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Sadiq Khan makes history as elected London mayor after bruising campaign


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Sadiq Khan makes history as elected London mayor after bruising campaign


The son of a Pakistani bus driver, Sadiq Khan was confirmed as London’s new mayor on Saturday after a bruising election campaign.

Khan, 45, will be the first Muslim to lead a major western capital.

His election secured a much-needed win for his opposition Labour Party amid mixed results in local elections and saw off a Conservative rival who attempted to link Khan to extremism.

“This election was not without controversy and I am so proud that London has today chosen hope over fear and unity over division,” Khan said in his acceptance speech.

“Fear does not make us safer. It only makes us weaker. And the politics of fear is simply not welcome in our city.”

The mayoral vote pitted Khan, who grew up in public housing in inner city London, against Conservative Zac Goldsmith, 41, the son of a billionaire financier.

Khan held his lead in the opinion polls, despite accusations by Goldsmith that he had shared platforms with radical Muslim speakers and given “oxygen” to extremists.

Khan, a former human rights lawyer, says he has fought extremism all his life and that he regrets sharing a stage with speakers who held “abhorrent” views. The Labour Party accused Goldsmith and the ruling Conservative Party of a smear campaign.

Even Goldsmith’s sister Jemima appeared to disapprove of his campaign, once the results were announced.

Goldsmith insisted he had raised legitimate questions over his opponent’s judgement.

In a long-delayed result, Khan’s win was confirmed shortly after midnight on Saturday inside London’s futuristic glass and steel city hall. His 13.6 percent margin of victory over Goldsmith was the widest in a London mayoral election in 16 years.

It goes some way to soothing the wounds of leader Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition Labour Party which suffered losses in other local elections this week.

Plaudits for Khan flooded in from as far afield as New York, whose mayor Bill de Blasio said on Twitter: “Sending congratulations to London’s new mayor and fellow affordable housing advocate, @SadiqKhan.”

Labour MP Khan replaces the flamboyant Conservative Boris Johnson, who ran the city of 8.6 million people for eight years.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-07

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

Even Khan had to distance himself from some of the rabid Antisemites who have infiltrated Corbyn's Labour. He is no doubt looking ahead to having to deal with a Blairite Labour Party in the future.
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Religion of hate. One step at a time. England is gone. Sorry guys. Your government allowed this to happen.

This will be a green light to extremist throughout the London Hamlets they control and Khan as a Muslim cannot object because they will declare him apostate. London will become the new Beirut - other nationalities who have settled in London alongside Muslims will now live in fear - Hindus, Sikhs, and Jews will be fair game for Muslim Sharia religious police. What was Jeremy Corbyn thinking - oh I know - victory at any price even giving up the capital of the UK to Islam - what an idiot!!! It is enough to make one weep.

There's been some hilarious overreactions to this news, but I think this is one of my favourites.

'London will become the new Beirut'! Priceless.

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They say that knowledge is power … power to defeat and power to defend. Everybody loves rags to riches story and I sincerely wish Mr. Khan a successful tenure as Mayor. However (the West) should not be babes in the woods trusting without caution. I refer to the Muslim Brotherhood, declared a terrorist organization by the UAE, Egypt and under consideration in the US Congress. The Muslim Brotherhood’s objective is to wage jihad from within “That Islam and its Movement become a part of the homeland it lives in”. The MB strategy ... see or download the PDF ... Government Exhibit 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G in U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, et al.... "An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America"
http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/.../an.../ ....... Mind you, if you read about the MB you will see this as a global strategy.

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

They can't sack him because he would win a new leadership election by an overwhelming majority.

Labour, against many predictions, just about held on in England. And Corbyn can hardly be blamed for the debacle in Scotland. Corbyn is doing a decent enough job for the moment but I don't expect him to lead Labout into the next election. The reason Corbyn is there in the first place, is that Labour members don't want what the main parliamentary party has to offer. I expect the election of Sadiq Khan and the policies he will be implementing will contribute to a much clearer sense of direction with some new contenders who do not simply revert to Tory Lite.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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They say that knowledge is power … power to defeat and power to defend. Everybody loves rags to riches story and I sincerely wish Mr. Khan a successful tenure as Mayor. However (the West) should not be babes in the woods trusting without caution. I refer to the Muslim Brotherhood, declared a terrorist organization by the UAE, Egypt and under consideration in the US Congress. The Muslim Brotherhood’s objective is to wage jihad from within “That Islam and its Movement become a part of the homeland it lives in”. The MB strategy ... see or download the PDF ... Government Exhibit 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G in U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, et al.... "An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America"

http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/.../an.../ ....... Mind you, if you read about the MB you will see this as a global strategy.

Center for Security Policy



Is Mr. Khan a card carrying member of the MB?

Edited by Morch
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When Trump is elected POTUS, will Khan be barred from entering the USA?

Why would he be?

The reason the question was raised is that Donald Trump has said that when he is elected President he will put in a temporary ban on allowing Muslims into the United States.

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When Trump is elected POTUS, will Khan be barred from entering the USA?

Why would he be?

The reason the question was raised is that Donald Trump has said that when he is elected President he will put in a temporary ban on allowing Muslims into the United States.

Are you trying to claim that Mr Trump sees middle America as a better ideal than the PC's wet dream Molenbeek? Cohesive patriotism as opposed to destroy, conquer and convert. Much more worrying would be an American politician that claims the molenbeek model is superior to middle America - which is the exact stance of European politicos - including no doubt this new muslim mayor.

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

Even Khan had to distance himself from some of the rabid Antisemites who have infiltrated Corbyn's Labour. He is no doubt looking ahead to having to deal with a Blairite Labour Party in the future.

