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Mexican president: Trump language like that of Hitler


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Mexican president: Trump language like that of Hitler

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto compared the language of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to that of dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in an interview published Monday, and said it has hurt U.S.-Mexico relations.

Asked about Trump, Pena Nieto complained to the Excelsior newspaper about "these strident expressions that seek to propose very simple solutions" and said that sort of language has led to "very fateful scenes in the history of humanity."

"That's the way Mussolini arrived and the way Hitler arrived," Pena Nieto said.

Pena Nieto until now had avoided direct comments on Trump, who has pledged to build a wall along the two countries' borders and has said Mexican immigrants bring crime and drugs to the U.S. and are "rapists."

But as the New York businessman has built a lead in the GOP primary, current and former Mexican officials have begun to publicly express alarm. Former Presidents Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon also have alluded to Hitler in describing Trump.

In the interview with Excelsior, Pena Nieto said that "there is no scenario" under which Mexico would pay for the border wall, as Trump proposes.

But he said he hoped cooler heads will prevail.

"I hope that prudence and restraint will prevail among the voters there, and at the end of the day there will be a government that we can seek dialogue with, as we have done with the government of the United States," Pena Nieto said.

He said he would work with whoever eventually wins this year's U.S. presidential election and to maintain a climate "of mutual respect and joint agreements."

In another interview published Monday, with the newspaper El Universal, the president said he would be "absolutely respectful" of the U.S. political process. But, he added, "It appears to me that (Trump's comments) hurt the relationship we have sought with the United States."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-08

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Look at Donald such a bad boy. Don't look over here at our drug cartels in bed with politicians, vast swathes of the country controlled by gangs, kidnap and ransom a normal part of life. Classic diversionary tactics by a losing side.

Once young Enrique calms down and apologizes for the foul language emanating from Mexico over Mr Trumps proposals he can get down to work building Donald's great wall (which has already gotten 10 feet taller thanks to Mexican hi-jinx)

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This is coming from a country that for many years has unleashed it's citizens, including many harden criminals on the US soil with no shame, this is a country with some of the most brutal and corrupted police force in south America,

Mexican president will do well to concentrate on bettering the lives of their people and put an end to the mass migrations

of his people to the promise land.... not to mention wholesale kidnappings and enslaving of people and worst of all, the Mexican drug barons that floods every corner of

world with their deadly narcotics......

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Interesting many of you criticize Mexico for its drug violence. This problem is fuelled in no small part by the vast appetite for illegal drugs in the US, and the unwillingness of conservatives to respond to the problem with measures that don't empower the most violent criminals.

Also, yes, Trump uses the language and strategy of classical fascism. If you don't agree you clearly haven't been paying attention.

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The word "fascist" is starting to permeate globally and to have a certain application in the instance of Trump and Trump only in the current campaign for the Republican party nomination to run for Potus.

A uniquely American fascism.

Which by definition is limited and destined to come up pathetically short as such extremes of ideology or personality always do in the USA.

Mexico is our lifetime neighbor in the New World so Americans have an affinity and an eternal bond with the country and its people...to all of Latin America.

Trump too shall pass.

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This is coming from a country that for many years has unleashed it's citizens, including many harden criminals on the US soil with no shame,

Mexican president will do well to concentrate on bettering the lives of their people and put an end to the mass migrations

of his people to the promise land.... not to mention wholesale kidnappings and enslaving of people and worst of all, the Mexican drug barons that floods every corner of

world with their deadly narcotics......

off topic! it is not about what is going on in Mexico.

you have to realize, all the world is scared of the probability that a fascist person might run USA!

and yes, Trump is basically doing the same rhetoric like Hitler and Mussolini. They were saying the same.

controlling the red button for ballistic missiles, migration and maybe concentration camps soon for Mexicans and Muslim?

and same can apply for USA:

- this is a country with some of the most brutal and corrupted police... same can be said for US police, killing everything colored!

- kidnappings happen in USA too. There were 258 000 kids kidnapped alone and total number of 800 000 person! USA on the top of the list for kidnappings!

- Millions homeless in USA as well. USA needs to better the lives of their citizens too.

- Narcotics? All about the consumers in USA and incompetent border guards.

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Enrique Pena Nieto Is a corrupt scum bag. Mexico is one of the most messed up places on earth and we need to keep that rift raft out of the states. Mexico people are so desensitized to extreme violence, torture and gore, they cannot reasonably integrate in the US on a large scale.

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You know, it is difficult for all of you who do not live in the US to judge! Stop. You do not know what you are talking about. It is so easy for people outside to"look" and determine what "would be best" when you are are not even were it is all happening! Do you know what "pompous ass" means? Would you not, look it up, because that is just what you are.

It is always a good thing to maybe suggest a different way to view a situation, that offers some possible alternative to how thing are now. But to criticize and condemn people when you do not have all the actual facts, well, that is simply inexcusable and only testifies to your own lack of education or knowledge. You know who you are, so be it.

