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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

Real Thailand? What is it? A market with blue plastic chairs? A village where according to many posters who live there all kind of demented sexual stuff happens?Are you saying I live in fake Thailand because I live in Bangkok? I am confused about this statement.

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No real secret that the dominant Left Wing Media in the West (including Australia) has had Thailand in its sights ever since the 'Sheriff' ran Khun Taksin and his 'democratically' elected government out of dodge. They hate it.

Editing the video has been done to suit their agenda and to remove any blame or doubt whatsoever from these poor hard done-by, innocent farang tourists who were targeted in a premeditated attack by racist Thai thugs.

It suits their ongoing campaign of the demonisation of Thailand. Meanwhile the tourists just keep flooding in.

Whilst one can never condone what happened to the elderly lady. But in a drunken bar fight the Marquess of Queensberry rules are rarely, if ever, observed.

The elderly women assaulted the Thai first, in the belief she was safe from any form of retaliation as it would be totally out of character for a young Thai to respond with violence to a person of her age and gender. She was wrong.

If you wish to avoid trouble then don't put yourself in a place where you are likely to get it. Walk away. Get out.

Being 'frequent' visitors to the Kingdom they should have known better.

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There are 2 camps of PPL here.

1. Those that hate the Thai Thugs for kicking the old lady on the ground ( effect )

2. Those that saw the whole unedited video and saw the whole truth. The British Family started it by shoving, pushing then finally punching a thai man to the ground, which started the whole violence and ended up with the British family on the ground n the old lady getting kick in the face.

I would like to mentioned both Camps are on the same page on 1 thing. Both Camps agree that The Thai Thugs went too far and should be prosecuted. Both Camps do not justify and condone the actions of the Thai Thugs in any way.

However Camp 1 only look at the effect and not at the cause. What cause the fight to happen? They are only concerned about An old lady getting stomped in the face. They ask what kind of values this country has that teaches Man to stomp on old ladies in a fight. Camp 1 is utterly disgusted at the values of the Thai Thugs and their actions.

Camp 2 looks at both cause and effect. Camp 2 saw the whole unedited video and the whole truth. The cause of the fight was because of the British family who shoved, slap and punch a Thai man to the ground. Camp 2 is also utterly disgusted at the values of the Thai thugs and their actions.

But the difference is this. Camp 2 saw the whole truth. Camp 2 does not make any excuses or condone the actions of the Thai Thugs, in fact Camp 2 wants all the Thai Thugs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the Law. but Camp 2 also points out the actions of the British Family that led to the violent attack on them.

What Camp 2 is trying to achieve by pointing out the actions of the British family is not to justify the Thai Thugs

Instead it is to show the truth and warn others, family, friends, fellow countrymen that in Thailand or any other country, if you behave properly

there is a much much lesser chance of misfortune happening to you. That is all.

So ppl from Camp 1. just accept the Fact the British Family did misbehave and got retaliated by Thai Thugs in the most disgusting violent way ever and learnt from this lesson.

Show your sympathies to the the British Family and the old lady but warn them too never to misbehave again like in the video if they really value their lives. I would show it to my friends n family as well. How not to behave in Thailand or any other country we visit.

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R.I.P Thailand. This could be the last nail in the coffin for western tourists. Its a shame because these folks were regular visitors to the Kingdom. Thailand, you can enjoy the low rent Chinese mobs from now on. There's billions of them.

I'm not being unkind but from reports and pictures of the recent appalling incident there is nothing about any of the people involved that could not be described as"low rent".

A bit unkind, but you have probably watched Jeremy Kyle too!

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To my mind the last few seconds are the really troubling part. Up to then it is the family and the 2 original Thais and there is no question the Brits unnecessarily and very unwisely escalated the situation. But where did those other thugs come from? Looks like pure opportunistic, violent hatred to me and totally unjustified by what had gone before.

How much of this violence and hatred is lurking just below the surface all around us? We should all be very careful out there.

For me that is the worrying thing about this violence, mainly because I have seen at first hand here in Phuket. A harmless looking backpacker was being harassed by the ping-pong show touts and I believe he pushed one away, which resulted in a face-to-face argument between the two of them. Within a few seconds another one of the touts had come out of nowhere and smashed the guy in the face with a king hit, and this was immediately followed by about another half a dozen Thais wading in at the same time.

