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Bangkok burglar picks the wrong house to rob as off duty cop shoots him dead


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Ah the voice of the vigilante.

This is why we need law and order not the rule of the gun.

Requires both..

* Laws to keep people from running a muck..

* Guns for use in this particular situation..

Emptying your gun into someone is running a muck.

Randomly shooting a gun at someone would be running a muck..

One shot or the entire clip - Shoot to kill is the goal, especially if they guy you killed, just broke into your house.

Of course there is your option.. Run away, and leave your family behind, as you suggest this cop should have done.

Anyway, the law is on the cops side! Even if he did empty his gun into a guy, that should never have broken into his house in the first place..

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"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."


It is a good quote, but I wonder how to apply it to this particular situation.

Example, you have four kids and wife asleep, the home invader is high as a kite on drugs and is also, for the sake of argument, a violent person who likes to injure or kill people during burglaries.

Should we quote Gandhi at him, and plead with him to just steal the DVD player and the jewellery, and not hurt our family.

How much good work will your happy and well-educated children do, when they are adults. Maybe they will be doctors, firemen. Maybe discover a cure for a disease that previously killed millions. Your children can bring so much "permanent good" [to paraphrase the Gandhi quote] to the world in the future. Is it not more important to protect them by any means?

I am an anti-war campaigner, and believe in peaceful everythings, lol. But I believe in protecting homes, and also I believe in armies defending the home nation. This is not the same as an army waging wars abroad, the same way as defending your family at home is not the same as attacking people in the street.

I used it only as a counter to those posts being made that seemed to imply this man deserved to die. I find such 18th century non thinking quite nauseating.

I don't really feel sorry for the burglar in that he probably wasn't a nice person but the cop who killed him overreacted.

A cop might have less of an excuse because cops are trained to handle such situations. But I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is an absolutely terrifying experience when you encounter a burglar in hour house in the middle of the night. To expect any one to carefully meter their response is absolutely absurd.
Police and security personal are trained to deal with threats in a much more precise and deadly fashion. A police officer that was frightened and felt threatened would have a much faster, instinctual and deadly reaction than a layman. In fact they think about it everyday. Wether it's the best aproach to train them like that is debatable, but he cannot be faulted by his governemnet ment that trained him to react like that. If Thai police are trained anything like ours all the guy had to do was twitch in a situation like that. When you are threatened there is no time for internal debate.

Let's try a hypothetical, let's suppose that a layman was in the same situation and did the same thing as this cop. Would you still be calling for his head?

Edited by suzannegoh
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"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."


It is a good quote, but I wonder how to apply it to this particular situation.

Example, you have four kids and wife asleep, the home invader is high as a kite on drugs and is also, for the sake of argument, a violent person who likes to injure or kill people during burglaries.

Should we quote Gandhi at him, and plead with him to just steal the DVD player and the jewellery, and not hurt our family.

How much good work will your happy and well-educated children do, when they are adults. Maybe they will be doctors, firemen. Maybe discover a cure for a disease that previously killed millions. Your children can bring so much "permanent good" [to paraphrase the Gandhi quote] to the world in the future. Is it not more important to protect them by any means?

I am an anti-war campaigner, and believe in peaceful everythings, lol. But I believe in protecting homes, and also I believe in armies defending the home nation. This is not the same as an army waging wars abroad, the same way as defending your family at home is not the same as attacking people in the street.

I used it only as a counter to those posts being made that seemed to imply this man deserved to die. I find such 18th century non thinking quite nauseating.

I don't really feel sorry for the burglar in that he probably wasn't a nice person but the cop who killed him overreacted.

A cop might have less of an excuse because cops are trained to handle such situations. But I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is an absolutely terrifying experience when you encounter a burglar in hour house in the middle of the night. To expect any one to carefully meter their response is absolutely absurd.
Police and security personal are trained to deal with threats in a much more precise and deadly fashion. A police officer that was frightened and felt threatened would have a much faster, instinctual and deadly reaction than a layman. In fact they think about it everyday. Wether it's the best aproach to train them like that is debatable, but he cannot be faulted by his governemnet ment that trained him to react like that. If Thai police are trained anything like ours all the guy had to do was twitch in a situation like that. When you are threatened there is no time for internal debate.

Let's try a hypothetical, let's suppose that a layman was in the same situation and did the same thing as this cop. Would you still be calling for his head?

