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Norway mass murderer Breivik sues over his human rights


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Norway mass murderer Breivik sues over his human rights


Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is about to return to court – but this time it is to sue the Norwegian state, claiming it is violating his human rights by keeping him in isolation.

The right-wing extremist will appear in a gym-turned-courtroom within the prison in which he is being held on Tuesday. It will be a testing time for his victims’ families and survivors of his attacks.

“Personally I think it is a little bit hilarious but many of the others…the support group, doesn’t like him being in the media again,” said Dag Andre Anderssen, who survived Breivik’s island shooting massacre.

“That is actually the most important thing for us – that he gets to be in the spotlight again – and we don’t like that. We would rather that he be forgotten.”

It was 2011 when Breivik detonated a bomb at Oslo’s central government building, killing eight people and injuring more than 200.

He then headed to the island of Utoeya where his gun rampage killed 69 people at a Labour Party camp, most of them teenagers.

Jailed for 21 years, Breivik has his own cellblock at Skien prison, south of Oslo as well as access to a computer, TV and Playstation.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-13

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"It was 2011 when Breivik detonated a bomb at Oslo’s central government building, killing eight people and injuring more than 200.

He then headed to the island of Utoeya where his gun rampage killed 69 people at a Labour Party camp, most of them teenagers."

Why is that guy still alive? He got 21 years? What joke.

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Radical/strict Islam is spreading like wildfire through north European prisons. The captive audience makes it a perfect environment for spreading their hate. Authorities are fine with all this. Now, put an individual with strong right wing views in prison and what happens? He is segregated in isolation to stop him spreading his ideals with fellow inmates. Double standards in a socialist country?

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How about the human rights of all those poor kids that he slaughtered ?

Death penalty would have been more appropriate but since the bleeding heart liberals won't accept that I think a living death in isolation is more than fair and appropriate for this scumbag

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21 years is the maximum penalty the State can impose. He will not see a day of freedom though.

Solitary confinement would have to be the most inhumane punishment. I doubt any human over time survives without sever mental illness.

The State is in a difficult position. Deny a person their basic human rights or allow them into an environment that is not as ethically robust as the Norwegian Justice system. I doubt he would survive if put in the general prison population.

It will be interesting to see what the Court rules and why. They may instruct the prison to modify aspects of his incarceration. It is going to be a difficult balancing act.

It is unfortunate that the people of Norway have to endure this terrible event re emerging again. As always Norwegians will conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and principles and respect for human life. It is very much part of their culture. A Nation I have great admiration for.

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There are certain lines which cannot be crossed in this life. Taking the lives of others is one of them. When there are many peoples lives which have been taken, and the families of those victims shattered by this degree of senselessness, a far different set of laws should be applied, even in countries as liberal as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The families of the victims should be allowed to slaughter the man themselves. This could prove to be good therapy for them. If there is no degree of doubt, about the crime, there is no reason to let this worm live. Why should the state pay for that? Why should this cockroach be allowed to complain about this human rights? He is not a human being. He relinquished his right to be a human being when he committed this heinous act. It would be too kind to associate him with the human race. He is not a member, anymore. He opted out. So, treat him like the vermin he really is. Do not accord him those rights. Deny him. Give him special exemption status. Keep him in a cold, dark cell until the people can deliver their sentence.

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21 years is the maximum penalty the State can impose. He will not see a day of freedom though.

Solitary confinement would have to be the most inhumane punishment. I doubt any human over time survives without sever mental illness.

The State is in a difficult position. Deny a person their basic human rights or allow them into an environment that is not as ethically robust as the Norwegian Justice system. I doubt he would survive if put in the general prison population.

It will be interesting to see what the Court rules and why. They may instruct the prison to modify aspects of his incarceration. It is going to be a difficult balancing act.

It is unfortunate that the people of Norway have to endure this terrible event re emerging again. As always Norwegians will conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and principles and respect for human life. It is very much part of their culture. A Nation I have great admiration for.

Thanks for a sensible posting. At least we have one sensible TV member.

