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Been here for years and have lost one card that had a crack in it so it got jammed in the card ejector after I pulled the money. The machine then ate the card and a new one needed to be ordered. I have also variously had the "Transaction cancelled, contact your bank" or "communication error" or "card unreadable" prompts but the card is always ejected so no worries there. However, I had a new trick yesterday when I stuck my Amex card in a Bangkok Bank ATM in Pattaya. Entered the PIN and got the notice of the 60 baht service fee (why I like Amex for the odd cash advance) but after accepting the charge, I got the "Account suspended, card retained, contact bank" message that I have never seen before. Machine ate the card and that was that.

I looked at my Amex account on the app and all was normal, no red flags and balance due on 16th April. I contacted Amex a few hours later and they confirmed that there was nothing wrong with my account so we reported it lost instead and got a replacement card on the way. The Amex agent suggested it was a local bank network issue but I have never seen the likes before. Has anyone else?

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In all my decades of using a card in an ATM only one time has the ATM eaten the card...and that was just last December when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card. Went same day to my Bangkok Bank branch to get a replacement. When I asked the bank clerk why the ATM ate my card as I thought maybe some reason might be reflected in their system the rep just said "MayBe Card Broke." Lord knows what that means...the card expiration date was many years away...the card was physically in good shape from a visual inspection...etc. I'm assuming there was just the right ATM glitch/communications hiccup that caused the machine to eat my card....kinda like when you computer locks up for apparently no reason...you reboot...all is well again. That same day I heard two Thai's mention outside a Foodland that the Bangkok Bank network was having problems...maybe they had had some ATM problems also...don't really know.

Have had several times where an ATM has had intermittent failures/communications problem with my foreign cards but I have not had a foreign card eaten yet. Latest bunch of issues has been with my new Schwab "chipped" debit card with Krungsri and TMB ATMs apparently having some intermittent capability issues...and I've even got a replaced Schwab chipped card which didn't help. I need to do more testing with other Krungsri and TMB ATMs as the two ATMs I was having problems with are in the same mall and very close together...but both of these ATM work fine with another foreign debit card I use...and the Schwab chipped debit card works fine for counter withdrawals/cash advances within a Krungsri branch using one of their POS machines.

And only once has one of my foreign card not worked, gave the error to call my bank, I called the bank to get the card unblocked, but that was around 2 years ago...once again that was with my Schwab card--the magnetic strip one at that time.

So, knock on wood (my head) I haven't had too many ATM issues (yet).


Dunno, NanLaew. Once in many years isn't too bad a run before having a glitch.

I had a card eaten here once, Bangkok Bank machine as well. Only one other time in my entire life, and that was due to me not pulling it out of the slot before it timed out and sucked it back in. Gone. It was a weekend night too. Grrrrr....!


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

I prefer branches as well but in my case, was at Makro, which only accepts cash or 1 credit card that I don't have.

I had 3,000 cash but we exceeded that a bit, so I ran out to the stand alone BB ATM to grab some more cash, and good old Murphy paid me a visit.

Edit: Just curious, how do you hold and access cash in Thailand?


A long time ago at a bank in Ban Phe I had a bent (bent as in damaged card, but it still worked) card sucked in. I left my missus to keep guard outside while I legged into the bank and explained what had happened with my Passport. They opened it up, got the card, had me sign a form and that was it which is why, since then I've mainly only used ATMs at actual banks during banking hours.


I've had a Krungsri machine not pay out 10,000 baht on my Kungsri Card - this was at Family Mart.... it deducted the money from the account.

But - I went to the bank and they checked all the details and it took 10 days and the money was refunded....I only use ATM's at banks now.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

That theory doesn't work with Bangkok Bank. When one of their ATMs ate my card, the only recourse I had was to pay 100 baht for a new card as they would not or could not retrieve my old card from the ATM.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

That theory doesn't work with Bangkok Bank. When one of their ATMs ate my card, the only recourse I had was to pay 100 baht for a new card as they would not or could not retrieve my old card from the ATM.

As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.


...yes, I had a Bank of American ATM malfunction. It turned out to be an "identity issue." You bet I was flipped out when the ATM machine ate my card. I was familiar with the bank, but no way could they return the card to me. They said that Bank of America voided the card!

I kept track of everything---even getting a credit card advance to cover bills, cash needs, etc. It took several calls to various BofA nodes, as in Pennsylvania. Turns out due to all that Patriotic Act nonsense, BofA requires "an identity check validated every THREE months. What a hassle. I had called in for this identity rigamarole and kept track of the extension I had talked to. I had passed the identity quiz, but the BofA operator voided my card. Hit the wrong "ENTER" key.

Bank of America sent me a new credit card to my Tai hotel, no problem. I returned to USA, kept track of $427USD in charges that BofA reimbursed me on the spot.

I also found out a valuable piece of information: it is called the "Office of Customer Escalation."

The drill goes like this: When you are having a royal SNAFU and you are tired of repeating your tale over and over again, ask the clerk for the "Office of Customer Escalation," I was greeted with "we have no office like that."

