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Attorney general vows to prosecute stalled case against Red Bull heir


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The case "stalled" because he "failed to appear a number of times in 2013 before absconding to Singapore" (from the article).

This means, the Red Bull calf gave police a number of times his intention not to comply with the law.

In other countries, when you "fail to appear" after police summons, the police get miffed because you disrespect their authority, here, they scratch their heads...

The article says he is a fugitive, the police say he is a fugitive, the attorney general says he is a fugitive. So, everyone agrees, he is a fugitive. Cancel his passport, so when he wants to renew his Singapore visa, he can't...

Nobody gets it. It's a special RED BULL Family passport- IT GIVES YOU WINGS !!!!!!!!

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Why isn't the police simply issuing an Interpol arrest warrant? Surely Singapore would abide.

Why not cancel his passport ...or did he renew it at Thai Embassy in Singapore without questions asked?

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I believe the statute of limitations for reckless driving is set at 5 years, so that clock is ticking too and is going to run out in early September next year. Considering how much foot-dragging has been going on in this case, I don't have much hope that at least that charge is going to stick.

BTW: Has the spoiled brat recovered from the "flu" yet that he allegedly came down with in Singapore? That ought to be the longest bout of the flu in human history! Maybe he'll get an entry into the Guinness Book for it. Or what else is keeping him back in Singapore instead of returning to Thailand and face the music like a man? This is a rhetorical question, of course.

When a suspect jumps ship flees the country the statute of limitations should be put on hold.

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With a list as long as your arm,

Red Bull killer

16 yr old female driver killer

Chaing Mai police sgt killer

Suthep land encroachment and theft of land on Phuket given to hi-so friends. Theft.

Son of redcoat Hi-So who shot policeman in night club killer

Hi-so woman who drove into policeman sitting in car killer

Latest Hi-so Mecerdes Benz dealer Killer

Koh Tao on the loose Killer

The list goes on and can be added to by others, but these will never really face justice because of their money

Prayuth you are a failure.

Edited by oldsailor35
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The case "stalled" because he "failed to appear a number of times in 2013 before absconding to Singapore" (from the article).

This means, the Red Bull calf gave police a number of times his intention not to comply with the law.

In other countries, when you "fail to appear" after police summons, the police get miffed because you disrespect their authority, here, they scratch their heads...

The article says he is a fugitive, the police say he is a fugitive, the attorney general says he is a fugitive. So, everyone agrees, he is a fugitive. Cancel his passport, so when he wants to renew his Singapore visa, he can't...

And without a PP he cannot go anywhere else.

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Talk is cheap.

Even if he gets convicted in the lower court, you can be almost certain an acquittal will follow an appeal.

Yep. Then the prosecution will appeal the acquittal from the Appeals Court to the Supreme Court. The latter will confirm the conviction but amend the original sentence - never been to prison before, co-operated with the police and gave helpful information (haha), showed remorse, paid some compensation, hmmm, suspended 2 year sentence and some community service should do it.

And the whole process will only take 10 - 15 years.

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With a list as long as your arm,

Red Bull killer

16 yr old female driver killer

Chaing Mai police sgt killer

Suthep land encroachment and theft of land on Phuket given to hi-so friends. Theft.

Son of redcoat Hi-So who shot policeman in night club killer

Hi-so woman who drove into policeman sitting in car killer

Latest Hi-so Mecerdes Benz dealer Killer

Koh Tao on the loose Killer

The list goes on and can be added to by others, but these will never really face justice because of their money

Prayuth you are a failure.

Does that mean in your eyes that before Prayuth took over that EVERY single HiSo was successfully prosecuted and jailed?

How about the ones under Yingluck, Abhisit, Somchai, Samak, the general from before, Thaksin, Chuan et al PM's before him right back to 1932 did the right thing?

I suspect that your bias is showing.

In my eyes they were ALL failures and nothing much has changed over the years and decades.

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I thought he was in Singapore until the statute of limitations is up. Finances are not an

issue and he can have friends fly in to keep him company. Keep a few extra apartments

in the building he is living in available for family and friends. While he is out of the

country getting "medical treatment" nothing can progress here in Thailand. whistling.gif

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I vowed not to visit Thailand again until he spends at least a night in prison, so I'm hoping this gets followed through...but I doubt it...

