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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

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One of the important aspects of writing is that it can be therapeutic.

So it is to be welcomed regardless of whether it might or might not be accurate or reflect truth or fact.

Donald Trump on the other hand is still in the 7-year old child state of verbal ranting, pouting, raging and swinging.

So calm writing is of course preferred. It makes interesting reading to study, to analyse, to note. smile.png

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Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

As someone who also had a very high security clearance and has signed 'that document' we both know that she knew. When you 'play' at that level, it is made very very clear to you what is not acceptable and that any breach (deliberate or not) will be punished - the standards phraes that we are all drummed about are:

"people dont need to know what they dont need to know and are not cleared to know" and "if in doubt ....... DONT - always check".

Crooked Hillary deliberately used her own email service instead of the official, and more secure, State Department service. This was not an occasional, incidental use but a very deliberate scheme to make sure that her emails weren’t available later under the open records FOIA laws of America. Crooked Hillary suspended the position of the Inspector General while she was Secretary (this is the person who investigates security breaches within the Department).

Crooked Hillary IS CORRUPT.

Crooked Hillary knows how to get away with being CORRUPT when caught.

Yeah. Right. You played at that level. Even if your unsubstantiated boast were true, then you and a select little group of 5.1 million other Americans were also in your sandbox. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/03/24/5-1-million-americans-have-security-clearances-thats-more-than-the-entire-population-of-norway/

The national security industry. Couldn't exist without anal retentive types producing security protocols to ensure they and other dysfunctional non-thinkers remain employed.

No prosecution against HRC. Her actions were deemed to be not criminal. Deal with it. Before your head explodes.

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Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

As someone who also had a very high security clearance and has signed 'that document' we both know that she knew. When you 'play' at that level, it is made very very clear to you what is not acceptable and that any breach (deliberate or not) will be punished - the standards phraes that we are all drummed about are:

"people dont need to know what they dont need to know and are not cleared to know" and "if in doubt ....... DONT - always check".

Crooked Hillary deliberately used her own email service instead of the official, and more secure, State Department service. This was not an occasional, incidental use but a very deliberate scheme to make sure that her emails weren’t available later under the open records FOIA laws of America. Crooked Hillary suspended the position of the Inspector General while she was Secretary (this is the person who investigates security breaches within the Department).

Crooked Hillary IS CORRUPT.

Crooked Hillary knows how to get away with being CORRUPT when caught.

Yeah. Right. You played at that level. Even if your unsubstantiated boast were true, then you and a select little group of 5.1 million other Americans were also in your sandbox. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/03/24/5-1-million-americans-have-security-clearances-thats-more-than-the-entire-population-of-norway/

The national security industry. Couldn't exist without anal retentive types producing security protocols to ensure they and other dysfunctional non-thinkers remain employed.

No prosecution against HRC. Her actions were deemed to be not criminal. Deal with it. Before your head explodes.

I agree with the premise about over-classification, which of course drives the need for all those security clearances.

Having said that, what those 5.1m people with clearances think, is irrelevant.

If people with clearances just said to hell with this rule or that protocol, because they feel it's unnecessary, over-reaching, or (mostly) inconvenient, then we would have even bigger problems.

This is precisely what Hillary Clinton did. No matter what you think of her, this represents another X in the box confirming her defective character.

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Aides: Trump Didnt Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trumps extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trumps plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

You're right, Trump will never be President. But he'll make out just fine...might even have a new TV network. The biggest losers? Trump supporters. But as PT Barnum says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

In this election November 8th it looks like Trump will get all 45 million of 'em.

HR Clinton conversely will get the broad and centrist Obama coalition middle (on political steirods) which can be expected to tally at or near 75 million voters casting their ballots for her. (A 3rd party such as Libertarian might get 5 million this time only.)

The Electoral College vote is going to look like a one-sided cricket tournament score. Or the total scoring of a basketball championship four-game sweep by USA of Iran.

The system is indeed rigged...against the wild lunatic fringe in particular.

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Aides: Trump Didnt Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trumps extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trumps plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png

At one point, two aides confirmed, Mr. Trump was not even aware that the event had to be held in Cleveland,

a decision made almost two years ago by the Republican National Committee, they report."


