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Handicapped man who 'answered back' beaten to death by knife wielding Thai mob

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Jail them for life. Thai government and education ministry should really question themselves.

Are the values being taught in school and at home really good for thai youths?

Isn't buddhism taught and practiced in this country as the main religion? Isn't respect for the elders, helping the less fortunate, giving to the poor, valuing all that has life what Buddhism is all about?

again n again. we see violence like this. security guard tells a youth to park his car in designated area gets shot to death.

Youths drinking n kill a handicap old man. very very sad news.

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Another group of fine upstanding Thai men....wait for it....here come the apologists with....."he has no business being crippled in public"

Right on Lat Phrao Road...that is only a few Sois away from the Police Station too.

Gee, we are so lucky to have among us seers who can foretell the future, which contains apologists for these men.

Before your edit, I caught your comment about, "which police station",,, which police station should have to fire live rounds into the air,, to get the attention of drunken, sword wielding thugs?

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Jail them for life. Thai government and education ministry should really question themselves.

Are the values being taught in school and at home really good for thai youths?

Isn't buddhism taught and practiced in this country as the main religion? Isn't respect for the elders, helping the less fortunate, giving to the poor, valuing all that has life what Buddhism is all about?

again n again. we see violence like this. security guard tells a youth to park his car in designated area gets shot to death.

Youths drinking n kill a handicap old man. very very sad news.

Yes. I wonder which fine educational institution (technical school ) they recently graduated from? At least they got to hone their gang fighting skills there.

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Parade the scum on the town square for a while in front of their parents sisters and brothers and then hang 'm and feed their bodies to the crocodiles

who will be waiting in a cage at the square. Might just do the job.

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I'm not sure if violence is getting worse (many think it is) or are these things being reported more? Maybe someone who's been here a long time can help out???

Horrible. I do hope they rot in jail. Sadly, that probably won't happen.

Not reported are the fact that robberies, theft and house break ins increased by 60% last year.

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Sometimes I feel that death penalty is actually a good option!

Some people might say that they should be in prison but with the Thai prison system over populated (in Phichit provincial prison they have 0.45 square meter (30*150 cm) to keep their things and sleep on) and these people should never be allowed to set fot in the society again so MY opinion is that a firing squad is best solution to deal with these men. That way maybe other young men learn that you should not behave like this...

Edited by Kasset Tak
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Police tried to break up the melee without success before shots fired into the air helped them arrest the gang ! What was wrong with shooting them they dont seem to have any convictions of shooting drug carriers but murderers hmmm

I guess the RTP has never been told "bullet go up, bullet come down, maybe kill innocient bystander! What id--ts!

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Oh and what's so stinking about it?


It's a stinking world because there's no law and order any more. It's a stinking world because it lets the young get onto the old like you done. It's no world for an old man any more. What sort of a world is it at all? Men on the moon and men spinning around the earth and there's not no attention paid to earthly law and order no more.

Nothing's changed in 45 years. Thank you Mr Burgess. thumbsup.gif

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Little will happen this is why we read about such things. They will say they are sorry and that they were upset with the heat at the time. A small fine and they will be out on the street again.

They should get the death penalty but we all know they wont

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They just "happened" to have these lethal weapons on their persons ! The truth of the matter is that they were just out looking for someone to kill, for the slightest reason, and we can only feel lucky that it wasn,t one of us reading this disgusting news :(

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I'm not sure if violence is getting worse (many think it is) or are these things being reported more? Maybe someone who's been here a long time can help out???

Horrible. I do hope they rot in jail. Sadly, that probably won't happen.

Not reported are the fact that robberies, theft and house break ins increased by 60% last year.

Link to source and statistics please?

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I'm ACTUALLY SHOCKED the normally "free fire" RTP fired into the air,, when confronted with a band of drunken, sword weilding thugs,, what?,, did they maybe recognize several of them as having, "connected" families?, so live rounds into the air,, in a well populated area,,, maybe only,, MAYBE hit some unknown 6yr old when coming down,, heaven forebid they actually shoot a sword weilding, Thai thug that refused to hear them ordering them to stop,,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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The police here are a waste of time. Had this been in the USA, the police would have already shot dead the murderers without question !

