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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump has mega-negatives in every category.

HRC has a few lightweight negatives in a couple of categories.

So, the GOP strategy is try to magnify and blow-up her negatives - and hope they overshadow The Divider's.

It's only working for Trump's cultish fans. Very few others are getting hoodwinked by such lowbrow tactics.

Why do I call T's fans cultish? Here's why: they adore everything Trump utters and shouts. Even when The Divider blatantly contradicts himself (which he's done dozens of times), his fans rapturously applaud. Every Republican father figure who disses Trump is dissed by The Divider (and therefore his fans) ten times worse. He can do no wrong. Not much different than the cultish/required adulation of Fat Boy Kim, is it?

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Wharton Students to Trump: You Do Not Represent Us

"Donald Trump loves to name-check his alma mater, the prestigious Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania."

"His two-year tenure at the school is an important pillar of his public persona that he's used it not only to burnish his business credentials,

but to contrast his academic pedigree with his political rivals."

"But some members of the Wharton community are fed up with their famous alumnus."

Read the open letter to the Bloviator, where they list the numerous groups he has denigrated; here:


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Trump’s Capitol Hill doubters unmoved after face-to-face meetings

The GOP standard bearer's fans were happy, but he didn't change minds.

"Dozens of House and Senate Republicans touted party unity after Donald Trump’s pair of appearances with them on Capitol Hill Thursday."

"But as details about the meetings leaked out, it became clear that the gatherings did little but paper over deep internal GOP divisions that show no signs of abating."

"House members already wary of Trump were even more skeptical after seeing him in person, their concerns about his standing among Latinos and praise for Saddam Hussein undiminished."


It must have been excruciating listening to the clueless Bloviator for two hours.

Especially, with his babbling about the nonexistent Article XII of the U.S. Constitution. laugh.png

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Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist and bigot, Andrew Anglin applauds the Bloviator for not denouncing his vicious Troll Army:

( Any members here? ) whistling.gif

Glorious Leader Donald Trump Refuses to Denounce Stormer Troll Army

"Asked by the disgusting and evil Jewish parasite Wolf Blitzer to denounce the Stormer Troll Army, The Glorious Leader declined."

"The Jew Wolf was attempting to Stump the Trump, bringing up stormer attacks on Jew terrorist Julia Ioffe."

"Trump responded to the request with “I have no message to the fans” which might as well have been “Hail Victory, Comrades!”


The Text Book Racist Bloviator describes these cretins as his "Fans":

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Wharton Students to Trump: You Do Not Represent Us

"Donald Trump loves to name-check his alma mater, the prestigious Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania."

"His two-year tenure at the school is an important pillar of his public persona that he's used it not only to burnish his business credentials,

but to contrast his academic pedigree with his political rivals."

"But some members of the Wharton community are fed up with their famous alumnus."

Read the open letter to the Bloviator, where they list the numerous groups he has denigrated; here:


I read it. It confirms what I've known all along; most youngsters are coming along fine. Most are not going to be as heavily burdened by lust-for-riches (and as insecure) as their parents' (Trump's) generation. Most youngsters I've met can clearly see Trump as the low-class grandstander he is.

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Classic that certain posters call the anti-Trump faction "left wing wackos".

Excuse me but lets clarify who the "wacko's might be.

Banning a certain people due to their religion........although as a country we standby freedom of religion, hmmmmmm who's the wacko?

Saying an American judge is not fit to be judicious due to his Latino heritage.........again another hmmm who's the wacko?

Openly mocking the handicapped.....

Openly making comments that are disparaging toward women.........

defrauding people in real estate deals, not paying contractors for work they've done so the people that say no to this jerk are "left wing wacko"s.

Man, might want to look in the mirror when posting that.

To the poster who posted "I'll take an entertaining fraudster over a dreary, PC, lying crook any day." you're swallowing too much Rush Limbaugh et al and not seeing

-skill as a senator in guiding the Children's Health Insurance Program through Congress

-negotiating a ceasefire with Hamas during tense moments in Israel

-vast comprehension of foreign affairs, having been to 112 countries during her years (2009 to 2013) as secretary of state

-U.S. senator for eight years, she knows how Congress functions -- or doesn't (due to GOP boneheads).

These are qualifications mate, so you pass on the qualified for your reality show con man by labelling her as "lying crook"? Your guy is the "lying crook" that's why the endless lawsuits for fraud and not paying what he owes.

