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Baht bus driver left with broken leg after altercation with Indian tourists in Pattaya


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Baht bus driver left with broken leg after altercation with Indian tourists in Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- Medics found a Thai baht bus driver with a broken leg and bruising after an altercation with a group of Indian tourists.

Driver Somchai Intasoi, 38, was found lying by the side of the road at Dolphin Corner on the Pattaya - Na Klua Road. After initial treatment at the scene he was taken to hospital.

He later told police that he had picked up a group of seven Indian tourists at Walking Street and did not know their destination. Some way into the journey when they had reached the corner he got out to ask them where they were going and discovered they had gone past their required destination.

He said that he asked the tourists if they wanted him to drive them back but at this point they ran off without paying and in a rage he gave chase. They then attacked him, he claimed.

Meanwhile the tourists were tracked down and gave a different version. They said that they were attacked by the driver with a rock and were only defending themselves.

Police are to interview both parties again saying that the incident arose out of miscommunication leading to a misunderstanding.

-- 2016-05-06

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Who to believe

Would you attack alone a group of 7 ? even with a rock ? unsure.png

Yes, if your name is Somchai and you are of the chosen people.

You can attack groups of evil aliens and your magic amulet will protect you.

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Me too.

It's absolutely the norm that these crooks will attack you for the most minor reason, arguing about 10 Baht or so.

You might like the Indians or not but I never noticed them to get physical in Pattaya.

When being ripped/threatened by the jet ski mafiosi they look frightened and don't shout or even get physical.

Once when walking on 2nd rd I shouted at one of these crooks passing by without stopping (the "walk back to the queue" signal), a friend from Jomtien who was with me nearly got a heart attack and seemed to fear for our lives.

I got a stern warning not to do again.

The crook continued his speedy ride.

A big som nam na in this case biggrin.png

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I don't hold much sympathy to any of the public transport drivers in Pattaya, from past experiences,

they're bunch of no good up country people who's having a competition who's the best in being

the rudest and fleecing tourists.....

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I highly doubt a baht bus driver would ask the tourists if they wanted him to drive them back.

Would be more like GET OFF MY BUS YOU STUPID FARANGS!!!!!

Edited by Rayk
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Who to believe ?

Both are saying the truth. The driver got beserk when he saw the 7 Indians leaving without paying. He was so angry, but realised that he was alone against 7 Indians, so he find a rock to attack them. The Indians has no choice to defend themselves...

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This is the first time I see a Thai going against a group. In my eyes, this Thai seems to be not a coward like most of other Thai. In another point of view, I like the way Indians answered to the police. They have used the same strategy Thai are using when they beat tourists.

I think those Indians must stick together as long they stay in Pattaya...

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I don't hold much sympathy to any of the public transport drivers in Pattaya, from past experiences,

they're bunch of no good up country people who's having a competition who's the best in being

the rudest and fleecing tourists.....

Thats right and there are too many of them : Everywhere you look there is a shitload of them. Meter taxi, taxi , moto, minivan, tour bus, baht bus ...

And when they are not driving they are lying around the sois and various premises smoking cigarettes all day

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Me too.

It's absolutely the norm that these crooks will attack you for the most minor reason, arguing about 10 Baht or so.

You might like the Indians or not but I never noticed them to get physical in Pattaya.

When being ripped/threatened by the jet ski mafiosi they look frightened and don't shout or even get physical.

Once when walking on 2nd rd I shouted at one of these crooks passing by without stopping (the "walk back to the queue" signal), a friend from Jomtien who was with me nearly got a heart attack and seemed to fear for our lives.

I got a stern warning not to do again.

The crook continued his speedy ride.

A big som nam na in this case biggrin.png

I was at Safari World waiting for the kids to go on a pony ride and queuing behind two Indian families with 5 kids between them. They were interfering, shouting at the two ladies running it, pushing for extra rides and time for their kids and then when finally about to leave demanding a "discount for 5". The two mothers were the mouthy ones with husbands nodding and shaking heads. The two Thai ladies were calm, polite and simply reiterated the price was the price. Eventually, with much arrogance they paid and went off muttering.

I lived in India for 2 years so please don't tell me that all Indians are polite, well mannered and not aggressive. Go and stand in a queue to be served at a bank, shopping mall or airline check-in desk and see how they behave.

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Finally someone hitting back...

Yeah, when I was attacked by a baht bus driver, I just took the beating and felt lucky he didn't put me in hospital.

Usually, you can't win here.

Either literally, or a gang gets formed, or the system here tends to blame the foreigner regardless of the case.

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Prolly go for the Indian story.

This brought to mind a friend of mine who was in Pucket last year with her two children and husband. Husband wanted to stay in town and party with some mates so she caught a baht bus to go home.

After a while she found that everyone else had got off and they were still not at her accomodation. The bus promptly stopped and the driver demanded a decent sum of money to continue.

She, being a headstrong lass refused, but she agreed shortly after when the driver produced a knife and threatened her . . .

Nasty little <deleted>.

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... ...

I lived in India for 2 years so please don't tell me that all Indians are polite, well mannered and not aggressive. Go and stand in a queue to be served at a bank, shopping mall or airline check-in desk and see how they behave.

You forgot to mention the barred off queue for the liquor store...

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Who to believe ?

Thai Baht Driver

Never been known to do anything fraud like these drivers are well known for their kindness, honesty, friendliness, compassion, empathy, and so Diplomatic.

How could one ever doubt his word? He could easily get half the ladyboys in Pattata to vouch as character witnesses. How dare anyone suspect this poor hard working individual thinking him a dirty thieving low life out to steal your personal possessions - it's disgraceful ?

My heart goes out him - Not !!!!'

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I have not lived in India but spent years there on business. There are (as anywhere) good and bad and everyone can quote examples from both sides, just like in Thailand. One thing they do have in common is a tendency to lie at the drop of a hat so either one, or both parties could well be lying. No doubt the driver will go back to fleecing tourists and the Indian tourists will leave for home well stuffed (in all senses) and life in Pattaya will continue as normal.

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First time I have ever heard of a Thai taxi/tuk tuk/motorcycle taxi driver ever loosing a fight.

Usually at least a 10-1 taxi driver/passenger ratio in the fight. My guess is the taxi driver

had lost his eyeglasses and thought the others were taxi drivers, not the guys buddies. whistling.gif

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