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It acknowledges the passing of a person.

It reminds me of a very old headstone that had written on it: Here Lies (Name). Let her RIP. That's a case where it would have been better to spell out Rest In Peace.

If the news item states that such and such is dead, there is no need for a person , divorced of the facts, to acknowledge the passing.

Perhaps it allows certain individuals to "pretend" that they care about someone they've never met. Not sure if anyone buys it, though.

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Seems to me like "compassion" is absent from many, thats another one of the reason the term may be used for someone you dont know etc.

Compassion: "sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others"

To say, 'I didnt know them, they didnt know me, why should I care", is callous, no one is saying you "should", just trying to explain why some respectfully do, and show compassion for the loss to others.

Like many things, you dont have to agree with it, or do it, its a personal choice, but there is no need to ridicule those that do, or show disrespect by making what could be regarded as callous remarks.

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Seems to me like "compassion" is absent from many, thats another one of the reason the term may be used for someone you dont know etc.

Compassion: "sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others"

To say, 'I didnt know them, they didnt know me, why should I care", is callous, no one is saying you "should", just trying to explain why some respectfully do, and show compassion for the loss to others.

Like many things, you dont have to agree with it, or do it, its a personal choice, but there is no need to ridicule those that do, or show disrespect by making what could be regarded as callous remarks.

I'd imagine when I go, you'll be too distraught to mutter anything. :P

......don't dispair though, I don't intend to RIP, i will be too busy haunting as many people as possible.....,some of you are in for nothing but SHEER TERROR ! :D

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maybe you can offer some alternatives

How about saying nothing at all regarding the afterlife. I find it bizarre that people use a phrase that is mostly associated with Christianity for anyone that dies, regardless of their religion.

There are thousands and thousands of RIP comments on this site by people that have never even met the deceased. Why would anyone feel the need to comment about that subject when they have no personal relationship with the person? My only thought is that somehow it makes the commenters sound better and like they are doing something good.

I usually include a RIP when I want to comment on some detail about the death, because if I don't some idiots will always to be quick to point out that I have no respect for the deceased and will add strictly no added value to the point I was making - which is not surprising considering their remark.

How can a deceased have your respect if you dont know anything about them?

everybody has my respect by default unless they lose it for some reason

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On a serous note, why do some people continually say RIP when someone dies, on TV. A christian doesn't believe he is gunna RIP, he, or she, is going to heaven, hell or purgatory.A Buddhist, depending on how they lived their lives have a myriad of options when they leave this earth, none of them include resting in peace. Atheists are just gunna rot away in the ground. The other religions i have looked up, all of them believe they are going to somewhere else, not , Resting In Peace. And the dead dont subscribe to social media to get the message. . So, why the comment, RIP?

Athiests dont beleive in Christian...Agonosic dont beleive in anything after death....Definately Agonstic...make hay while the sun shines.

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