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Pattaya locals watch in horror as Englishman attempts gruesome suicide


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Roberts had attempted to take his life having slashed his neck and wrists on two separate occasions before

What psychiatric care and/or support will be available in circumstances like this?


Release him tomorrow and hope he doesn't try it again... or if he does, does it successfully and less publicly

I would say give the guy a choice: commitment to a psychiatric ward for help or deportation back to UK. You cannot stand by and watch him keep doing this. Certainly this behavior disqualifies whatever permission to stay he may have.

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Yep, better off going home before it even gets close to this type of situation......

If you even have a home. . . . and if not? . . and you thought this was your home? your new home. Your new love. Your fresh start

and it wasn't what it seemed?

you ran out of money in a place where that does count? I can think of many things that can go through someone's life.

I hate this expression, but 'been there, am doing that'

There was a statistic posted here by someone . . . One of these every 30 seconds, world wide

Its sad that there is so little faith in life itself

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A court case was mentioned.Maybe he expecting some jail time or maybe financial ruin.Maybe his wife/gf gave him the old 'we cannot stay together anymore' There are many reasons,maybe he has nowhere to go to back home,having a failed business,or has lost all his money to a scam,gf,or even someone who was his mate(so he thought)After trying previous times to off himself,i would say that his sanity is,at best fragile.A session with a psychiatrist might help,if he could unload on someone.But i don't know if there is any practicing professionals here that would do that sort of treatment.The Samaritans are here i believe? maybe they could help him in some way?

I only know that we all could end up this way.It doesn't take much,to lose everything in this country.And the mind can only stand so much.There,but for the grace of god,go any of us.

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Legal case pending........Mmmmm!

Sounds more like a case of seeking sympathy rather than a real attempt to take his own life.

If you really wanted to commit suicide, you don't do it in public areas.

psychologically suicide and attempted suicide are completely different events and mind sets

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Roberts had attempted to take his life having slashed his neck and wrists on two separate occasions before

What psychiatric care and/or support will be available in circumstances like this?


Release him tomorrow and hope he doesn't try it again... or if he does, does it successfully and less publicly

Sad for him. But now he has the added pressure of a big hospital invoice.

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A court case was mentioned.Maybe he expecting some jail time or maybe financial ruin.Maybe his wife/gf gave him the old 'we cannot stay together anymore' There are many reasons,maybe he has nowhere to go to back home,having a failed business,or has lost all his money to a scam,gf,or even someone who was his mate(so he thought)After trying previous times to off himself,i would say that his sanity is,at best fragile.A session with a psychiatrist might help,if he could unload on someone.But i don't know if there is any practicing professionals here that would do that sort of treatment.The Samaritans are here i believe? maybe they could help him in some way?

I only know that we all could end up this way.It doesn't take much,to lose everything in this country.And the mind can only stand so much.There,but for the grace of god,go any of us.

Grace of God has nothing to do with it. If it did...he would not be in the predicament. Investing large amounts of capital in a business in a foreign country and then realizing you don't control things that affect that business as you might in your home country is likely the issue. Thailand is not a place to build an income/life/career....it a place to play or retire to with monies you have earned elsewhere. Never risk your 'home' capital on ventures here...this is too often the result.

I feel bad for the guy...but I guess he still has full NHS coverage ? if so...get back home and let the UK government sort his issues out for him. Being here is certainly only going to end in his death.

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How would an American do it ?

The Golden Gate Bridge is a favorite. There are the usual methods and many creative alternatives. As a former paramedic ambulance attendant in big city USA, San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose, I've seen quite a few attempts and successful suicides, from bridge and high rise jumpers, self slashers like this poor sick guy, various gunshot configurations, drugs and poisonings, one drank a quart of Jasco paint remover, didn't die, but I wanted to when she threw up on me.

I'm not making light of it, it's ugly and sad. But when you see a lot of what people do to themselves and to others it's common to get hardened and non-emotional about it. The experiences gave me a new perspective and value for life, but I had to get out of it for my own sanity, I went back to working with plants and trees. People and their lives are really complicated.

If only the depressed and distraught could realize, that disappointments in life are just Dukka, the first of the 4 Noble Truths of The Buddha's teaching, and an opportunity to step back and view with Awareness.

Edited by drtreelove
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.............'legal case'.....I would love to hear more about that.....

......don't know the details............but............

