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High-speed Mercedes crash ignites uproar in Thailand


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hmm..where do we start ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch)

- 13yr old American teenager is given a car and allowed to drive to school

- teen's school questions practice, rich dad threatens to buy school

- teen racks up history of reckless behavior behind the wheel

- rich dad pays the necessary tea money to cover it up/reduce charges

- teen finally plows into four people on side of the road killing them instantly

- teen's mom takes her son and flees the country then apprehended

- rich dad hires lawyers, argues teen suffering fabricated disease and only gets 10yrs probation

This not an uncommon scenario in US when it comes to penalizing the wealthy nor anywhere else in the world.

Yet where's the outrage, where's the condemnation, veiled racism so often directed at Thais by farang living here?

If this is how the justice system in the richest, most powerful country in the world dishes out punishment, how can we condemn poorer, less developed countries for similar actions?

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I was working away one day when the most hated politician in the country walked into the office (not a business office). In the past, everyone, but everyone, had expressed a huge dislike of this germ, using very angry words. My immediate instinct on seeing him was to stand up and turn my back to him - and hope my politically aware colleagues would do the same, perhaps while chanting "Auk pai"!, for that is what he deserved. But what did they do? They all grinned at him like monkeys, gave him a deep, deep wai and rushed around him like love-struck puppies. This hypocrisy and sycophancy made me want to vomit, and I never spoke to some of them again, such was my disgust. This story epitomizes all that is wrong in this country. If Jenpob were to walk into my office tomorrow, he would expect, nay demand, to be treated like a little god. And the sad things is, my colleagues would oblige. Social approbrium can be a powerful tool, but you'll never see it used on a personal level in this country.


Why aren't there people outside the hospital in Bangkok with signs demanding justice? Why aren't people going to boycott that family's business?

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Sent the little woman, ‘she’s only 4’11” bless her cotton socks, can hardly see over the dash’, to wash the Lot Gabah not 3 days ago, there were three vehicles in the cue and she was next.

Mercedes pulls in, and yes, you guessed it, straight to the front of the cue!

Little woman returned fair foaming at the mouth, and with good right too, I might add.

Now she wants a Mercedes.

Happy days!

Haha! Better get her one.

“A-Class” hatch should do it.

Either that or you may have to change your name to,,

“Bursting Blue Balls”


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No bail, no fines, no probation, no community service, no payments to the victim's families

Throw him in a jail for a very long time and make the rest of the hi-so pack in Bangkok take notice, this is a really good opportunity for the justice system in Thailand to take a step towards equality for all

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hmm..where do we start ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch)

- 13yr old American teenager is given a car and allowed to drive to school

- teen's school questions practice, rich dad threatens to buy school

- teen racks up history of reckless behavior behind the wheel

- rich dad pays the necessary tea money to cover it up/reduce charges

- teen finally plows into four people on side of the road killing them instantly

- teen's mom takes her son and flees the country then apprehended

- rich dad hires lawyers, argues teen suffering fabricated disease and only gets 10yrs probation

This not an uncommon scenario in US when it comes to penalizing the wealthy nor anywhere else in the world.

Yet where's the outrage, where's the condemnation, veiled racism so often directed at Thais by farang living here?

If this is how the justice system in the richest, most powerful country in the world dishes out punishment, how can we condemn poorer, less developed countries for similar actions?

We can,because there was a real outrage in the US over this case!

Where as in Thailand "she has that name, so we better be quiet" ...and similar stuff!

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Usually, parents are responsible for bringing up their children, although in this case, I suspect the family nanny did that. Instead of the father standing there for a photo shoot, with his hands in his pocket and a look of pure arrogance on his face, he should be setting an example and insisting that the punishment for his son should fit the crime. But we all know that won't happen here. He'll get a few hours of community service and his father will give him a new merc.

I almost make myself sick when I think about these low-life scum!

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"The law is the law — whether you are rich or poor you have to pay for what you've done," national police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai said Monday, asking skeptics to have faith in the police. "Justice will be served. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he won't go to jail. I'm asking people not to think that way."

rolleyes.gif whistling.gif Righto then...............

And why didn't the red-hot journalists, including the international agencies, ask if that is the case why hasn't the Red Bull driver been punished, or the kid who killed nine people, or the Porsche driver who continued to drive with the top half of a body in his car after he had mown her down, or etc etc etc etc etc.

