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London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam


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London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam
By Tim Hume, CNN

London (CNN)The new mayor of London is criticizing Donald Trump's stance on Islam, describing it as "ignorant" and warning it could make both the UK and the U.S. "less safe."

Sadiq Khan, whose win last week made him the first Muslim mayor of any Western capital, made the comments Tuesday after Trump suggested the Londoner would be exempt from his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States.

"Donald Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe -- it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists," Khan said.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/10/politics/donald-trump-london-mayor-ban/index.html

-- CNN 2016-05-11

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One by one, Trump is getting dumped on by foreign leaders. Mexico, the Pope, now the mayor of a major city. Trump is 0 for 3. Who will be next?

I think the reason Putin grins while saying non dismaying things about Trump is: If Trump wins, it's a downhill slide for the US. That's the sort of thing which would make Putin grin. ....ISIS likes it too. A Trump presidency would be a God-send for ISIS recruitment.

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Of course the 7/7 bombers were the result of UK foreign policy and social deprivation in the North of England. Holding Muslims accountable for anything whatsoever alienates them and risks more violence. Rinse, wash, repeat ad nauseum ad infinitum.


According to Trevor Philips Britain is sleepwalking to catastrophe due to mass immigration, Trump is absolutely correct in a desire to limit Muslim immigration.

Edited by Steely Dan
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On an individual level, I am sure that Mr Khan does feel aggrieved at Trump's current views on limiting Muslim entry to the US.

As Trump, who is potentially going to become a World Leader, and is looking at things from that perspective. Taken on a worldwide scale and context, I think Trump has good reason to hold the views that he does.

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

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One by one, Trump is getting dumped on by foreign leaders. Mexico, the Pope, now the mayor of a major city. Trump is 0 for 3. Who will be next?

I think the reason Putin grins while saying non dismaying things about Trump is: If Trump wins, it's a downhill slide for the US. That's the sort of thing which would make Putin grin. ....ISIS likes it too. A Trump presidency would be a God-send for ISIS recruitment.

I am sure that worries the heck out of him, and good let those that want to join ISIS do it, if they are that minded they will anyway then let Trump wipe them out

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

Human nature is dichotomous….you would love your wife if she loved you back…if she didnt and was nasty to you then you probably wouldn't.

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Sorry, but Mr. Khan is brilliantly ignorant if he thinks that Islam is not a religion based on hate and intolerance...

for a far more detailed treatment of this topic, everyone should read Christopher Hitchens...he lays out the arguments and histories against religion so that even a 5 year old can be persuaded to Trump's position...

religion has no place in a civilized society that might treasure intelligence and rational thinking...

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"Mr. Khan is brilliantly ignorant if he thinks that Islam is not a religion based on hate and intolerance..."

Perhaps he should say "We are no more stupid than other religions that came out of the middle east".

Americas home grown extremists, the abortion center bombing and doctor killing far right Christians much more a terrorist threat. Course that doesn't mean other screwballs should be allowed in to "balance the craziness". Vetting process in US is already so stiff they estimate a two year wait while checks are made.

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Steady on Sadiq. You should know better. As an elected Politician the courtesy is you do not comment on elections being held in foreign Nations. You are being paid by the citizens of London Town to coordinate the various services provided too London. Best get on with that.

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Scary! ohmy.png

Well spotted it is meant to look scary that is precisely why that frame was selected by the person who posted it.. It's called propaganda.

Closely resembles standard Islamic intolerance IMHO smile.png

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Scary! ohmy.png

Well spotted it is meant to look scary that is precisely why that frame was selected by the person who posted it.. It's called propaganda.

Closely resembles standard Islamic intolerance IMHO smile.png

Yes exactly and the title shows it is propaganda. "Sadiq Khan exposed!" attempting to suggest he was. Normally that is left for the viewer to decide. Didn't seem to show any exact evidence of being 'exposed'. Just innuendo.

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"Donald Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe -- it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists," Khan said.

If the mainstream Muslims around the world continue to condone the acts of Muslim extremists with their silence instead of vehemently and publicly condemning them, this risks alienating the rest of the world and plays into the hands of the extremists. So, Mr. Khan, as a good Muslim and politician, why don't you lead by example and start publicly and loudly condemning..., or would that put a target on your back?

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"I've heard this guy is a Holocaust denying Islamist sympathizer...is this true?"

Are you talking about Trump or Khan?

Religion is religion, extremists are extremists. Hitler was not a Muslim but planned to wipeout all Jews. Pol Pot was not an Islamist but murdered hundreds of thousands of Cambodians . They were extremists. Labels are labels and people who choose to believe that a label defines anything are pretty ill informed.

To be world leader you need to be respected by the world, something Trump could never be with views like his. If the plan is to rename the USA the DSA (Dis-united States of America) then he is your man! ​

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It is beyond me how this guy could become mayor.sad.png

Pretty simple really. The Islamaphobic propaganda campaign run by Zachary the son of a billionaire didn't con the electorate and the newly installed Mayor Khan garnered the most votes. A win for Democracy and a loss for the Islamaphobic nutters that seek to divide a community. A good result all round aye wot?

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