But then there would have been riots and the police would have to pay millions of dollers to the families.

(unless the perbs happened to be white)

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Wow, making fun of a cripple and then attacking him. They'll have a long time in jail to contemplate their stupidity.

Possibly not, after all, they were drunk and there seems to be no blame attached to any behaviour under these circumstances :( and it is common knowledge that there is nothing wrong with carrying around an object that in reality can only be used to inflict a fatal wound !

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I have been living here more than 15 years now. but I have never seen so much violence as now.

Sure, reporting of this violence happens now more frequently than a few years back.

But how many violent attacks are not reported?
Violent attacks which are not captured on CCTV cameras.

Violent attacks which are not reported to the police.

In my opinion, these attacks are mostly committed by Thais from other parts of the country who seek to achieve the downfall of the current powers without being arrested.

Just say that "I was drunk"; say "sorry"; make a "wai" and you are free.

No pesky Art. LM or whatever which sets you for a decade in jail.

I hope that I am wrong.
But something fishy is going on here.

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"Charges of assault causing death and carrying concealed weapons in a public place have been laid".

I don't understand. Is Murder a PC protected word now-a-days?

Seems so: the test usually applied: did a person objectively understand that their actions could lead to the death of someone and, in that knowledge, continue regardless ( the central argument in the Pistorius case, "dolus eventualis "). If so, a case can be made out for murder.

I would have thought attacking someone of limited mobility with samurai swords and bricks would satisfy that test,at least as a starting point. But here, as in many other cases, it's the aggressors who seem to get the benefit of any assessment of intent. Piss weak.

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I'm not sure if violence is getting worse (many think it is) or are these things being reported more? Maybe someone who's been here a long time can help out???

Horrible. I do hope they rot in jail. Sadly, that probably won't happen.

We have more access to the media now and can see the darker side of this and all societies. I don't remember when, but about 18 years ago in Bangkokna group of vocational students gang raped 2 girls on a bus. No one did anything. One was dragged off the bus and gang raped again. The world never noticed.

Now we hear similar stories from Indian, we also hear sickening stories from the US, the UK and so on in the world media.

The biggest story in all the recent cases is people stood and watched. They did nothing.

A great man once describe people as a virus with shoes. Maybe that's all we are, we've lost any sense of right and wrong, any desire to say no when we see wrongdoings.

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Completely off topic rant: why the heck is it soooo trendy here on TV to use the word "apologist". This word is hardly used anywhere else in the media! Mix it up a little please!!

It`s only `apologists` who don`t like the word.

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Look here now...just because these senseless killings and beat-downs are occurring on almost a daily basis now...that is no reason to start making disparaging remarks about the gentle people of Thailand...

Show some respect for your host country...they love foreign...currency here...

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"Police called to the scene of the attack early Sunday morning initially failed to break up the vicious attack and needed to fire into the air before restoring order and detaining the gang".

Unreal. If they had any balls they would've shot them immediately and probably saved the poor guys life

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Sitting around and getting drunk has got to be the commonest activity, aside from eating, in the city neighbourhood sub-sois and villages around Thailand. I always give these activities a wide berth because I don't want to attract attention or set off any kind of incident where I will be hailed over, invited to drink or ultimately attacked if I somehow upset the alpha male of the group. I will lose. Look at how quickly this gang turned into murderers. I've had several former GFs tell me to stay away from this type of group, "they're no good".

I've experienced threats from a drunken Thai group three times in my time here. Fortunately, our group of Thai/farangs got the message that we should leave now and we were doing nothing but chatting, eating and having a few drinks. By the way, the signal to retreat came from our Thai hosts. From those experiences, I vowed to never set foot in a Thai club again.

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Police couldn't break up the attack until they shot into the air... if they had shot the attackers then maybe the victim would still be alive... can you imagine western police standing by?

Sadly, yes. Slightly different situations, but with similar outcomes.

The British police on a number of occasions in recent years, have stood by and let children drown, because they didn't have official "training" or permission to enter water, even shallow pools. Fortunately, this is extremely rare in the UK, most British police would rush in and answer for it later.

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