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Donald Trump doubts relationship with UK PM David Cameron


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Donald Trump doubts relationship with UK PM David Cameron


"Donald Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe - it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists."

NEW YORK: -- US presidential hopeful Donald Trump said he was unlikely to have a good relationship with David Cameron.

The British prime minister has criticised Trump for proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

“It looks like we’re not going to have a very good relationship, who knows? I hope to have a good relationship with him, but it sounds like he’s not willing to address the problem, either,” Trump told British television network ITV.

Britain claims it has a “special relationship” with the US.

The UK chancellor George Osborne says they would talk to Trump because it is in Britain’s interest to talk to its allies.

“Look, of course we stand by what we said when he made it clear that he didn’t want to have Muslims coming into the United States and both myself, David Cameron and others were pretty clear that was not a view we supported but he is an American presidential candidate and we will talk to him because it is in our interest to talk to our allies like the United States of America,” said Osborne.

Trump slams London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Trump also criticised London’s newly elected Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan for making “very rude statements.”

Trump had initially welcomed Khan’s election and said he would make an exception in the event of a ban on Muslims for him entering the United States, drawing a sharp reply from Khan.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists,” Khan said.

Responding to this criticism in the ITV interview, Trump said: “He doesn’t know me, never met me, doesn’t know what I am all about. I think they are very rude statements. Frankly, tell him I will remember those statements. They are very nasty statements. It is ignorant for him to say that.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-17
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The problem is Mr Cameron, Osborne and Khan, is that Mainstream Muslims as you call them are not doing nearly enough to help to root out the extremists which then leaves many people believing that the so called Mainstream Muslims are not really our friends.

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The problem is Mr Cameron, Osborne and Khan, is that Mainstream Muslims as you call them are not doing nearly enough to help to root out the extremists which then leaves many people believing that the so called Mainstream Muslims are not really our friends.

Aren't the mainstream Muslims breeding the extremists ?? & aren't they taking over the word with Breeding?? They All should back Trump & save the World wai2.gif

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

Come on my good man.

Rip Cameron a new one by all means, I will even join in to assist you.

I would have taken offence at the term backward little Country, sadly, that seems to be where we are heading tongue.pngtongue.png

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I hardly think the UK is a 'backward little country' as the UK has proven its mettle numerous times. Mr. Cameron is being politically correct while Donald Trump is proving he is no statesman nor could he ever succeed as President with the views and rhetoric he espouses. I m afraid if Trump were elected it is he US who may become 'a backward little country." At least the UK has the National Health Service to cover healthcare while the US has an Obamination call the Affordable Care Act. An oxymoron for sure. However, Mayor Khan may want to bite his tongue. Hardly my idea of a proper Englishman.

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The prime minister was right on the money and perhaps holding back from how he really feels. Trump is a dangerous moron.

For balance, will Dave be criticizing Mrs. Merkel for her outrageous welcome all open door policy that created the migrant issues all Europe is now trying to deal with? Or her attempted sell out of the EU to grease Erdogan's twisted palm?

Trump has his "challenges" for sure. But the reason mainstream politicians don't like him is he scares the shit out of them. They've had it their own way for a long long while - telling the people what to do, certainly not representing or particularly listening to them. Now a non politician has pushed the politicians out the way.

I doubt he'll beat Clinton as Wall St, decided she'd be the next POTUS some time ago. But he's shaken things up and people in other countries might start challenging the established political classes.

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

Backwater little country - wake up sonny, America ain't so great anymore. Been sliding down the pan ever since the Viets whipped your <deleted>.

No wonder Vlad is happy to chance is arm.

Trump probably could do better to turn things around than honest Hillary and blow-job Bill! But the establishment will all align to block him.

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Two points. First it doesn't matter because Trump won't get elected. Second Cameron (the u-turn kid) would simply spin around and welcome Trump with open arms if he did get to sit in the big chair. Why does ANY of this matter? It doesn't.

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Who the hell wants to have a good relationship with that muppet Cameron anyway!

