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What do Thai Women look most for in Western Men?

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Cleanliness. Take a cake of soap to your body and brush your teeth before trying to impress.

Is cleanliness ok if you are fat, tattooed, facial haired?

These are the three main turn offs as far as looks are concerned for Thai women IMO.

Ok, so now we try to stack the odds.

Take a shower, brush your teeth, have a shave, cover your tats, wear loose fitting clothing..

And don't behave like an ass..

You cannot hide being overweight, which I believe is more unpopular with Thai girls than the tattoos, facial hair.

Ok lets go again...

A cake of soap, brush your teeth, cover your tats, liposuction, have a shave, get a haircut, cut ya ties with ya Mother, dress properly..

And don't behave like an ass..

We gotta be getting close?

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They seem to like the doors it opens for em culturally, socially, etc. They also seem to like the way foreigners treat em. Mainly, we let em speak their mind.

I imagine the main turn off is the way we don't let things go easily and tend to hold people accountable to our standard of truth.

Yes especially the second paragraph. I won't stand for the BS that these girls are expecting to get away with. If tears flow I just ramp up the pressure predictably ending in a short term relationship but suits me fine

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Jeez, you're trying hard Sipi. Are you on commission from a marriage agency?

Funny you should say that Rob.

The one and only time we tried to match a lovely Laos gal with an Aussie, actually we weren't even trying. We were just in the right place to introduce them to each other.

After the meeting she said she wasn't interested. Apparently it was his toes, dirty. She wasn't that desperate.

Can't blame her frankly.

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too.

The "women" back home in Aus, and Im talking pretty much every woman Ive encountered there, just complete ******

The thai wife, the only time she gets cross with me is either when I point to something with my feet...still cant break the habit.

Or she'll go ballistic if I try tip..well anyone. Mama and I work shop all day 500 baht, you tip people in shop? Why tip motorsy taxi, you not tip BTS.....which is always adorable

Aside from that, yeah everythings done for me

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too.

The "women" back home in Aus, and Im talking pretty much every woman Ive encountered there, just complete ******

The thai wife, the only time she gets cross with me is either when I point to something with my feet...still cant break the habit.

Or she'll go ballistic if I try tip..well anyone. Mama and I work shop all day 500 baht, you tip people in shop? Why tip motorsy taxi, you not tip BTS.....which is always adorable

Aside from that, yeah everythings done for me

Been there done it and sure getting your nails clipped and a beer fetcher is kind of nice.. For a few months or so but what about mental stimulation? Thai women won't go there because either A) she's a village retard or B) she is intelligent but abides by the rule of non confrontation. Both severely effect freedom of speech and the flow of conversation as a result. I envy the farangs that live inside this bubble and are unaffected... Not for me though

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too.

The "women" back home in Aus, and Im talking pretty much every woman Ive encountered there, just complete ******

The thai wife, the only time she gets cross with me is either when I point to something with my feet...still cant break the habit.

Or she'll go ballistic if I try tip..well anyone. Mama and I work shop all day 500 baht, you tip people in shop? Why tip motorsy taxi, you not tip BTS.....which is always adorable

Aside from that, yeah everythings done for me

Been there done it and sure getting your nails clipped and a beer fetcher is kind of nice.. For a few months or so but what about mental stimulation? Thai women won't go there because either A) she's a village retard or B) she is intelligent but abides by the rule of non confrontation. Both severely effect freedom of speech and the flow of conversation as a result. I envy the farangs that live inside this bubble and are unaffected... Not for me though

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I come from Australia..."sheilas" back home arent really great for intellectual stimulation either, or if they are educated, still seems to he confined to nursing, teaching, administration

I dont think that argument is all that relevant in this day and age of the net. If I want intellectual stimulation well I can come here for starters ;)

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Security. Yes, financial security, but equally important, emotional security.

Someone who makes their life more fulfilling, more fun.

Controversial comment alert: Having a great sex life is not that important a criteria; especially as the woman gets older.

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too.

The "women" back home in Aus, and Im talking pretty much every woman Ive encountered there, just complete ******

The thai wife, the only time she gets cross with me is either when I point to something with my feet...still cant break the habit.

Or she'll go ballistic if I try tip..well anyone. Mama and I work shop all day 500 baht, you tip people in shop? Why tip motorsy taxi, you not tip BTS.....which is always adorable

Aside from that, yeah everythings done for me

Been there done it and sure getting your nails clipped and a beer fetcher is kind of nice.. For a few months or so but what about mental stimulation? Thai women won't go there because either A) she's a village retard or B) she is intelligent but abides by the rule of non confrontation. Both severely effect freedom of speech and the flow of conversation as a result. I envy the farangs that live inside this bubble and are unaffected... Not for me though

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I come from Australia..."sheilas" back home arent really great for intellectual stimulation either, or if they are educated, still seems to he confined to nursing, teaching, administration

I dont think that argument is all that relevant in this day and age of the net. If I want intellectual stimulation well I can come here for starters ;)

Yeah I get your point however it's a combination of things. For starters western women are not Buddhist so that mindset is removed. Western women don't need to be super smart and neither do the men because conversation will flow as we are like minded and there isnt a language or cultural barrier.

