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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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All our liberal friends have is a 73 year old Socialist that isn't even a member of their party and a grandma that has 30+ years of being a Washington beltway charter member and is a proven pathological liar.
And they support it with comedians posing as their experts.
If it wasn't so inept I could almost feel sorry for them.
PS: It speaks volumes when you consider their leading candidate is facing five federal investigations as we speak. They need a little humor in their lives.

I predict the Democrats are going to reintroduce their most effective campaign slogan and bumper sticker to date: "Vote For The Crook. It's Important!". Used to great effect in LA's Edwards vs Duke campaign.

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The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Here we go again with the misinformation.

I'll type very slowly so you can keep up.

Obama is only HALF black, and he was raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother- father wasn't around to install any black culture. He wasn't even raised on mainland USA.

People don't hate HRC because she's a woman, they hate her because she's unlikeable and probably a crook. If she was a man they'd hate him just as much. She only got as far as she has because people liked Bill and she is a woman.

I guess Democrats are racists for not supporting the Hispanic candidates that they hate (Rubio & Cruz).

If the situation were reversed and Cruz were running as a Democrat, the media would be full of wonderful stories about the "historic" possibility of the USA having its first Hispanic president! What an amazing story! But the Dem-controlled media is ignoring that story angle. No mention at all in fact.

Why is the media ignoring the historical significance of the possibility of an Hispanic president?

Because Democrats DO NOT care about minorities. They use them, manipulate their emotions and fears in order to lock in their votes.

While Democrats use fear to get the minority vote, Trump is using something more concrete - jobs.

Civil Rights icon Medgar Evars' brother supports Trump because of JOBS...

Black guy supports Trump because he wants a JOB...

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The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Here we go again with the misinformation.

I'll type very slowly so you can keep up.

Obama is only HALF black, and he was raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother- father wasn't around to install any black culture. He wasn't even raised on mainland USA.

People don't hate HRC because she's a woman, they hate her because she's unlikeable and probably a crook. If she was a man they'd hate him just as much. She only got as far as she has because people liked Bill and she is a woman.

I guess Democrats are racists for not supporting the Hispanic candidates that they hate (Rubio & Cruz).

If the situation were reversed and Cruz were running as a Democrat, the media would be full of wonderful stories about the "historic" possibility of the USA having its first Hispanic president! What an amazing story! But the Dem-controlled media is ignoring that story angle. No mention at all in fact.

Why is the media ignoring the historical significance of the possibility of an Hispanic president?

Because Democrats DO NOT care about minorities. They use them, manipulate their emotions and fears in order to lock in their votes.

While Democrats use fear to get the minority vote, Trump is using something more concrete - jobs.

Civil Rights icon Medgar Evars' brother supports Trump because of JOBS...

Black guy supports Trump because he wants a JOB...

The black guy supports Trump because he wants a job video proves the point you should never argue with idiots.

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The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Here we go again with the misinformation.

I'll type very slowly so you can keep up.

Obama is only HALF black, and he was raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother- father wasn't around to install any black culture. He wasn't even raised on mainland USA.

People don't hate HRC because she's a woman, they hate her because she's unlikeable and probably a crook. If she was a man they'd hate him just as much. She only got as far as she has because people liked Bill and she is a woman.

I guess Democrats are racists for not supporting the Hispanic candidates that they hate (Rubio & Cruz).

If the situation were reversed and Cruz were running as a Democrat, the media would be full of wonderful stories about the "historic" possibility of the USA having its first Hispanic president! What an amazing story! But the Dem-controlled media is ignoring that story angle. No mention at all in fact.

Why is the media ignoring the historical significance of the possibility of an Hispanic president?

Because Democrats DO NOT care about minorities. They use them, manipulate their emotions and fears in order to lock in their votes.

While Democrats use fear to get the minority vote, Trump is using something more concrete - jobs.

Civil Rights icon Medgar Evars' brother supports Trump because of JOBS...

Black guy supports Trump because he wants a JOB...

The black guy supports Trump because he wants a job video proves the point you should never argue with idiots.

Idiots want jobs? Idiots want to work and provide for themselves? Idiots do not want gov't handouts?

It has been a very sad part of African American history, the 50 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed over Democrat attempts to block it.

Since then the Democrats have managed to still hold many blacks - and other minorities - down, to keep them "on the plantation" so to speak by brainwashing them into believing they are "victims" who need the Democrats in gov't to put food on their table because they are incapable of providing for themselves.

The Dems have never tried to help them get jobs, to help them provide for themselves (because "victims" tend to stop being Democrats when they start paying taxes).

