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My wife and family (2 small children) are moving to Pattaya and I have heard about the risks of mosquito-born illnesses such as dengue fever, zika, and malaria. How prevalent are these and what is the common precautionary measures most families take? Just lots of bug spray? Medications? Mosquito repellant coils or plants? Any feedback would be awesome!



Absolutely NO malaria...not in Pattaya and not anywhere in Thailand except heavily forested areas near the Cambodian, Lao and Myanmar borders.

There is dengue, incidence is highest during and for about a month after the rainy season. Prevention is to avoid mosquito bites, so mosquito repellent (it is a day time mosquito) when going outdoors and of course screens where you live. Info on Zika incidence is sketchy but anyhow it is spread by the same mosquito as dengue so same precautions.


Screens...if you rent or buy/build make sure your place has them. Free standing water is hard to battle. I even notice mosquito larvae in my friends pet water bowls. I change mine twice a day. Years ago, a friend let one of my sliding doors open at night for a couple minutes. I sprayed and in seconds 50 plus died. It is a battle. When you go out at night use spray..........


Is it better to leave a water pot for eggs to be laid with fish in it? Or deny them water so they go elsewhere and successfully lay?

I go out early morning & spray suspect places - shoe racks; shed; open black plastic bags.


The only vaccine available (developed by the French) is not a 100% remedy but is said to reduce the chance of contracting the fever by 60%. Also this vaccine is not approved except in around 3 countries. There will be other vaccines as development progresses. For now, the best prevention is to avoid being bitten - spray with deet, mosquito screens/nets, long sleeved tops and trousers etc.


The Dengue vaccine is not available here yet, but will be in the near future. As above, reduces the risk of getting it and the severity if you do.


This works for me, and a few people I know, taking a daily pill of Vitamin 1 - 6 - 12, first thing in the morning .... I've not been bitten since I started that...perhaps two years, maybe more... I forget now....

I've suggested it to friends, some say it works, others say it does not.... but I suspect they are not taking the pill daily (?)


Don't use a spray or lotion with DEET in it daily because DEET is carcinogenic ,( cancer causing ) only use it in times of heavy infestation, ( after rain or in areas of multiple standing water )

Try to use spray or lotions with natural ingredients in it, anything with a strong aroma, lavender oil is helpful and natural if you can get it.

Try the local monkery they will probably have something but beware many of them are catchpenny products good for the abbot 's bank balance but will not stop a mossie even if it was dead.

If you use natural top it up every 4 hours if DEET top up every 6 hours

If you are leaving your home for several hours use a 7/11 spray and spray under the bed in wardrobes and behind curtains shut the door and leave then spray around the outside of the door frame, many mosseis sit on the top of the door and get swept inside on the vortex when you open the door but if you spray the frame they don't sit there.

They will always be lurking under your furniture waiting for dusk when they will come a looking so spray there also

Screens are a must in the home

Finally just be sensible it is easy to get carried away on the rhetoric many of which are half truths.


From what I have both read and experienced, mosquitoes tend to bite more often at dawn or at dusk and a few hours thereafter in the dark. I was once in some small Thai town in the countryside (Chaiyaphum), and I was always fine during the day but I was always bothered by them at about sunset. I had almost the same experience in Phuket. I think I am one of those people that mosquitoes like to dine on.

Of course, they can bite at any time, but it's good to know when you should be even more cautious.

If you'd like to read more about how to avoid mosquito bites while traveling, here's a link to the Center for Disease Control in the USA:


Best wishes!


I find you just have to be very vigilant and keep an eye out for them

I also use a combination of weapons

1. natural citronella oil in a spray bottle which I spray on exposed areas of the body particularly when going outside at dusk and dawn. Sometimes I also use it in the daytime to combat dengue carrying mosquitoes.

2.one of those battery operated tennis racket devices which kills them with an electric shock. Easily obtained at big C supermarket. Before making breakfast in the morning I go out onto my balcony and search for them with my electrified tennis racket. For some reason they seem to like to hide in the drying laundry so I shake the laundry around a bit and they all start flying about which gives me an opportunity to zap a few of thembiggrin.png

3.despite having a screen on the windows and door if I'm aware that one or more has still managed to sneak in in the evening before going to bed then I plug in one of those electrical devices into which you insert a blue pad which when heated kills them off during the night.like I said I only do it if I have noticed one flying around and not many get in through my screen.

4.I also use fans when sleeping in conjunction with air-conditioning which also helps to keep them away


I was not aware that zika had been diagnosed here in Pattaya, but I have heard of people getting dengue.

I do not believe them to be particularly prevalent and all one can do is minimise both mosquitoes and their bites.

Eliminate standing water where they can breed or treat it. Use repellents in the evenings, fans and screens, coils etc.

I keep my bedroom closed, only opening the windows on cleaning day, and that evening I spray and close it up. I prefer to sleep in AC anyhow.

A battle with locals is keeping doors closed! An alien concept!

The rest of the house I do open up, although screens are a consideration I do not have them. I put repellent on at 4pm, and generally have a fan blowing on me. A sleeping child should be under a net. I still get a few bites a week, depending on season!

Get a zapper bat, great fun!


shower twice a day, like a thai, run the patlom/fan all day and night so they can't fly. get some permethrin socks ......

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