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Transgender bathrooms


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There is a lot of hot air in the US right now about letting people that feel they are Trans use the bathroom of their choice.

Personally I see a lot of problems with this but was wondering.

Considering that we have a large number of Trans in this country, what is your opinion?

If you had kids in school would you want boys or girls to be able to go into your child's locker/shower room and strip and take a shower with them or use the same bathroom?

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Transgendered individuals use the ladies room quite frequently here and no one gives it a second thought. There are cubicles with doors in ladies rooms. What's the problem?

I've used locker rooms at health clubs with transgendered people. Like all Thai women, they are amazing good at changing their clothes in such a way that you don't see anything. It's the European women who prance around the locker room in the buff, while the Thai people in the locker room do their best to avert their eyes. I wonder if the European women would be so quick to do this if they knew they were walking around in the altogether in front of ladyboys.

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

It diverts the sheeples attention from what is really happening in the world and the problems that are coming.

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Don't worry, won't happen here. Thailand is as tolerant a country you can get as far as transsexuals/gays/transgenders are concerned but from a political perspective it remains conservative on these issues. Seems to work well enough though, without the country going down the gutter like our western ones are.

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

That really doesn't make much sense if someone is a ladyboy who hasn't had the final chop, but has had the upper half taken care of and needs to use the loo to touch up her make-up and curl her hair. As I said, I've seen them using the locker room in the fitness center and I could have picked up some make-up tips from them.

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

It diverts the sheeples attention from what is really happening in the world and the problems that are coming.



But you are not supposed to figure that out.

You are supposed to just not think and be a good Sheepie.

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

That really doesn't make much sense if someone is a ladyboy who hasn't had the final chop, but has had the upper half taken care of and needs to use the loo to touch up her make-up and curl her hair. As I said, I've seen them using the locker room in the fitness center and I could have picked up some make-up tips from them.

A woman with balls is a woman with a brain.......

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This is NEVER going to be a political hot button issue here as it is in the USA.

The reasons are simple:

-- no power to Christian fundamentalists here

-- ancient culturally specific tradition of "ladyboys" here that has a very different cultural meaning than transgender in the USA

-- men are used to women in the toilets, cleaning right next to them while they pee; if they happen to have a look (they must be so bored seeing dicks all day) NOBODY cares

-- Thais are not CRAY CRAY in this particular bathroom mania American way, and yes, that's a good thing!

Edited by Jingthing
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This is NEVER going to be a political hot button issue here as it is in the USA.

The reasons are simple:

-- no power to Christian fundamentalists here

-- ancient culturally specific tradition of "ladyboys" here that has a very different cultural meaning than transgender in the USA

-- men are used to women in the toilets, cleaning right next to them while they pee; if they happen to have a look (they must be so bored seeing dicks all day) NOBODY cares

-- Thais are not CRAY CRAY in this particular bathroom mania American way, and yes, that's a good thing!

I agree with Jingthing on this subject. Those poor cleaning ladies have to go in to the mail toilets and clean up after some of the filthy guys that use the facilities without a care in the world. They have most likely seen so many penis's that they are sick of them. Now looking at it from the other view point, who enjoys it when you are standing and taking a piss and the dude comes up behind you and slaps that damn hot towel on your neck and starts giving you a bloody massage. I seriously nearly pissed all over his shoes when it happened to me the first time in Bangkok. That was more freaky for me than to see the women cleaning the male toilets. But back to the OP's question, I don't really care. If I need to use a public toilet it is because I need a dump and I am in a cubicle, so I am alone to collect my thoughts while I am fertilizing the world. I am pretty dam sure trans people are not looking for more hassle than they already get, so why would they create it? Live and let live!

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can see nothing wrong with ladyboys using female toilets, not to sure about change rooms if they are still carrying dangly bits as they will cause a lot of worry among some of the females especially the younger ones. Totally disagree with those that feel they are female even though they dont have boobs etc using the female change rooms though, they really need to draw the line somewhere especially as it will cause conflict for more straight females than cross genders, if they are that concerned have gender neutral ones just for the cross gender people and leave the male/female ones alone.