Democrats demonize educated minorities as "Uncle Toms" or "idiots" voting against their interests. What they mean is voting against the interests of the Democratic Party.

Thankfully more and more blacks are seeing through the Democrat party's crap. This election might be the first time in decades that the Democrat received less than 85% of the black vote.

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President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

President Clinton has an excellent standing among Presidents.

Don't lump the Democrats in with the pathetic Republicans. After G W and Cheney, there should never be another Republican President.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

All the baggers should get use to the sound of "Madame President"

President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

Thanks for the humour. I laughed so much I fell off the chair.

The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Here we go again with the misinformation.

I'll type very slowly so you can keep up.

Obama is only HALF black, and he was raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother- father wasn't around to install any black culture. He wasn't even raised on mainland USA.

People don't hate HRC because she's a woman, they hate her because she's unlikeable and probably a crook. If she was a man they'd hate him just as much. She only got as far as she has because people liked Bill and she is a woman.

True. To the left it's a given that folks who don't like Obama, it's simply because of the color of his skin (while that may be true for some no doubt), it's just as disingenuous for me to say the left only support him because of his ethnicity. Or people only support Hillary because she's a woman. (while that may be true for some no doubt). None of it is absolutely true. But I have heard among Hillary supporters a kind of moral blackmail of other women that they have a moral obligation for all women to vote for Hillary simply on the basis of her gender. (Like I should vote for a man because I am one).

Another thing I find strange about the left especially expressed on TVF is the arrogant certainty that Hillary will be Potus beyond a shadow of doubt, even to advance booking of venues. She may well be (but less from her own merits) but I could never have the effrontery to celebrate before the event like so often I read on here. So many psychics who have never lived or could ever support themselves in the real world without state assistance and presume all will be as they can guarantee, because as is the case with so many teachers and academics they have sucked on the tit of the state all their lives with impunity all the while waltzing to the tune of the left and then graduated to the pension...products of their time.

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Twenty-eight percent of registered voters nationally are with the Republican party. That's 72% of registered voters who are not.

Only 28% yet the Obama admin felt it couldn't win in 2012 without fixing the last election in Ohio, and using the IRS to hobble citizen organizations supporting the Republican candidate.

Where do you get this rubbish?

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A few off-topic posts and replies removed. More should be, but for now we will settle for a public notice that the topic is about the World considers a Trump Presidency. Stay on topic.

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The right and the rest of the minority political fringe are trying to regroup around the already failed Republican campaign over on their side which is in a serious meltdown, disarray, chaos. It justifies restating that the self-dissembled Republican party this election cycle could not win a door prize much less a general election and Potus.

What remains of the shattered and fragmented Republican party.

The world has witnessed a parade of Republican governors running for the R nomination who fell on their face at the national level and who only exposed their incompetence on international issues of foreign policy.

The failed governors were the future of the backward walking Republican party. The sad and pathetic governors have exposed the fact the Republican party hasn't any future, each of 'em and all of 'em taken together: Scott 'Build a Wall At Canada' Walker, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Huckabee, Patacki, James Gilmore (who?); toss in Willard Mitt Romney who's controversially re-inserted himself from the thankfully defunct cycles of 2012 and 2008.

Then there are the troubled Republican Senators of the present and the immediate past: Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham who's perhaps the most confused of 'em all as he keeps saluting different flags run up the same pole.

The former and forever failed Speakers of the House Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, Dennis Hastert

The Republican and odd corporate types of Carly Fiorina, Herman Cain.

One politically brain dead psychopath carver Ben "The Knife" Carson.

The world and the vast and moderate centrist American electorate presently have the ragtag and wild remnants before us: Trump, Cruz, and the sad puppy dog John Kasich who, as governor of Ohio, is looking down the road to the Republican National Riots and Convention in Cleveland mid-July. ermm.gif

It is systemically still too soon in the 2016 election cycle to know yet what everyone is looking to identify and expects, the occasional "wave" election that occurs in any democracy when the objective conditions are right.

Voters created a wave election back in 1964 when they ran out the candidacy of the extremist and Republican Sen Barry Goldwater and swept Democrats into control of the White House and to huge majorities in both Houses of Congress....which gave America Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act so blacks could vote, along with much else the right continues to whinge and howl over. Now it's Mexicans who need to be excluded by the rightwhinge.

Reagan produced a wave election in 1980 which significantly put Republicans in their first Senate majority since the 1950s. In the 1994 midterm, Newt Gingrich and his Contract On America produced a Republican congressional wave election that turned the House Republican for the first time since 1954 (a very very loooong overdue swing of the political pendulum!).

