch, etc

or get a girlfriend and combine many of the above... whistling.gif


Your in Bkk.....join a health club. Do yoga classes or cardio......schedule a twice weekly massage. learn how to cook and search out hard to find ingriedients and make killer food.......lots of stuff to do.Walk an hour a day....


So many options in Bangkok.

Golf, cooking, photography have all been suggested and all sound good to me.

A bike was also mentioned. I'd recommend a motorcycle and go touring. I'm not retired yet, but when I need a break I go on a bike tour. Whenever I strap an overnight bag on the back of the bike I feel like an avid explorer. Places you've visited before look different when you arrive on two wheels, and riding out of the city into the countryside feels great as you can 'smell' the improvements in the air (unlike when is a car). Going to bike meets is also good fun.

Or you can go down the traditional Thai route and get a young Mia Noi? But the most expensive, imported touring bike with full luggage accessories will cost you less.


It's time to start working on you now. Go to gym, pool, running, what ever will get you into shape. Find a local lake or park and go sit relax and read a book. Get some guys together for a night out. Take a road trip and visit someplace every few weeks with a few of the boys. I do all of the above plus go out for a few beers from time to time and it keeps me away and not board.

Did that already. Joined a gym when I moved to Thailand and lost 15 Kg. I run every other day, 20 to 25 Km / week on average

Read a book by the lake I could do that if the weather was a bit cooler but that wouldn't solve my problem.

No, I really need an activity that take me out of the house 9 to 5 at least 3 to 4 days a week.

In the plans is even going back to Hong Kong working as a consultant but there are a number of things that I would miss here so I want to give Bangkok at least a last chance.

To tell you how serious the situation is, I'm afraid that if I don't find a solution, our relation may end up in divorce. After all these years together It's something I would rather avoid ...


It's time to start working on you now. Go to gym, pool, running, what ever will get you into shape. Find a local lake or park and go sit relax and read a book. Get some guys together for a night out. Take a road trip and visit someplace every few weeks with a few of the boys. I do all of the above plus go out for a few beers from time to time and it keeps me away and not board.

Did that already. Joined a gym when I moved to Thailand and lost 15 Kg. I run every other day, 20 to 25 Km / week on average

Read a book by the lake I could do that if the weather was a bit cooler but that wouldn't solve my problem.

No, I really need an activity that take me out of the house 9 to 5 at least 3 to 4 days a week.

In the plans is even going back to Hong Kong working as a consultant but there are a number of things that I would miss here so I want to give Bangkok at least a last chance.

To tell you how serious the situation is, I'm afraid that if I don't find a solution, our relation may end up in divorce. After all these years together It's something I would rather avoid ...

That last paragraph kinda changes everything. I only speak for my self but If I was forced out of the house to avoid divorce then I will rather be divorced

It would be nice if we could talk to thai women about these problems but all you get is a wall of silence...

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Rumblecat wrote: take Thai classes ... keeping the brain active ... a reason to get out of the house, you'd meet people while doing so, and you'd have a vaguely useful skill for living here.



A bit of explaining is due why I need a "job" instead doing of one of the numerous activities you all very kindly suggested.

When I joined the gym here I hired a private trainer. Two reasons for that. The first was I haven't been in a gym for more than 25 years and I didn't know where to start. The second was a way to force me to go to the gym on a regular basis as I had appointment with my trainer and couldn't get lazy and postponed to the next day, and the next, and the next .... That led to endless argument with my wife who thought that driving her to visit her mother or shopping to the mall was more important that my appointment at the gym. And this is true for every other activity that I had leading again to endless and more and more heated arguments.

Having an "official" job or similar activity would get me out of this endless cycle of arguments. Or so I hope.

The other option is mentioned in my previous post.


Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Actually we've been married for bit longer than that ...

I believe to keep the relation healthy we need to keep some private breathing space.

It's not a problem of keeping busy, it's really, literally, getting out of the house.

Buy some land build a house by yourself and live 160 miles away from your Wife and get visits every 2 weeks............works for me


Setup a business here. Besides spending a lot of time on it, all the worries will also make you appreciate, what you already have ;-)

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