.......stripped of your rights...............and being helped by others......to lose everything you own......... would do that to people.....

doing business as a foreigner is a tricky thing especially if it is a business you cant get a work permit for. foreigners cant rent our motorbikes. at a guess this guys bikes have been taken away. even if he was using any income to support his girl, her kids and her parents it makes no difference to the cops who are looking to keep his bikes and collect a fine. wish i could warn every ferang wanting to start a business in thailand that it is almost impossible to succeed here. guess they would not listen.

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While I understand a good deal about mental illness, in this particular case I do not understand why one would wish to put others through the horror of having to witness this, that is the pinacle in my opinion of "self centerdness". Suicide is usually attempted away from observers. We used to call this particular type of action as "looking for attention". There are far less selfish ways of getting that by going through the proper channels.

What this tells me that it attention seeking behavior, the fact that he attempted in Public, but at the same time the poor guy needs help! I hope he can get it and I hope he does not succeed in the future.

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There is a mental health section at Bangkok Hospitals across Thailand. Insurance normally does not pay for this unless he has premium BUPA coverage from the UK.

People that continue to try, want to die. Sorry for his situation, it is a burden when no better option is apparent.

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Not saying this is the case for this man, but people who flee from depression and other mental illnesses back in their own home country tend to not understand that their illness will catch up on them sooner or later no matter where you are. Paradise is a temporary fix, but as soon as you've settled down, the same illness comes crawling back to you....

Go home, get treated and then come back to Thailand, unless you want to end up like thousands of farrangs who lose their minds down here, ending either with suicide, murder or a never-ending spiral of troubles with your wife, "friends" or bar owners.

Go home.

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You cant escape your own inner demons, best to get help, where ever you decide to live... Met a bloke and his doing it in Thailand, still seeks help, but enjoys his life more than being in England !!

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Poor man, it seems that there’s an epidemic of abstract unhappiness here, with no one or nowhere to turn.

Obviously loneliness is rife here, although it has been said many times that all you need do is pop into a bar and strike up a conversation. Yeah, that’s fine, on a superficial level, but where do you go and who do you trust with real feelings. Say the wrong thing, to the wrong person, in a bar or anywhere else for that matter, and you’ll find false sympathy in abundance, and usually just as a means to an end for the wrong person, of which there are many, to get his hands in your pockets. The reality is that there’s no shortage of farang on the bones of their arse, just dying for the opportunity to milk some innocent dry.

I don’t know about you guys, but all this suicide just breaks my heart. We are human beings, yet it seems that all some of us here can do is offer forth wise cracks or inhumane remarks, whereas what we should be doing is offering something a lot more wholesome as well as constructive.

I for one would gladly become involved in some sort of group where guys can go for help and find real friendship or advice from real people with genuine motives. Not sure how this could be achieved, but if anyone would like to discuss the possibilities please feel free to PM me.

It really is time that we make a stand and care for our own, as the reality is that no one else will…

Good point. I can imagine that many people miss close contact with friends/family members as most contact here is indeed superficial in most cases.

Perhaps every town should have a farang meeting group outside of the bar scene where people from all nationalities and age can go to have a talk and perhaps partake in other activities.

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You know, growing up in Australia the heat isnt all that a big deal in Thailand

Others mentioned trying to escape to a supposed paradise as a quick fix for mental issues

But there have also been some pretty ridiculous temperatures in Thailand recently for winter

Or a couple things combined

Does just the heat alone send some that come from colder climates mad, or madder if already mad

South Korea and Japan are much colder climates than Thailand. However they have much higher suicide rates.

Thailand's suicide rate is roughly similar to the USA.


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Not saying this is the case for this man, but people who flee from depression and other mental illnesses back in their own home country tend to not understand that their illness will catch up on them sooner or later no matter where you are. Paradise is a temporary fix, but as soon as you've settled down, the same illness comes crawling back to you....

Go home, get treated and then come back to Thailand, unless you want to end up like thousands of farrangs who lose their minds down here, ending either with suicide, murder or a never-ending spiral of troubles with your wife, "friends" or bar owners.

Go home.

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Makes perfect sense - i've said the same thing myself many times to troubled ex-pats - only to learn that for many of them is no longer 'Home' to go to. Bridges burned in various ways...i imagine feeling that you can never 'go home' must in itself be a desperate feeling.

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Yep, better off going home before it even gets close to this type of situation......