In 2008 Barack Obama and the awful legacy of GW Bush produced a wave election that swept Democrats in to the White House and returned their majority in the Senate. With the D's existing House majority we got Obamacare which just turned six years old with 20 million subscribers so we're entirely grateful to you who are over on that side. Keep up the great work over there.

Both sides are expecting and anticipating a wave election this year for the Democrats, one side with an eagerness, the other side in a cold chill and the shivers. Indeed, Republican guards are at their elevated stations on the political shores and they are watching the sea. smile.png They report the swells are only getting higher, stronger, ominously frequent.

It's not a matter of whether the political tsunami alarm will sound across the Republican reactionary rightwhinge political landscape, it's the panic matter of when. The world awaits the further good news.

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Twenty-eight percent of registered voters nationally are with the Republican party. That's 72% of registered voters who are not.

Only 28% yet the Obama admin felt it couldn't win in 2012 without fixing the last election in Ohio, and using the IRS to hobble citizen organizations supporting the Republican candidate.

Where do you get this rubbish?

Same place where they get all their "Fair and Balanced" rubbish


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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.
An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.
An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

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For the Trump haters, you obviously know nothing about how the government works. You must think the president is a dictator who can make every rule as he goes along. The president can make no meaningful changes without the consent of congress. Unfortunately the congress is full of morons who make it tough for a president to do anything. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is bad.

Look at the buffoon we now have. Could anyone else be worse?

Ummm, The worst President in the history of the United States? The last Republican elected, the President prior to Barack Obama, George W Bush? You remember him don't ya?

America would be nostalgic for those happy days under George W after a Trump term.

I can't defend President Obama to the wingnuts. He would easily win another term if there were no term limits. His Presidency will justifiably enable a cake walk into the White House for HRC, even if the Republicans had an actual candidate.

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Unfortunately rabid democrats will vote for ANY democrat who is the nominee. Most of those rabid democrats are collecting some sort of benefits and they will never bite the hands that feed them. For the rational democrats, are you happy with business as usual? Truthfully the entire congress stinks. That means both parties. Apparently none of them is capable of balancing a checkbook. I really should be a flaming liberal and stand with my hand out. The reason I should go that way is because I will be dead and gone before the entire government implodes. I do feel sorry for my kids and grand kids who will have to solve the mess.

America is very happy with the current President. It's the Senate and the Congress people hate. The Republicans are self destructing and they're going to get crushed in November.

Sounds like the kind of Grandpa the kids dread being around. "Oh no do we have to listen to Grandpa and his flaming liberal bullshit again?"

Democrats will vote for ANY Democrat because the alternative is ANY Republican with their hatred and soul killing policies. Racism, xenophobia, guns, lower taxes on the rich and banning women's rights, are the reasons the Republicans don't have a prayer.

Democrats believe we can and must work together to solve America's problems. Republicans believe we're on the eve of destruction and we need to man the barricades. They're just pathetic.

The world shudders with the thought of Republicans ever getting the Presidency again.

Relax everybody, it ain't going to happen.

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Unfortunately rabid democrats will vote for ANY democrat who is the nominee. Most of those rabid democrats are collecting some sort of benefits and they will never bite the hands that feed them. For the rational democrats, are you happy with business as usual? Truthfully the entire congress stinks. That means both parties. Apparently none of them is capable of balancing a checkbook. I really should be a flaming liberal and stand with my hand out. The reason I should go that way is because I will be dead and gone before the entire government implodes. I do feel sorry for my kids and grand kids who will have to solve the mess.

America is very happy with the current President. It's the Senate and the Congress people hate. The Republicans are self destructing and they're going to get crushed in November.

Sounds like the kind of Grandpa the kids dread being around. "Oh no do we have to listen to Grandpa and his flaming liberal bullshit again?"

Democrats will vote for ANY Democrat because the alternative is ANY Republican with their hatred and soul killing policies. Racism, xenophobia, guns, lower taxes on the rich and banning women's rights, are the reasons the Republicans don't have a prayer.

Democrats believe we can and must work together to solve America's problems. Republicans believe we're on the eve of destruction and we need to man the barricades. They're just pathetic.

The world shudders with the thought of Republicans ever getting the Presidency again.

Relax everybody, it ain't going to happen.

How are you going to feel if the Teflon liar goes to jail? Trump will go in virtually unopposed if the socialist/communist is the nominee. Obama had two terms to make a difference and all he did was to divide the country. Sanders would love to try to turn the US into a new Europe. If she does slip out again, are you satisfied with business as usual?

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Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

The dogmatic far right has reset doctrine and gone to its Clinton default function.