I've recently come out of a 8 year relationship with a thai MRS and for most of that time I felt lonely. I'm guessing I'm not Robinson curisoe either

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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and just what is the going rate, 2000Bt S/T or 8000Bt L/T?

Even the ugliest, fattest, most tattooed, longest bearded guy on the planet could get that.

That would vary on location and, to a degree, quality.

I have never paid more than 1,000 Baht (I have rarely paid less) plus tip.

As I understand it that rate has always been for lard ar5es and non-lard ar5es

OK now you're just plain lying

If you're ugly or fat, freelancers definitely charge more because the experience is more traumatic for them.

It's one of the reasons fat guys prefer fixed price establishments where the girl can't charge more.

Of course, they can refuse to go with you but that's another story.

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too.

The "women" back home in Aus, and Im talking pretty much every woman Ive encountered there, just complete ******

Every guy who can't get or hold on to an attractive Western woman says exactly the same thing once he realises he can simply employ an attractive one in Thailand

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and just what is the going rate, 2000Bt S/T or 8000Bt L/T?

Even the ugliest, fattest, most tattooed, longest bearded guy on the planet could get that.

That would vary on location and, to a degree, quality.

I have never paid more than 1,000 Baht (I have rarely paid less) plus tip.

As I understand it that rate has always been for lard ar5es and non-lard ar5es

OK now you're just plain lying

If you're ugly or fat, freelancers definitely charge more because the experience is more traumatic for them.

It's one of the reasons fat guys prefer fixed price establishments where the girl can't charge more.

Of course, they can refuse to go with you but that's another story.

You know nothing.

Never been 'declined' in 10 years.

Never paid more than 1,000 Baht.

Everything is negotiable but there are 'going rates' as someone else pointed.

If you think you get a discount for being pretty, or younger, think again.

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One obvious answer - they ARE NOT Thai.....

Thai macho men kind of do it to themselves & take themselves right out of the picture....

Many Thai women do not like the way they are perceived/have been treated by Thai men....

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The average thai woman wants the same as most women of the world. Thai women hate stinky men hahahahahah,and pissheads/smokers

The Thai women like to be part of western fellows for there financial input to increase their live style.

The western fellows like to get Thai girls because the are much younger in age than themselves.

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Depends on the background of the Thais that the Westerner comes into contact with.

If they are professionals/hi-so then they are more likely to adopt what we would regard as western standards in terms of 'attractiveness'.

In most other cases it is financial. Either short-term gain from maximising what the Farang is prepared to throw at them - or, slowly, slowly catch a monkey for long-term security.

I believe that in the majority of cases the Thai lady is seeking financial security - and a better life. Many have had poor experiences with Thai partners and look to Westerners to provide something better. In these situations I think that looks, age and even body odour may come second to being taken care of and respected.

Cannot add much to the above.

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Nailed it in one.

If anyone seriously believes that "money" (by that I mean providing security etc) is not a factor then they are either deluding themselves or have a partner with more money than them.

Your right money is indeed involved but the arrangement we have is something I can live with. But then I got lucky a lot of guys do not.

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Security. Yes, financial security, but equally important, emotional security.

Someone who makes their life more fulfilling, more fun.

I've never known a Thai woman that wanted to discuss emotions all that much. Not hers, and definitely not mine. In fact, most of em don't talk about anything interesting at all. Seems like fun and entertainment is more along the lines of what they're looking for.

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In regards to the physical appearance, it's been said, men learn to love the women they find attractive, and women learn to find attractive the men they love.

But could just be a bunch of western mumbo jumbo.

A bunch of mumbo jumbo, might not rank as high on the list as with men, but of course a twitch in the private parts is on the list...if this werent true I wouldnt have previously been dragged to every lame George Clooney or Ryan Gosling movie

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thai women look - like women all over the world - for security, comfort, pleasure. taking care of their needs is no. 1.

you identify their needs and you will never loose them.

BUT: unlike western women, who appear to have an in - built sense of entitlement, thai women are willing AND able to re - pay in many ways.

i am happy to financially support my thai gf in return for: a clean house, good food, buying me beer, keeping my glass full, doing all the immigration stuff, stay sober when i am not, good sex - any which way i want, being young, looking good all the time, staying slim, putting up with me not knowing thai language, taking care of the kids, not maxing out her phone allowance, traveling to bangkok 3 times to get one visa....

i could add a few more.

Yes... So you hired a slave.

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For most, it's the money

/security thing. No point

denying it. You don't

settle with someone you

can't talk to if there's

nothing financial in it

Yeap, that's pretty much it.

To answer the OP, most "normal" Thai women would prefer a guy she can communicate with. Which means a Thai guy.

But you have to ask yourself why a Thai woman would be interested in a farang--or any other foreigner--if communication will be a problem?

The answer will usually be finances. If she's a single mom, and/or is financially strapped, and/or getting too old to attract a good Thai man, and/or from a dysfunctional family, etc., then a foreigner is a good option. If he's kind, honest, good hygiene, wealthy....all bonuses.

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