The guy covered his face the best he could and took shelter in the corner of convenience store wall but the attack still kept coming and it wasn't until a couple of farang girls pushed their way in front of the backpacker that the beating stopped.

He was cut and bleeding round the face and was very unsteady on his feet. He was helped away by a few people and the thugs (the touts) mingled in with the crowds again.

The reason why he wasn't helped was because there were too many Thai thugs attacking him and if it hadn't been for the bravery of the two young farang girls, I believe he would have been in a serious condition. For the record a Thai policeman arrived on the scene just a couple of minutes later and spoke to a few Thais and was also able to see the condition of the backpacker, but after speaking further to the surrounding Thais, he just walked away.

I saw the same thing a few years ago where a gang of young Thais attacked an Italian restaurant owner, six of them armed with lumps of wood and chains and just one of him.

Now more than ever I sense this "violence and hatred" lurking beneath the surface and I have mentioned it in other posts because there is a certain "edge/tension" to tourist places like Phuket (Hua Hin also?) which just wasn't there before.

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To all the ThaiVisa commentators advising that people stay away from Thailand, how many of you will follow your own advice and either leave Thailand, or if like most, you don't live here, will never come back to Thailand again ?

Thought so.

I'm leaving next week, haven't bothered to renew my 1 year retirement extension.

Lucky you, I hear the UK is wonderful, enjoy.

Few weeks in the UK, then off to France and then Spain. UK is too wet and cold for me.

Looking forward to litter free countryside and clean beaches and sea.

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I'm in a third camp as I see 2 almost separate events. I am discounting the main part of the video because there was fault on both sides. I am focusing on the last part where apparently uninvolved thugs stomp and kick defenseless elderly people who are already down in a horrifyingly brutal way. And this is not a case of "the booze made me do it."

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However Camp 1 only look at the effect and not at the cause. What cause the fight to happen?

Camp 2 looks at both cause and effect. Camp

In both camps the cause is envy and racist hatred, from the attackers, Thai police, Thai judiciary and Thai government.

In both camps the effect is defenseless foreigners being beaten unconscious.

The problem being there is no defense for any foreigner.

If you are fit and can defend yourself you would be looking at jail for hitting a Thai and a large fine, we all know that, same if you try to defend another foreigner. Facing months in court, jail, and with your passport held by the Thai police.

If you don't defend yourself, you will likely be beaten unconscious, but at least can return to your home country, the attackers will get off with a small fine.

Why did the younger Brit leave ASAP? because this is what happens in Thailand


Edited by BritManToo
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No real secret that the dominant Left Wing Media in the West (including Australia) has had Thailand in its sights ever since the 'Sheriff' ran Khun Taksin and his 'democratically' elected government out of dodge. They hate it.

Editing the video has been done to suit their agenda and to remove any blame or doubt whatsoever from these poor hard done-by, innocent farang tourists who were targeted in a premeditated attack by racist Thai thugs.

It suits their ongoing campaign of the demonisation of Thailand. Meanwhile the tourists just keep flooding in.

Whilst one can never condone what happened to the elderly lady. But in a drunken bar fight the Marquess of Queensberry rules are rarely, if ever, observed.

The elderly women assaulted the Thai first, in the belief she was safe from any form of retaliation as it would be totally out of character for a young Thai to respond with violence to a person of her age and gender. She was wrong.

If you wish to avoid trouble then don't put yourself in a place where you are likely to get it. Walk away. Get out.

Being 'frequent' visitors to the Kingdom they should have known better.

'Dominant Left Wing Media'. Are you serious? Murdoch a lefty? The Daily Mail - Left Wing?

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However Camp 1 only look at the effect and not at the cause. What cause the fight to happen?

Camp 2 looks at both cause and effect. Camp

In both camps the cause is envy and racist hatred, from the attackers, Thai police, Thai judiciary and Thai government.

In both camps the effect is defenseless foreigners being beaten unconscious.

The problem being there is no defense for any foreigner.

If you are fit and can defend yourself you would be looking at jail for hitting a Thai and a large fine, we all know that, same if you try to defend another foreigner. Facing months in court, jail, and with your passport held by the Thai police.

If you don't defend yourself, you will likely be beaten unconscious, but at least can return to your home country, the attackers will get off with a small fine.