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

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NYPD turns down request for Donald Trump to address officers

"Following the mass shooting in Dallas and killing of five law enforcement officers, Donald Trump's campaign reached out to the New York Police Department on Friday morning,

and asked whether he could address police officers at the Midtown North Precinct during 3 p.m. roll call, according to the New York Daily News."

"The campaign was firmly turned down — and Bill Bratton, the police commissioner, explained why during a news conference in New York."

"Our interest is staying out of the politics of the moment, not to provide photo ops," Bratton said in response to a question from a reporter."


Bravo Mr. Bratton for putting the crass, shameless, opportunistic Bloviator in his place. The gutter.

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Trump’s candidacy could drive Latino turnout in Florida – Report

"Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy is making Latinos more likely to vote in November in a key part of Florida, the group Working America will report this week."

"A majority – 55 percent – of more than 500 likely Latino voters in the Orlando area told Working America canvassers in early June,

that Trump made them more likely to vote and just 3 percent said they would back the presumptive Republican nominee."

"Working America is a non-union affiliate of the AFL-CIO, the largest U.S. federation of labor unions, which has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton."


Grande. Give the Text Book Racist, Bloviator: Hell.

And send him back under the bigoted, slimy rock where he belongs.

Edited by iReason
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I predict; not only will Trump lose 'bigly' but his biz will go limp like a Han's member without its daily ration of pulverized tiger bone tea.

Trump likes to trot out his (and only his) hyper-inflated values for the use of his name. Yet whatever those over-stated values are, they're already sagging. Imagine how close to worthless his name value will be after he loses in Goldwateresque style in November. The names 'Blovator' or 'Loser' or 'Has-Been' will have greater franchise value.

Perhaps a fried chicken wing franchise in Podunk Indiana will be willing to pay Trump $45/yr to use his name.....

Trump's Fried Chicken Wings - Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Alternatively, a dumpster manufacturing company would be a perfect match: Trumpster's Dumpsters, buy five, get one free!

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

This is very well articulated, and not just because you've reached the same conclusions that I have. Very fair and balanced--too bad Fox News can't be more like this. And yes, as an American in Thailand, I do realize that it would be absolute disaster if Trump becomes President. It would be bad for the US, the world, and for American expats throughout the world. I get that Trump supporters are all about going against "the establishment," but at some point, you have to say the joke is over...you're voting against your own self-interest. I do have faith that a majority of Americans are too smart to let this man be President.

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Here Trump quips, if he wins he might not take the oath.......??? How about that for all you Trump supporters? He's not only NOT QUALIFIED, but now he says, "I'd think about Mark Cuban's 5 billion instead of being elected and then standing POTUS".

What a complete horse's a*s and same for anyone that supports this total goof. Con man and you the conned. Team stupidos.


What a whigning complaint/argurment you give.

Typical for left wingnut radicals and their foolish friends.

Did you bother to read the whole report...in your link ?

The interview posed some comical questions about not taking the oath and being bought off. It was all a humorous "what if..tongue in cheek"

Ignorant people jumping on a supposition like flies on krap.

Here is the last paragraph..in your own link.....(yes...it is the link you wanted us to read and is above this reply).

"Trump has scoffed at criticism that he is not serious about becoming president, suggesting that his businesses have not benefited from his controversial presidential campaign and that he is truly in the race to "make America great again."



In the meantine...Black lives Matters....your left wingnut buddies...(yes Hillary supporters and Obama Supporters that they and you are)....are wreaking mayhem and making you people look like the biggest idiots in history.


I would bet money that Sweet Caitlin is a trump voter?

Obama is a pretty decent guy who remains popular because of his achievements. Get some perspective man, you are looking ridiculous with these stupid diatribes.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Achievements, what achievements? An affordable health care scheme that isn't affordable, middle east in chaos, rise of ISIS, worst recovery in living memory, rise and rise of the 1%.

Such ignorance

"Unaffordable health care scheme"? Really?