Why don't journalists in this country ask questions???? Oh I forgot. The PM threatened to kill any who asked questions he didn't like.

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Good luck that I am not the parent of either kid who lost their life; Moses already was confronted with "eye for an eye".

This spoilt little brat - as well as all the other oligarch protégés - would certainly never be able to do anything without a wheelchair. Thailand is the ongoing and continuous proof that you sometimes have to resort to own means as the "authorities" quite obviously keep on failing on the very basics of society structural issues like "law and

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Why do governments allow cars intended for public roads to be made that can go that fast when there's no public road in the world where they can legally be driven? Serious question. They are allowing dangerous toys to be put in the hands of children or idiots. You can't blame children and idiots because evolution produces both. This is a control issue. It's no good blaming Thai hi-sos, or blaming corrupt police. It's a collective human failing.

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I like to think that one day these people with the power and influence will discover that the foundations on which they have created this two tier system are made of sand.

I would like to be around to see the look on their faces when it all collapses around them.

I know many will say that will never happen, but I am an optimist. Change is being introduced by two factors - greater awareness about these inequalities and the ability to air views about them (social media) and the lingering taste of the now removed democratic experience,(selecting their preferred government, however flawed); which try as they may will not go away. The pressure for that change can only increase.

Sorry JAG,

I totally disagree with making this political. Just look at Charlem and his killer son. Whoever is in power will abuse it here no matter what color. To make this about the junta and elections is just a way to show your bias and its stupid.

I have my doubts that anyone in power will ever change this, because they benefit from it. When there are new people in power they will keep it because they want to have the same benefits from having power.

I know many will say that will never happen, but I am an optimist. Change is being introduced by two factors - greater awareness about these inequalities and the ability to air views about them (social media) and the lingering taste of the now removed democratic experience,(selecting their preferred government, however flawed); which try as they may will not go away. The pressure for that change can only increase.

selecting their preferred government, however flawed

If change is to come it won't be thanks to people being able to select their preferred government, however flawed, because by however flawed you mean however corrupt, and so this is just another perpetuation of the cycle of the rich and powerful being able to ignore laws thanks to power and influence.

Change might come when so called "flawed" politicians are behind bars along with the road killers.

Sorry, but both of you have missed my point and seized upon my mention of the rebuttal of democracy. I used it as an example (relevant I think) of the total lack of regard of these "elites" for the rest of society. I included it because I think that it particularly rankles with many in this society. I could I suppose as easily have mentioned - I don't know - the inherent corruption in the state education system, or the establishments involvement in countless examples of racketeering. By seizing on my selection of this example, I would suggest that it is you that have given in to your political prejudice.

Mind you, this debate cannot be detached from politics. We are talking about a major change maybe being forced upon this society by popular rejection of these peoples implicit "above the law" status. I suppose that is pretty political.

You will I'm sure note Roblock that I have not accused you of being stupid because I disagree with something you said.

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Sorry, but both of you have missed my point and seized upon my mention of the rebuttal of democracy. I used it as an example (relevant I think) of the total lack of regard of these "elites" for the rest of society. I included it because I think that it particularly rankles with many in this society. I could I suppose as easily have mentioned - I don't know - the inherent corruption in the state education system, or the establishments involvement in countless examples of racketeering. By seizing on my selection of this example, I would suggest that it is you that have given in to your political prejudice.

Mind you, this debate cannot be detached from politics. We are talking about a major change maybe being forced upon this society by popular rejection of these peoples implicit "above the law" status. I suppose that is pretty political.

You will I'm sure note Roblock that I have not accused you of being stupid because I disagree with something you said.

JAG you missed my point, I gave examples of your beloved PTP being worse (murder by Charlems son anyone) than the current ones. But I don't want to make this political as you because they are all bad when they are in power. Your elites are no less bad and you fail to see that. I think that is stupid, sorry JAG.

This is not about politics but you drag it into it, whoever is in power will abuse it as we have seen time and again. So it is not about the color of the shirt the person wears its about in power vs not in power or rich vs poor. Most of them all have total disrespect for others once they are in power.