No way. I'm not calling for his head. Assuming he is well trained, the skill is not to evaluate targets and start thinking about wether you are going to shoot or not. Snipers have that kind of thought process, a hand gun and a guy comeing through your window the skill is who is quickest to the draw. Just the guy making eye contact with him may have set him in motion under that kind of stress. Humans beings loose 90% of their fine motor skills under high stress. The last ten percent is trained or instinctual responses. Security personel know this and they train to be first. They have to. A layman can fall anywhere along that spectrum and would be equally innocent.

Edited by Hiyaall
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Ah the voice of the vigilante.

This is why we need law and order not the rule of the gun.

Requires both..

* Laws to keep people from running a muck..

* Guns for use in this particular situation..

Emptying your gun into someone is running a muck.
Randomly shooting a gun at someone would be running a muck..

One shot or the entire clip - Shoot to kill is the goal, especially if they guy you killed, just broke into your house.

Of course there is your option.. Run away, and leave your family behind, as you suggest this cop should have done.

Anyway, the law is on the cops side! Even if he did empty his gun into a guy, that should never have broken into his house in the first place..

Really? I suggested the cop run away? You sure about that? Really sure I mean?

Please show me where...

"[in the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth."

Stephen Hawking

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"To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture."

Thomas Paine, The American Crisis (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)

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Really? I suggested the cop run away? You sure about that? Really sure I mean?

Please show me where...

"[in the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth."

Stephen Hawking

Yup... Everything you wrote suggest you would have ran away or put yourself and your family in grave Danger.

You pretty much think the cop should have "man down" and think like you. Someone that is timid or afraid to physicaly stand up for themselves!!

But since this cop did what you would never do in your entite life, be "man" and protect his family.

You have to be all you can be and blame the cop for protecting his family..

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Really? I suggested the cop run away? You sure about that? Really sure I mean?

Please show me where...

"[in the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth."

Stephen Hawking

Yup... Everything you wrote suggest you would have ran away or put yourself and your family in grave Danger.

You pretty much think the cop should have "man down" and think like you. Someone that is timid or afraid to physicaly stand up for themselves!!

But since this cop did what you would never do in your entite life, be "man" and protect his family.

You have to be all you can be and blame the cop for protecting his family..

Where did I say

A: he should run away...you've still not done this

B: he shouldn't protect his family.

C: be afraid to stand up for himself

Come on, evidence, quotes, anything.

Now either back up your accusations or go away.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Really? I suggested the cop run away? You sure about that? Really sure I mean?

Please show me where...

"[in the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth."

Stephen Hawking

Yup... Everything you wrote suggest you would have ran away or put yourself and your family in grave Danger.

You pretty much think the cop should have "man down" and think like you. Someone that is timid or afraid to physicaly stand up for themselves!!

But since this cop did what you would never do in your entite life, be "man" and protect his family.

You have to be all you can be and blame the cop for protecting his family..

Where did I say

A: he should run away...you've still not done this

B: he shouldn't protect his family.

C: be afraid to stand up for himself

Come on, evidence, quotes, anything.

Either put up or go away.

Let's assume that the cop is a murderer because he gunning down that burglar. Under Thai law if someone dies during the commision of a burglary, for whatever reason, the burglar is guilty of murder. So then is this burglar not guilty of his of his own murder? After all, no crime would ever have been committed if that burglar did decide to break into that house.

Edited by suzannegoh
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Really? I suggested the cop run away? You sure about that? Really sure I mean?

Please show me where...

"[in the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth."

Stephen Hawking

Yup... Everything you wrote suggest you would have ran away or put yourself and your family in grave Danger.

You pretty much think the cop should have "man down" and think like you. Someone that is timid or afraid to physicaly stand up for themselves!!

But since this cop did what you would never do in your entite life, be "man" and protect his family.

You have to be all you can be and blame the cop for protecting his family..

Where did I say

A: he should run away...you've still not done this

B: he shouldn't protect his family.

C: be afraid to stand up for himself

Come on, evidence, quotes, anything.

Either put up or go away.

Let's assume that the cop is a murderer because he gunning down that burglar. Under Thai law if someone dies during the commision of a burglary, for whatever reason, the burglar is guilty of murder. So then is this burglar not guilty of his of his own murder?

I'm sorry, but what does anything you've just said have to do with my post?

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Unless the cop was attacked and only had seconds to defend himself, he should have fired just one shot , with the aim not to kill. If the man who was still outside his building continues to climb into the window , the cop can fire again. Use common sense , and that is not to empty his magazine like a mad man .

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If you think you can just shoot someone in the arm or leg to disable them then think again.

Even trained police have trouble hitting someone in the center of mass from distances of more than 6' (2 m). All those amazingly accurate shots to the extremities you see on TV or in the movies are just a fantasy.