Cause nothing else works either and the ideologues can't come up with anything different. So it's hit that anti-Clinton default key and keep pressing it and pounding it.

The thread and the topic are the world shuddering at a Gump Trump in the White House, a grim prospect the right has already lost trying to wholesale sell.

Trump btw is gonna look swell sitting in the dock as prosecutors dissemble him over his university scam. It's a felony offense y'know. The swindling of ordinary suckers from their small money by a billionaire.

Edited by Publicus
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Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

The dogmatic far right has reset doctrine and gone to its Clinton default function.

Cause nothing else works either and the ideologues can't come up with anything different. So it's hit that anti-Clinton default key and keep pressing it and pounding it.

The thread and the topic are the world shuddering at a Gump Trump in the White House, a grim prospect the right has already lost trying to wholesale sell.

Trump btw is gonna look swell sitting in the dock as prosecutors dissemble him over his university scam. It's a felony offense y'know. The swindling of ordinary suckers from their small money by a billionaire.

"She's under investigation by 5 branches of the government."


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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.

An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.

An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.
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Does anyone think hes gonna get clipped ?

Who is served? Too late for the Republicans and he's the savior of the Democats. He's the only impetus for a Democrat to even vote in the presidential election.

True for America, but don't forget the huge trade interests involved and the numerous foreign countries that would be negatively impacted if his rhetoric is believed.

Seems to be to be setting up a precarious security situation for him with lots of foreign countries and industries having a keen interest.

What are exports as percent of GDP? 13% ? Something like that. I imagine most of that is grain and weapons. None of that's going away.

US in 2013 exported $147.8 bn of IT and other high tech.

Unless Donald Trump is defeated somewhere along the line here, US is going to be using nuclear weapons in the ME (against Daesh). Trump won't rule it out, which means Trump is never going to get in. Goldwater talked this way in 1964 concerning the Vietnam war, on his way to getting crushed in the general election. Trump learns nothing nor does he care.

It's relevant and material that most US "arms" exports are high tech and high performance items such as Global Hawk Recon Drones to Japan, F-16 fighter jet contracting to Nato ally Turkey (blasted the Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber out of the sky)....in fact, most US "arms" exports are to treaty allies, to include Nato.

South Korea which has the FA-118 Super Hornet jet fighter has in recent months taken to actively and aggressively trying to also get the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system which is humongous bucks and a serious defense weaponry. US had also been ambiguous about it until very recently. Seems Washington doesn't much care any more what the CCP Dictators in Beijing say, like or dislike, to include the whackjobs in Pyongyang.

SecDef Ashton Carter is btw in the process of disinviting CCP from the 23-nation bi-annual Naval exercises off Hawaii. CCP has been saying their missiles and fighters on new islands in the SCS is the same as US military being in Hawaii. Minus one = 22 nations and that's just fine, if not perfect.

Now Trump has gone nuclear. The whole of the long term point of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to never use the weaponry again. Imagine Mussolini with nuclear weapons and, moreover, a hostile Pentagon.

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^^@Nevershure's post about Chinese factories on US soil. That graphic showing Americans would rather see 1,000 people employed by a factory owned by ethnocentric American company town owner Mr. Potter, than 2,000 people employed by a Chinese factory arranged by internationalist, George Bailey, means that Bedford Falls (Potterville) will indeed lead the descent of the US out of the ranks of Superpower.

There is nothing surprising there. I'm sure you would get the same result if you go back historically and ask that question about Japanese ownership of US based car factories, etc.. Americans are by nature ethnocentric, isolationist, xenophobic, and pine for the good old days of "It's a Wonderful Life." They need to grow up.

Donald Trump is the new Mr. Potter.

*For those not familiar with the fictional names - read wiki on the iconic American values movie, George Capra Movie It's a Wonderful Life.

Edited by keemapoot
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Thankfully, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Valeant... were / are not owned by Chinese

They don't need to, they have already bought the Clintons and the Democrat Party...

1996 United States campaign finance controversy

Bob Woodward and Brian Duffy of The Washington Post published a story stating that a United States Department of Justice investigation into the fund-raising activities had uncovered evidence that agents of China sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) before the 1996 presidential campaign. The journalists wrote that intelligence information had shown the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. was used for coordinating contributions to the DNC[2] in violation of United States law


Chinese company pledged $2 million to Clinton Foundation in 2013

A CBS News investigation has found that at least one foreign company with close ties to its government has been giving generously to the foundation run by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. The foundation has raised at least $42 million from foreign governments - and according to an analysis by CBS News - at least $170 million from foreign entities and individuals.