Just one night? That's a very common sentence given to high-profiles all over the world, even Singapore.

Welcome back soon :)

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Only lip service to take the heat of off his back. This heir killed a Thai policeman and the brotherhood of Thai police do not care. You might be the next police man to die but do not care because these rich can not be charged because you mean nothing to your family . Only the money they get when you die from the rich who will never be arrested!

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The case "stalled" because he "failed to appear a number of times in 2013 before absconding to Singapore" (from the article).

This means, the Red Bull calf gave police a number of times his intention not to comply with the law.

In other countries, when you "fail to appear" after police summons, the police get miffed because you disrespect their authority, here, they scratch their heads...

The article says he is a fugitive, the police say he is a fugitive, the attorney general says he is a fugitive. So, everyone agrees, he is a fugitive. Cancel his passport, so when he wants to renew his Singapore visa, he can't...

Cancel his passport, don't be such a mean a_sehole, do you want the poor little bugger to cry.

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Lets face it. Its take a couple of years to sot out how they can get him off and how much they need to pay to make it all go away.

Now that's all sorted there's only the need to show the public that they have charged him

then it will all fade away very quickly

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With a list as long as your arm,

Red Bull killer

16 yr old female driver killer

Chaing Mai police sgt killer

Suthep land encroachment and theft of land on Phuket given to hi-so friends. Theft.

Son of redcoat Hi-So who shot policeman in night club killer

Hi-so woman who drove into policeman sitting in car killer

Latest Hi-so Mecerdes Benz dealer Killer

Koh Tao on the loose Killer

The list goes on and can be added to by others, but these will never really face justice because of their money

Prayuth you are a failure.

Does that mean in your eyes that before Prayuth took over that EVERY single HiSo was successfully prosecuted and jailed?

How about the ones under Yingluck, Abhisit, Somchai, Samak, the general from before, Thaksin, Chuan et al PM's before him right back to 1932 did the right thing?

I suspect that your bias is showing.

In my eyes they were ALL failures and nothing much has changed over the years and decades.

I don't think much of your ability of comprehension ole son ! Exactly what i am saying, but Prayuth is the man right now , and he has been bragging about bringing everyone to justice........understand now ??? It would be good if you could use a little imagination before "hitting the keyboard" to show how smart you are. rolleyes.giffacepalm.gif

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Why isn't the charge,Murder,? Murder, using a two ton weapon whilst under the influence of narcotics and/or alcohol.I know we are not in the USA,but i believe that the statute of limitations for murder,never runs out.Is that the same here?Also,absconding,the country with intent to avoid capture.Also trying to pervert the course of justice,and conspiring with person or person's unknown, to delay the justice system.However,the biggest accusation should be.Looking like an ugly, punk kid with big ears and wearing a stupid hat.Just to look at him,with that,"i'll be out by Tea time" semi grin makes me want to stamp on his face.I hate his sort.

But, we know nothing's gonna happen,nothing will be done.This is all a show,all a circus for the media and the Thai public,just to instill them with a false sense of security.he will vanish again.New name,new passport,and carry on his life,laughing with his friends,going where he wants,chatting up the girls,using the "Red bull gives you wings line" telling all his 'hiso' mates how he beat the justice system.Untill one day,another official will 'wonder' why he wasn't prosecuted,and the old man will have to,once again ,send out his brown envelopes to the authorities here,the authorities in what ever country he is in,And the HiSo family that are looking after him.

Ahhh, the criminal ballet goes forever on.

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  • 1 month later...

He can't be charged for drunk driving? (too many Red Bulls?????)

At the very least should have been charged for manslaughter. The lesser charges mean nothing for a loss of life for a person that is there to serve the public and put their life on the line.

I wonder if the insurance company paid for the Ferrari repairs?

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With a list as long as your arm,

Red Bull killer

16 yr old female driver killer

Chaing Mai police sgt killer

Suthep land encroachment and theft of land on Phuket given to hi-so friends. Theft.

