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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access
Those activists have their work cut out for them, because clear thinking Americans are taking a stand. More than 1,000,000 people have signed the pledge to boycott Target. By the way, Target's stock price has dropped approximately 6% since the announcement.
And to think this all could have been avoided if these people would have just used the single stall, handicapped bathrooms. But that's not good enough for less than 1/2 of 1%. They need to impose their will on the overwhelming majority.

All that really demonstrates is the number of religious bigots motivated enough to fill in an online form.

How many of them will drive a few miles further when there is a Target next door? Probably a few at best.

How many of them probably don't even shop at Target and filled out the form to express their religious outrage?

Probably most of them.

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Some seem to be unaware that the following words are contained in the title of this thread:

bathroom access

Some people, despite weeks of googling and the desperate clutching of straws have never demonstrated that any transgender women committed any sexual offences against females in the toilet.

So why keep the minds in the potty? Why beat up a non issue?

I guess some people don't have the guts to confront their own bigotry and need lame excuses and diversions.

Oh dear. It's not the transgender women sic ( men ) that they fear, it's the non transgender men that will wear a dress so they can access the female toilets for a cheap thrill ( or worse ).

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Just seen a video on Face Book where a lesbian is thrown out of the womens toiltet by 3 police men... as she has no ID to prove that she is not a man. and all the women in there are actually trying to help this poor woman and telling the police to leave her alone and its crazy to need ID to use the toilet!!!!


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Just seen a video on Face Book where a lesbian is thrown out of the womens toiltet by 3 police men... as she has no ID to prove that she is not a man. and all the women in there are actually trying to help this poor woman and telling the police to leave her alone and its crazy to need ID to use the toilet!!!!


The point I was making before.

Bigots now feel empowered to harass everyone who doesn't fit their gender stereotypes regardless of which kind of toilet.

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So ... anti GLBT bigots, do you seriously, really want Zeke to be forced under the law to use the WOMEN's bathroom?facepalm.gif

Does it really matter what his birth certificate says or whether Zeke actually has a penis now? (I don't know and I don't care and neither should you unless you're Zeke's doctor or intimate partner.)

Come on, now.

Grow up.

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Not very surprising, but our attention seeking friends are resorting to tales of make-believe to get the spotlight shined on them. It's also a tactic they use to garner sympathy from regular folks.

DURHAM, N.C. – A transgender woman claims she was escorted out of a public North Carolina restroom by security – but surveillance video shows it might not have happened.

Alexis Adams told WTVD last week that she was “humiliated beyond belief” and “bystanders were stunned” as security escorted her out of the Transit Center Thursday.

“I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. I was speechless,” she said. “It was embarrassing. I was outed in front of everybody.”

Security escorted you out?

Bystanders were stunned?

You were outed in front of everybody?

Errr. Not so much. Or rather, not at all.


I would guess were going to see more and more of these staged and phony spectacles so that the activists in the thread title can further their political agenda by any means.

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Sounds very sensible.

There's a whole lot of lack of common sense in the thinking and application of these laws and those who would write different laws but IMO if someone has in fact changed sexes physically, even if not biologically, it seems to me they have met whatever the criteria is for having changed genders and should use the facilities of their new gender. I think the law should provide mechanisms so that their official documentation reflects their new gender too.

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Sounds very sensible.

There's a whole lot of lack of common sense in the thinking and application of these laws and those who would write different laws but IMO if someone has in fact changed sexes physically, even if not biologically, it seems to me they have met whatever the criteria is for having changed genders and should use the facilities of their new gender. I think the law should provide mechanisms so that their official documentation reflects their new gender too.

The law already does provide that, if surgery is undergone to physically change sexual identity, the patient can obtain a revised birth certificate showing their assumed sex.

Only three states have refused to enact legislation that will allow changes to official documents.

Those states are Idaho, Ohio and Tennessee.

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Sounds very sensible.

There's a whole lot of lack of common sense in the thinking and application of these laws and those who would write different laws but IMO if someone has in fact changed sexes physically, even if not biologically, it seems to me they have met whatever the criteria is for having changed genders and should use the facilities of their new gender. I think the law should provide mechanisms so that their official documentation reflects their new gender too.