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I thought it would of been a rather simple case of as a transgender you use whatever bathroom matches the sex you identify with and look like, life goes on and no one cares

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I thought it would of been a rather simple case of as a transgender you use whatever bathroom matches the sex you identify with and look like, life goes on and no one cares

So the ladyboys who look nothing like a bird, and there are plenty of them, use a different facility to the others ?

It doesn't matter what sex they identify with, if you are born male, with necessary tackle, you are a man. If you get it cut off, it doesn't make you a female, rather, just a man after an operation.

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I thought it would of been a rather simple case of as a transgender you use whatever bathroom matches the sex you identify with and look like, life goes on and no one cares

So the ladyboys who look nothing like a bird, and there are plenty of them, use a different facility to the others ?

It doesn't matter what sex they identify with, if you are born male, with necessary tackle, you are a man. If you get it cut off, it doesn't make you a female, rather, just a man after an operation.

Or 'tackle-less'

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Happily, the Thais will solve this "problem" that isn't really much of a problem in the Thai way, which in this case (but not all) is obviously superior to the insane hysteria in the USA.

Face it, when it comes to toilets, Thailand rocks!

Do I need to remind y'all of how wonderful those bum sprayers are ... burp.gif

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Happily, the Thais will solve this "problem" that isn't really much of a problem in the Thai way, which in this case (but not all) is obviously superior to the insane hysteria in the USA.

Face it, when it comes to toilets, Thailand rocks!

Do I need to remind y'all of how wonderful those bum sprayers are ... burp.gif


I thought that was a water fountain!

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

It diverts the sheeples attention from what is really happening in the world and the problems that are coming.

absolutely right

as I said in an other transgender issue thread.

Pickpockets work in teams of two, one bumps into you, and while your attention is on the one who bumped into you, the other picks your pocket.

I wonder if there is some of that going on here?

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This is just another attempt by Obama to infringe upon states rights and dismantle our constitution. He will withhold federal funds from our children as a hammer to enforce his perversity and communist agenda but opposes Trump on using the same hammer to get a fair shake in trade. We see where his priorities really are. Can't wait to see the door hit this moron in the ass on his way out!

This topic is about Thailand not Obama.
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I don't know how transgenderism (if I have the correct term) 'works' if you will.

I could see an exclusive bog for transgender folks being problematic if a transgender person is more 'male' than female and goes for a pooh, as it would reek like a 'bloke crunch' as opposed to a 'female crunch' which, according to my wife, don't honk at all......

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Happily, the Thais will solve this "problem" that isn't really much of a problem in the Thai way, which in this case (but not all) is obviously superior to the insane hysteria in the USA.

Face it, when it comes to toilets, Thailand rocks!

Do I need to remind y'all of how wonderful those bum sprayers are ... burp.gif

Time for you to take a trip to Japantongue.pngpost-172336-0-25205000-1463313648_thumb.

Automatic wash and dry

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Easy if one has a penis one uses the boys room,if one has a vagina one uses the girls room no need for that politcally correct crap .

The powers that be should focus on the real problems in their country rather than bickering over where a bloke dressed as a woman should take a piss or a dump,what is the world coming to ?

It diverts the sheeples attention from what is really happening in the world and the problems that are coming.

Absolutely so.


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Sheeples need toilets, too.

Sure they do, but all the brouhaha that's being created about it (among many other unimportant things) is just bread and circuses to keep the hoi polloi occupied so they don't notice the larger issues which are salami-slicing away at their liberties. The cartoon I posted above says it all. It's couched in terms of 'protecting' people, particularly minorities (unless you happen to be a 'minority' that's out of favour, in which case it's about protecting you from those minorities), and new legislation is passed to address the supposed 'problem', and that legislation always seems to remove yet another bit of freedom.

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I hope all those who are so adamant against gender neutral toilet facilities have to take very long flights, and drink lots of beer on them. Watch the fun when they try to deny their own idiotic vituperations when tightening their legs over several hours.

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