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PM Prayuth appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics


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PM appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics

The PM has explained Thai politics to the U.S. so many times, clarified misunderstandings on who is an (official) mafia and who is not (unofficially), explained to Obama how the lottery works, cleared misconceptions with the US ambassador on what democracy really is, proved to the international community that the first priority of a Thai PM is the pricing of beach restaurant menus, insisted that double standards as well as double pricing are a corner stone of traditional Thai culture and should be adopted worldwide ....all of this has cleared up everything that was unclear before and has resulted in the US just throwing up their hands in defeat and shouting: "No more explanations, please. You win."

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You couldn't make this depth of utter delusion - or baldfaced lies - up if you tried. And this a day after the US slammed Thailand in the UN.

There were questions from Britain,Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Poland, Australia and a number of other countries as well as the US.

The BP had an article on the 11th about the UN Human Rights Forum in Geneva. It mentioned that the first review of Thailand's human rights record was in 2011 with the government accepting 134 out of 172 recommendations. No info on what was done with those recommendations though. Probably 'filed'.

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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.

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"Davies said the junta's intimidation of political activists and families have raised extreme concerns about Thai commitment to freedom of expression. The US is worried about the limitation of basic freedom, the right of expression as well as the right for political gathering besides the trial of civilians in a military court, he said".

Doesn't sound like US appreciate and understand.

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Appears the National News Bureau of Thailand (media mouth piece for the Thai govt) has hired consultants from the National News Bureau of North Korea to help write media releases.

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PM Prayuth appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics

Adm. Blair is currently chairman of SPFUSA whose mission is directed at USA-Japan relations. SPFUSA is not a USA agency.

While Adm. Blair retired as commander of USA forces in the Pacific region and served as the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, he is not now employed as a representative of the USA government.

Seems Prayuth misunderstands who represents the USA on foreign policy. That's an odd failing for a military general and PM.

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Post 20 Nicky - is about the USA. I can understand you would like to talk about the USA and I might add, who wouldn't?! However the news article at hand was about the PM of Thailand and a member of the Sasakawa Foundation

Best review some information about the Sasakawa Foundation and, check out the associated, Nippon Foundation while you are at it.

Keep it real dude, don't lose the plot.

Edited by LomSak27
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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.

it must be a very short book with only easy words then....

"Throwing encroaching businesses of the beach" in Phuket doesn't even come close to "Mussolini made the trains run on time" when it comes to banal excuses for authoritarian regimes!


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US supports everything ..everyone..every leadership whether corrupt or not as long as it promotes its own hidden agenda.US gov and its agencies are immoral and promote wars and destructions as well as create havoc in many parts of the world for its iwn benefits.

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Seems this news article lacks an important ingredient necessary for credibility. The missing ingredient: The US Government representative from the US Embassy, US Department of State or other official, US Government entity.

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PM Prayuth appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics

Adm. Blair is currently chairman of SPFUSA whose mission is directed at USA-Japan relations. SPFUSA is not a USA agency.

While Adm. Blair retired as commander of USA forces in the Pacific region and served as the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, he is not now employed as a representative of the USA government.

Seems Prayuth misunderstands who represents the USA on foreign policy. That's an odd failing for a military general and PM.

Yeap, Admiral (Retired) Blair retired from the Navy in 2002, 14 years ago, with various civilian jobs since then then...and then he had brief stent as Director of the National Intelligence in 2009-2010 but resigned after what he described as bureaucratic battles. Basically he's now just another civilian with jobs and fancy sounding titles from groups/companies that lobby for a specific business interest.

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Didn't he promise elections before, then make excuses for not holding them?

And what's the point of elections, when the Army simply tramples over any government that it doesn't approve of? Just another smokescreen.

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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

Lots of people should do lots of things. This however is the real world we are talking about. You sound like a petulant teen when you come out with expressions such as that. Edited by baboon
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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.



Well done!



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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.
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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

Lots of people should do lots of things. This however is the real world we are talking about. You sound like a petulant teen when you come out with expressions such as that.
Says the red baboon..
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The Sasakawa Peace Foundation:

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA was established in 1990 through an endowment from Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo. Both Foundations get their names from Ryoichi Sasakawa, a Japanese philanthropist. Two years later, Sasakawa USA opened a public art gallery and Japanese library as a way to carry out the initial mission of the Foundation, to promote understanding between the United States and Japan.

In 1997, Sasakawa USA closed the art gallery and shifted its focus to programs and activities that would generate a greater awareness of the Asia Pacific region. Programs from this period, such as Culture and Identity and Asian Voices were among the first to explore topics of growing importance, such as ethnic coexistence and the Asian identity alongside other geopolitical issues.

The library remained open until 2013, acting as the Foundations liaison to local Japanese and interested public. A year later, Sasakawa USA welcomed its first American Chairman, refocused its mission and expanded its staff to provide timely research, outreach and analysis on key policy issues facing the United States and Japan.


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PM Prayuth appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics

Adm. Blair is currently chairman of SPFUSA whose mission is directed at USA-Japan relations. SPFUSA is not a USA agency.

While Adm. Blair retired as commander of USA forces in the Pacific region and served as the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, he is not now employed as a representative of the USA government.

Seems Prayuth misunderstands who represents the USA on foreign policy. That's an odd failing for a military general and PM.

Yeap, Admiral (Retired) Blair retired from the Navy in 2002, 14 years ago, with various civilian jobs since then then...and then he had brief stent as Director of the National Intelligence in 2009-2010 but resigned after what he described as bureaucratic battles. Basically he's now just another civilian with jobs and fancy sounding titles from groups/companies that lobby for a specific business interest.

Many reports that he was asked to resign by Obama so left under a cloud. Seems to be similar PR stunt by the Junta to when they invited fellow Blair (Tony) to visit to try and burnish their international image. Clearly a snub on the official US representative to stage this at the same time the ambassador was meeting the Foreign Minister.

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Obama fired Blair and he does not work for the US government. You would think he would have enough sense to stay out of Thailand's politics. He did water ski behind his destroyer while he was in the Navy. He went to school with Bill Clinton at Oxford and did complete the program which Bill did not. One expects more from an Oxford grad don't you know.tongue.png

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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

Lots of people should do lots of things. This however is the real world we are talking about. You sound like a petulant teen when you come out with expressions such as that.
Says the red baboon..

Name calling is the last resort of one who's lost an argument.

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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.

"Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.."

Actually, we can and do expect the UN to know very well what's going on in Thailand. It's not rocket science, it is in fact very simple.

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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.

I would say this. If you represent a country that has ratified an international agreement, and participates in the UN, and is seeking leadership roles in that organization, then you sure as hell should expect to be judged by the international standards, regardless of your culture or history. If you don't want that judgement, you should quit, and repudiate your previous commitments.

Obviously, Thailand wants "to have its cake, and eat it too".

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