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GOP attacks Democrat who lost both legs in Iraq for 'not standing' for vets


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GOP Attacks Democrat Who Lost Both Legs In Iraq For 'Not Standing' For Vets
Nick Wing, Senior Viral Editor, The Huffington Post
Jennifer Bendery, White House and congressional reporter, The Huffington Post


WASHINGTON -- A GOP effort to jab Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who is currently running for Senate, backfired spectacularly on Tuesday when the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent out a tweet accusing the combat veteran and double amputee of "not standing up for our veterans."

The posting caused an uproar on Twitter immediately, and the NRSC removed the tweet within 10 minutes. The website it linked to remains up, and criticizes Duckworth for her former role as director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.

Duckworth campaign spokesman Matt McGrath condemned the tweet and said its tone was typical of Duckworth's likely opponent, current Sen. Mark Kirk ®.

Full story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/nrsc-tweet-tammy-duckworth_us_56df371be4b0ffe6f8eb3349


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The GOP said Tammy Duckworth doesn’t ‘stand up’ for vets. The problem? She lost her legs — in Iraq.

<<photo not allowed on this community>>


The Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee in Washington deleted the post, yes, then it however put in this Tweet...

Duckworth turned her back on reports of VA wrongdoing. #ILSen https://t.co/wGFd0kIb96 pic.twitter.com/XVXmM1lurt

— Republicans (@NRSC) March 8, 2016

The NRSC predictably and cheaply blamed the MSM.

NRSC needs to do the two things it hasn't yet done in this crass fiasco it created. It needs to fire one or some staff and it needs publicly to apologise the US Rep. Tammy Duckworth. (Here is a photo that is "allowed.")


Duckworth is biracial, the daughter of an Army officer who served in Vietnam and an ethnic Chinese Thai immigrant mother who became a citizen in her 50s. She is fluent in Thai.

Edited by Publicus
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I'm not a constituent but I love Tammy... This is typical of Republican rhetoric, hoping to see them swept out of Congress in November and more members like Tammy there. And hopefully an implosion of the Republican party that will get them out of power once and for all...

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Of course he hyper-partisans on left are going to milk this for all they can, but it seems clear to me that this was an unfortunate turn of phrase rather than a deliberate attack on the congresswoman's physical injury/disability.

Anyone who is not a wingnut is hyper-partisan, eh?

These unfortunate "turn of phase" accidents are so common, they've become a cornerstone of the Republican platform.

Daily verbal atrocities roll off the lips of these despicable Republican creeps.

We're seeing the end of the GOP during this election cycle. America will eventually go the way of California in marginalizing these hateful people. Bye-bye.

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Good grief. It must be really tough being a Republican supporter. It just never ends. Day after day month after month year after year. 24/7 stupidity.

It really isn't that hard. We can see who is posting, scan the message and move on.

We know who the liberals are and what to expect.

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Good grief. It must be really tough being a Republican supporter. It just never ends. Day after day month after month year after year. 24/7 stupidity.

It really isn't that hard. We can see who is posting, scan the message and move on.

We know who the liberals are and what to expect.

Pot and kettle come to mind.

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Good grief. It must be really tough being a Republican supporter. It just never ends. Day after day month after month year after year. 24/7 stupidity.

It really isn't that hard. We can see who is posting, scan the message and move on.

We know who the liberals are and what to expect.

So be totally ignorant of reality. I find that impossible to do. Must be a pretty common Republican trait. Did the person apologies for their error? I noticed in the 'oh, look over there' distraction clip you posted Biden realised IMMEDIATELY his error and took concerted steps not to embarrass the person concerned. You know a person in touch with reality and owning up to an error and correcting it.

Unbelievable Chuckd. Your a weird mob all right. Nothing I could be associated with.

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Of course he hyper-partisans on left are going to milk this for all they can, but it seems clear to me that this was an unfortunate turn of phrase rather than a deliberate attack on the congresswoman's physical injury/disability.

Anyone who is not a wingnut is hyper-partisan, eh?

These unfortunate "turn of phase" accidents are so common, they've become a cornerstone of the Republican platform.

Daily verbal atrocities roll off the lips of these despicable Republican creeps.

We're seeing the end of the GOP during this election cycle. America will eventually go the way of California in marginalizing these hateful people. Bye-bye.

OK, explain to me how the Republican candidate would benefit from saying a woman who lost her legs in combat doesn't 'stand up' for veterans. rolleyes.gif

It was a stupid mistake that I can almost guarantee you has cost someone any chance of promotion in GOP politics and quite possibly his/her current job.

But if you want to discuss what Senator Chambliss' campaign did to Senator Cleland in 2002, that's another matter altogether.

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Good grief. It must be really tough being a Republican supporter. It just never ends. Day after day month after month year after year. 24/7 stupidity.

It really isn't that hard. We can see who is posting, scan the message and move on.