Why did the younger Brit leave ASAP? because this is what happens in Thailand


Its a different issue altogether what happen to the Aussie in the news. According to the news you posted, Yes I have to agree it is very unfair to Aussie. I cringe alot of times at the thought of efficiency of RTP in many other separate cases.

The young Brit left becos he has to work in Singapore.

The British family has suffered enough as a consequences of their actions and I believe that is enough, even though I don't agree to their misbehaviour, I wouldn't want to see them prosecuted for starting the fight.

Even though the Law is just. I am glad the stupidity of the RTP has missed what the British family really did. Now the RTP only wants to catch n punish the Thai Thugs.

I wish to see RTP prosecuted the Thai Thugs that attack this British family to the full extent of the Thai law. Not just a fine. Jail them each for a few years.

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R.I.P Thailand. This could be the last nail in the coffin for western tourists. Its a shame because these folks were regular visitors to the Kingdom. Thailand, you can enjoy the low rent Chinese mobs from now on. There's billions of them.

I'm not being unkind but from reports and pictures of the recent appalling incident there is nothing about any of the people involved that could not be described as"low rent".

A bit unkind, but you have probably watched Jeremy Kyle too!

Grossly unfair rather than a bit unkind: perhaps there is a hint of Daisy and Onslow about them but just ordinary people doing nothing wrong.

Any editing of that tape was done by the RTP ( ostensibly to cut down the violence) rather that the so called leftist press.

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R.I.P Thailand. This could be the last nail in the coffin for western tourists. Its a shame because these folks were regular visitors to the Kingdom. Thailand, you can enjoy the low rent Chinese mobs from now on. There's billions of them.

I'm not being unkind but from reports and pictures of the recent appalling incident there is nothing about any of the people involved that could not be described as"low rent".

A bit unkind, but you have probably watched Jeremy Kyle too!

Grossly unfair rather than a bit unkind: perhaps there is a hint of Daisy and Onslow about them but just ordinary people doing nothing wrong.

Any editing of that tape was done by the RTP ( ostensibly to cut down the violence) rather that the so called leftist press.

With all due respect, assaulting a Thai local in the street is hardly "doing nothing wrong."

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Have 10,000 drunk Welsh people in a town like Cardiff and I guarantee that there will MUCH more violence than in Hua Hin. Wales is a very rough place.

Maybe so but I doubt a Welsh mob would be putting the boot in on an old lady...

... old lady WHO HIT A GUY IN THE FACE. which is the last thing one should do around here. if u want Welsh standards and norms stay in Wales. TIT.

been around for loooong time and have been in fight once in LOS, with a drunk Britan. lowlife scum. there's 70.000.000 people in Thailand and majority wouldn't harm farang although many farang (unintentionally) behave extremely rude (according to thai customs).

So you would whack an old bird, and finish it off with a kick in the head when floored instead of walking....

Tough guy eh....coffee1.gif

if i were a non-educated thai male full suppressed rage and low self-esteem XXL i think i would. however i'm a highly intelligent and supreme longnose and never fight physically. i don't wanna spoil my manicure. coffee1.gif

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15 to 20 years are you crazy they don't even get that for murder in the UK !!! And how long do you think the Welsh couple should get for giving the first blow pensioners or not you do not slap someone in the face especially a Thai and expect to walk away in a street full of drunks celebrating new year ! Have a look at the real video Maybe the Welsh Oap thought she would get away with that as she was a older woman. They are not blameless for sure.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.


From my own experience, you are more likely to get into a fight in the UK etc, but once you do get into a fight in Thailand you are much more likely to die/suffer terrible injuries.

It is quite scary to see how relatively common it is for people to turn into instant psychopaths when provoked.

No, statistically you are 5 times more likely to be attacked and killed in Thailand, and thats using the numbers from Thailand which are always played down.

Everyone says things like this about the UK, well from my experience the UK has issues with areas of cities and towns where there is a large concentration of pubs and hoards of drunken guys in 18 to 25 kind of age. So, avoid those areas and times of night and I think it is fed less likely of attack in the UK.

The statistics support what I say, so believe what you will.