They should have deported him the first time he attempted to kill himself , he needs help and it would be better if he was returned to the UK

Rumour has it, he can't return to his home country because the police are holding his passport, until his court case is resolved (defamation?), which may take years. The Thai legal system is meanwhile draining his resources and he is facing poverty, homelessness and overstay.

It's a catch 22 situation.

I'm sure he would have been overjoyed to have been deported (or allowed to return) home.

Edited by BritManToo
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Poor man, it seems that there’s an epidemic of abstract unhappiness here, with no one or nowhere to turn.

Obviously loneliness is rife here, although it has been said many times that all you need do is pop into a bar and strike up a conversation. Yeah, that’s fine, on a superficial level, but where do you go and who do you trust with real feelings. Say the wrong thing, to the wrong person, in a bar or anywhere else for that matter, and you’ll find false sympathy in abundance, and usually just as a means to an end for the wrong person, of which there are many, to get his hands in your pockets. The reality is that there’s no shortage of farang on the bones of their arse, just dying for the opportunity to milk some innocent dry.

I don’t know about you guys, but all this suicide just breaks my heart. We are human beings, yet it seems that all some of us here can do is offer forth wise cracks or inhumane remarks, whereas what we should be doing is offering something a lot more wholesome as well as constructive.

I for one would gladly become involved in some sort of group where guys can go for help and find real friendship or advice from real people with genuine motives. Not sure how this could be achieved, but if anyone would like to discuss the possibilities please feel free to PM me.

It really is time that we make a stand and care for our own, as the reality is that no one else will…

Good point. I can imagine that many people miss close contact with friends/family members as most contact here is indeed superficial in most cases.

Perhaps every town should have a farang meeting group outside of the bar scene where people from all nationalities and age can go to have a talk and perhaps partake in other activities.

There are many groups such as this. Sign up at Meetup.com if you want. But most farang only interested in chasing skirts and booze.

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Not saying this is the case for this man, but people who flee from depression and other mental illnesses back in their own home country tend to not understand that their illness will catch up on them sooner or later no matter where you are. Paradise is a temporary fix, but as soon as you've settled down, the same illness comes crawling back to you....

Go home, get treated and then come back to Thailand, unless you want to end up like thousands of farrangs who lose their minds down here, ending either with suicide, murder or a never-ending spiral of troubles with your wife, "friends" or bar owners.

Go home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Court case ,maybe = sour relationship = lost his GF along with his house and money = go home to no money, just the pension or dole = depression.

I am very glad I decided to rent and never own a property here.

We see situations arise all over Thailand with similar theme's.

I think if the above is the case then he needs some help, maybe home best option very sad.

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You know, growing up in Australia the heat isnt all that a big deal in Thailand

Others mentioned trying to escape to a supposed paradise as a quick fix for mental issues

But there have also been some pretty ridiculous temperatures in Thailand recently for winter

Or a couple things combined

Does just the heat alone send some that come from colder climates mad, or madder if already mad

Depends where you live in Australia....In Darwin it is often heard of where someone goes "troppo" with the heat and humidity and then run amuck.

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No excuses.

If this guy was serious he would not have chosen a public place.

If he wants to die, okay let him die, "up to you".

Just do it in his own bathroom with proper drainage so as not to spread bio-hazards.

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Not saying this is the case for this man, but people who flee from depression and other mental illnesses back in their own home country tend to not understand that their illness will catch up on them sooner or later no matter where you are. Paradise is a temporary fix, but as soon as you've settled down, the same illness comes crawling back to you....

Go home, get treated and then come back to Thailand, unless you want to end up like thousands of farrangs who lose their minds down here, ending either with suicide, murder or a never-ending spiral of troubles with your wife, "friends" or bar owners.

Go home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Have a good friend who all seemed to be going well with, then funds started getting low, a UK return beckoned and he ended moving up country with no friends at the behest of his (then) Thai GF (to reduce expenditure) she then continued to get the rest of whatever he had from him. In the end I received a panicked call saying that he was suicidal and threatening him self with a knife. Fortunately he didn't do anything silly but it later turned out he'd been on anti depressants for years and stopped them in Thailand, eventually the added chemicals in his system ran out and, along with his circumstances, the depression returned with a vengeance. These tabs are very strong and very addictive. I'm happy to say he's OK now, apart from being back in the UK that is.

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