" Across key subgroups, blacks and Hispanics have experienced the largest declines in their uninsured rates since the fourth quarter of 2013. The rate among Hispanics was 28.3% in the first quarter of 2016, still significantly higher than for all U.S. adults, but down 10.4 points from the fourth quarter of 2013. Similarly, the uninsured rate has declined 9.5 points among blacks over this same period to its current 11.4%"


As for the rise and rise of the 1%

"If you've wondered whether Obama has made any headway at reducing income inequality, here's evidence that he has. Based on tax policy alone, he has slightly increased the income of the poor and more significantly reduced the income of the rich. That's according to a new, exclusive analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, conducted at the request of The Washington Post, that compared today's income distribution with what it would look like if President George W. Bush's tax policies were still in place."


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A message to anyone who has, is, or is planning to donate money to Trump's campaign:

At least a tenth of your money will be going to the following:

Paying rents on several of Trump's residences. Not cheap. And since when does a political campaign pay residency rents on candidates' multiple residences? Tens of thousands of dollars on his very plush residencies in NYC, Florida and elsewhere. If GOP contributors want to pay The Divider's rent, that's their option. Speaking for myself; Even if was rich and I liked The Donald as a candidate, NO WAY would I want to contribute to his astronomical house rental costs. Plus, if he's so rich, why doesn't he own the places? If he owns them, why does he need to pay rents? ......pay to whom? The actual owners? Oh, I get it, He pays rent to himself. ......and that's the conniving dufus that Republicans want in the White House. If he gets to the WH, will he charge the American taxpayers for rental on the place? What's it worth, perhaps $5 million/month? Wow, what a smart businessman!!! He can get American taxpayers to pay him personally for renting the White House, Air Force One, Marine One, Any yacht trips. He can do all state dinners at Trump properties (he's building 'The Post Office' in Wash D.C.), and charge big buck for that. Wow, what a great biz man. He'll make an added 500 million/year being prez!

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Reality is setting in. Looks like a serious delegate revolt is underway.

Convention Chairman Paul Ryan's big moment. He knows what needs to be done.

Look for Trump to be dumped.

I sincerely hope not. He's Hillary's best chance. Although I think she could prevail over Ted Cruz, too.

I take comfort from this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/05/anti-trump-gop-delegates-still-coming-up-short/

Edited by ilostmypassword
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"Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship."

Yep, and thats why it's basically now become 3 in 10 that might vote for Trump, and here on this thread it's become 2 in 10, lobster and whatever troller decides to post.

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Still waiting for the Bloviator to release his "totally filled" list of speakers and "long waiting list of those that want to speak."

Remember that? First it was last Wednesday, which became Thursday. Still, nothing.

Where are all these stellar speakers?


I read he asked Lyin' Ted Cruz 'tho...

Ted Cruz Unloads On Trump In Indiana: “I’m Going To Tell You What I Really Think Of Donald Trump.”

"Well, this was definitely a sight to behold."

"Ted Cruz held a press conference today in Indiana, where he first addressed Trump's latest insane allegation,

that his father Rafael was somehow involved in the assassination of JFK."

"After pointing out that a mentally balanced person would not have made this allegation on live television, Cruz paused, appeared to think for a second, and said,

"I'm going to do something I haven't done before, those of you who follow me around on the campaign trail - I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump."

Watch the Epic rant here:

( Gotta hand this one to Ted. He's right on the money. ) thumbsup.gif

Cruz: I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump.

This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies.

He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth.


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What's the bet on the smug Trump brats filling a few slots?

Yes, I think surely his daughter will be a keynote speaker. Not as likely his sons.

As for Cruz's assessment, he's right on the bullseye. If Cruz had shown more of the down to earth passion (in his put-down of Trump) and less of his Bible-thumping, ....he'd would likely be the Rep candidate. Along the same vein, if Republican contenders had attacked Trump during the primaries with more vigor, it would have been even uglier than it was (with Trump blasting ever-more hate and lies in all directions), .....but it might have lessened T's voter support.

HRC's supporters are going to reveal more added crap on Trump. There's such a wealth of it out there. Trump wants an ugly campaign, and he'll get it back in his face a hundred-fold. But it won't so much be HRC cutting him to pieces. She will mention a few things, for sure, but she'd be smart to ease back and let her supporters (and Trump himself) reveal what a low-class piece of gutter crud he is.