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If a 68 year old WOMEN slap me in the face I would turn the other cheek and grab her hand the next time she tried it !! But it seems that there's a lot of people (and I used that term loosely ) on this form that think it is justified to BEAT DOWN an old women and then to top it off try to KICK her face off !! Sorry but only Douchebag Scumbags think this is acceptable.

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Women start fights usually because they never had to finish one. She thought she could push a small yellow man around. She found out she couldn't

Your making me laugh. So, a 65 year old grandma was trawling the Thai streets on her holiday looking for a fight with some locals? gigglem.gif Imbecile!

She shouted at the Thai guy and kicked off a bit in the role of a defensive mother after her son had been pushed to the ground and split his head open.. Behaviour of any mother, anywhere I suspect, and what did she get for it? A severe kickin from a pathetic cowardly man,, sorry he doesn't qualify to be called a man,, piece of dog shit at best.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.


From my own experience, you are more likely to get into a fight in the UK etc, but once you do get into a fight in Thailand you are much more likely to die/suffer terrible injuries.

It is quite scary to see how relatively common it is for people to turn into instant psychopaths when provoked.

No, statistically you are 5 times more likely to be attacked and killed in Thailand, and thats using the numbers from Thailand which are always played down.

Everyone says things like this about the UK, well from my experience the UK has issues with areas of cities and towns where there is a large concentration of pubs and hoards of drunken guys in 18 to 25 kind of age. So, avoid those areas and times of night and I think it is fed less likely of attack in the UK.

The statistics support what I say, so believe what you will.

"Statistically you are 5 times more likely to be attacked and killed in Thailand".

Who's statistics and where can they be seen?

And who is "you" and where does he/she live, Second Road in Pattaya or Moo 2 in rural Mae Non!

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I telll all my friends and family not come here because the place is full of savages that should be put down

If you are from the UK, I would bet that there are a lot more of these savages in your nearest city than there are in any Thai city.

I've seen plenty of planet of the apes violence in the UK. The thing that does slightly disconcert me, however, is how every single Thai seems to know to connect with the solid bones in the shin or ankle.

Yes. Try telling a liquored-up northern lager lout to pi55 off or pull his head in and see where it leads to.......

Or a Southern one!

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You can say anything u like to me I will not hit you. I dont care. Insult my mum, my sister, my gf. I dont care. All the machos on this very forum, geriatrics, quite funny. And quite pathetic. 555

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However Camp 1 only look at the effect and not at the cause. What cause the fight to happen?

Camp 2 looks at both cause and effect. Camp

In both camps the cause is envy and racist hatred, from the attackers, Thai police, Thai judiciary and Thai government.

In both camps the effect is defenseless foreigners being beaten unconscious.

The problem being there is no defense for any foreigner.

If you are fit and can defend yourself you would be looking at jail for hitting a Thai and a large fine, we all know that, same if you try to defend another foreigner. Facing months in court, jail, and with your passport held by the Thai police.

If you don't defend yourself, you will likely be beaten unconscious, but at least can return to your home country, the attackers will get off with a small fine.

Why did the younger Brit leave ASAP? because this is what happens in Thailand


Its a different issue altogether what happen to the Aussie in the news. According to the news you posted, Yes I have to agree it is very unfair to Aussie. I cringe alot of times at the thought of efficiency of RTP in many other separate cases.

The young Brit left becos he has to work in Singapore.

The British family has suffered enough as a consequences of their actions and I believe that is enough, even though I don't agree to their misbehaviour, I wouldn't want to see them prosecuted for starting the fight.

Even though the Law is just. I am glad the stupidity of the RTP has missed what the British family really did. Now the RTP only wants to catch n punish the Thai Thugs.

I wish to see RTP prosecuted the Thai Thugs that attack this British family to the full extent of the Thai law. Not just a fine. Jail them each for a few years.

Quote: "Even though the Law is just.........."

Where on earth did that come from.......the law here is nothing like "just", with corruption rife amongst the BIB and others, not to mention the judiciary system where power, status and money will buy you anything and I mean anything.

It will be interesting to see what the sentence is for these guys and even if the BIB were to view the video and see that the old girl slapped a much younger Thai man, just what do you think her sentence would be? I'm guessing just a telling off, whereas these thugs need to be put away. Trading punches and a kick in the head to an old-age pensioner, for a slap, says more about this country, its values and its youth than anything else (well perhaps it doesn't as the myriad of stories about wealthy brats getting away with murder, Red Bull heir, Exotic motorcar dealer's son, Koh Tao fiasco etc etc, say just as much).

