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Thailand’s Image – Has word come from up high?


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Thailand’s Image – Has word come from up high?


Tourism and police officials – scurrying in the wake of the highly damaging street melee that saw three British tourists attacked and the story shared worldwide – seem to be reacting with a flurry of initiatives to reassure visitors.

It is no wonder with the tourist industry representing such a considerable slice of GDP and would be no surprise if word had not come from the highest quarters to help convince the clamoring public – both Thai and foreign – that something is indeed being done.

While cynics will argue that knee jerk reactions have always been a feature of the Thais’ reaction to trouble, there does appear to be a concerted reaction to damaging effects on the country’s tourist industry with the term “image” becoming a watchword for action.

The attack that left the sixty something Owen’s from Wales and their 43 year old son in a heap on Soi Bintabaht in Hua Hin at Songkran reached all corners of the globe after CCTV footage was leaked to social media.

While officials might have scored an ‘image’ own goal by demanding the arrest of the person responsible for the leak, their other actions in the case have been welcomed. The alleged perpetrators were quickly rounded up and the Owens gave evidence for an upcoming court date before they went home. Security in Hua Hin has been ordered to be beefed up while other forces in tourist hotspots have been engaging in high profile public relations

In Pattaya this week top brass turned out in a 100 person PR entourage in Walking Street brandishing placards that screamed “Stop Attacking Tourists”. A leaflet blitz in three languages was carried out amid stern warnings of long term closure to establishments that didn’t tow the line.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/thailands-image-word-come-high/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-05-14

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A valiant and much needed effort if it is true, but those of us that know better also know that this is a knee jerk reaction and very little is likely to change.

Abraham Lincoln said it best: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

Edited by bino
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Dont worry about image the Thai facade has been exposed for what it really is , as a wise person once said to me dont worry about what is said its the actions or inaction that tell the true story.

Edited by shirtless
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Who is the authority on high? Google? Is that why they used the image of the guy with the street view backpack?

It actually wouldn't surprise me- Google runs the world in almost every other aspect.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Edited by baneko
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tourist industry representing such a considerable slice of GDP

At 10% of GDP at best the tourist industry represents a measurable slice of GDP.

It is exports that have accounted for 70% of GDP and because they've been contracting, GDP growth has been considerably stunted.

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"While officials might have scored an ‘image’ own goal by demanding the arrest of the person responsible for the leak"

Nothing says banana republic more than the statement above. Sadly, once first world nations are starting to follow suit in a less obvious way.

If you are not confused by what is happening in Thailand today, you do not know what is going on.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

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So what punishment have the perpetrators of the HH beatings been given ?

Probably a loving pat on the shoulder by a policeman.

Watch for that on TV, see it everyday on Pattaya One News. Cops have arrested some scumbag for snatching a bag or chain, or some similar crime and have the guy sitting in front of the TV cameras and the cop standing behind has a hand on the scumbag's shoulder and is giving him loving pats.

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....nothing to do with what's right...

...more so....try to find and punish the person who leaked the video....???

...if that is not psycho....criminal and immoral behavior unto itself, I don't know what is...

...the incident was suppressed for almost 2 weeks....

...when you have someone defending violent, savage, possibly racist acts like this.... there should be an even bigger international outcry...

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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For some reason, the Thai people just can't get their brain around the concept of pro-active. It's like putting a metal cup in a microwave. That's why everything is reactive. That's why police do not patrol the streets in tourist areas ... well one reason why they do not patrol the streets.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

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A valiant and much needed effort if it is true, but those of us that know better also know that this is a knee jerk reaction and very little is likely to change.

Abraham Lincoln said it best: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

" but those of us that know better"

Ah, yes, the self-designated gurus of all they survey from the bar stool.

Those of us who believe we are among the cognoscenti rarely are.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

Good point, i'd give the British "rabid soi dogs" a wide berth too. But I'm located in Thailand not the UK, so the only "rabid soi dogs" I need worry about for now are the Thai breed.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

Difference is in the UK people wouldn't stand back and let kids kick lumps out of pensioners like the onlooking Thais did.

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Did they really hold up placards in walking street saying "Stop Attacking Tourists"

Sounds like complete BS to me. I know a headline on TVisa claimed that earlier in the week, but I doubted it then.

Were these " Stop attacking tourists" placards written in English or Thai?

I stand corrected on this if someone can show me a photo of one of these reported placards, but for now I am calling BS on this one.

Maybe they should have had other placards warning tourists such as the Owens saying "Don't attack Thais in the streets unless you can fight or you will get your head kicked in"

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

Difference is in the UK people wouldn't stand back and let kids kick lumps out of pensioners like the onlooking Thais did.