We know who the liberals are and what to expect.

So be totally ignorant of reality. I find that impossible to do. Must be a pretty common Republican trait. Did the person apologies for their error? I noticed in the 'oh, look over there' distraction clip you posted Biden realised IMMEDIATELY his error and took concerted steps not to embarrass the person concerned. You know a person in touch with reality and owning up to an error and correcting it.

Unbelievable Chuckd. Your a weird mob all right. Nothing I could be associated with.

" Unbelievable Chuckd. Your a weird mob all right. Nothing I could be associated with."

And I SO wanted to be an associate, Guess it's sack cloth and ashes for me the rest of the week.

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Good grief. It must be really tough being a Republican supporter. It just never ends. Day after day month after month year after year. 24/7 stupidity.

It really isn't that hard. We can see who is posting, scan the message and move on.

We know who the liberals are and what to expect.

So be totally ignorant of reality. I find that impossible to do. Must be a pretty common Republican trait. Did the person apologies for their error? I noticed in the 'oh, look over there' distraction clip you posted Biden realised IMMEDIATELY his error and took concerted steps not to embarrass the person concerned. You know a person in touch with reality and owning up to an error and correcting it.

Unbelievable Chuckd. Your a weird mob all right. Nothing I could be associated with.

" Unbelievable Chuckd. Your a weird mob all right. Nothing I could be associated with."

And I SO wanted to be an associate, Guess it's sack cloth and ashes for me the rest of the week.

Pretty much.

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Of course he hyper-partisans on left are going to milk this for all they can, but it seems clear to me that this was an unfortunate turn of phrase rather than a deliberate attack on the congresswoman's physical injury/disability.

Anyone who is not a wingnut is hyper-partisan, eh?

These unfortunate "turn of phase" accidents are so common, they've become a cornerstone of the Republican platform.

Daily verbal atrocities roll off the lips of these despicable Republican creeps.

We're seeing the end of the GOP during this election cycle. America will eventually go the way of California in marginalizing these hateful people. Bye-bye.

OK, explain to me how the Republican candidate would benefit from saying a woman who lost her legs in combat doesn't 'stand up' for veterans. rolleyes.gif

It was a stupid mistake that I can almost guarantee you has cost someone any chance of promotion in GOP politics and quite possibly his/her current job.

But if you want to discuss what Senator Chambliss' campaign did to Senator Cleland in 2002, that's another matter altogether.

Who cares? It was probably a mistake but they do this all the time. No comment is too low. Republicans don't get elected to take care of veterans. The get elected to protect the line of income from corporations, lower taxes on the rich and take rights away from women.

The fact is Republicans have consistently failed to give a shit about veterans. That's a fact. They love war but hate taking care of the men who fight it.

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Who cares?

Who cares about what? I haven't the slightest idea what you're referring to.

It was probably a mistake
OK, you admit that it was probably a mistake. What are you so upset about? The person who said it, probably didn't mean to say it. You can choose to either forget about it or whip yourself into a hyper-partisan frenzy in which you make absurd generalizations about Republicans that are completely off topic.
They get elected to protect the line of income from corporations, lower taxes on the rich and take rights away from women.
It seems you've made your choice.
The fact is Republicans have consistently failed to give a shit about veterans. That's a fact.
So, hold on a second. Is that a fact? I just want to be clear and you've only written it twice. Maybe next time, you could put it in all caps. The right wing hyper-partisans have a habit of writing FACT. They also like to add a couple of exclamation points. You might want to consider this. thumbsup.gif
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Of course he hyper-partisans on left are going to milk this for all they can, but it seems clear to me that this was an unfortunate turn of phrase rather than a deliberate attack on the congresswoman's physical injury/disability.

Anyone who is not a wingnut is hyper-partisan, eh?

These unfortunate "turn of phase" accidents are so common, they've become a cornerstone of the Republican platform.

Daily verbal atrocities roll off the lips of these despicable Republican creeps.

We're seeing the end of the GOP during this election cycle. America will eventually go the way of California in marginalizing these hateful people. Bye-bye.

OK, explain to me how the Republican candidate would benefit from saying a woman who lost her legs in combat doesn't 'stand up' for veterans. rolleyes.gif

It was a stupid mistake that I can almost guarantee you has cost someone any chance of promotion in GOP politics and quite possibly his/her current job.

But if you want to discuss what Senator Chambliss' campaign did to Senator Cleland in 2002, that's another matter altogether.

The Lee Atwater crude statement came from the National Republican Senatorial Committee which is a national body based in Washington that advises, funds, often sends campaign strategists to individual Republican candidates it endorses, i.e., approves of and supports.

In this instance in Illinois, incumbent Republican US Senator Mark Kirk, a first-termer who is up for his first (and not) reelection, is Number One on the Extinct Species list of Republican US Senators as of November 8th.

Kirk either knows or he does not know.