The continuing brouhaha over Khan's affiliations would be understandable if there was an equally vociferous reaction against the openly racist campaign fought by the tories.

As party ethos is now defined by its lowest common denominator, it can be stated unequivocally that the Conservative party has a racism and homophobia problem that is endemic. Cameron must go because he has done nothing to resolve it.

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Well,as they say in the States.he can talk the talk...now lets see,if he can walk the walk.

They would know, they have had a Muslim president for how long now ?

When will posters such as you stop the unending vilification nonsense posts - enough of the BS!

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

Did not the Labour vote in Wales go down this week,maybe the tide is turning. The same as in the north of England.

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

Did not the Labour vote in Wales go down this week,maybe the tide is turning. The same as in the north of England.

I will preface this by saying that I have never voted labour in my life, and don't see that changing any time soon, but I think the expected tsunami of Labour losses in England and Wales turned out to be a bit of a damp squid, no matter how the Telegraph or the Mail frantically try to spin it.

Of course, a mid term opposition with a new man at the helm should arguably have done much better (I think that Corbyn can be excused for the disaster that is SLab) but considering the constant barrage of negative, clearly biased and unfair reporting that Corbyn has had to endure, for Labout to to all but hold its ground was impressive in my book.

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He may be mayor of London and a good one but sadly Labour have no chance anwhere except Wales with Corbyn as leader-it is about time they sacked him!

Even Khan had to distance himself from some of the rabid Antisemites who have infiltrated Corbyn's Labour. He is no doubt looking ahead to having to deal with a Blairite Labour Party in the future.

The continuing brouhaha over Khan's affiliations would be understandable if there was an equally vociferous reaction against the openly racist campaign fought by the tories.

As party ethos is now defined by its lowest common denominator, it can be stated unequivocally that the Conservative party has a racism and homophobia problem that is endemic. Cameron must go because he has done nothing to resolve it.

By that logic the anti-semitic Corbyn, the compulsive lying control freak racist Sturgeon, and the xenophobic Farrage should all join him and bugger off.

Nothing racist in the campaign. Mr. Khan was never attacked based on the original nationality of his parents, his color, or ethnicity AFAIK. Don't recall anyone questioning his sexuality, and nor should they. His judgement based on his choice of speaking with certain other speakers and activists was, legitimately and correctly, questioned. Clearly, he answered those questions in the view of many voters.

Trying to deny others the right to ask questions with shouts and accusations of racism (inaccurate as that may be) and Islamophobia is the latest trend of the Left. The people have a right to know a candidate's background, his/her views, agendas and policies. Then, as in this case, they can decide.

Mr. Khan will be judged on his actions. Any overtly pro-Islam, anti Jewish, anti Christian, anti Hindu, anti Sikh etc actions will be jumped on by the press. He must know he will be under the spotlight and past activities will be brought up.

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Initially Tariq and Zac were pretty much neck and neck until Zac played the race card. Kiss of death in a cosmopolitan city like London. Stupid man!

Stupid for sure.

He should have known better.

"Even Goldsmith's sister Jemima appeared to disapprove of his campaign, once the results were announced."

Is she still a Muslim - or did that end along with her marriage to Imran Khan?

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Sadiq Khan is at a Holocaust memorial event, Yom Hashoah, in Barnet, north London today for his first public engagement as mayor, a move which has been greeted with praise by Jewish leaders and commentators.

Why is he wasting his time there he should be setting up his caliphate by now.

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Trying to deny others the right to ask questions with shouts and accusations of racism (inaccurate as that may be) and Islamophobia is the latest trend of the Left. The people have a right to know a candidate's background, his/her views, agendas and policies. Then, as in this case, they can decide.

Is this some weak attempt at post modern humour? Have you never read any of the Israel / Palsestine threads on TV whereby anyone who even casts the merest hint of criticism towards Israel, they are branded an antisemite? The far right have been practicing mud their mud slinging for a long time, as was evident with the barrage of hate towards Sadiq Khan. Thankfully the London voters saw past the vile hatred, and the far, far better man won.

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Only time will tell whether he is a good or bad London mayor.

To my shame, I voted for Thatcher first time round as I was naive and also thought a female prime-minister would be empathetic towards ordinary people!

We learn by our mistakes...A long time later I read a Clive James article pre-election (in a book) saying something along the lines of she was either delusional or just didn't care about everybody else. He was right, but I realised this too late.

Back on topic - I know nothing about Sadiq Knan (other than has been posted on this thread), but let's hope that he's able to make clear that the majority of muslims in the UK have no interest in violence. If he's able to do this, perhaps they will find it easier to denounce those promoting violence.

I'm just hoping that he doesn't turn out to be another Thatcher.

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Only time will tell whether he is a good or bad London mayor.

To my shame, I voted for Thatcher first time round as I was naive and also thought a female prime-minister would be empathetic towards ordinary people!

We learn by our mistakes...A long time later I read a Clive James article pre-election (in a book) saying something along the lines of she was either delusional or just didn't care about everybody else. He was right, but I realised this too late.

Back on topic - I know nothing about Sadiq Knan (other than has been posted on this thread), but let's hope that he's able to make clear that the majority of muslims in the UK have no interest in violence. If he's able to do this, perhaps they will find it easier to denounce those promoting violence.

I'm just hoping that he doesn't turn out to be another Thatcher.

I'm rather hoping he does.

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Between Obama & Kahn, they can self destruct the world.

Not unless Kahn, as the Mayor of London, has the keys to the UKs nuclear weapons, which i dont think he has !!...those keys as far as i am aware are still in the hands of the old Etonians

Edited by Koosdedooes
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