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LATEST: Vicious Hua Hin mob attack on British family caught on video stuns the world


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As mickmac suggests, the British couple's son merely tries to guide the drunk man in the khaki shirt away from his parents... and then it starts

And that is very common in the West. You bump into someone or have to swerve out your way to miss them and you just touch it other on the arm as a sort of "sorry, whoops, doesn't matter" courtesy.

Here, it's different. My wife tells me should never do something like that, and never ever touch someone's head.

Thais have appalling spatial awareness but at the same time don't like their space been invaded and certainly not touched.

Tourists ain't gonna know this or that Western courtesies don't necessarily have the same context here.

Sickening level of violence though.

This is the most plausible explanation of all.

Thats exactly what happened. The son bumps into someone and makes a kind of "sorry mate" movement which would have been normal in the UK but not in Thailand. The Thai, fuelled by drink and just having had a bust-up with his mate, misinterprets this as aggression. The video is very clear on the sequence of events.

This does not excuse the ensuing actions one bit though.

Edited by andyww
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Disregarding the debate about who was right and who was wrong and who did what to who this incident still pretty much typifies the trend to lawlessness in Thailand which has been evolving over the past few years.

I have been coming and going and staying for the past ten years and have been reading these forums for a long time. Lately it is clear that things are getting out of hand and foreign counties need to warn prospective tourists that they are at risk in Thailand from street violence, robbery, and death on the roads and in the water.

Come to Thailand at your own peril. If you make it out alive and undamaged feel thankful for your good luck.

You may be right, but you have to be careful of confirmation bias. We have access to so much instant information now. It may simply be that we learn about more incidents then become more aware of them. I am a memeber of a Facebook watch group for my community. There are random break ins, petty crime, and a few major crimes just like there have always been, but because of this group the people in it seem to think that crime is exponentially growing in our community. It's not. Without social media we would never be aware of 90% of these things.

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I think that is simply a function of poverty. You see some of the same behaviour in many inner city gang cultures here in the states.

Excelllent work - lets make it about the USA and not Thailand. Because hey we all want to talk about the USA

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I have watched this 10 times in slow motion. This looks to be a setup or a planned fight. Start right at the very beginning and you will see the Thai with the light color shirt on, walking down the street with the other fellow in the black shirt with the red logo on. Follow them from the bottom left of the screen. As they walk down the street, it appears that they are argueing themselves. They even push each other out of the way. This is when the son slightly touches the guy in the light color shirt's arm. Very little contact. Now this guy comes after the son and the other man in the black shirt continues on his way. As it appears. The man in the light color shirt, push very easily the son, but not to the ground, but into the mother, who appears to push her son into the concrete. Advance a little to the mother slapping the man in the light shirt. They he get's mad and stars leaning into her. You can see a small young man, in green shirt and red shorts try to separate them. Now the father goes around the crowd and throws a punch. Guess who he hits. The guy in the black shirt with the red logo. So now he's back at the brawl. Now watch him as he backtracks a little in the crowd and sneaks in to get a good punch to the father. At this point the mother is talking to a couple of different people not involved. All of a sudden a guy with a surfer shirt and a little skinny guy with a red shirt on start fighting. Now the man with the black shirt and red log beats up mother, son, father. Looks who is missing? The guy in the light color shirt who started it all with the son. Where did he go? Then he shows up after the mother, father and son are knocked out. They show him stomping on the son's head, but not too hard. Look, he still has his beer in his hand. This is all crazy shit going on. Watch it in slow motion and full screen. I didn't even notice about 4 skinny dudes fighting and one picks up a girl with a red shirt on, I believe and throws head first into the road. Don't everyone get on me that I am crazy, I just gave a blow by blow of what is on the video after watching it 10 times in slo mo.

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Watched the video three times - the initial Thai guy was angry at another Thai and charged after him. He brushed in front of the farang son who reached out to push him out of the way. The Thai guy pushes him and the son over-balances and hit his head as he fell. Mum jumps into the frey and would not back off. After a little, the Thai louts appear and start swinging fists and feet. These animals are just scum in any society - cowards and just plain thugs. The tall man in the black shirt is an absolute blight on Thailand - punching a 65 yo woman is the face after downing the son from behind - a disgrace. The kick to the woman's face as she sat up was sickening and clearly the second strike is an attempt at murder. Sad indictment on the scum in Thailand - hunting in packs - getting drunk - seeking out the weak and vulnerable. Would they do that to old Thai people? Hope they get all of them and they get charged with attempted murder - 25 years in the monkey house is well deserved. A moment's stupidity can be focused on with clarity for a long time in the click - goodbye bad rubbish!!!

