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National Boozebuster Notifies Thailand Pre-Mixed Cocktails are Illegal

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This was a survey of Thai citizens only. The report is online and you can lookup their methodology.

Not the survey part, the total alcohol consumption part. It would be inaccurate to get that from a survey.

Besides, who believes WHO reports now anyway? There's always a political agenda behind them. Didn't they just say that bacon causes cancer?

Lastly, you posted about the report, you post on the methodology. I'm not doing your homework for you.

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Big news - Thais not following the law since 1950. What else is new? Just look at how many follows the Land Traffic Act.

I guess he is referring to the five Buddhist precepts? I am not a Buddhist, but I always thought that these precepts are not rules or commandments, but more training principles which are undertaken freely. Therefore I am not sure if alcohol can be deemed as being sinful?

I also read somewhere that some Tibetan monks even incorporates alcohol into their practices, so some part of Buddhism allows it.


This was a survey of Thai citizens only. The report is online and you can lookup their methodology.

Not the survey part, the total alcohol consumption part. It would be inaccurate to get that from a survey.

Besides, who believes WHO reports now anyway? There's always a political agenda behind them. Didn't they just say that bacon causes cancer?

Lastly, you posted about the report, you post on the methodology. I'm not doing your homework for you.

I read the methodology. Maybe you should also.

Political agenda? Really? cheesy.gif


This was a survey of Thai citizens only. The report is online and you can lookup their methodology.

Not the survey part, the total alcohol consumption part. It would be inaccurate to get that from a survey.

Besides, who believes WHO reports now anyway? There's always a political agenda behind them. Didn't they just say that bacon causes cancer?

Lastly, you posted about the report, you post on the methodology. I'm not doing your homework for you.

I read the methodology. Maybe you should also.

Political agenda? Really? cheesy.gif

Then post about the methodology!

Yes, really.


Clearly the 65 year old law is out of date. Australian alcohol were not that much different in the 1950's when pubs had to close at 6 pm.

The guy is only trying to enforce the law. The solution is simple, stop attacking the guy and ammend the law.


people like samarn will if not stopped now will eventually kill the entertainment industry in Thailand he is a do-gooder with a small brain who obviously cant see the damage he is causing or the damage he could cause in the long run .


This was a survey of Thai citizens only. The report is online and you can lookup their methodology.

Not the survey part, the total alcohol consumption part. It would be inaccurate to get that from a survey.

Besides, who believes WHO reports now anyway? There's always a political agenda behind them. Didn't they just say that bacon causes cancer?

Lastly, you posted about the report, you post on the methodology. I'm not doing your homework for you.

I read the methodology. Maybe you should also.

Political agenda? Really? cheesy.gif

Then post about the methodology!

Yes, really.

I did. Follow the link....


Why is that Samarn character let to go on heading the alcohol control board? The man knows no reason or compromise and is an ultra-extremist of the very dangerous kind IMO! Isn't tolerance supposed to be important for Buddhists (at least the ones knowing, and not having 'forgotten', that Prince Siddharta for instance seems to have appreciated the taste of wine for quite a part of his life...)

It's the "CONTROL" board. Control is the operative word.

He's just trying to help take the fun out of Thailand.


He reminds me of the religious fanatics on Fisherman's wharf in SF, preaching their stuff on a wooden box. Quite entertaining.


So all of these disgusting alco-pops in most of the grocery/food shops and 7-11s are also illegal?


It would seem so, according to:

"Under Section 23 of the Liquor Act, no one is allowed to mix alcohol with other substances put it in a different container “unless the customer specifically requests the alteration of the liquor for immediate consumption.”

As would also seem to be the case with the cheap box wines, which are imported grape wines, mixed with fruit juice and packaged locally in Thailand for later consumption. There is a special orange tax seal for such mixed beverages.

So the my question is:

How can there be a legally prescribed orange tax seal for alcoholic beverages that are mixed and put in a different container for later consumption, when it is illegal to produce alcoholic beverages that are mixed and put in a different container for later consumption?

The orange seal trick! Good one that!