Son of redcoat Hi-So who shot policeman in night club killer

Hi-so woman who drove into policeman sitting in car killer

Latest Hi-so Mecerdes Benz dealer Killer

Koh Tao on the loose Killer

The list goes on and can be added to by others, but these will never really face justice because of their money

Prayuth you are a failure.

Does that mean in your eyes that before Prayuth took over that EVERY single HiSo was successfully prosecuted and jailed?

How about the ones under Yingluck, Abhisit, Somchai, Samak, the general from before, Thaksin, Chuan et al PM's before him right back to 1932 did the right thing?

I suspect that your bias is showing.

In my eyes they were ALL failures and nothing much has changed over the years and decades.

I don't think much of your ability of comprehension ole son ! Exactly what i am saying, but Prayuth is the man right now , and he has been bragging about bringing everyone to justice........understand now ??? It would be good if you could use a little imagination before "hitting the keyboard" to show how smart you are. rolleyes.giffacepalm.gif

Firstly I am not your "ole son" and fortunately I never will be.

As for my comprehension when I read your post all I saw was you blaming the current government with no mention of previous governments.

I don't have to prove anything to a biased person such as you but in my posts I try to balance out both sides.

You don't appear to be able to do that and most of your posts blame the current government for everything using nothing else as a comparison.

Yet when the previous PTP government was in power you used to sing their praises that they were perfect and did nothing wrong at all.

If that isn't bias I don't know what is.

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I could not live with myself if I had done what he done...

It's shocking ...is he doing it the Thai way , going to the Temple blah blah blah and then that's it...

Life back to normal...

Religion is handy to hide behind eh....

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I could not live with myself if I had done what he done...

It's shocking ...is he doing it the Thai way , going to the Temple blah blah blah and then that's it...

Life back to normal...

Religion is handy to hide behind eh....

I could not live with myself if I had done what he done..."

That's because when you came into this world, you were issued with a conscience, something apparently lacking in all these "hi-so" killers.



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With a list as long as your arm,

Red Bull killer

16 yr old female driver killer

Chaing Mai police sgt killer

Suthep land encroachment and theft of land on Phuket given to hi-so friends. Theft.

Son of redcoat Hi-So who shot policeman in night club killer

Hi-so woman who drove into policeman sitting in car killer

Latest Hi-so Mecerdes Benz dealer Killer

Koh Tao on the loose Killer

The list goes on and can be added to by others, but these will never really face justice because of their money

Prayuth you are a failure.

Does that mean in your eyes that before Prayuth took over that EVERY single HiSo was successfully prosecuted and jailed?

How about the ones under Yingluck, Abhisit, Somchai, Samak, the general from before, Thaksin, Chuan et al PM's before him right back to 1932 did the right thing?

I suspect that your bias is showing.

In my eyes they were ALL failures and nothing much has changed over the years and decades.

I don't think much of your ability of comprehension ole son ! Exactly what i am saying, but Prayuth is the man right now , and he has been bragging about bringing everyone to justice........understand now ??? It would be good if you could use a little imagination before "hitting the keyboard" to show how smart you are. rolleyes.giffacepalm.gif

"It would be good if you could use a little imagination before "hitting the keyboard" to show how smart you are."

Get out of bed on the wrong side this morning did we.

Well I throw your comment right back at you.

" ... and he has been bragging about bringing everyone to justice........understand now ???" Is that accurate or is just your words to add emphasis because it suits your slant?

Your bluster to try to demand everybody should agree with your version (your biased version - and we all have bias) is obvious and tiresome and boring.

Now I'll add my slant: 'When is the general going to dismiss pretty much all of the top several layers of the police and lots of other selected police at other levels, install the army as the police and restart the police in a totally different structure and purpose and with new values, new leaders with better education, more worldliness, new policies which mean different selection criteria, promotion based purely on displayed obvious superior capability and a high performance track record with a non-police body to audit all of these points, etc etc?

Edited by scorecard
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why would he do that? its one corrupt and inept uniform for another, or do you falsely believe it's the lesser of two evils?

You think these top cops don't have dirt on very senior Military officers that would be a huge embarrassment to the Junta ?

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