Are you a american? Than I understand it. I saw a lot of youtube videos about USA Police shootings. Horrorable, like playstation shooters!!! In other countries the policemen can shot very well on 10m!!! They learned it and must go exercise several times a year. They can shot in legs, in arms, in shoulders and if really needed in the head!!! I not understand why american policeman never learned it.

Okay... please answer one question: did you ever try to shoot a 9mm pistol on a small, quickly and erratically moving target at a distance of 10 meters?

I did and I can tell you it's pretty damn difficult to hit the target.

For the record, I won the second prize in my club's shooting competition.

Did you note;- "He had been shot many times with a 9mm pistol".

Who knows the gory details of the precise events? The combinations are many.

BTW today's news from Oz;- A man has been charged with murder after another man, suspected of breaking into a Newcastle home, died in hospital.

Officers said they were told the man had broken into a home. The 33-year-old was charged with murder on Sunday afternoon; he had previously been charged with recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Edited by Goong Ying
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You can't just shoot and kill someone for climbing over your wall with the intention of robbing you. That crime doesn't fit the punishment. Point the gun, tell him to freeze and let the on duty police deal with him.

Bring on the Tea Party and the Dads with guns and beautiful daughters brigade.

rkidlad you been watching too many cop movies

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Interesting to see how this will turn out..but there will be no follow up, thus speculation. I liked to see this fine upstanding officer, help the guy who killed those grad students, guard the hospital room where that 37 year old kid shacked up..bang bang, stop or I'll shoot.whistling.gif

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'could face charges of killing with intent'

'riddled with bullets lying in a pool of blood' and 'I shot at him until he fell down"

now if someone is burglarizing your house, aren't you allowed to protect yourself & your property ???

also, riddled with bullets means many bullets were fired ..... not exactly 'I shot at him' ???

Short answer NO YOUR NOT, well in civilised countries anyway. You can only kill someone if you have a genuine fear you life is in danger, the courts would also take into account whether you could flee e.g he's coming in a window and you could reasonably escape danger by going through the front door.

and how shit is that....run away and let them just take or do what they want...........ferk the law Id shooot and shoot and shoot

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What if this man was drunk and confused. Off duty cop just shot him. He will walk from this killing. Thailand police are not trained very well. Shot first and ask questions later!

well he wont be drunk or confused again and if he hadnt been drunk he wouldnt have been dead.....its always somebody elses fault isnt it.... pahhhhhhh

Get drunk and accept the consequence of your stupidity in getting drunk

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Shoot him in the arm or something, he certainly won't be climbing any more walls, or clambering on any rooftops, or carrying any big bags of loot when he has bullet / shrapnel injuries on his limbs. The deceased from the story wasn't even in the house yet, and seemingly this copper didn't even shout anything, simply opened fire.

Culpable homicide a la oscar pistorius. But again as were in Thailand and he is in that morally skyhigh institution that is the RTP he won't even have to sweat it once it's been designated its space under the rug. I feel for the deceased's relatives for their loss

Firstly...No matter how proficient the owner with a weapon may be, the action at the time of the crime does not allow for going through a think-tank of possibilities to decide how accurate he needs to be in selecting an arm or leg.

The fact is there is a definite WRONG DOING here, where the person being wronged, on discovery of the criminal, may infact end up himself dead, as I'm sure happens in many cases such as this.

There is absolutely no place for discretion here.

No one has any right to enter the property of another and steal. The deceased's relatives surely have to understand, their family member was committing a crime and in doing so must take on-board the risks associated with same.

Shout at him, call his mates in the police, pretty certain a low level thief (not part of an organized gang) is going to hang around and wait for any repercussions once they know they've been spotted. Shooting multiple times at somebody is reckless and unnecessary, as is the deceased hadn't actually entered anybody's property it is pretty reprehensible to shoot the guy.

The only time you should shoot is if your life / the life of someone else is in immediate mortal danger. That clearly wasn't the case here, and as it is impossible to resurrect the dead, it is quite possible that the deceased guy's family is now shy of a bread winner, a father, a son, a brother or all of the above. It is senseless and indefensible imho

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Yah that's it shout at him lol, so he runs away to break into someone else's house where who knows maybe there he rapes or kills that owner. If you have big anough balls to break into a house then you should know and understand that one day your luck is going to run out and your balls are going to be SHOT OFF !! Back in my country I have a few cop friends and all of them would never try and shoot the scumbag in the leg, they shoot at the largest part of the body not arms and legs. One less dirt bag to worry about, if you have to steal from other people because your to lazy to get a job or most likely he enjoyed stealing from other people then shit will eventually catch up to you and it did.