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

You're right, Trump will never be President. But he'll make out just fine...might even have a new TV network. The biggest losers? Trump supporters. But as PT Barnum says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

In this election November 8th it looks like Trump will get all 45 million of 'em.

HR Clinton conversely will get the broad and centrist Obama coalition middle (on political steirods) which can be expected to tally at or near 75 million voters casting their ballots for her. (A 3rd party such as Libertarian might get 5 million this time only.)

The Electoral College vote is going to look like a one-sided cricket tournament score. Or the total scoring of a basketball championship four-game sweep by USA of Iran.

The system is indeed rigged...against the wild lunatic fringe in particular.

The right wing lunatics are going insane this morning! The fake news had them convinced she was going to jail.

Now the system is rigged! It has to beeee!

What's next? LOL.

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She's definitely not going to jail. But her already tarnished image has been additionally tarnished. It is fair game for the republicans to attack her based on her email behavior. The question really is how important it is when considering all other issues for both candidates. It's not going to change any supporters already for HRC. It's more about those that are still undecided.

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....News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, ......

Even if that were true, which it's not, I would much rather have biz as usual than a smoldering Trumpster fire.

There are a slew of ugly accusations coming out about Trump. Some are allegations (such as court filings about 4 sexual encounters with 14 yr. old, including rape), whereas others are factually based on things he's said and done publicly. The guy is a walking talking trash fire. On a related note, here's a comparison of recent handlings of money by respective state governments:

If California was a country, it would be the world's 6th largest & most robust economy. When the smoke starts to clear from UK's Brexit, CA may jump to 5th. Yet, up until a few years ago, CA suffered back to back Republican administrations (one was the Terminator). Both nearly bankrupted the state with their 'lower-taxes-for-rich' trickle-down crap. Now, with a Democrat (Brown) in charge, the state is showing surpluses in the billions of $$'s.

In contrast, little Kansas had, a few years ago, a strong surplus and things were humming along rather well. Then a Republican gov (Sam Brownback) decided to implement a Republican-style economic policy. Within a short time, Kansas was in serious debt, not able to pay for libraries, Head Start, and other basic services. It had to auction off sex toys to try to gain some revenue (I just not).

Republican's 2 love children, trickle-down economics + lower taxes for rich, have never worked and never will. Communities need tax revenue and jobs. Republican economic plans kill both. Trump will do even worse than what happened in Kansas, but for the whole country, and it will have destructive ripples worldwide. He's also hinted at lessening the trustworthiness of US T bonds ("I'm great with debt" "I'll renegotiate."). That's an added tsunami waiting to happen if Trump gets in the driver's seat.

Hope you've seen the FBI report on Clinton's e mail scandal. She should have been charged, but wasn't, which raises all sorts of questions related to Bill's and the A G's meeting and corruption in the Justice department. Regardless, Trump now has the ammunition he needed to really go to town on "crooked Hillary". If he can't blow her out of the water on that one, he doesn't deserve to be POTUS. Then the FBI report on the foundation is still to come of course.

Biz as usual- yikes, you must want massive unemployment, massive overseas debt, massive illegal immigration, massive terrorism on US soil.

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Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

As someone who also had a very high security clearance and has signed 'that document' we both know that she knew. When you 'play' at that level, it is made very very clear to you what is not acceptable and that any breach (deliberate or not) will be punished - the standards phraes that we are all drummed about are:

"people dont need to know what they dont need to know and are not cleared to know" and "if in doubt ....... DONT - always check".

Crooked Hillary deliberately used her own email service instead of the official, and more secure, State Department service. This was not an occasional, incidental use but a very deliberate scheme to make sure that her emails weren’t available later under the open records FOIA laws of America. Crooked Hillary suspended the position of the Inspector General while she was Secretary (this is the person who investigates security breaches within the Department).

Crooked Hillary IS CORRUPT.

Crooked Hillary knows how to get away with being CORRUPT when caught.

Yeah. Right. You played at that level. Even if your unsubstantiated boast were true, then you and a select little group of 5.1 million other Americans were also in your sandbox. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/03/24/5-1-million-americans-have-security-clearances-thats-more-than-the-entire-population-of-norway/

The national security industry. Couldn't exist without anal retentive types producing security protocols to ensure they and other dysfunctional non-thinkers remain employed.