Edited by robblok
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"The law is the law — whether you are rich or poor you have to pay for what you've done," national police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai said Monday, asking skeptics to have faith in the police. "Justice will be served. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he won't go to jail. I'm asking people not to think that way." Actions speak louder than words. Show the the people of Thailand and the world that you mean business and put this guy behind bars for a long, long time. Do that and the respect that will be given will be unbelievable.

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Sorry, but both of you have missed my point and seized upon my mention of the rebuttal of democracy. I used it as an example (relevant I think) of the total lack of regard of these "elites" for the rest of society. I included it because I think that it particularly rankles with many in this society. I could I suppose as easily have mentioned - I don't know - the inherent corruption in the state education system, or the establishments involvement in countless examples of racketeering. By seizing on my selection of this example, I would suggest that it is you that have given in to your political prejudice.

Mind you, this debate cannot be detached from politics. We are talking about a major change maybe being forced upon this society by popular rejection of these peoples implicit "above the law" status. I suppose that is pretty political.

You will I'm sure note Roblock that I have not accused you of being stupid because I disagree with something you said.

JAG you missed my point, I gave examples of your beloved PTP being worse (murder by Charlems son anyone) than the current ones. But I don't want to make this political as you because they are all bad when they are in power. Your elites are no less bad and you fail to see that. I think that is stupid, sorry JAG.

This is not about politics but you drag it into it, whoever is in power will abuse it as we have seen time and again. So it is not about the color of the shirt the person wears its about in power vs not in power or rich vs poor. Most of them all have total disrespect for others once they are in power.

1. They are not my beloved PTP and my views on them or any other party are of no matter in this discussion. It is you who have turned this into a party political debate, not me.

2. Please stop calling me stupid on this forum - you are I am sure well aware of how that breaks the forum rules.

3. For both these reasons I see little point in continuing. Shall we agree to disagree?

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When I examined this video carefully I could not figure out what the Benz driver was doing!He has a raised median on his left and a vehicle directly in front and he is doing 200kph+.This is 21st century kamikaze!This halfwit should NEVER be allowed to drive any vehicle EVER again...including roller skates and skateboards and he should be locked away for a long time.He is a very lucky man in that neither of the victims was my relative as he would have no place to hide.Disgusting Bangkokroach.

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"The law is the law whether you are rich or poor you have to pay for what you've done," national police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai said Monday, asking skeptics to have faith in the police. "Justice will be served. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he won't go to jail. I'm asking people not to think that way." Actions speak louder than words. Show the the people of Thailand and the world that you mean business and put this guy behind bars for a long, long time. Do that and the respect that will be given will be unbelievable.

The police or the army should round up all the well known rich kids who have killed because of their actions, then parade them in front if the media and sentence them one by one to lengthy spells in jail and announce to everyone who thinks they are above the law will be punished.

I am sure everyone would agree the look on their faces as they are marched to the cells would be priceless.

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I'm amused by all these posts mentioning they'd do justice by themselves using some firearm or suggesting to use a rented hitman.

No, you wouldn't do this and probably nobody can because you can bet that he is very well protected by police 24x7 in his hospital room and will be even more when he gets out, until he is released on bail and allowed to flee abroad under good protection as well.

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I know many will say that will never happen, but I am an optimist. Change is being introduced by two factors - greater awareness about these inequalities and the ability to air views about them (social media) and the lingering taste of the now removed democratic experience,(selecting their preferred government, however flawed); which try as they may will not go away. The pressure for that change can only increase.

selecting their preferred government, however flawed

If change is to come it won't be thanks to people being able to select their preferred government, however flawed, because by however flawed you mean however corrupt, and so this is just another perpetuation of the cycle of the rich and powerful being able to ignore laws thanks to power and influence.

Change might come when so called "flawed" politicians are behind bars along with the road killers.

Sorry, but both of you have missed my point and seized upon my mention of the rebuttal of democracy. I used it as an example (relevant I think) of the total lack of regard of these "elites" for the rest of society. I included it because I think that it particularly rankles with many in this society. I could I suppose as easily have mentioned - I don't know - the inherent corruption in the state education system, or the establishments involvement in countless examples of racketeering. By seizing on my selection of this example, I would suggest that it is you that have given in to your political prejudice.

Mind you, this debate cannot be detached from politics. We are talking about a major change maybe being forced upon this society by popular rejection of these peoples implicit "above the law" status. I suppose that is pretty political.