No body knows why the pre-mixed law was introduced, probably to prevent the 'cutting' of drinks. From the government's point of view, taxation is important; if a seller pays tax on the 10% alcohol he charges for that, if he cuts it to 5% alcohol the customer doesn't get value and the government loses because the seller is not declaring his profit correctly.

I feel that laws are a last resort, everybody likes that, but I think that most like to think that when things get out of hand, we have some protection from the law. That being the case one shouldn't be too indignant when they are occasionally enforced.


Beer popsicles? I'm I on the right thread? Is this about the British guy who got a bj from a Thai bloke? He got his cocktail drank.

He ordered a c*#k sucking cowboy and received what he asked for!

..you spelled cock wrong. (large hen is a cock right?)

It's a boy fowl! Rooster in English.


Let's kill more business so we can blame it on the farang.

Huh? A Thai guy leads some other Thais on raiding Thai owned and operated liquor stands that are frequented by Thais.

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

It has gotten old and boring for sure.


....as for the pesticide-laced drinks that they have been reported to have been mixing up and serving....

...are these the same genre.....'anything goes recipes'.....???


Bacardi breezer is a pre-mixed cocktail, right?

Did you read the article?

Pre-mixing alcohol that has been taken it taken out of its original (as taxed) container...


Removing happiness from the People?

You can get to much of a good thing. Every once in a while the lion tamer must come out and crack his whip. The message being we are still in charge of the still. I like the other article where he appeared at Tesco in full uniform regalia. Impressive!!! Next thing you know his appearances will include a bible or other religious paraphernalia. No wonder they want to muzzle the media. I am sure the boys at the booze stand will be back in business about 10 minutes after he leaves.


someone invented a position gave this guy a badge and sent him out in the big bad world to make a difference - he took it seriously, must have a liver the size of a house having to sample all those buckets, hope he got a taxi home

Wonder who he's related to?


what a <deleted> idiot, so all those bottles of premixed alcohol, in TESCOs and other supermarkets, (eg, margaritas etc) got to be illegal also,you cannot make one rule for one and one rule for another . this guy is a total waste of space.


The country is a safer place now that this gentleman is on the job. Imagine, pre-mixed cocktails! No wonder Thailand is confronted with so many problems. Enforcement of the antique liquor laws will put this all straight.

Pre-Mixed Cocktails are Illegal

While I'm appalled by the increasing anti-alcohol measures we have been witnessing, partly driven by a bunch of fundamentalists, I couldn't agree more with this one!

If I order a cocktail I'd like to see what goes in there and how well it's prepared according to my specifications.

Pre-made buckets of random ingredients --stored under the table to nip the unsuspecting in the butt-- should indeed be outlawed.



Why not concentrate on the real problem here.

They have no licence to sell alcohol

Where did it say, they didn't have a licence to sell alcohol?


Great. The <BLEEP>ing Fun Police are at it again. God forbid the youth and working class anywhere from softening their troubles for a while with a little - perhaps illicit but so what - pleasure.

Save us please from those who want what is best for us...

Somewhat agree with you, but drinking here is a huge problem with the young. Something needs to be done.


The average amount of pure alcohol consumed in Thailand by each adult, (15 years and older), increased to 7.1 litres between 2008 and 2010, up from 6.8 litres between 2003 and 2005. The latest global average is 6.21 litres of alcohol per capita, but the figure for Southeast Asia is 3.4 litres per capita - less than half of Thailand's consumption rate. In various surveys published online, Thailand is ranked fourth-highest in the world for consumption of alcohol.

This is even more startling when you consider that 70.3 per cent of Thais are recorded as abstainers. The remaining 30 per cent more than make up for those who don't drink. The total alcohol consumption for Thai men in 2010 was 30.3 litres of pure alcohol and for women, 5.2 litres.

I think those figures are made up.

Thailand is not fourth highest alcohol consumption in the world. No where even near that.

According to WHO statistics from 2010 Thailand was ranked 76.


Alcohol consumption was 7.1 liter per capita. Top was Belarus with 17.5 liters per capita.

Thai government officials love to send out twisted facts.


And of course....lets not forget the "buckets" in KPN, KPP, KT and etc......they're ok I guess?

yes they are ok because not pre mixed hours before

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