Yes, I have to give you that.

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So what punishment have the perpetrators of the HH beatings been given ?

As in virtually every other case of Thai on foreigner violence, once the perps are arrested the story will completely drop off the radar of local news media who will not follow-up on any judicial proceedings and sentencing 99+% of the time. Why? My guess (just mho) is that if there was a follow-up, we'd see a large disconnect between the 'crime' and the 'punishment'. Really? What do you, my fellow TV members, think will happen to the 4 individuals responsible for the vicious beat-downs, especially the individual who kicked Mrs Owens in the head causing a fluid build-up on her brain that in all possibilities could have killed her or caused grevious injury? Especially considering the amount of media coverage showing that the attackers 'apologized'. My guess is because they 'humbly' apologized, this is all now water under the bridge. But we will never know, will we?

"But 'Granny' slapped one of them." Did 'Granny' slap either of the men who viciously beat her? The answer is 'No'. Next:

"But she deserved it." No she didn't. I've been hit by people I could have easily beat to a pulp - more than one time in my life. I shrugged it off. I don't fight people I know I can beat. I walk or attempt to deescalate the situation. That's called self-control.

The problem is a real 'viciousness' in males in this culture, and a lack of appropriate sanctions for this type of behavior. Here's something that those 'from on high' should address. "But it's their country and their culture." True. But when foreign tourists, especially 'farang' tourists whose numbers are steadily declining, see Thai on foreigner violence on top of events like the Erawan bombing - they will vote with their feet and they will go to tourist venues that they perceived to be 'safe'. I personally have friends who are now avoiding Thailand.

Thailand does need an image change, but it needs to be a real change. Not lip service. dry.png

Edited by connda
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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

But they are so easily provoked.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

Good point, i'd give the British "rabid soi dogs" a wide berth too. But I'm located in Thailand not the UK, so the only "rabid soi dogs" I need worry about for now are the Thai breed.

I agree 100%. Last time in the UK 3yrs ago. I ended up in Aberdeen City Center around midnight. It was pure carnage. I left the area sharpish. The young team have all gone mad especially with drink.

Im not that old and have been around a bit but just felt unsafe.

I feel much safer in Nana than I did at home.

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Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

Good point, i'd give the British "rabid soi dogs" a wide berth too. But I'm located in Thailand not the UK, so the only "rabid soi dogs" I need worry about for now are the Thai breed.

I agree 100%. Last time in the UK 3yrs ago. I ended up in Aberdeen City Center around midnight. It was pure carnage. I left the area sharpish. The young team have all gone mad especially with drink.

Im not that old and have been around a bit but just felt unsafe.

I feel much safer in Nana than I did at home.

Slightly off topic as this assault was not in Thailand, but I could only hope for a similar outcome to some of these Thai on foreigner group assaults.

Too bad the Owens family weren't an MMA team. lol
Edited by connda
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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

But they are so easily provoked.

Not so, if you are sober and minding your own business, you should be 99% safe.

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Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

But they are so easily provoked.

Not so, if you are sober and minding your own business, you should be 99% safe.

It's that 1% or fraction of 1% that tends to worry me. ermm.gif

Edited by connda
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Who is the authority on high? Google? Is that why they used the image of the guy with the street view backpack?

It actually wouldn't surprise me- Google runs the world in almost every other aspect.

Baesd on the headline, I had expected a significantly higher authority.

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I was in bindabat a couple of days after this video was leaked. They told the bars to close at 12. A few police and tourist police patrolling. Bindabat is normally quite lame compaired to other locations.

As usual the police had the camera out. They were videoing a guy with his feet in a fish tank and not the bars. Probably explaining how safe it is.

I do feel very safe in HH. Ive seen some rough stuff on Samui. My missus told me if there is any problem with locals walk away. If there are pissed up guys in my village while Im having a beer at the local shop I just head home. Its worked up until now.

Yes, sounds like you have developed the right approach - avoid them. After many years I've come to avoid Thai males as much as I possibly can, especially the rough drinking ones. I don't engage them in any talk, just smile and drift away from them. In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth.

." In my opinion they're on a par with rabid soi dogs: give them a very wide berth".

What would you say about these rough drinking males in the likes of London, Glasgow and other UK cities?

They are much worse than the Thais, at least in 99% of these situations, the Thais will not attack anyone unless they are provoked.

He'd probably say the same about them, as I would, but this is TVF commenting on a subject concerning Thailand. People shouldn't have to qualify every post.

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