You will I'm sure note Roblock that I have not accused you of being stupid because I disagree with something you said.

I didn't seize upon your mention of the rebuttal of democracy, i seized upon your mention of citizens being able to select their preferred government, however flawed. That was what i disagreed with.

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When I examined this video carefully I could not figure out what the Benz driver was doing!He has a raised median on his left and a vehicle directly in front and he is doing 200kph+.This is 21st century kamikaze!This halfwit should NEVER be allowed to drive any vehicle EVER again...including roller skates and skateboards and he should be locked away for a long time.He is a very lucky man in that neither of the victims was my relative as he would have no place to hide.Disgusting Bangkokroach.

With regards figuring out what he was doing, judging from both the crash and the barrier that he drove through, i think the most likely conclusion is that he was very high on some sort of substance. He wasn't driving like a drunk but rather someone who thought they were invincible.

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Sorry, but both of you have missed my point and seized upon my mention of the rebuttal of democracy. I used it as an example (relevant I think) of the total lack of regard of these "elites" for the rest of society. I included it because I think that it particularly rankles with many in this society. I could I suppose as easily have mentioned - I don't know - the inherent corruption in the state education system, or the establishments involvement in countless examples of racketeering. By seizing on my selection of this example, I would suggest that it is you that have given in to your political prejudice.

Mind you, this debate cannot be detached from politics. We are talking about a major change maybe being forced upon this society by popular rejection of these peoples implicit "above the law" status. I suppose that is pretty political.

You will I'm sure note Roblock that I have not accused you of being stupid because I disagree with something you said.

JAG you missed my point, I gave examples of your beloved PTP being worse (murder by Charlems son anyone) than the current ones. But I don't want to make this political as you because they are all bad when they are in power. Your elites are no less bad and you fail to see that. I think that is stupid, sorry JAG.

This is not about politics but you drag it into it, whoever is in power will abuse it as we have seen time and again. So it is not about the color of the shirt the person wears its about in power vs not in power or rich vs poor. Most of them all have total disrespect for others once they are in power.

1. They are not my beloved PTP and my views on them or any other party are of no matter in this discussion. It is you who have turned this into a party political debate, not me.

2. Please stop calling me stupid on this forum - you are I am sure well aware of how that breaks the forum rules.

3. For both these reasons I see little point in continuing. Shall we agree to disagree?

Not calling you stupid, calling the the arguments your using stupid, 2 different things.

No its you who turned it into it by dragging the junta into it while its just rich versus poor, or those with connections against those without.

I at least came with facts of others with other color shirts as the ones in power now doing the same and worse demonstrating its not about political allegiance at all but about being in power or not.

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A lot of times while driving here I'll look in my rear view mirror and see no vehicles in sight then within seconds a Benz,BMW, or some other luxury car will fly by me like I'm standing still. The wife always says that they have Bangkok license plates. I say to myself that car is going to be in an accident sooner or later with driver speeding like that. I guess the bottom line here is, WHERE THE HELL IS THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ON THESE HIGHWAYS!

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hmm..where do we start ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch)

- 13yr old American teenager is given a car and allowed to drive to school

- teen's school questions practice, rich dad threatens to buy school

- teen racks up history of reckless behavior behind the wheel

- rich dad pays the necessary tea money to cover it up/reduce charges

- teen finally plows into four people on side of the road killing them instantly

- teen's mom takes her son and flees the country then apprehended

- rich dad hires lawyers, argues teen suffering fabricated disease and only gets 10yrs probation

This not an uncommon scenario in US when it comes to penalizing the wealthy nor anywhere else in the world.

Yet where's the outrage, where's the condemnation, veiled racism so often directed at Thais by farang living here?

If this is how the justice system in the richest, most powerful country in the world dishes out punishment, how can we condemn poorer, less developed countries for similar actions?

We can,because there was a real outrage in the US over this case!

Where as in Thailand "she has that name, so we better be quiet" ...and similar stuff!

Yet he still got off with only a slap on the wrist. This stuff plays out all over the world and not unique to Thailand.

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"The law is the law — whether you are rich or poor you have to pay for what you've done," national police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai said Monday, asking skeptics to have faith in the police. "Justice will be served. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he won't go to jail. I'm asking people not to think that way."