No prosecution against HRC. Her actions were deemed to be not criminal. Deal with it. Before your head explodes.

Her actions were deemed to be not criminal

NOT SO. They just decided not to charge her, though they could, and should, have. He never said she was innocent.

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Benghazi and the Email server issues put to bed in a week.

That's devastating for the ultra conservatives. They are crushed.

Every scandal they have dreamed up in the last 25 years got debunked.

Silly politics. Nothing to do with reality.

It's this win at all costs strategy that keeps good people out of the race.

Just last week, I noticed they were trying to drag Hillsrys son in law thru the gutter. What a bunch of spineless scumbags these ultra conservatives have become.

What are they gonna accuse Hillary of next?

She's the secret lesbian lover of a Muslim terrorist double agent. I think I heard that one before.

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Benghazi definitely a clear win for HRC.

But the email thingie, yes she got a pass legally, but she will not get a pass politically.

Face it -- this is damaging. It's going to make it harder for her to do what needs to be done -- stop the fascist trump movement from entering the white house.

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Benghazi definitely a clear win for HRC.

But the email thingie, yes she got a pass legally, but she will not get a pass politically.

Face it -- this is damaging. It's going to make it harder for her to do what needs to be done -- stop the fascist trump movement from entering the white house.

Face it. HRC was damaged goods from way back and all the TRUE bad stuff isn't going away. She DID post top secret stuff on a private server, and according to the FBI was PROBABLY hacked. How does it get worse than that? That's as bad as the Wikileaks saga, and they put the guy in jail for years.

The best the loony left can come up with against Trump is that he has been accused of bad stuff in the past ( none of it true ) and was a bad businessman with 3 wives. All that stuff about hating women/ Mexicans etc etc is all just lies.

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Benghazi definitely a clear win for HRC.

But the email thingie, yes she got a pass legally, but she will not get a pass politically.

Face it -- this is damaging. It's going to make it harder for her to do what needs to be done -- stop the fascist trump movement from entering the white house.

Face it. HRC was damaged goods from way back and all the TRUE bad stuff isn't going away. She DID post top secret stuff on a private server, and according to the FBI was PROBABLY hacked. How does it get worse than that? That's as bad as the Wikileaks saga, and they put the guy in jail for years.

The best the loony left can come up with against Trump is that he has been accused of bad stuff in the past ( none of it true ) and was a bad businessman with 3 wives. All that stuff about hating women/ Mexicans etc etc is all just lies.

Yes everything about your big leader trump is just a lie. Are you realy from this world? Where do you get your news from, the trumpeteer website?

Get real.

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Benghazi definitely a clear win for HRC.

But the email thingie, yes she got a pass legally, but she will not get a pass politically.

Face it -- this is damaging. It's going to make it harder for her to do what needs to be done -- stop the fascist trump movement from entering the white house.

Face it. HRC was damaged goods from way back and all the TRUE bad stuff isn't going away. She DID post top secret stuff on a private server, and according to the FBI was PROBABLY hacked. How does it get worse than that? That's as bad as the Wikileaks saga, and they put the guy in jail for years.

The best the loony left can come up with against Trump is that he has been accused of bad stuff in the past ( none of it true ) and was a bad businessman with 3 wives. All that stuff about hating women/ Mexicans etc etc is all just lies.

Yes everything about your big leader trump is just a lie. Are you realy from this world? Where do you get your news from, the trumpeteer website?

Get real.

Not going to respond in kind- you are flaming.

I'll just say that there are a lot of people on this thread that are obviously terrified that Trump will be the next POTUS. 55555555555555555555

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....News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, ......

Even if that were true, which it's not, I would much rather have biz as usual than a smoldering Trumpster fire.

There are a slew of ugly accusations coming out about Trump. Some are allegations (such as court filings about 4 sexual encounters with 14 yr. old, including rape), whereas others are factually based on things he's said and done publicly. The guy is a walking talking trash fire. On a related note, here's a comparison of recent handlings of money by respective state governments:

If California was a country, it would be the world's 6th largest & most robust economy. When the smoke starts to clear from UK's Brexit, CA may jump to 5th. Yet, up until a few years ago, CA suffered back to back Republican administrations (one was the Terminator). Both nearly bankrupted the state with their 'lower-taxes-for-rich' trickle-down crap. Now, with a Democrat (Brown) in charge, the state is showing surpluses in the billions of $$'s.

