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Narcissm, Self Obsession and Selfies in Thailand


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This was all really prompted by a a birthday party where a dozen teenage girls could not get their noses out of their ipads and phones. As some of you know our children have gone to France. My wife was quizzing them on the different life they are starting to have there. Their view is that the teenage Thai girls they were at school with were totally narcissistic airheads, obsessed with Korean boys and selfies. I dunno!!

Sad thing is that a lot of people who are far from "teenage girls" are also doing the same. Just take the BTS in Bangkok, any given day.

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ThaiVisa members are mostly old, if they were young or even young at heart they'd be taking selfies too.

Maybe you're too old to have young friends. But most of the intelligent young people I know (including Thais) do not engage in this obsessive selfie behavior.

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As far as I am concerned there are two types of selfies and they are totally different.

1/The narcissistic Kardashian self promotion look at me selfie

2/ The "Excuse me, could you please take a picture of me and my wife with the Eiffel Tower,

Buckingham Palace, Grand Canyon, Matterhorn in the background.

With a selfie stick you don't have to bother people and you can do it yourself. You no longer

need to bring a tripod and set the timer on your camera etc.....

A picture taken with a sports star/politician/celebrity, has far more appeal than asking for a

signature. It puts an experience memory into print.

I don't have a selfie stick, and I don't take selfies, I don't take many photographs which I

actually regret. I have seen and done many special/amazing things which I don't need or

want to share with others but would be nice to look back and reflect on.

Cell phones/digital photography has brought photography to the masses. Everything

remotely newsworthy is captured by someone on their cellphone. (now if only people would

learn to turn the cellphone on its side to show a 16:9 shot like your TV/computer)

So, in short I have no problem with selfie number 2, but I do shake my head at selfie number 1.

I do have one further question though. Is it a selfie when celebrity events are attended by

celebrities who attend so their pictures will be taken at the event and they will be covered

in the media. What about celebrities who alert the paparazzi to their whereabouts at

restaurants and bars. Once again to get their image in the media. coffee1.gif

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I hate it and FB also. I saw a female acquaintance post several pics from a romantic dinner her BF had arranged. Had a hotel put a private table in the beach etc. My first thought was how she defaced the privacy and intimacy of the moment simply to garner "likes" and adoration from a mass of strangers and semi-friends. I felt sad for her and worse for the BF. The narcissists have won creating an environment where this behavior is considered normal.

I can relate to that csabo , on Valentines day myself and the TW went to a local nice restaurant , not because it was V day but just for lunch . A couple came in and sat at a table across the way , she was in a nice dress , her hair had been quoiffed , he had on smart trousers and a white shirt , they ordered food then both went on to FB ,when the food arrived it was still there 10 mins later ,the nice couple were still not talking only had time for FB. Surely on V day you go to a restaurant with the most important person of the day ,So why is there this desire to talk to someone else for a 'kin hour ? If I had a bar or cafe I would put outside a sign Please come in and talk to one and other , leave FB in the car.

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Don't care one way or the other how many selfies people take.

But the selfie stick is another issue. More and more it happens that you are walking along and suddenly a selfie stick pops out into your path, I don't detour I treat it as if someone has delibrately pushed a stick in front of my face and I slap it out of the way.

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ThaiVisa members are mostly old, if they were young or even young at heart they'd be taking selfies too.

Maybe you're too old to have young friends. But most of the intelligent young people I know (including Thais) do not engage in this obsessive selfie behavior.

Of course, none of the intelligent young people you know ( Including Thai's) take selfies ........blink.png

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ThaiVisa members are mostly old, if they were young or even young at heart they'd be taking selfies too.

Maybe you're too old to have young friends. But most of the intelligent young people I know (including Thais) do not engage in this obsessive selfie behavior.

Of course, none of the intelligent young people you know ( Including Thai's) take selfies ........blink.png

Yes that is what I said. I'm sorry it was too shocking for you.

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Most of the intelligent young people I know take selfies. It's an entirely normal thing that people everywhere do.

I was referring to obsessive selfie behavior, such as those who post selfies on Facebook everyday or take selfies at a dinner pretending to have a "great time" with the friends they didn't even speak to other than to decide on the order and split the bill.

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Not only that.....but the fact that they are not in the least embarrassed about it I find fascinating....I'v seen them take selfies while a waitress is waiting to take an order from them in a restaurant.

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Why would they be embarrassed about it?

It's an everyday thing, which only old people seem to have a problem with.

He specifically mentioned that they take selfies while a waitress is standing and waiting to take their order. That's what he thinks they should be embarrassed about. Please read.

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in uk and france they read books, maybe it helps being less stupid than in Asia ?

Taking your comment to its conclusion it means that probably 90% of the world are stupid which when thinking about it would account for a lot

When you're in the top 0.5% like me, 99.5% of the world look a bit simple.

Selfies and reading are no indication of IQ.

Being able to discuss Dark Matter, MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) and GIA (Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) are much better indicators.

So Dark Energy is beyond you then?

Stick to stealing ladies phones and looking at their photos.....your postings impress nobody. You couldn't handle Thailand and now poor old Shepherds Bush has you all to themselves.

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Give it a try. It's fun.

Yes, and some of the whining old gits on here forget that even some of the old cameras used in the days of black and white photos had a timer that could be set to allow the person to move in front of the camera to take a 'selfie'.

Lets face it, it isn't the selfie phenomenon they don't like - it's anything at all that is outside their sphere of experience - Facebook being a prime example.

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in uk and france they read books, maybe it helps being less stupid than in Asia ?

