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University tells students Britain 'invaded' Australia


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Perhaps the white 'settlers' should be boycotted until they give Australia back to the indigenous folk.

But then you must look at the USA, or even the South America's with their Spanish stuff. England had 500 years of Italians, thankfully they left...So where do we start or Stop...?

One area where it most definitely starts is if there is a continuing and ongoing association with the land/locality. Can you claim that indigenous folks in various locations throughout the South America, Africa and Australia landmasses have an ongoing and continuous association with their land/locality?

I would think yes, this is the case.

The Americans set out to take land they wanted from the Native Americans - killing them by wars, introducing disease, forced movement to "new" lands etc etc. They also supported slavery for many years and then openly implemented discrimination for many many more after slavery was abolished.

The "new" Australians treated Native Australians with contempt, taking their land, removing their children forcibly and implementing high levels of discrimination.

Yet, both countries' governments opposed South African Appartheid which sought to legitimize the same disgusting behavior that America and Australia hypocritically exhibited.

This behavior was seen from all European "settlers". Impose their laws, their culture, their values - forcibly when necessary. Where the native population was relatively small, like the people in Australia or the Native American tribes, they could be dominated, decimated and in some cases wiped out easily. Where the populations were big, like India or Indo-China then the people had to be controlled by law, supported by constant military force.

And they were copying history, only on a larger scale thanks to technological developments.

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Maybe it's ruse to ask the UK for compensations and restitutions for the ' invasion and colonization of Australia'.....

Perhaps it is close to the time that the UK asks for compensation from the Romans from 2,100 years ago, followed by the Vikings, the Angles, Saxons Jutes in the 700 to 800s, and then the French in 1066 and the Spanish, Dutch etc.

Then of course the was the invasion and colonisation of the USA by the English, French, Dutch, the Spanish who came up from Mexico and South America, plus the latest invasion by the Mexicans. Don't leave out Canada by the French and British.

How about China and Europe conquered by the Mongol's and Tartar's, not forgetting the conquest of part of Europe by the Muslims and the Saracens.

How much history do you want to re-write?

They aren't re writing history so much as including a few truths that have been omitted in previous anglo- centric narratives. Can't see the problem in pointing what a total pack of %#}^ the British Aristocracy were as has been reflected in British foreign policy over the past few centuries.

Or the French, pre and post revolution who sought to expand their empire? The Dutch, the Portuguese, the Spanish?

The Russians pre and post revolution, the Belgians, arguably the cruelest of colonial rulers, and the newer johnny come lately state of Germany.

The Americans, the Australians, the Boer Afrikaans all were very direct in their treatment of those whose lands they coveted.

Or do you think it was only the British?

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One family I'm related to by marriage was granted 130,000 acres in country Victoria. Pretty sure the only benefit the locals got from that deal was that they learnt to play cricket and actually toured and played the poms in England. As for their hunting grounds, sacred ancestral sites, waterholes etc access to those was controlled by their new uninvited and unwelcome landlords.

That was no settlement it was an invasion. Some tribes waged war for decades before finally being wiped out by the sheer weight of numbers and weaponry opposing them.

So will your family be giving up the land they stole, and paying compensation for the wealth they've made from this stolen land?

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Please Do not forget about the History embargo until 2162 so that we never know the truth that there were European settlers here before the first Indigenous settlers got to NZ who probably traded with the more peaceful MoriOri until their Cannibal cousins arrived and ate both of them. Had the French been allowed to colonise as they tried here. We would only be independent after an armed struggle as in Algeria, Vietnam etc or we would only be nominally Independent as New Caledonia is.

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A mark of a real University should be teaching and encouraging research, with impartiality. The students may wish to draw their own conclusions. There are many examples of "Universities" around the world where this ethos is not maintained, for various reasons.

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Discovered means a 'higher' civilization finds a 'lower' civilization, and then proceeds to decimate the latter.

Invade? Sure. But revisionist history tends to be in the realm of the conquerors.

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According to my family history my GGG Grandfather was first ashore, levelled his matchlock and shouted "Hands up New Holland or I let the rabbits free"

eh?? Not quite with you there.