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Shoot him in the arm or something, he certainly won't be climbing any more walls, or clambering on any rooftops, or carrying any big bags of loot when he has bullet / shrapnel injuries on his limbs. The deceased from the story wasn't even in the house yet, and seemingly this copper didn't even shout anything, simply opened fire.

Culpable homicide a la oscar pistorius. But again as were in Thailand and he is in that morally skyhigh institution that is the RTP he won't even have to sweat it once it's been designated its space under the rug. I feel for the deceased's relatives for their loss

Firstly...No matter how proficient the owner with a weapon may be, the action at the time of the crime does not allow for going through a think-tank of possibilities to decide how accurate he needs to be in selecting an arm or leg.

The fact is there is a definite WRONG DOING here, where the person being wronged, on discovery of the criminal, may infact end up himself dead, as I'm sure happens in many cases such as this.

There is absolutely no place for discretion here.

No one has any right to enter the property of another and steal. The deceased's relatives surely have to understand, their family member was committing a crime and in doing so must take on-board the risks associated with same.

Shout at him, call his mates in the police, pretty certain a low level thief (not part of an organized gang) is going to hang around and wait for any repercussions once they know they've been spotted. Shooting multiple times at somebody is reckless and unnecessary, as is the deceased hadn't actually entered anybody's property it is pretty reprehensible to shoot the guy.

The only time you should shoot is if your life / the life of someone else is in immediate mortal danger. That clearly wasn't the case here, and as it is impossible to resurrect the dead, it is quite possible that the deceased guy's family is now shy of a bread winner, a father, a son, a brother or all of the above. It is senseless and indefensible imho

flawed, Thais believe the dead come back

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Here's how the "civilised" world responds to this sort of thing:

"A man in Australia has been charged with murder after he allegedly confronted a burglar who broke into his house on Saturday morning and left the man with fatal injuries".


It would seem the legal way to deal with someone breaking into your house is to help them pack your gear into their swag bag, give them a cup of tea, and help them out the front door, after asking if they want a ride back to their place. Or just give them the car keys and let them take that too.

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Here's how the "civilised" world responds to this sort of thing:

"A man in Australia has been charged with murder after he allegedly confronted a burglar who broke into his house on Saturday morning and left the man with fatal injuries".


It would seem the legal way to deal with someone breaking into your house is to help them pack your gear into their swag bag, give them a cup of tea, and help them out the front door, after asking if they want a ride back to their place. Or just give them the car keys and let them take that too.

Let us know how the courts ruled it out in the "civilised world"!!! But here are two men gone on one burglar. This is a big different.

I found it funny how much people respond here that the Thai cop shot to much times. Up to the law they can have ONLY 7 bullets in the pistol.

But I saw a lot of videos where the US Cops empty their complete Glock's and reload it and empty it again on suspects.

So who is well trained? cowboy.gif

Edited by snowgard
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  • 3 months later...

"I saw a man trying to gain entry through a first floor window. I shot at him until he fell down then called police," he added.

This sad, shooting down someone without having life threat to a person.

Why to shoot someone who is not threat to your life ? Why not give warning to the thief and give him a chance to run or make an arrest ?

So, police have a Gun mean they can shoot at anyone who comes in between their rouge motor cycle, or if they find they are not necessary for them ?

Is it allowed to use his official Gun off duty ? If this police not punished, probably you can declare Thailand as a Police state.

It was dark, police guy could not be sure if the burglar was armed or not. I would have done the same.

Pretty certain his house will not be burglarized again. Unlucky son of a bitch this thief, cowards that creep into some ones home late at night, kids at sleep inside, do not deserve any pity imo.

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"I saw a man trying to gain entry through a first floor window. I shot at him until he fell down then called police," he added.

This sad, shooting down someone without having life threat to a person.

Why to shoot someone who is not threat to your life ? Why not give warning to the thief and give him a chance to run or make an arrest ?

So, police have a Gun mean they can shoot at anyone who comes in between their rouge motor cycle, or if they find they are not necessary for them ?

Is it allowed to use his official Gun off duty ? If this police not punished, probably you can declare Thailand as a Police state.

It was dark, police guy could not be sure if the burglar was armed or not. I would have done the same.

Pretty certain his house will not be burglarized again. Unlucky son of a bitch this thief, cowards that creep into some ones home late at night, kids at sleep inside, do not deserve any pity imo.

You've got that right. One of the many things that the bleeding hearts here seem to not understand is that theburglar has all the time in the world to plan out his crime but when a homeowner encounters a burglar he has to act instantly without a chance to think it through. Regardless of the outcome, there is premeditation on the part of the burglar but not on the part of the homeowner.

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