Absolutely deplorable actions from a bunch of low life scum and no amount of, "well she started it with a slap" from the apologists here will detract from the fact that an old-age pensioner was punched to the ground and kicked in the head by someone less than half her age, and if you really want to carry on, then there is absolutely no reason on earth why the Thai scum should kick the woman in the head when she was already almost out of it.......cowardice prevails amongst Thai men and we see it time and time again.

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15 to 20 years are you crazy they don't even get that for murder in the UK !!! And how long do you think the Welsh couple should get for giving the first blow pensioners or not you do not slap someone in the face especially a Thai and expect to walk away in a street full of drunks celebrating new year ! Have a look at the real video Maybe the Welsh Oap thought she would get away with that as she was a older woman. They are not blameless for sure.

True - Nicolle Earley, 16, was ordered to serve a minimum of 14 years in prison for the murder of Ann Gray, 63, who died as a result of a head injury after she was knocked to the ground and repeatedly stomped on. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/8530035.stm

Jasmine Jenkins, 22, and James Jenkins, 34, were both been jailed for six years for grievous bodily harm for the unprovoked assault of a a 69-year-old man while travelling on a bus. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/horrific-pictures-show-pensioner-being-11085700

I'd like to see these Thai thugs put away for at least 5 years, that ought to show them how tough they aren't.

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Yes, but let's keep it in perspective.

The amount of people who visit Thailand every year is around 30 million, about the same as the entire population of Australia.

Throw in drink, drugs, having affairs with prostitutes, who "cheat" (done it myselfcrazy.gif , not being judgmental), people swimming regardless of red flags, living in high-rises with balconies, riding motorbikes with no crash helmet, coupled with the easy-going way of life here, combined with a lax rule of law.

I am in no way defending or excusing what happened to these people, but with 30 million people visiting, is the death/injury rate really that high here?

Every single days, we read stories about tourists in thailand who get




heavily assaulted

thrown by the balcony


The only difference this time, we have a video. So they can not cover up as usual!

thailand is a dangerous country, share this information with your friends and family. Because the thai govt and thai police dont care. These people just want our money!

France get 83 millions tourists, USA get 75, Spain get 60, China get 55

but you will not hear that EVERY SINGLE DAYS that a tourists have been murdered or stabbed or rapped or beaten savagely.

In thailand its happen EVERY SINGLE DAYS!!!!

the official statistic show that thailand is actually one of the most dangerous tourists destination.... just look again at the video of the beating of this ederly couple, it doesnt happen anywhere else!

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Every single days, we read stories about tourists in thailand who get




heavily assaulted

thrown by the balcony


The only difference this time, we have a video.

thailand is a dangerous country, share this information with your friends and family. Because the thai govt and thai police dont care. These people just want our money!

Yes, but don't those sort of violent activities go on in most countries around the world?

Mass shootings (at least one a year in the U.S)

Heavy assaults (on the streets of most Australian capital cities, and like the goons in HH, alcohol fuelled)

The tennis player (her name escapes me) who was stabbed.

Rapes (what country doesn't have rapes?)

oh..and you left out young kids being lured onto railway lines (after being assaulted) to meet their death.

There is danger just about everywhere squire, not only Thailand.

complete garbage!

Countries like USA, Spain, France, China get a least 2 fold more tourists than thailand.

But did you ever heard that a tourist was shot dead in the street of Barcelona, or a tourist was beaten to death in San Francisco, or a tourist was abducted for a ransom in Paris, or a whole family was lynched by a mob in Shangai??? NEVER!!!

In thailand, every single day, we read horror crimes on tourists!