This strikes me as yet another manufactured controversy.

Is there any reason a person wearing a dress wouldn't be allowed to use the female bathroom? How would anyone know it was a man in a dress? Do transgender people wear a big sign on their heads saying "I have a penis but I like wearing a dress".

I'm assuming that transgender men like wearing dresses as otherwise what would be the point of being transgender?

Given that women like to dress like men now ( are women that dress like men transgender? ), how does anyone know that the person in male clothing is actually a female?

Is this yet another to do about nothing?

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Sounds very sensible.

There's a whole lot of lack of common sense in the thinking and application of these laws and those who would write different laws but IMO if someone has in fact changed sexes physically, even if not biologically, it seems to me they have met whatever the criteria is for having changed genders and should use the facilities of their new gender. I think the law should provide mechanisms so that their official documentation reflects their new gender too.

Why? A person is genetically the gender they were born with, unless born a hermaphrodite. One's mental state does not change one's gender. If someone wants to act and dress as the opposite gender I have no problem with that, but even cutting one's penis off does not change one's genetic makeup. It is impossible to change one's chromosomes, whatever one feels like, and that is one's gender, period.

Thailand probably has more third gender than any other country and they do not officially change one's gender from what one was born as.

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NEWS FLASH: partytime2.gif

North Carolina bigot law violates FEDERAL civil rights.

It won't stand.

It can't stand.

RALEIGH, N.C. — The U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday that a North Carolina law limiting protections to LGBT people violates federal civil rights laws and can’t be enforced.

The Justice Department’s intervention puts the state in danger of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal school funding.


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North Carolina governor refuses to respond to letter demand from the federal government.

He's taking a stand and he will lose.

Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance.

Imagine if these bigot laws were targeted at blacks or Jews, etc. instead of against GLBT.

Might have worked before but not now.

These anti GLBT bigot laws will NOT stand.

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Too bad the anti-GLBT bigot N.C. governor can't stand for reelection right now. Somehow I think the voters of his state won't be pleased with the massive amount of federal funds his state will be losing by insisting on their HATE law. Maybe these southern states that insist on these BIGOT laws want to secede from the UNION again? rolleyes.gif

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Too bad the anti-GLBT bigot N.C. governor can't stand for reelection right now. Somehow I think the voters of his state won't be pleased with the massive amount of federal funds his state will be losing by insisting on their HATE law. Maybe these southern states that insist on these BIGOT laws want to secede from the UNION again? rolleyes.gif

Or maybe people are just tired of special interest groups trying to force their agenda onto everyone else? Wow, maybe that's what you're missing.

Unfortunately, your comments are typical of special interest groups....if a person doesn't agree with your agenda, then that person is somehow flawed. BS.

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Too bad the anti-GLBT bigot N.C. governor can't stand for reelection right now. Somehow I think the voters of his state won't be pleased with the massive amount of federal funds his state will be losing by insisting on their HATE law. Maybe these southern states that insist on these BIGOT laws want to secede from the UNION again? rolleyes.gif

Or maybe people are just tired of special interest groups trying to force their agenda onto everyone else?

Were you expressing your outrage at trans women using Female toilets *before* the North Carolina god botherers got their tits in a wringer?

No, I didn't think so.

It's not about an "agenda".

It's about stopping spiteful and petty god botherers picking on people they don't like just because it scores them points with their fellow bigots.

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Too bad the anti-GLBT bigot N.C. governor can't stand for reelection right now. Somehow I think the voters of his state won't be pleased with the massive amount of federal funds his state will be losing by insisting on their HATE law. Maybe these southern states that insist on these BIGOT laws want to secede from the UNION again? rolleyes.gif

Or maybe people are just tired of special interest groups trying to force their agenda onto everyone else? Wow, maybe that's what you're missing.

Unfortunately, your comments are typical of special interest groups....if a person doesn't agree with your agenda, then that person is somehow flawed. BS.

So black people who succeeded in overturning JIM CROW laws, were they a "special interest" to you?