Maybe "the world" wouldn't be so afraid of Trump if he would sell them his influence like Hillary has.

Maybe foreign gov'ts would love Trump if all they had to do was donate a few million to his favorite foundation.

Maybe they are afraid of Trump because they are afraid what the asking price of a billionaire would be, a billionaire who wrote the book The Art of the Deal.

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Twenty-eight percent of registered voters nationally are with the Republican party. That's 72% of registered voters who are not.

Only 28% yet the Obama admin felt it couldn't win in 2012 without fixing the last election in Ohio, and using the IRS to hobble citizen organizations supporting the Republican candidate.

Karl Rove is still recounting the Ohio vote from November 2012. Ole Karl is in his small room in the basement of the Faux Building and he could probably do with a visit by a friend.

He keeps getting the same result each time:

Barack Obama 2,827,921 votes (50.7%)

Willard Mitt Romney 2,661,407 votes (47.7%)

We know what it means to do the same thing and get the identical result every time.

So ole Karl can't accept or believe it either.

Obama won. No chads, no Bush family, plus one Republican named Romney. That all adds up to the big Barack Obama reelection win in 2012 that did in fact occur.

The world has accepted it because the great majority of the US electorate decided it.

Carry on.

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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.

An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.

An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

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For the Trump haters, you obviously know nothing about how the government works. You must think the president is a dictator who can make every rule as he goes along. The president can make no meaningful changes without the consent of congress. Unfortunately the congress is full of morons who make it tough for a president to do anything. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is bad.

Look at the buffoon we now have. Could anyone else be worse?

Ummm, The worst President in the history of the United States? The last Republican elected, the President prior to Barack Obama, George W Bush? You remember him don't ya?

America would be nostalgic for those happy days under George W after a Trump term.

I can't defend President Obama to the wingnuts. He would easily win another term if there were no term limits. His Presidency will justifiably enable a cake walk into the White House for HRC, even if the Republicans had an actual candidate.

The founding fathers were wise indeed to prevent the second worst president in my memory being elected again. Unfortunately they can't prevent Obama mark 2 being elected.

While Trump may be an unknown, he can't possibly be worse than any of the other candidates still in the race. Come to think of it, he can't be worse than any of the previous ( IMO ) loser occupants of the White House since Kennedy.

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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.

An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.

An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

While your post is all off topic, it deserves a reply. So called "dinosaur" technology jobs are all that stand between the great mass of uneducatable citizens and poverty. All those jobs you laud don't require vast numbers of people and will dispense completely with humans once AI becomes good enough.

Trump is a realist in that he understands that to have a base of people with jobs is essential to a functioning country, and he would rather those jobs be done in America instead of China.

The days of intelligence based jobs for humans is rapidly vanishing.

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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.

An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.

An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

I've got some sympathy for your view that it is mostly legacy jobs lost and a tariff to mitigate or recompense for that loss may not be appropriate. I think there is no question however that environmental standards in places like China make this world more toxic for everyone, most especially the Chinese.. I'd like to see some kind of pollution index tariff scale applied to US importers where by a minor transgressors pays very little and a major transgressor hurts from it.

Yeah, I know that cost is ultimately borne by the consumer and that's just how it should be. If a consumer's choices in Peoria are leading to toxic outcomes elsewhere they should pay a penalty for that. This could in turn act as an inpetus to get that country to clean up as their sales decrease due to higher end cost to consumer.



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Your point is well taken about toxic outcomes. However, I have been involved deeply in large global trade and have seen the shell games that can be played, and are now being played by everyone, including the Chinese.

For example, I've stated several times on this forum how China is not a signatory to the TPP, and anti-trade Trumpers should support the TPP. To be honest, and most people on this forum don't know this, but Vietnam, which IS one of the TPP signatories, is seeing a huge influx of FDI and investment of all sorts by CHINESE companies, as well as American companies in anticipation of the TPP. In other words, Chinese firms, and all smart global traders, are too smart to be locked out of any market if they can help it, even going so far as to relocate to another more favorable country. It's the natural order of Capitalism. This is off-topic, and sorry for that, but Thailand also stands to lose out big time unless they either join the TPP, which they won't, or run off to Vietnam or other place to start a Vietnam company to take advantage of those trade pacts.

So, returning to the topic of world shudders, and part of the reason is this errant idea that Trump supporters believe that somehow isolationism will ever be the answer they are looking for. Capitalists are too fluid. They will find a way. It's a massive, global interconnected sourcing and suppy-chain web now.

There is "no place like home" anymore, and yes Dorothy, you are not in Kansas. Wake up Trumpers.

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