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Yes, even though the man speaking in the video is far removed from reality, it's good that he can express himself in that way. It relates to two basic principles: #1. America is a free-enough country where any person can say pretty much anything they want to say, publicly. #2. Enabling nut-jobs like him to express himself, is like lancing a pustule. It enables extremists to release some pressure, however ugly. If folks like that didn't have that sort of outlet, they might build up pressure and explode - like the cop shooter in Dallas or the killer at Orlando. As bad as American is becoming with shooting incidents, it could be worse. We can partially thank Youtube and the tolerance of the American government (for free speech) for that.

There are many countries where even a peep of free speech will get a person jailed or worse.

That's one reason why the election process is good for people ww to see. Sure it's drawn out and looks like a 5-wheeled truck continually veering off the road and plowing into trees and power poles and other vehicles, .....but there is a process there which resembles democracy, warts and all.

People in other countries can point fingers and laugh out loud at their TV/computer monitors, but down deep, some of the smarter people know that's what's needed in their own countries: democracy. A mud-wrestling bitch fight out in the open. The outcome may not produce the best person for the job, but it's hell's bells better than what passes for regime change in half the countries in the world.

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Yes, even though the man speaking in the video is far removed from reality, it's good that he can express himself in that way. It relates to two basic principles: #1. America is a free-enough country where any person can say pretty much anything they want to say, publicly. #2. Enabling nut-jobs like him to express himself, is like lancing a pustule. It enables extremists to release some pressure, however ugly. If folks like that didn't have that sort of outlet, they might build up pressure and explode - like the cop shooter in Dallas or the killer at Orlando. As bad as American is becoming with shooting incidents, it could be worse. We can partially thank Youtube and the tolerance of the American government (for free speech) for that.

There are many countries where even a peep of free speech will get a person jailed or worse.

That's one reason why the election process is good for people ww to see. Sure it's drawn out and looks like a 5-wheeled truck continually veering off the road and plowing into trees and power poles and other vehicles, .....but there is a process there which resembles democracy, warts and all.

People in other countries can point fingers and laugh out loud at their TV/computer monitors, but down deep, some of the smarter people know that's what's needed in their own countries: democracy. A mud-wrestling bitch fight out in the open. The outcome may not produce the best person for the job, but it's hell's bells better than what passes for regime change in half the countries in the world.

"Yes, even though the man speaking in the video is far removed from reality, it's good that he can express himself in that way. "

Yes, he's even allowed to vote. Wonder how many percent of the Trump voters share his opinions? Quite a lot I would guess. Says it all, really.

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I guess he is discovering the General electorate is more sophisticated than the couple thousand redneck dumbshits that attend his rallies.

Let him loose!

It's OK. The damage is already done. clap2.gif Tons of material for the Clinton campaign and PACs especially to play in endless loop t.v. ads in swing states!

Never mind.

Trump can just play looped clips of HRC saying she landed under fire in Bosnia and of her voting for the Iraq war.

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Hmmm, I wonder how true this is...


If true, it means the "Dump Trump" brigade might actually succeed in getting delegates unbinded and prevent Trump from having the required number of delegates to be nominated. Getting interesting.

Only an isane person would actually stand as a substitute candidate for a deposed Trump. They would be a target for the rest of their life ( NB I'm NOT saying Trump would assasinate them, but plenty of his fans that would ), and they wouldn't win anyway. Trump would make it his mission to destroy their candidacy.

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What's the bet on the smug Trump brats filling a few slots?

Yes, I think surely his daughter will be a keynote speaker. Not as likely his sons.

As for Cruz's assessment, he's right on the bullseye. If Cruz had shown more of the down to earth passion (in his put-down of Trump) and less of his Bible-thumping, ....he'd would likely be the Rep candidate. Along the same vein, if Republican contenders had attacked Trump during the primaries with more vigor, it would have been even uglier than it was (with Trump blasting ever-more hate and lies in all directions), .....but it might have lessened T's voter support.

HRC's supporters are going to reveal more added crap on Trump. There's such a wealth of it out there. Trump wants an ugly campaign, and he'll get it back in his face a hundred-fold. But it won't so much be HRC cutting him to pieces. She will mention a few things, for sure, but she'd be smart to ease back and let her supporters (and Trump himself) reveal what a low-class piece of gutter crud he is.

LOL. You continue to post replies that imply HRC is snow white. For everything that HRC or supporters throw at Trump he had something equally odious about HRC to throw back. How do you get around HRC claiming to land under fire in Bosnia or voting for Iraq war- they are on the record?

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