In contrast, little Kansas had, a few years ago, a strong surplus and things were humming along rather well. Then a Republican gov (Sam Brownback) decided to implement a Republican-style economic policy. Within a short time, Kansas was in serious debt, not able to pay for libraries, Head Start, and other basic services. It had to auction off sex toys to try to gain some revenue (I just not).

Republican's 2 love children, trickle-down economics + lower taxes for rich, have never worked and never will. Communities need tax revenue and jobs. Republican economic plans kill both. Trump will do even worse than what happened in Kansas, but for the whole country, and it will have destructive ripples worldwide. He's also hinted at lessening the trustworthiness of US T bonds ("I'm great with debt" "I'll renegotiate."). That's an added tsunami waiting to happen if Trump gets in the driver's seat.

Hope you've seen the FBI report on Clinton's e mail scandal. She should have been charged, but wasn't, which raises all sorts of questions related to Bill's and the A G's meeting and corruption in the Justice department. Regardless, Trump now has the ammunition he needed to really go to town on "crooked Hillary". If he can't blow her out of the water on that one, he doesn't deserve to be POTUS. Then the FBI report on the foundation is still to come of course.

Biz as usual- yikes, you must want massive unemployment, massive overseas debt, massive illegal immigration, massive terrorism on US soil.

Down deep, right wingers don't give a gnat's ass about anyone in government using an unsecured server. The alarmists are the same people who tried defending Reagan's Iran-Contra dirty little war. The only reason HRC's lapse of good judgement re; an email server is such big news is; IT'S ALL RIGHT WINGERS HAVE to try and tar HRC with. If she had done something tangibly bad, like repeatedly not paying workers who did work for her (one of 1,000's of transgressions by Trump), then Right Wingers would be jumping up and down, yelling about that. But, considering her long public career, the email thing (which she has repeatedly apologized for) is the worst that the Reps can find.

Imagine 10 million Republicans gathering their guns to go elk hunting and all that happens is one shoots an opossum. That's what Republicans look like now: They're banging pots and pans, getting all red-faced about an unsecured email server. How silly they all look!

Addendun: None of the HRC bashers have listened to her stump speeches, so they don't know her policy proposals. They instead hear their hero, Trump, say she's crooked, and they become fixated (in their alarmist, anti-science way) that she's evil incarnate.

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Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

As someone who also had a very high security clearance and has signed 'that document' we both know that she knew. When you 'play' at that level, it is made very very clear to you what is not acceptable and that any breach (deliberate or not) will be punished - the standards phraes that we are all drummed about are:

"people dont need to know what they dont need to know and are not cleared to know" and "if in doubt ....... DONT - always check".

Crooked Hillary deliberately used her own email service instead of the official, and more secure, State Department service. This was not an occasional, incidental use but a very deliberate scheme to make sure that her emails weren’t available later under the open records FOIA laws of America. Crooked Hillary suspended the position of the Inspector General while she was Secretary (this is the person who investigates security breaches within the Department).

Crooked Hillary IS CORRUPT.

Crooked Hillary knows how to get away with being CORRUPT when caught.

Yeah. Right. You played at that level. Even if your unsubstantiated boast were true, then you and a select little group of 5.1 million other Americans were also in your sandbox. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/03/24/5-1-million-americans-have-security-clearances-thats-more-than-the-entire-population-of-norway/

The national security industry. Couldn't exist without anal retentive types producing security protocols to ensure they and other dysfunctional non-thinkers remain employed.

No prosecution against HRC. Her actions were deemed to be not criminal. Deal with it. Before your head explodes.

Her actions were deemed to be not criminal

NOT SO. They just decided not to charge her, though they could, and should, have. He never said she was innocent.

No one in the United States of America under any circumstance needs to or should have to prove innocence.

The government or the accuser must prove guilt.

Neither should anyone throw around the word 'innocent' cheaply as if this were Putin's Russia.

The fringe lunatic paranoid right will not get their political show trial.

Suck it up cause it's all in the Constitution. Trump the Ignoramus hasn't any clue either which is why we fear him. Yes -- fear Trump. This general election will finish the rightwhingenoids once and for all, at least as any kind of factor.