The bigot agenda doesn't get. GLBT Americans are involved in a decades long struggle for equal CIVIL RIGHTS under the law. The marriage equality aspect was a huge victory, but these recent southern BIGOT laws are a backlash to that, and there is so much more to do. Namely, we need FEDERAL non-discrimination measures that cover basic things like housing and employment that can never be legislated away by regional bigots.

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And he was arrested for breaking existing laws.

Which is as it should be.

If I saw a bloke hanging around the gents toilet with a video camera, I'd report him too.

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Imagine if these bigot laws were targeted at blacks or Jews, etc. instead of against GLBT.

Yes, let's imagine that. Let's say that there was a scholarship program intended for African American persons. Should this person be eligible for that program simply because she "identifies" as African American?


For the record, I don't have any problem at all with this woman being the NAACP chapter head, so long as they're cool with it, knowing she isn't really African American.

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Not the same thing.

You're talking about a freak case and trying to use it to rationalize blanket discrimination against millions of GLBT Americans? Disgusting.

Actually, you're the one that brought up the comparison. I hadn't even considered it till then. Anyhow, you don't answer the question you raised.

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Not the same thing.

You're talking about a freak case and trying to use it to rationalize blanket discrimination against millions of GLBT Americans? Disgusting.

Actually, you're the one that brought up the comparison. I hadn't even considered it till then. Anyhow, you don't answer the question you raised.

Don't be so disingenuous. I referred to JIM CROW laws. Many commentators have found a close parallel between the southern anti-GLBT civil rights BIGOT laws and the Jim Crow era. They were a southern backlash to federal advances in black civil rights. These current GLBT Jim Crow laws mostly in the south, as if they never lost the civil war, are a backlash against the federal marriage equality victory.

You diverted into something totally irrelevant.

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Not the same thing.

You're talking about a freak case and trying to use it to rationalize blanket discrimination against millions of GLBT Americans? Disgusting.

Actually, you're the one that brought up the comparison. I hadn't even considered it till then. Anyhow, you don't answer the question you raised.

Don't be so disingenuous. I referred to JIM CROW laws. Many commentators have found a close parallel between the southern anti-GLBT civil rights BIGOT laws and the Jim Crow era. They were a southern backlash to federal advances in black civil rights. These current GLBT Jim Crow laws mostly in the south, as if they never lost the civil war, are a backlash against the federal marriage equality victory.

You diverted into something totally irrelevant.

I'm not sure I follow you. How is this a backlash against gay people having a right to marry? Aren't gay people using the same bathrooms they were before they were married? Please clarify.

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This has already been well covered many times on these bigot law threads, and the anti-GLBT bigot laws are not only about toilets. Toilets are the hook the bigots are using. Before toilets, it was "religious liberty" used as a reason to discriminate against GLBT people. It's all part of a backlash over a GLBT civil rights movement that many Americans feel has been too successful.

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Or maybe people are just tired of special interest groups trying to force their agenda onto everyone else?

Were you expressing your outrage at trans women using Female toilets *before* the North Carolina god botherers got their tits in a wringer?

No, I didn't think so.

It's not about an "agenda".

It's about stopping spiteful and petty god botherers picking on people they don't like just because it scores them points with their fellow bigots.

I don't think you'll find anywhere that I've expressed "outrage" at any of this - because I'm not outraged. What I have attempted to do is express a relatively factual scenario in which some people might not agree with the "activist" perspective.

Are transgender people a special interest group? Certainly. Are they seeking special treatment in this case? Again, one can easily argue they are.

What's most interesting is the name-calling from the activist supporters - bigot this, god-botherer that. If someone who doesn't embrace the LGBT agenda were to refer to that community using some of the common pejorative terms available, they'd be reported to a moderator and probably suspended. But if you agree with the agenda, you can get away with using pejorative terms to try to put down the opposing viewpoint, dismiss it as somehow "evil".

As I believe I mentioned previously, that's pretty typical for special interest group rhetoric. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I don't think the entire issue is as easily characterized as you've tried to describe it.

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