Taking your comment to its conclusion it means that probably 90% of the world are stupid which when thinking about it would account for a lot

When you're in the top 0.5% like me, 99.5% of the world look a bit simple.

Selfies and reading are no indication of IQ.

Being able to discuss Dark Matter, MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) and GIA (Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) are much better indicators.

Narcissism, Self Obsession and Selfies..........you scored two out of three - well done!

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To answer the OP's question, there's nothing especially unique about Thai in terms of taking selfies, that's global - even Obama takes selfies with other heads of state. However, what is quite odd/unique about Thai women taking selfies is the extent to which they modify and change their appearance. Smartphones have apps that basically 'airbrush' photos and Thais seem to enjoy modifying their photos so that they barely resemble how they look in real life. They change the color of their skin, the shape of their nose, the shape of their face even. It's odd that they are 'satisfied' with their selfies as they look nothing like themselves.

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When there's nothing in their heads to express or discuss, and nothing in the world that interests them other than themselves. Those are the kinds of people posting selfies everyday on Facebook.

Simple minds are easily entertained.

And some post on TVF

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The only 'selfies' I take are the yearly variety required by immigration for my visa extension. Other than that, don't own a 'smart phone', don't want one, and I don't think taking pictures of myself and posting them on Facebook is 'way cool'.

I've better things to do than to engage in narcissism. I didn't take selfies back in the day when I was still a 'handsum man'. lol Now simply grey and distinguished looking I still have no need for selfies. biggrin.png

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My gf was messing with my phone, pouting to the camera (I prefer real pictures when somebody doesn't realise a camera is on them is far more natural), trying to find the best one she can use to show how wonderful everything is on her FB account. I asked why she didn't use her own phone and I got "full already, I need new phone" (need?).

Later in the afternoon she was having a nap on top of the duvet (unusual as she's normally under it with the aircon at full tilt. It's embarrassing when a farang can handle the heat better than a native, but I digress. Anyhow she was decent enough in clothing terms not to be embarrassed if she did what she says ("I start diet tomorrow". For reference I don't think she's fat, just a Kilo here and there that normal women have rather than being either Twiggy or a meth head so skinny their head makes them look like a lollipop). It wasn't the most flattering I could have made it, but that was my goal - to say this is the real you, don't deceive people, and especially drop that pouted lips thing that makes you look like you have a draw string inserted under the skin that you tighten to get that image they've seen on the front of a fashion magazine, which are photoshopped like crazy anyhow and not the real human). I showed the pic to her when she woke, saying I was just about to put it on FB but just thought I'd check with you first (I had no intention of doing anything of the sort). She saw it then freaked out "delete, delete, delete!".

I haven't been out of Asia in a decade, so don't really know what the current generation does other than the pics I see from friends with their kids in my home country on some camping holiday or something. I think the world might be a better place if pictures had a cost (like getting them developed on film). I'm sure Kodak would have preferred that also, but technology moves on. I guess that officially means I am old, despite getting into tech at the age of 13. I mean most of these kids don't even know what assembly language is ("they don't know they're born do they"), let alone what's under the bonnet/hood of their latest device. But then again there are more important things to learn here - road sense "yeah do a selfie when you've had the accident and I dare you to make that your avatar saying that it's you using your phone while tasked with operating heavy machinery", buying something only when you have actually earned the money ("never a borrower or lender be" I think was the phrase), and my biggie - Just because I'm your BF doesn't automatically allow you to use my resources buying junk that is fashionable like phones. That's what starts the "if you want it, then get an honest job and buy the toy" ramble, though I doubt she's listened to more than the first 3 words once she sees that one being repeated. I promise to do my utmost to provide security and things that you need, but not always what you want on a whim, that would be encouraging poor values.

So, selfies - probably rife through most of the developed and developing nations. I don't personally see much value in it, and probably shows how empty peoples lives can become. The odd picture here and there of friends/family yeah, but 40 shots of the same thing? Turn that thing off for a couple of hours a day it must be exhausted.

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Selfies are okay, saw a friend couple on holidays in London on FB clearly a selfie, making the photo much more interesting. My 13 year old daughter have over 2000 friends on FB (no kidding) which i don't understand. When somebody I don't know wants to be friends on FB, I promptly block them, why should I be friends with someone I don't know?

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When there's nothing in their heads to express or discuss, and nothing in the world that interests them other than themselves. Those are the kinds of people posting selfies everyday on Facebook.

Simple minds are easily entertained.

And some post on TVF

Yes I can see that ;)

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rolleyes.gif Lighten up.

Last month I was on a trip to Ho Chi Minh City.

I was taling to 2 teen age vietnamese girls at a restaurant.....becuse thy wbated to practice their english with an Amereican.

i am 70 years old, so i doubt that they were interested in anything but a "selfie" to show their friends they were talking tro an old American they met and talked to when they went to Ho Chi Minh.

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I hate it and FB also. I saw a female acquaintance post several pics from a romantic dinner her BF had arranged. Had a hotel put a private table in the beach etc. My first thought was how she defaced the privacy and intimacy of the moment simply to garner "likes" and adoration from a mass of strangers and semi-friends. I felt sad for her and worse for the BF. The narcissists have won creating an environment where this behavior is considered normal.

And while you were feeling sad ( of course you were, a sleepless night too no doubt ), she probably had a great time and so did he, while you spent your time tapping meaningless posts on an anonymous internet forum to total strangers.

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I take the occasional selfie of my good looks, half or full naked selfies of my hard ripped body after a gym session to send to horny girlfriends on Line, no harm done, just dont show your face so you cant get blackmailed by psychos and jealous exs

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