In either event, he can remain under his rock while the NRSC takes the heat. The standard and typical Lee Atwater of the politically undead campaigning sleaze shows the desperation of the party hacks at the NRSC and/or the Kirk campaign.

The late Lee Atwater defined the present Republican party, which long ago ceased to be the party of Lincoln, whether in Illinois or elsewhere. The crude statement is simply not defensible in any way at all. All one does is to soil one's self.

Edited by Publicus
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Of course he hyper-partisans on left are going to milk this for all they can, but it seems clear to me that this was an unfortunate turn of phrase rather than a deliberate attack on the congresswoman's physical injury/disability.

Anyone who is not a wingnut is hyper-partisan, eh?

These unfortunate "turn of phase" accidents are so common, they've become a cornerstone of the Republican platform.

Daily verbal atrocities roll off the lips of these despicable Republican creeps.

We're seeing the end of the GOP during this election cycle. America will eventually go the way of California in marginalizing these hateful people. Bye-bye.

OK, explain to me how the Republican candidate would benefit from saying a woman who lost her legs in combat doesn't 'stand up' for veterans. rolleyes.gif

It was a stupid mistake that I can almost guarantee you has cost someone any chance of promotion in GOP politics and quite possibly his/her current job.

But if you want to discuss what Senator Chambliss' campaign did to Senator Cleland in 2002, that's another matter altogether.

Who cares? It was probably a mistake but they do this all the time. No comment is too low. Republicans don't get elected to take care of veterans. The get elected to protect the line of income from corporations, lower taxes on the rich and take rights away from women.

The fact is Republicans have consistently failed to give a shit about veterans. That's a fact. They love war but hate taking care of the men who fight it.

Don't forget the women who also fight wars and are also wounded and killed in action for their country.

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If you look at the service records of democrats vs. republicans over the past 50 years, there are far, far more republicans who have received multiple deferments from serving, than democrats. Far more. So, there is no room for criticism when it comes to serving one's country. The GOP is the largest concentration of cowards in the land, yet the most hawkish when it comes to war. They love to start wars, but hate either fighting in them, or allowing their families to fight in those wars. But, as long as it is some other kid getting killed or maimed, no problem. Not a moment of sleep lost over that.

At this stage I am neither a democrat, nor a republican, as I feel both parties stink worse than a backed up rural outhouse. But, I am just pointing out the facts. Creeps like to criticize guys like McCain, Kerry, and Duckworth, when they themselves have not only never served, but would crap in their pants if they spent one hour on the battle front. These people are half men. They are tiny, tiny people, with hearts of stone, that barely possess a soul, and certainly do not possess an ounce of dignity, integrity, grace, or the ability to serve their nation with honor.

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This thread was opened on 10 March 2016 at 06:23.

This post is being made on 12 March 2016 at 16:52.

The offensive, to some, reference to Rep Duckworth was a tweet that was in the public domain for some 10 minutes before it was deleted.

This thread is still alive after 58 hours and 21 minutes, which is 58 hours and 11 minutes after the original tweet disappeared.

At this point, which one is the most ridiculous?

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This thread was opened on 10 March 2016 at 06:23.

This post is being made on 12 March 2016 at 16:52.

The offensive, to some, reference to Rep Duckworth was a tweet that was in the public domain for some 10 minutes before it was deleted.

This thread is still alive after 58 hours and 21 minutes, which is 58 hours and 11 minutes after the original tweet disappeared.

At this point, which one is the most ridiculous?

The one thing that these simpleton, bigot, racist, hate mongering, power hungry, half men have to understand, is that the electronic world is forever. No matter that it was taken back after 10 minutes, when they realized they had stepped so far over the line, that had they not withdrawn this hateful, tasteless statement that there was a chance of being burned on the cross, in the town square. Once you put it out there, it becomes a permanent record of how you feel, who you are, and what is in your heart and soul. This morally bankrupt group told us who they truly are. They revealed to us the extend of their debauchery, and to what extent they would stoop, in order to get in power. Power was everything to them. Humanity was nothing. The criticism being leveled at them is something they have earned, and have worked very hard for. They deserve every bit of it. There are some lines you just do not cross.

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This is the Republican party of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove.

Two sleazebags supreme.

Atwater was Reagan and GHW Bush.

Rove was GW Bush up to the present. Rover remains convinced Romney won Ohio in 2012...he's still recounting the votes there to this minute.

The party of Lincoln died long ago.
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This thread was opened on 10 March 2016 at 06:23.

This post is being made on 12 March 2016 at 16:52.

The offensive, to some, reference to Rep Duckworth was a tweet that was in the public domain for some 10 minutes before it was deleted.

This thread is still alive after 58 hours and 21 minutes, which is 58 hours and 11 minutes after the original tweet disappeared.

At this point, which one is the most ridiculous?

The rightwhinging continues.

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