Face it, after 7 years of bad luck for the right spewing lies and hate against Barack Obama his approval rating is 56%. Fifty-six percent is conversely the Trump baseline BS factor.

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He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

You're right, Trump will never be President. But he'll make out just fine...might even have a new TV network. The biggest losers? Trump supporters. But as PT Barnum says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

In this election November 8th it looks like Trump will get all 45 million of 'em.

HR Clinton conversely will get the broad and centrist Obama coalition middle (on political steirods) which can be expected to tally at or near 75 million voters casting their ballots for her. (A 3rd party such as Libertarian might get 5 million this time only.)

The Electoral College vote is going to look like a one-sided cricket tournament score. Or the total scoring of a basketball championship four-game sweep by USA of Iran.

The system is indeed rigged...against the wild lunatic fringe in particular.

The right wing lunatics are going insane this morning! The fake news had them convinced she was going to jail.

Now the system is rigged! It has to beeee!

What's next? LOL.

Comey is a commie laugh.png


Comey met secretly with Obama and Bill at a mosque outside Washington where they accidentally found Loretta Lynch smoozing with Al Sharpton (reading the Quran together) and by golly they all sealed the deal.

He is known in Washington btw as Comey island cause he has no friends and he has no enemies. Even the rightwhingenoids won't attack him, they instead continue to focus on Hillary should have been etc etc cause Hillary is guilty/not innocent/corrupt/crooked blah blah blurp blurp.

The Lawman came forward and really stumped the otherwise loud and blatant right. A rare guy indeed. His career highlight had been to bodyslam Dick Cheney to end the government's illegal surveillance program back in 2004. Interesting story on how Comey skulked at night into then AG Ashcroft's hospital room to get the delerious Ashcroft to sign the order to terminate the program then got called to the Oval Office to face down Bush and Cheney.

Comey: The man who told Bush his eavesdropping was illegal


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e of the HRC bashers have listened to her stump speeches, so they don't know her policy proposals. They instead hear their hero, Trump, say she's crooked, and they become fixated (in their alarmist, anti-science way) that she's evil incarnate.

For those that don't know the scandals in HRC's past


BTW, up to me Reagan would have lived out the rest of his life in jail, along with North.

Apologies for over deletion.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Benghazi definitely a clear win for HRC.

But the email thingie, yes she got a pass legally, but she will not get a pass politically.

Face it -- this is damaging. It's going to make it harder for her to do what needs to be done -- stop the fascist trump movement from entering the white house.

One step at a time is the old saying.

The two conventions occur the last two weeks of this month.

The August Olympics will get as much attention if not more as voters desperately need some distraction after all of these past 12 months of madness.

The campaign begins for real September 3rd or so then the election is November 8th. Lotsa time for the D party to unite after the convention, the three debates Trump will scheme to avoid if he can, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders with Bill and Barack campaigning for HRC, David Duke rousing the racists for Donald Trump etc etc.

Nothing in this has been easy and it only gets tougher from here on out. The morning wake up on November 8th will present voters with the decision to choose between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for Potus.

Case closed.

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The clueless Bloviator, once again displays his grand ignorance:

Trump Praises Saddam Hussein Again — This Time For Killing Terrorists ‘So Good’

He’s basically condoning the former dictator’s complete disregard for civil liberties.

"Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican presidential nomination, once again lauded deposed Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein during a campaign stop."

"Speaking at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Tuesday evening, Trump praised what he said was Hussein’s innate ability to kill terrorists “so good.”

While heaping praise on another of his dictator heroes, the Bloviator disregards Saddam Hussein's genocide of 5000 of his own civilians by slaughtering them with nerve agents:

Sarin, Taun, VX and Mustard Gas.

25 Years After Worst Chemical-Weapon Massacre In History, Saddam Hussein's Attack On Halabja in Iraq, The City Is Reborn

"HALABJA, Iraq -- First came the blast of the bombs dropped from the jets, followed by a smell of apples."

"Then the birds the family kept caged in the yard dropped dead."

"Minutes later, human beings began to die, too."