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There are certain lines which cannot be crossed in this life. Taking the lives of others is one of them. When there are many peoples lives which have been taken, and the families of those victims shattered by this degree of senselessness, a far different set of laws should be applied, even in countries as liberal as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The families of the victims should be allowed to slaughter the man themselves. This could prove to be good therapy for them. If there is no degree of doubt, about the crime, there is no reason to let this worm live. Why should the state pay for that? Why should this cockroach be allowed to complain about this human rights? He is not a human being. He relinquished his right to be a human being when he committed this heinous act. It would be too kind to associate him with the human race. He is not a member, anymore. He opted out. So, treat him like the vermin he really is. Do not accord him those rights. Deny him. Give him special exemption status. Keep him in a cold, dark cell until the people can deliver their sentence.

Correct, and this principle and respect for human life is exactly why the Norwegian People would never contemplate committing the criminal violations you suggest. Unlike you, their values cannot be manipulated by the evil committed by others.

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As European globalist elites continue to facilitate the influx of economic migrants posing as 'refugees', and attempt to suppress moderate right-wing parties and politicians who want to stop the flow of these economic migrants (which is essentially a slow-motion invasion), expect the rise of much more extreme right-wing groups and more acts of violence.

European globalist elites are sowing the wind; and, unfortunately, they and the people of Europe are going to reap the whirlwind.

Edited by disambiguated
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This man murdered innocent children who is he to complain about human rights. While I support capital punishment I hope at the least he gets preventative detention until his expiry date. I think they should put pictures of all his victims on a screen in his cell 24 hours per day.

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There are certain lines which cannot be crossed in this life. Taking the lives of others is one of them. When there are many peoples lives which have been taken, and the families of those victims shattered by this degree of senselessness, a far different set of laws should be applied, even in countries as liberal as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The families of the victims should be allowed to slaughter the man themselves. This could prove to be good therapy for them. If there is no degree of doubt, about the crime, there is no reason to let this worm live. Why should the state pay for that? Why should this cockroach be allowed to complain about this human rights? He is not a human being. He relinquished his right to be a human being when he committed this heinous act. It would be too kind to associate him with the human race. He is not a member, anymore. He opted out. So, treat him like the vermin he really is. Do not accord him those rights. Deny him. Give him special exemption status. Keep him in a cold, dark cell until the people can deliver their sentence.

Correct, and this principle and respect for human life is exactly why the Norwegian People would never contemplate committing the criminal violations you suggest. Unlike you, their values cannot be manipulated by the evil committed by others.

Perhaps you are correct. But, I think in the event of a major crime of a heinous nature, that is committed with multiple witnesses, there is no doubt about guilt. As long as the doubt about one's guilt remains intact, there needs to be a great deal of respect for a person's rights. Until they are convicted without a doubt. But, the case I am making, is that once that lack of doubt exists, in the event of a crime of this nature, all bets are off. Why does society still have to extend extraordinary rights to this insect? He is no longer a man. He revoked the right, to be treated like a man, when he committed the act. That is my point here. Is it not reasonable to extend a special set of circumstances to men like this? Men who have committed atrocious acts against mankind? Do they really deserve to be coddled by society? Even a society like Norway, which tends to coddle it's guilty.

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There are certain lines which cannot be crossed in this life. Taking the lives of others is one of them. When there are many peoples lives which have been taken, and the families of those victims shattered by this degree of senselessness, a far different set of laws should be applied, even in countries as liberal as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The families of the victims should be allowed to slaughter the man themselves. This could prove to be good therapy for them. If there is no degree of doubt, about the crime, there is no reason to let this worm live. Why should the state pay for that? Why should this cockroach be allowed to complain about this human rights? He is not a human being. He relinquished his right to be a human being when he committed this heinous act. It would be too kind to associate him with the human race. He is not a member, anymore. He opted out. So, treat him like the vermin he really is. Do not accord him those rights. Deny him. Give him special exemption status. Keep him in a cold, dark cell until the people can deliver their sentence.

Actually, you sound exactly like him on one of his pre-massacre rants.

I disagree with what you said and believe that society should remain calm and by the book with this one and any other case like this.