True. I bet it would have been a different story if it were three tatted up Brits with muscles.
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Watched the video three times - the initial Thai guy was angry at another Thai and charged after him. He brushed in front of the farang son who reached out to push him out of the way. The Thai guy pushes him and the son over-balances and hit his head as he fell. Mum jumps into the frey and would not back off. After a little, the Thai louts appear and start swinging fists and feet. These animals are just scum in any society - cowards and just plain thugs. The tall man in the black shirt is an absolute blight on Thailand - punching a 65 yo woman is the face after downing the son from behind - a disgrace. The kick to the woman's face as she sat up was sickening and clearly the second strike is an attempt at murder. Sad indictment on the scum in Thailand - hunting in packs - getting drunk - seeking out the weak and vulnerable. Would they do that to old Thai people? Hope they get all of them and they get charged with attempted murder - 25 years in the monkey house is well deserved. A moment's stupidity can be focused on with clarity for a long time in the click - goodbye bad rubbish!!!

True. I bet it would have been a different story if it were three tatted up Brits with muscles.

The fight might have lasted longer, with more Thais getting involved. It would still have ended in a pretty similar way though.

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It was 2 o'clock in the morning, 'A' brushed past K.Thai arguing with another K.Thai, a push/shove led to another push/shove from K.Thai. K.Farang1 (@2am, all presumably pished) falls over, bangs head. Mummy2 and Daddy3 get involved, Mummy2 slaps K.Thai, Daddy3 has a go too with someone else ...... Anybody who has been here more than 5 minutes already knows what the outcome will be!

This tosh about K.Thai looking for farang victims (whatever has been stated) ..... nah, sorry, not believable. An explosion always needs a fuse ....

Hoping all injured involved heal quickly.

A few inebriated punks who cant hold their drink, full of testestorone or whatever, showing off in front of their mates and this is the same scenario that happens in many many countries around the world as a daily event.

Not condoning what happened at all, but unknown cultural differences and misunderstandings from those that don't know this region can be dangerous. Don't believe everything you see in the media about all the

smiling faces and gentle people.

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When I first watched this cctv footage this morning I like most was appalled at the violence shown towards these people. It was definitely over the top and a display of hatred.

While the level of violence used was inexcusable it is clear that the old couple showed they didn't take into account where they are. The old man punched a Thai man, the old lady slapped a Thai man.

The initial fall by the son looks like he is drunk and the push simply made him lose his balance. The Father and Mother should have picked him up and got him away quickly.

They certainly didn't deserve what they got but at their age they should know diffusing a situation or simply getting the hell out of there would have been far better.

Once the violence starts (from what I see by the foreigners) The Thai men are lifted to a frenzy and seem like they want to kill them. The final kick to the lady and walking over them shows a disgusting level of a lack of respect.

This will be a dilemma for the justice system as they will have to be seen to give heavy punishment for the sake of the tourism while most Thai's will see a reaction to a loss of face for a public face slap and a punch.

I hope the disgusting pack of wolves get a heavy prison term, though I doubt it. I also hope the family recovers quickly. I'm sure the woman in particular will find it hard to forget.

Watching the cctv made me realise how easy it is to get into a terrible situation at any time. I wouldn't fight a Thai in a crowd for any reason anymore. I have in the past and been very lucky to have walked away. It seems many will come and join the fight against you and the crowd will only watch until it's over.

Remember this video footage and take care whilst you are out particularly at night.

Quite a good analysis but you are reasoning from your own point of view and not looking through the eyes of three first timer tourists who haven't got a clue. TAT and tourist agencies back home lure these unknowing tourists to buy packages to the Land of Smiles!! The most chilled out place on earth, super friendly and open-minded. Don't forget that most of these package tourists don't read up on cultural differences or dangers before travelling. To them every beach holiday is the same. They may as well be in Goa or Lloret de Mar

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"trust us..we are Thai"....smiling happy people...carefree...and welcoming to tourists....yea right...!!!!!

Now you are painting all thais with the same brush!!

This was terrible and a portion of Thai guys are like this. However I did see all the Thai people that started to help after it was over and a few thai's were trying to prevent anything from happening.

I understand the bystanders not getting involved and waiting till it was over as we all know how these types of guys are, never know when a knife or gun will come out.

I'm not condoning what happened is it is sickening but you cant say all Thai's are the same. I would say 95% of Thais are good people ready to help.

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I think the media should keep following this case so the world will know if they just pay a small fine and get away with it

Maybe if the newspapers in the UK keep writing about it the Thai government will be forced to give them a prison sentence

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Let me say this again - it doesn't matter what the people who were attacked did. It doesn't matter if they started it or they were originally in the wrong. That doesn't matter at all.

All that matters is the resulting assault. It was truly sickening.