Edited by metisdead
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Trump Praises Saddam Hussein Again — This Time For Killing Terrorists ‘So Good’

Every week, we get at least one new brain fart vocalized by The Divider. He doesn't disappoint, does he.

Anyone who's studied S.Hussein will know his two sons were as bad as he. The trio indiscriminately killed hundreds as easily as you or I hail a cab. It's become PC to say Bush Jr. made a giant mistake by going into Iraq II, but I think it was worthwhile, because it took out that evil trio. Iraq and its surrounding regions would be worse than they are currently, if the US military hadn't gone in a 2nd time. It's awful now, but it would be worse, I'm sure of that.

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And it's not the first time Boom...

Trump: World would be '100%' better with Hussein, Gadhafi in power

"Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power." blink.png

"100%," Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on "State of the Union."
"Trump said he believes Iraq and Libya, the respective countries of the since-deceased dictators, would be less fractured and promote a more stable Middle East,
if the two had not been forcefully pushed out of power."
The Bizarro world as the Bloviator sees it. facepalm.gif
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The alternative is Boss Polyester. No way.

You don't like Hillary because you don't like her choice of clothes? Jeezo, you guys are desperate for mud to stick to her.

The worst you can find on a woman who's had a long public career is; she used a private server for emails ?

Some politicians disdain running negative campaigns altogether, but that's a completely alien concept to the Trumpster. Without spewing negativity, Trump would be a cardboard cut-out of himself.

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For those that appreciate sophisticated writing:


He growls, rants, shouts, digresses, careens from shtick nugget to shtick nugget, rhapsodizes over past landslides, name-drops Ivanka, Melania, Mike Tyson, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Knight, Bill O’Reilly. His right shoulder thrusts out as he makes the pinched-finger mudra with downswinging arm. His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone.
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For those that appreciate sophisticated writing:


He growls, rants, shouts, digresses, careens from shtick nugget to shtick nugget, rhapsodizes over past landslides, name-drops Ivanka, Melania, Mike Tyson, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Knight, Bill O’Reilly. His right shoulder thrusts out as he makes the pinched-finger mudra with downswinging arm. His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone.

Another ridiculous heavily biased prejudiced piece. Let's deal with the issues. Many anti Trump supporters are really behaving like neo nazis with this type of propoganda. One must ask why are the powers that be so afraid of Trump? They are very worried their game is being exposed.

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DANGEROUS donald trump, the conspiracy theory candidate:

In May, a poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University found that no group of Americans was more likely to believe in a group of conspiracy theories the pollsters offered than Trump supporters. Among all respondents, 52 percent did not consider any of the six theories "definitely true." Seventy percent of Trump supporters, though, believed at least one.


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For those that appreciate sophisticated writing:


He growls, rants, shouts, digresses, careens from shtick nugget to shtick nugget, rhapsodizes over past landslides, name-drops Ivanka, Melania, Mike Tyson, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Knight, Bill O’Reilly. His right shoulder thrusts out as he makes the pinched-finger mudra with downswinging arm. His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone.

Another ridiculous heavily biased prejudiced piece. Let's deal with the issues. Many anti Trump supporters are really behaving like neo nazis swinging and striking at anything within reach verbally as well as physically which is evident at their protests.

Wow. That was a VERY LONG piece. You judged it before reading it, obviously. Look at the time stamps! Hey, why not read it? It's quite interesting. It really is not as one sided as you imagine.

Edited by metisdead
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Trump Praises Saddam Hussein Again — This Time For Killing Terrorists ‘So Good’

Every week, we get at least one new brain fart vocalized by The Divider. He doesn't disappoint, does he.

Anyone who's studied S.Hussein will know his two sons were as bad as he. The trio indiscriminately killed hundreds as easily as you or I hail a cab. It's become PC to say Bush Jr. made a giant mistake by going into Iraq II, but I think it was worthwhile, because it took out that evil trio. Iraq and its surrounding regions would be worse than they are currently, if the US military hadn't gone in a 2nd time. It's awful now, but it would be worse, I'm sure of that.

You obviously haven't read about the British report that basically said Iraq war was a mistake and based on BS by Blair ( as if we didn't know that already for years ). Thousands of young Brits and Americans killed and maimed, the rise of ISIS, Iraq in chaos, the entire middle east destabilised. Just HOW could it be worse?

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