My GGG Grandfather, name of Mason Verger, put it this way:

When the fox hears the rabbit scream he comes a-runnin ...
A great memorable quote from the Hannibal movie on Quotes.net - Mason Verger: Whenthe fox hears the rabbit scream he comes a-runnin'... but not to help.
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SO? Where did the Australian Aborigine originate from then?, when they arrived to call Australia theirs.....This subject will just keep going round and round with regard to Indigenous peoples...Immigrating Tribes started 1000s of years ago...how far is it feasible to go back....If you took away the financial gain these people are chasing nowadays, it would all be forgotten in a heartbeat....


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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

Generally to have an ancestor they needed to be around long enough to have offspring...

That doesn't happen of their waterholes and flour were poisoned, were ravaged by small pox an those who were left (who didn't succome to disease or the frog) were shipped off to settlements where their kids were then taken away from them.

"And, as I say, the starting point might be to recognise that the problem starts with us non-Aboriginal Australians.

It begins, I think, with that act of recognition.

Recognition that it was we who did the dispossessing.

We took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life.

We brought the diseases. The alcohol.

We committed the murders.

We took the children from their mothers.

We practised discrimination and exclusion.

It was our ignorance and our prejudice.

And our failure to imagine these things being done to us.

With some noble exceptions, we failed to make the most basic human response and enter into their hearts and minds.

We failed to ask how would I feel if this were done to me?

As a consequence, we failed to see that what we were doing degraded us all."

- Paul Keating, Redfern, 1992

Edited by samran
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Well, Australia is currently being invaded by Chinese and individuals of middle eastern descent......So start teaching Chinese in that University....

Them Chinese going to Australia, they've been allowed to go there, they've got permission from the existing Australians (well, the Australian government).

But the Brits who 'invaded' Australia, they weren't invited by the existing Australians at the time, that's why it's called an invasion. :)

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Maybe it's ruse to ask the UK for compensations and restitutions for the ' invasion and colonization of Australia'.....

Perhaps it is close to the time that the UK asks for compensation from the Romans from 2,100 years ago, followed by the Vikings, the Angles, Saxons Jutes in the 700 to 800s, and then the French in 1066 and the Spanish, Dutch etc.

Then of course the was the invasion and colonisation of the USA by the English, French, Dutch, the Spanish who came up from Mexico and South America, plus the latest invasion by the Mexicans. Don't leave out Canada by the French and British.

How about China and Europe conquered by the Mongol's and Tartar's, not forgetting the conquest of part of Europe by the Muslims and the Saracens.

How much history do you want to re-write?

The PC arm is long and the bleeding heart is large, they have already ruined common sense and humour,time for history now, I wouldn't be surprised if in 20 years the word Neanderthal or Denisovian is regarded as discrimination oh and racist of course.

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

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Of course what the university conveniently forgets is that without the British or some other country the university would not be there in the first place.

And without Australia the UK would have had to use their own soldiers as cannon fodder during the wars 1 and 11.

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Perhaps the white 'settlers' should be boycotted until they give Australia back to the indigenous folk.

But then you must look at the USA, or even the South America's with their Spanish stuff. England had 500 years of Italians, thankfully they left...So where do we start or Stop...?

One area where it most definitely starts is if there is a continuing and ongoing association with the land/locality. Can you claim that indigenous folks in various locations throughout the South America, Africa and Australia landmasses have an ongoing and continuous association with their land/locality?

I would think yes, this is the case.

The Americans set out to take land they wanted from the Native Americans - killing them by wars, introducing disease, forced movement to "new" lands etc etc. They also supported slavery for many years and then openly implemented discrimination for many many more after slavery was abolished.

The "new" Australians treated Native Australians with contempt, taking their land, removing their children forcibly and implementing high levels of discrimination.

Yet, both countries' governments opposed South African Appartheid which sought to legitimize the same disgusting behavior that America and Australia hypocritically exhibited.

This behavior was seen from all European "settlers". Impose their laws, their culture, their values - forcibly when necessary. Where the native population was relatively small, like the people in Australia or the Native American tribes, they could be dominated, decimated and in some cases wiped out easily. Where the populations were big, like India or Indo-China then the people had to be controlled by law, supported by constant military force.