I then asked for the clerk's FULL name, extension and location. They said "...hold on, we'll patch you through."

You have to challenge them to gain access. The mystery code.

BofA's Office of Escalation is in some windowless bunker in Pennsylvania, They have the computer overrides to make your problem go away.

Credit Card companies have them as well. Worth remembering when that fateful day befalls us all---sooner or later. Oh yeah, I dropped BofA asap.


BofA's Office of Escalation is in some windowless bunker in Pennsylvania, They have the computer overrides to make your problem go away.

Credit Card companies have them as well. Worth remembering when that fateful day befalls us all---sooner or later. Oh yeah, I dropped BofA asap.

"Windowless bunker in PA". laugh.png I love it, great story, thanks.


As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.

Standard practice for Bangkok Bank, they don't charge for replacement cards.


One time I used a Mastercard (Neteller) in one of the Kasikorn branches , and I tried to withdraw 10000 baht . The money never came out of the machine, still I received a receipt. The branch was not open since it was late , I returned the next day and there was nothing they could do but wait for a letter from my credit card company . I was a bit upset but the CC company told me it would get sorted out. But I had to wait 2-3 months! It took 6 months before the money was returned to me. So I am a bit careful with foreign cards here, I only use my local Thai bank ATM card.


It took several calls to various BofA nodes, as in Pennsylvania. Turns out due to all that Patriotic Act nonsense, BofA requires "an identity check validated every THREE months.

Got nothing to do with the Patriot Act...it's purely a BoA policy to help reduce fraudulent transactions. Many banks worldwide have had similar policies before the Patriot Act came into existence. Some banks block any foreign transaction unless you notify them of your foriegn travel itinerary before you leave the home country. U.S. credit unions are probably the worst for pretravel notification requirements. Plenty of posts on ThaiVisa from many nationities whose cards were blocked outside their home country...and they had to contact their bank to clear things up. Yeah not uncommon at all.


As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.

Standard practice for Bangkok Bank, they don't charge for replacement cards.

Their web site talking fees for debit cards says Bt100 replacement fee when card is lost or stolen. In my case the situation was really neither as the Bangkok Bank ATM ate my card. But fees can always be waived...and probably varies from branch to branch as to how fee hungry they are.


As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.

Standard practice for Bangkok Bank, they don't charge for replacement cards.

Their web site talking fees for debit cards says Bt100 replacement fee when card is lost or stolen. In my case the situation was really neither as the Bangkok Bank ATM ate my card. But fees can always be waived...and probably varies from branch to branch as to how fee hungry they are.

As previously posted I paid the 100B fee, but my card was immediately eaten because I had punched in the wrong PIN code at the Bangkok Bank ATM. No warning "Wrong PIN code," or card returned with "Transaction Invalid" message, as other Thai bank ATMs do. Just click-click-crunch-crunch and the card was gone. No reason given on the ATM other than "invalid transaction" message.

I'm surprised a trap-net didn't immediately drop on me or a taser gun didn't emerge from the machine--either way to leave me helpless for the ATM police to arrive and deport me on the spot.

So be forewarned: Although other banks are considerably more forgiving and give a second chance, BBK Bank will punish you immediately for any brain fart at the ATM regarding your PIN. (I know, I know, som-naam-na, Karma, and all that other stuff...yes, I now have my PIN tattooed on my forehead).


I had a SCB ATM machine deduct 20,000 Baht without giving me any cash. Luckily it gave me my card back. Reported it to both SCB and my home bank and took them 3 weeks to give me the refund (of coarse with no interest).




If the ATM "eats" and does not return your card the Bank Staff can open the machine and return your card.

At all other ATM Machine locations and outside Bank Opening Hours and for obvious security reasons the ATM cannot be opened by Bank Staff and only a service company can open and they will return the card to the bank and that usually takes 3-4 days. There are no exceptions.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

Edit: Just curious, how do you hold and access cash in Thailand?

Cold, hard cash, baby….and money changers….Im not a resident…just visit when I need to.


l'm with the Kasikorn Bank.

l have never had a problem.

The staff was very helpful & efficient when l set up my account.

l cannot speak more highly of them.

l guess you can't ask for any more than that.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

I use a debit card with ATM's about once a month. However, I only use an ATM attached to a bank branch which is OPEN, so I can ask what has happened immediately. So far, have not had a problem with card seizure.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

That theory doesn't work with Bangkok Bank. When one of their ATMs ate my card, the only recourse I had was to pay 100 baht for a new card as they would not or could not retrieve my old card from the ATM.

I doubt it would work with any bank. As far as I am aware a bank will never return a card 'personally' for obvious security reasons, they will only post it back to the registered address. In the case of an overseas card being found in a Thai ATM I suspect they would simply destroy it.


In a lot of European country's you need to take your card out and then you will get your money.

Here in Thailand its the opposite, first take your money and then take your card.

Forgot to take the card out now three times already. blink.png (in 7 years)

Last replacement was 800 baht.bah.gif


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

I am pretty sure that bank staff have no access to the A.T.M.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

I am pretty sure that bank staff have no access to the A.T.M.