What you are suggesting would be actually be playing right into his hands. He wants to be a Martyr and letting the victims slaughter him would be his perfect death scenario.

This is 2016 not 1620

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How about the human rights of all those poor kids that he slaughtered ?

Death penalty would have been more appropriate but since the bleeding heart liberals won't accept that I think a living death in isolation is more than fair and appropriate for this scumbag

Yes, this animal shows by his actions which he has been found guilty of, he is not resposible enough to co-exist with others of his species, and be

trusted not to harm them. Lifetime exile or isolation and nothing else, is a suitable punishment and precaution to take with a violent animal without a conscience.

What does the 21 years stand for? We all have rights when we come here to live and let live. If we violate those rights then the rights to co-exist in peace are finished. If our violation is repsonsible for the deaths of any other innocent and the ceasing of the life of any other innocent, then the appropriate penalty is to lose one's own rights for the duration of one's own life.

I am sure half these guys who obviously do not experience "life" as the rest of us do, wiegh up the benefits of their crimes. Do some hard time for six months do 'soft' time, for another 15. Behave yourself in prison. Get out in 15 and retire on the proceeds of your fame.

A society that allows this is weak and sick. 8 people dead equals 8 life sentences. Never to be released.

This satisfies, the victims relatives, and ensures he never kills again, inside or outside of his incarceration. He should have his sentence publicly reviewed every year and published so that other like minded animals might just reconsider their crimes.

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As European globalist elites continue to facilitate the influx of economic migrants posing as 'refugees', and attempt to suppress moderate right-wing parties and politicians who want to stop the flow of these economic migrants (which is essentially a slow-motion invasion), expect the rise of much more extreme right-wing groups and more acts of violence.

European globalist elites are sowing the wind; and, unfortunately, they and the people of Europe are going to reap the whirlwind.

Hi Anders! good to see that you still have an internet connection.

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Correct, and this principle and respect for human life is exactly why the Norwegian People would never contemplate committing the criminal violations you suggest. Unlike you, their values cannot be manipulated by the evil committed by others.

So bring back the death penalty and it wouldn't be a "criminal violation", would it.

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He removed the rights of other thus foregoing his rights! Too much emphasis on the "rights" of the criminals and not enough for the victims.

You want to take a life, then be prepared to give up your own! End of message to all you bulls hit bleeding heart liberals and holier than thou people. coffee1.gif

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There are certain lines which cannot be crossed in this life. Taking the lives of others is one of them. When there are many peoples lives which have been taken, and the families of those victims shattered by this degree of senselessness, a far different set of laws should be applied, even in countries as liberal as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The families of the victims should be allowed to slaughter the man themselves. This could prove to be good therapy for them. If there is no degree of doubt, about the crime, there is no reason to let this worm live. Why should the state pay for that? Why should this cockroach be allowed to complain about this human rights? He is not a human being. He relinquished his right to be a human being when he committed this heinous act. It would be too kind to associate him with the human race. He is not a member, anymore. He opted out. So, treat him like the vermin he really is. Do not accord him those rights. Deny him. Give him special exemption status. Keep him in a cold, dark cell until the people can deliver their sentence.

Actually, you sound exactly like him on one of his pre-massacre rants.

I disagree with what you said and believe that society should remain calm and by the book with this one and any other case like this.

What you are suggesting would be actually be playing right into his hands. He wants to be a Martyr and letting the victims slaughter him would be his perfect death scenario.

This is 2016 not 1620

He wants to be a Martyr and letting the victims slaughter him would be his perfect death scenario.

Fine, give him his wish forthwith. Life is the most precious possession we have in this world. He does not deserve to live, much less any human rights.

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He is still alive because european countries lack testicles and have forbidden death penalty. But mark my words, if he was say arabic and a muslim he wouldn't have to do what is is doing now as he would already have those "rights".

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Remove the computer, TV and the Playstation. No access to books, Koran, newspapers or anything else. Keep him in solitary detention until he has completed his 21-year sentence. It would be best to throw the key away and be sure to let him know it. This animal does not deserve ANYTHING!

Edited by peergin
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