Here the thai apologists claims UK is more dangerous. So why you just only have 500 murders in the UK per year? When in Bangkok alone you certainly have more murders than in the whole United Kingdom.

ps : Fact, thailand has been officially classifieds as a dangerous destination( i posted the link recently)

So what you are saying is that tourists are left alone in every country apart from Thailand?...complete garbage...get a grip...a Brazilian tourist was tazered in Sydney (and died)...Tourists have been killed in Tunisia, Egypt.......and don't tell me no tourist has been the victim in the good old U.S. of A.? As for the murders in Bangkok, well I'm pretty sure that's mostly Thai on Thai, not good but they have to deal with that in the same way Americans have to deal with killing (upwards of 10,000) each other per annum.

no you talk rubbish, and i will explain to you :

accident and crime against tourists happen in the western world but its mostly petty crime.... but in thailand its happen in a huge rate, its happen in a savage way. (murder, rape, stabbing, savage assault)

So here your bullshit : the brazilian was tazered in London, not in Sydney, because he was running away from police in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. That was an isolated accident.

In Tunisia, Egypt it was terrorists attack like in Erawan Shrine in Bangkok. In Tunisia and Egypt, tourists dont get murdered, assaulted, lynched by the mob in a huge rate like in thailand. In fact its rarely happen.

About USA, did you ever heard that tourist get shot dead frequently??? Please quite trolling!

And to convince you, you talk bs. Here the official and latest statitstics about tourist safety

thailand is one the most tourists dangerous in the world


here the full official report :


if you read the survey, most western countries are seen as very safe tourists destination, in others hand thailand is seen as one of most unsafe tourists destination in the world!!!!

Look again at the video of the beating of a ederly couple in Hua Hin, it doesnt happen anywhere in the world, but here its a common crime.

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However Camp 1 only look at the effect and not at the cause. What cause the fight to happen?

Camp 2 looks at both cause and effect. Camp

In both camps the cause is envy and racist hatred, from the attackers, Thai police, Thai judiciary and Thai government.

In both camps the effect is defenseless foreigners being beaten unconscious.

The problem being there is no defense for any foreigner.

If you are fit and can defend yourself you would be looking at jail for hitting a Thai and a large fine, we all know that, same if you try to defend another foreigner. Facing months in court, jail, and with your passport held by the Thai police.

If you don't defend yourself, you will likely be beaten unconscious, but at least can return to your home country, the attackers will get off with a small fine.

Why did the younger Brit leave ASAP? because this is what happens in Thailand


Its a different issue altogether what happen to the Aussie in the news. According to the news you posted, Yes I have to agree it is very unfair to Aussie. I cringe alot of times at the thought of efficiency of RTP in many other separate cases.

The young Brit left becos he has to work in Singapore.

The British family has suffered enough as a consequences of their actions and I believe that is enough, even though I don't agree to their misbehaviour, I wouldn't want to see them prosecuted for starting the fight.

Even though the Law is just. I am glad the stupidity of the RTP has missed what the British family really did. Now the RTP only wants to catch n punish the Thai Thugs.

I wish to see RTP prosecuted the Thai Thugs that attack this British family to the full extent of the Thai law. Not just a fine. Jail them each for a few years.

Quote: "Even though the Law is just.........."

Where on earth did that come from.......the law here is nothing like "just", with corruption rife amongst the BIB and others, not to mention the judiciary system where power, status and money will buy you anything and I mean anything.

It will be interesting to see what the sentence is for these guys and even if the BIB were to view the video and see that the old girl slapped a much younger Thai man, just what do you think her sentence would be? I'm guessing just a telling off, whereas these thugs need to be put away. Trading punches and a kick in the head to an old-age pensioner, for a slap, says more about this country, its values and its youth than anything else (well perhaps it doesn't as the myriad of stories about wealthy brats getting away with murder, Red Bull heir, Exotic motorcar dealer's son, Koh Tao fiasco etc etc, say just as much).

Absolutely deplorable actions from a bunch of low life scum and no amount of, "well she started it with a slap" from the apologists here will detract from the fact that an old-age pensioner was punched to the ground and kicked in the head by someone less than half her age, and if you really want to carry on, then there is absolutely no reason on earth why the Thai scum should kick the woman in the head when she was already almost out of it.......cowardice prevails amongst Thai men and we see it time and time again.

the law is always just. Its up to the police n the justice system to uphold it. In thailand sadly, the police n courts here r not. N i never defend the thais read my comments properly. I condemn their actions. Its disgusting what they did. I sympathise with the plight of the old lady, but i cannot agree with their actions too before they got attacked. B4 u quote me, pls kindly read wat i post b4 u misquote me. Thank u. I only post what i did as a kind advice that behave yourself no matter where u r n chances of misfortune happening to u will be much less.
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