Oh yea they do. I've seen bank staff several times come out of the branch to the ATMs placed at their front doors, open them up, remove/add money trays, unjam/replace receipt paper, etc. If they can do that they can access any cards eaten by the ATM.

Edit: here's one example from a Oct 15 ThaiVisa post...note the last sentence of the post. I've seen other posts saying the same where folks have immediately retrieved their eaten cards at some branches.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

That theory doesn't work with Bangkok Bank. When one of their ATMs ate my card, the only recourse I had was to pay 100 baht for a new card as they would not or could not retrieve my old card from the ATM.

As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.

Yeah, I had the same thing happen to my Bangkok Bank card, went to use my card out of province and the machine said that my account was suspended and the card impounded. Gave me a heart attack because I had a lot of money in the account. I went to my home bank branch in my province and explained what happened, the bank rep said "happens all the time". She set me up with a new card without charge and despite my fears my account was just fine.

I did have another bank"s machine eat my card once also, but that was my fault. The machine gave an error code while I was using it and started beeping. I was afraid to do anything so just stood there. Turns out the machine was beeping as a warning that I needed to remove the card...I didn't do so and it ate it. I did thought the bank could have given it back to me when they serviced their machine, but they don't do things that way. if the card it ate was not one of their own they just destroy it..


Yea, when the Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card outside of a Foodland store in western Bangkok I first came back to my home also in western Bangkok, logged onto my Bangkok Bank ibanking and transferred all but about a 1000 baht of the funds in the account into my no-debit card account. Guess I could have done that via mbanking (mobile phone banking) also except I haven't used/setup mbanking to date...too lazy I guess. At that time I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go same day to the branch on Silom Rd in central Bangkok where my account was....I just wanted to ensure there was no to very little money left in the account until I could get to my branch to get a replacement card.

But I was able to go same day/that afternoon...got a new card issued for free...as mentioned before they really didn't know why the ATM ate my card, tried the new card in the branch ATM before leaving to confirm I could withdraw money/new card was working, got back home, logged onto ibanking and transferred money back into the account. Been fine since.

Glad I had a second account with no debit card issued against it because this no-debit account is where I keep the bulk of my money and I don't want it reachable by debit card. It definitely came in handy and gave peace of mind during this little "The ATM Ate my Card...Sure Hope Something Sneaky Ain't Going On" ATM event.


Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

I am pretty sure that bank staff have no access to the A.T.M.

Seen the staff at my local BB have the ATM wide open,a few times.


Yea, when the Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card outside of a Foodland store in western Bangkok I first came back to my home also in western Bangkok, logged onto my Bangkok Bank ibanking and transferred all but about a 1000 baht of the funds in the account into my no-debit card account. Guess I could have done that via mbanking (mobile phone banking) also except I haven't used/setup mbanking to date...too lazy I guess. At that time I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go same day to the branch on Silom Rd in central Bangkok where my account was....I just wanted to ensure there was no to very little money left in the account until I could get to my branch to get a replacement card.

But I was able to go same day/that afternoon...got a new card issued for free...as mentioned before they really didn't know why the ATM ate my card, tried the new card in the branch ATM before leaving to confirm I could withdraw money/new card was working, got back home, logged onto ibanking and transferred money back into the account. Been fine since.

Glad I had a second account with no debit card issued against it because this no-debit account is where I keep the bulk of my money and I don't want it reachable by debit card. It definitely came in handy and gave peace of mind during this little "The ATM Ate my Card...Sure Hope Something Sneaky Ain't Going On" ATM event.

One of the regrets I have in my business life is sticking with Bangkok Bank for so many years. I guess in the naive belief that loyalty would be rewarded.

If you banked with KBank or SCB you could have had a new card issued within minutes at any branch in Thailand and even in the evening or weekend at a shopping mall retail branch. BBL's customer service is stuck in the 90's.

Don't make the same mistake I did. It's never too late to leave Bangkok Bank.


I once had my BBK debit card eaten at a BBK branch. I believe I put in the wrong pin number 3 times in a row. Went in and told the teller, who was rude and told me I would need to order and pay for a new card. I had asked could they not open the machine and give me my card back, but she kept getting angrier and telling me to buy a new card. Spoke to the manager. She told me to come back the next morning at 10am, when a private company comes and opens the machine. Was there at 10am, received my card, and never entered the wrong pin again.

My son used his debit card from America when he came to visit. Krungsri machine ate his card. The owner of the 7-11 walked my son 1/2 kilometer to the Krungsri bank, and told the teller. Teller told him to get a new card when he went back to America. When I heard about this, I went to the Krungsri Bank with him, and spoke to the manager. Explained to her that he needed the card as he was flying back to America the next day, and needed cash and his card to go home. She found out the 7-11 store number, called the company that fills the machine. This was at 2pm. They told us to come back at 4pm, which we did. At exactly 4pm the guy showed up, retrieved my sons card, and we were good to go.

The tellers have no authority to say yes to anything. Always speak to the manager. And thanks again to the 7-11 owner for walking my son to the nearest Krungsri Bank.

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