Does he really believe this?

Koh -Tao comes to mind, their scape goat case to protect rich murderers

with even the then national police chief involved

seems to have succesfully arrived under the carpet

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When I examined this video carefully I could not figure out what the Benz driver was doing!He has a raised median on his left and a vehicle directly in front and he is doing 200kph+.This is 21st century kamikaze!This halfwit should NEVER be allowed to drive any vehicle EVER again...including roller skates and skateboards and he should be locked away for a long time.He is a very lucky man in that neither of the victims was my relative as he would have no place to hide.Disgusting Bangkokroach.

With regards figuring out what he was doing, judging from both the crash and the barrier that he drove through, i think the most likely conclusion is that he was very high on some sort of substance. He wasn't driving like a drunk but rather someone who thought they were invincible.

In answer to Veritas48's question and bearing in mind what rixalex explained, with regard to why he was in that lane of the highway, he was doing what many bad drivers do and was using the "emergency stopping lane" to get ahead of traffic that was obviously impeding him in the other lanes. I have seen this move dozens of times. In most westernized countries, it ends up in a stop by the police or a ticket in the mail. Here it seems acceptable to use this nearside lane for moving traffic as opposed to being for emergency stops.Even the police pass on this side. It has been suggested that he was racing with another driver, although that has not been proven so far.

Edited by ratcatcher
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National police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai asks sceptics to have faith in the police. The RTP long ago abdicated the right to expect that.

'In a country that values deference and patronage ...'. Instead of over-privileged, underworked brats, the media, in deference to privilege, gives us 'deadly rich kids' and 'famous untouchables'. Little wonder that's how those morons see themselves.
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When I examined this video carefully I could not figure out what the Benz driver was doing!He has a raised median on his left and a vehicle directly in front and he is doing 200kph+.This is 21st century kamikaze!This halfwit should NEVER be allowed to drive any vehicle EVER again...including roller skates and skateboards and he should be locked away for a long time.He is a very lucky man in that neither of the victims was my relative as he would have no place to hide.Disgusting Bangkokroach.

With regards figuring out what he was doing, judging from both the crash and the barrier that he drove through, i think the most likely conclusion is that he was very high on some sort of substance. He wasn't driving like a drunk but rather someone who thought they were invincible.

In answer to Veritas48's question and bearing in mind what rixalex explained, with regard to why he was in that lane of the highway, he was doing what many bad drivers do and was using the "emergency stopping lane" to get ahead of traffic that was obviously impeding him in the other lanes. I have seen this move dozens of times. In most westernized countries, it ends up in a stop by the police or a ticket in the mail. Here it seems acceptable to use this nearside lane for moving traffic as opposed to being for emergency stops.Even the police pass on this side. It has been suggested that he was racing with another driver, although that has not been proven so far.

On U.K. motorways, and hard shoulders, it often ends with a lorry driver blocking their way.

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When I examined this video carefully I could not figure out what the Benz driver was doing!He has a raised median on his left and a vehicle directly in front and he is doing 200kph+.This is 21st century kamikaze!This halfwit should NEVER be allowed to drive any vehicle EVER again...including roller skates and skateboards and he should be locked away for a long time.He is a very lucky man in that neither of the victims was my relative as he would have no place to hide.Disgusting Bangkokroach.

With regards figuring out what he was doing, judging from both the crash and the barrier that he drove through, i think the most likely conclusion is that he was very high on some sort of substance. He wasn't driving like a drunk but rather someone who thought they were invincible.

In answer to Veritas48's question and bearing in mind what rixalex explained, with regard to why he was in that lane of the highway, he was doing what many bad drivers do and was using the "emergency stopping lane" to get ahead of traffic that was obviously impeding him in the other lanes. I have seen this move dozens of times. In most westernized countries, it ends up in a stop by the police or a ticket in the mail. Here it seems acceptable to use this nearside lane for moving traffic as opposed to being for emergency stops.Even the police pass on this side. It has been suggested that he was racing with another driver, although that has not been proven so far.

On U.K. motorways, and hard shoulders, it often ends with a lorry driver blocking their way.

And, tragically in this case, a Ford Fiesta was the vehicle impeding his 200+kmh progress.

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