And they were copying history, only on a larger scale thanks to technological developments.

"The Americans British set out to take land they wanted from the Native Americans - killing them by wars, introducing disease, forced movement to "new" lands etc etc. They The British also supported started and continued slavery for many years and then Americans openly implemented discrimination for many many more after slavery was abolished."
Slavery was brought to America in 1619 by the British before the War of Independence (1776)* which created the independent USA. Up until then the people were in 13 British Colonies under the rule of the King of England. The British King had no problem with slavery by the British subjects because the land was so vast and rich that great wealth was available. Slaves were brought primarily to work tobacco and cotton. Contrary to popular belief, many of the slaves didn't come from Africa. They came from Jamaica which was much, much closer for the British raiders to go and kidnap people.
*the American War of Independence[19] and (AKA) the Revolutionary War in the United States, was the armed conflict between Great Britain and thirteen of its North American colonies, which had declared themselves the independent United States of America." LINK
I think some of us went to different school with different textbooks... whistling.gif
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It doesn't matter what bullshit the Universities teach. Anyome doing those degrees are likely to end up being teachers and left wing luvvies and spend their lives in academia.They will swallow it all, go and live in inner suburban housing,and never bother going to rural communities unless it to stand next to a politician and say how appalling it is.s None of them will go onto to help with engineering or agricultural projects that could provide employment, hope and a decent living standards for those they want the rest of us to feel guilty about.

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Of course what the university conveniently forgets is that without the British or some other country the university would not be there in the first place.

And without Australia the UK would have had to use their own soldiers as cannon fodder during the wars 1 and 11.

Any idea just how many British soldiers died in the two world wars? Or do you suppose they were drinking tea while allies were getting shot and gassed? Incidentally, there were two world wars, not eleven.

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Being English I hear this sort of thing quite often. My Welsh mates are the first to say how bad the Welsh have been treated. The problem is everyone seems to have different starting points for their history and always ignore that we are all related if we go back far enough. This university seems to think history started when we "invaded" Australia and ignore all the things that happened before then. There must have been a lot of bad things happening before we turned up. It is even possible (but very unlikely) that the first people to settle in Australia were English from a boat that had drifted way off course and they had been wiped out by the aborigine's ancestors.

Would another country have done any better?

We live in an entirely different world now and can not judge what happened then in the same way as if it was happening now. Sure my ancestors did some bad things but they also did a lot that has helped many countries to be prosperous in a modern world.

As for the surviving Aborigines I doubt they are better off and giving them money and land will not change that.

Someone asked why many kiwis are proud to have Maori ancestors and Aussies would not want to have Aborigine ancestors. I found out why after spending a few months in Oz and a few weeks in New Zealand. Unfortunately the truth would offend too many people who expect us all to be PC. I found it very disappointing and the only downside to a wonderful country where most of the people I met had a great down to earth outlook on life. I thought it combines the best of England with the best of the USA. If the Aborigines had been left in isolation I expect they would still be living the same as before the invasion and maybe a bit happier.

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 - a little bit before 1969.

Are you not an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant? If yes then you or your ancestors were happy enough to take advantage of the wonderful country that us Poms created. A bit hypocritical maybe.

Have you asked yourself do the Aborigines want you in their country? If they did not, would you leave without a fight? and where would you go?

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

That is a very one sided argument. In reality the Aboriginal peoples were lucky the Poms arrived, otherwise they would still be eating grubs and drawing stickmen in caves as an excuse for art. Since arrival of the whitefella their lives have been transformed with 2 amazing inventions - welfare payments and grog shops. No need to thank me, I saw the gratitude whenever I walked through an Australian park or common ground.

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

Why do some posters consistently make pronouncements here without checking the facts?

There are 1000's of people in Australia who claim some aboriginal ancestry. The town I came from had many and almost nobody tried to hide it.

My g.g.g. grandmother [Elizabeth Cole] was one of the first 300 white women in Oz arriving on the first fleet however I often say to my friends I wish I had some aboriginal blood so that I could claim to be truly Australian.

And do you not know that the term "abo" is offensive or perhaps you do not care?

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