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Thai husband kills wife then takes her to the temple to be cremated


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Thai husband kills wife then takes her to the temple to be cremated

Image: Tnamcot

PATHUM THANI:-- A rag and bone man took his dead wife in his cart to be cremated at the local temple.

But temple undertakers smelt a rat and called in the police, report Tnamcot.

Police discovered that the man had killed his wife the previous evening by battering her several times with a torch.

The bizarre scene played out at a Pathum Thani temple after Klong 1 police had been called. The man, who with his wife collected old things to sell, had brought her dead body in to prepare for cremation saying he had little money.

Police interviewed the man, unnamed but known to be 41 from Bung Karn province, who said that he had argued with his wife when they were drinking on Tuesday evening. He said he hit her two or three times with a torch.

They went to sleep but he woke at 2am realising his wife was dead. On Wednesday morning he wrapped her in a cloth and put her in his cart before pulling her to the temple on his motorbike.

Police went with the man to his house to continue investigations while the body was sent for autopsy.

Source: Tnamcot

-- 2016-05-05

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

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when they were drinking on Tuesday evening. He said he hit her two or three times with a torch.

demon drink takes another victim,not much money but they can always find it for a drink.

regards worgeordie

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Its not just a Thai issue, cases like this happens everywhere even in countries like US and Germany.....but perhaps in Thailand it just happens more frequently

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Its not just a Thai issue, cases like this happens everywhere even in countries like US and Germany.....but perhaps in Thailand it just happens more frequently

I think is certainly does happen more frequently here then some other countries.

Very sad story. A senseless waste of her life and most likely of his if he ends up spending the majority of it behind bars. All for a few moments of insanity fuelled by booze.

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

You just have to find comfort knowing that they'll suffer more for it in their next life.

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Its not just a Thai issue, cases like this happens everywhere even in countries like US and Germany.....but perhaps in Thailand it just happens more frequently

Well, it certainly seems so, must be a genetical thing then like with milk here ... something along >alcohol-intolerance< maybe?

Fact is i've yet to read about a stunt with an outcome like these here on alc all the time - but where they partook in weed instead ...


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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Its not just a Thai issue, cases like this happens everywhere even in countries like US and Germany.....but perhaps in Thailand it just happens more frequently

Well, it certainly seems so, must be a genetical thing then like with milk here ... something along >alcohol-intolerance< maybe?

Fact is i've yet to read about a stunt with an outcome like these here on alc all the time - but where they partook in weed instead ...


well its seems drunken fights in the West happens more frequently and almost a nightly occurence at some places, whereas in Thailand drunken fights are fewer, but it it usually ends up with casualties

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

You just have to find comfort knowing that they'll suffer more for it in their next life.

Yes, same as with Christianity, except they get punished for all eternity, where Buddhists get a lot more lives to try to get it right. By the way, if you're reborn in a hell world your life might be many tens of thousands of years long, but at least it's not eternity. Same if you're reborn in a heaven, of course. "Oh, we'll eat pie in the sky in the great bye and bye after we die."

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

You just have to find comfort knowing that they'll suffer more for it in their next life.

Possible. They may go to purgatory , get reformed then be allowed into heaven.

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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Extremely difficult to understand what seems to be a prevailing behavioral mentality...

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This goes on world wide, however more people in other countries are perhaps more clever disposing of the body/s and many bodies are never found until years later.

This guy must have still been drunk at the time he took the body in.

Admitting, he intentionally struck her three times was not very bright either. No accident there! The intent was clear.

He will dry out in prison and will find a new wife in the showers when he bends over for the soap some romantic threw on the floor!

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All jokes aside from the usual, but two serious situations that receive little or no attention from authorities, domestic violence and excess alcohol consumption. Whether combined or separate, they cause a great deal of grief in this country and are deserving of some form of intervention

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when they were drinking on Tuesday evening. He said he hit her two or three times with a torch.

demon drink takes another victim,not much money but they can always find it for a drink.

regards worgeordie

I don't suspect they were drinking a 12 year old malt whisky, probably a 10 baht fix of lao kao, to take the pain away from living in abject poverty, something no one on TV has ever had to experience.



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I don't see anything unusual.

Thai kill 2 years old babies with broom, brutally attack people for brushing pass them, or just kill crippled man for fun when drunk.

He will apologize and all will be well again.

Its not just a Thai issue, cases like this happens everywhere even in countries like US and Germany.....but perhaps in Thailand it just happens more frequently

There is a difference. In most other countries, he wouldn't throw her in a cart behind his motorbike, and drag her down to the temple!!

I agree with thsiduncan. What a terrible life, rag and bone man, poverty beyond what most of us could imagine, much less experience.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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The problem of alcohol abuse in Thailand is massive and as one poster said- the poor are the ones who abuse it the most as it takes away the pain temporarily. Thais are taught from birth to avoid confrontation but the alcohol takes away that societal inhibition and that is why there is so much violence when alcohol is involved. This is not an excuse but an observation. In many Asian courtrooms- when a crime is committed under the influence of alcohol- the sentence is lighter as the perpetrator was acting under 'diminished capacity.'

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