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cowards! i have been saying for over forty years that thai men are a bunch of coward that cannot fight man to man! they always have to call their fellow cowards to take on any westerner! back during the war they did this all the time until the American service men began walking in pairs, then they ran like a bunch of cockroaches they are! they are like the Austrailan kangroos, small and weak but strong legs that come from always kicking instead of fighting like a real man!

and the tourist keep on coming and asking for it!

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Kicking her in the head was sickening, it was meant as a 'death' kick no question about that and no one deserves that.

What a bunch of inhumane savages! I hope someone finds all of them and gives them daily beat-downs while in prison. People like that should not have the privilege of living without 24 hours a day in chains and handcuffs. And if the police don't do anything, which we all know they never do, I hope their pictures are posted all over the internet so that every tourist who visits huahin can find them and bring their own justice....

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

You're telling blatant lies and spouting nonsense!

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

You're telling blatant lies and spouting nonsense!

tell me, where did I lie?

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

Did she, Not From what I could see?

Would that justify the beating they got?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatal

yes she did, the husband also walks round a group of people and punches someone in it, maybe its the black shirted thai, but they don't seem the be as innocent as the headlines made out to be....although the kick to the face was OTT.

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

Did she, Not From what I could see?

Would that justify the beating they got?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatal

yes she did, the husband also walks round a group of people and punches someone in it, maybe its the black shirted thai, but they don't seem the be as innocent as the headlines made out to be....although the kick to the face was OTT.

the violence is definitely way over the top. could easily kill someone booting them in the head like that, specially someone that old.

but the three things that bother me here are:

1) completely misreporting the article and facts

2) how many stupid people in here can't watch a 2min video to see what actually happened

3) how easily senseless violence like this can be avoided.

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"Amid allegations that the story was "buried" in order to protect the country's tourism industry Thaivisa has been instrumental in seeing the matter come to light."


Thai Visa is an expat forum not CNN. But your right TV kicked ass today.

You were in Hua Hin during Songkran. Did you hear anything about the attack? Always have more than one media outlet to report stuff to. I always check Richard Barrow and Khoasod English. They always reply.

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"Amid allegations that the story was "buried" in order to protect the country's tourism industry Thaivisa has been instrumental in seeing the matter come to light."


Good point, funny how this has been out but it has been buried from mainstream sources, up until the last 24 hours.

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Gutless Classess society, if that had happened anywhere else in the world the guy who kicked that women in the head would of been set upon by the overwhelming majority who have sense of decency about them.

For that to occur in full view and for no one to step in is appalling.

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This can happen in many countries but what is astounding is the crowd just standing there like a gladitorial game. I couldn't imagine that happening. ?

Confronting someone would who has just kicked a defelnes 70 year old women in the face would cause a loss of face

What a load of shit , disgusted in all that sat by and watched this happened

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Definitely don't approve of it but the fact is the visitors started the whole business, don't argue with me about it, go watch the video and see for your self and then argue with the video! BTW the Term Thai Apologist is passe any more, really dated.

Don't tell me not to argue about it pal, watch it again without preconceived notions and then tell me it was the tourists' fault.

"Don't argue about it"....paper tigers!

If you were a policeman ( a real one) writing the report on this, based on the video, what would you say the was the first assault?

If / when you can answer that you can then check the sequence of events.

The resulting melee with people being knocked to the ground and severely and savagely, seemingly gratuitously, beaten kicked and stamped on is the result of the earlier assaults.

Watch is without bias, several times and check out all parts of the screen.

The first "assault" was the foreign male walking hand in hand with the female who didn't acknowledge the bodily contact with the Thai, he looked like he was out walking down Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon, a simple excuse me or I'm sorry after that bump would have prevented what followed.

So the Thai male felt he had been pushed and he responded, that's where it all begins.

The first physical act of aggression that I can see is where the foreign female slapped the face of the Thai man, it really doesn't matter what was said, she struck him and he lost face.

Yep. Add the son connecting with the Thai man, in what looks like an effort to move him out the way before being shoved back in retaliation and you've got it spot on.

Interesting reaction in the UK. The Scotsman claimed it was a Scottish family and then Wales On-Line named them and identified them as a Welsh family. Both of their FB pages were full of fury and anger at the serious assault. I didn't see any comments noting that the first assaults were actually not from any of the Thais.

I am not condoning or excusing the very serious and totally unwarranted assaults these three people suffered. But moving someone out the way as the son did, then slapping one in the face as the mum did, then hitting one as the dad did is never going to end well, especially when your in a foreign country and where all are fueled by alcohol. At their time of life the British family should have known better and the Thais cannot excuse their excessive violence in any circumstances. But booze distorts reality.

Those who claim they can't see the assaults carried out by the British must need a visit to Specsavers. If they don't know what constitutes an assault, assault and battery, and gbh they should do some research.

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