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Cartels exist because of US drug habits for the most part.

Rather than build a wall, how about this solution?

Give Mexico back the land the US stole from them?

And, just how far would you like to take this line... How much has each of Europe’s countries taken? And just how much should they give back?!

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Interesting many of you criticize Mexico for its drug violence. This problem is fuelled in no small part by the vast appetite for illegal drugs in the US, and the unwillingness of conservatives to respond to the problem with measures that don't empower the most violent criminals.

Wow. You do know the liberals in the White House have armed the drug cartels, don't you? That is about as "empowering the most violent criminals" as you can get.

Key facts in 'Fast and Furious' gun-probe controversy


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You know, it is time for someone to stand up for the United States! And, I don’t mean that I agree with all the drone strikes. But, simply for being fair trade. And, Obama does not stand for the United States at all! That SOB has done nothing for “his” country. Oh, except for give it away! At least Trump is willing to take back what Obama gave away! You know, the strongest leader is not always the most popular...

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Interesting many of you criticize Mexico for its drug violence. This problem is fuelled in no small part by the vast appetite for illegal drugs in the US, and the unwillingness of conservatives to respond to the problem with measures that don't empower the most violent criminals.

Wow. You do know the liberals in the White House have armed the drug cartels, don't you? That is about as "empowering the most violent criminals" as you can get.

Key facts in 'Fast and Furious' gun-probe controversy


Fast and Furious? That was one of Obama’s biggest messes! What a total bach!

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Cartels exist because of US drug habits for the most part.

Rather than build a wall, how about this solution?

Give Mexico back the land the US stole from them?

Again, among the difficulties in Europe, why does not each country just give back the lands they each took from each other over the centuries? Hell, give back some to the middle east as well, right?!

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Cartels exist because of US drug habits for the most part.

Rather than build a wall, how about this solution?

Give Mexico back the land the US stole from them?

Mexico took that same land from Spain, which took it from the Aztecs, who took it from the Tepanec. Who exactly do you want to give the land to?

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Really, you guys take a look-listen to what all is being written here... If it were your home country, would you be in agreement? And, would you be so “king” on accepting a person’s opinions who is not a citizen of your country expressing what they think should be done? Of course not! So, all of you would back down a few steps and maybe be just “suggesting” and not judging! After all, it really is not any of your business in the first place, right?!

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You know, it is difficult for all of you who do not live in the US to judge! Stop. You do not know what you are talking about. It is so easy for people outside to"look" and determine what "would be best" when you are are not even were it is all happening! Do you know what "pompous ass" means? Would you not, look it up, because that is just what you are.

It is always a good thing to maybe suggest a different way to view a situation, that offers some possible alternative to how thing are now. But to criticize and condemn people when you do not have all the actual facts, well, that is simply inexcusable and only testifies to your own lack of education or knowledge. You know who you are, so be it.

fascist is fascist. you dont need be a murrican or live there to see this!

and i can judge a fascist anytime if a fascist judges me for being mexican or muslim.

so it is not only murricans get effected from this fascist in this case.

what i sense, i might get a nuke from trump bc i am mexican or muslim. arms of usa is long so please...

Edited by Galactus
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The OP was about the Mexican president's comments on Donald Trump. Comparing Trump to Hitler or Mussolini is really very insulting. The problem between Mexico and the United States is that Mexico has done absolutely nothing to stem the flow of illegals into the United States. Sure Trump is appealing to the many who believe that the US has been completely overrun by Latin America, but that is political rhetoric and Trump is just saying what many think. Sure people from Latin America are doing jobs that Americans don't want to do but that does not mean there should just be an uncontrolled border. Many on this forum have rightly condemned what is going on in Europe with the refugees and see it as the beginning of he end. Many people in America live in cities inundated with immigrants (not all of hispanic origin). I for one, now live in a county (Los Angeles) with about 35% foreign born and in many areas of the city of Los Angeles the figure jumps considerably to well over 50 to 70%. This has changed the demographics and dynamics of the city and county tremendously in a very short period of time. I can't say it has been for the better. Too much, too fast, can be a problem. Knowing immigrants, legal and illegal, I could never recommend deporting the 11 million illegals in this country, but on the other hand I would like to stop the illegal immigration immediately and if that takes a wall to do part of the job, so be it. I am not against all immigration but I am for putting an end to illegal border crossings, overstays, anchor babies and the rest of it. Talking about taking Syrian refugees when we have unemployment at such rates as exist is foolish in my opinion. Trump is not a Hitler or Mussolini or fascist because he uses campaign rhetoric to say things a good number of people are thinking and won't say because they have been shamed by political correctness into keeping quiet. Whether one likes Trump or not he says what a lot of people are thinking. Unfortunately the American public has been forced so far to the left or right by the political rhetoric of the politicians that they can no longer make common sense decisions or propose common sense solutions to the problems facing the country. It becomes a choice of extremes because candidates must talk in extremes to get votes. Kind of pathetic really.

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