Expected response from intelligence-challenged Trump supporters. Trump won't get to be prez, but he's sure soiling himself often on the campaign trail. Thus far he's 1 for 6 with overseas leaders.

He's turned off the current and former leaders of Mexico

He's lashed out at the Pope

He's on the London mayor's black list.

The only leader who seems to like him is Putin. My theory is; Putin pretends to like Trump because Putin knows that Trump as prez would degrade the USA.

Trump continues to alienate and anger nearly every foreign leader he has anything to do with. Way to go Trump!

Trump supporters are responding in the only way they know how: The redneck, immature way: "Well, if you don't like my hero, then I'll say bad things about you. So there, Poo Poo Head!"

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

Backwater little country - wake up sonny, America ain't so great anymore. Been sliding down the pan ever since the Viets whipped your <deleted>.


Still the best looking horse in the glue factory though.

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

No, he isn't. Hillary Clinton is strongly favored in November. Cameron is right. Trump is a horror show. Don't worry ... he won't happen.

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

No, he isn't. Hillary Clinton is strongly favored in November. Cameron is right. Trump is a horror show. Don't worry ... he won't happen.

I'm not worried. Are you?

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Who the hell wants to have a good relationship with that muppet Cameron anyway!

Expected response from intelligence-challenged Trump supporters. Trump won't get to be prez, but he's sure soiling himself often on the campaign trail. Thus far he's 1 for 6 with overseas leaders.

He's turned off the current and former leaders of Mexico

He's lashed out at the Pope

He's on the London mayor's black list.

The only leader who seems to like him is Putin. My theory is; Putin pretends to like Trump because Putin knows that Trump as prez would degrade the USA.

Trump continues to alienate and anger nearly every foreign leader he has anything to do with. Way to go Trump!

Trump supporters are responding in the only way they know how: The redneck, immature way: "Well, if you don't like my hero, then I'll say bad things about you. So there, Poo Poo Head!"

I care as much for Trump as i do for you...zero, the point is Cameron is an A hole.
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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

Being the biggest idi@t among 17 idi@s is a category ("powerplay") David Camewron will never win. Luckily smile.png

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  • 1 month later...

Who the hell wants to have a good relationship with that muppet Cameron anyway!

Expected response from intelligence-challenged Trump supporters. Trump won't get to be prez, but he's sure soiling himself often on the campaign trail. Thus far he's 1 for 6 with overseas leaders.

He's turned off the current and former leaders of Mexico

He's lashed out at the Pope

He's on the London mayor's black list.

The only leader who seems to like him is Putin. My theory is; Putin pretends to like Trump because Putin knows that Trump as prez would degrade the USA.

Trump continues to alienate and anger nearly every foreign leader he has anything to do with. Way to go Trump!

Trump supporters are responding in the only way they know how: The redneck, immature way: "Well, if you don't like my hero, then I'll say bad things about you. So there, Poo Poo Head!"

I was watching Trump a little while ago, talking about how great Brexit was. In the mean time, the pound, Euro, and financial markets all over the world were getting annihilated. Trump is such an idiot and he doesn't even realize it.

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Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

No, he isn't. Hillary Clinton is strongly favored in November. Cameron is right. Trump is a horror show. Don't worry ... he won't happen.

Same kind of bs polling used to try to tip the British vote is being used to try to tip votes to Hillary but it won't work. Hillary is a walking time bomb with her criminal history and Bill and her corporate payoffs.

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Who the hell wants to have a good relationship with that muppet Cameron anyway!

Expected response from intelligence-challenged Trump supporters. Trump won't get to be prez, but he's sure soiling himself often on the campaign trail. Thus far he's 1 for 6 with overseas leaders.

He's turned off the current and former leaders of Mexico

He's lashed out at the Pope

He's on the London mayor's black list.

The only leader who seems to like him is Putin. My theory is; Putin pretends to like Trump because Putin knows that Trump as prez would degrade the USA.

Trump continues to alienate and anger nearly every foreign leader he has anything to do with. Way to go Trump!

Trump supporters are responding in the only way they know how: The redneck, immature way: "Well, if you don't like my hero, then I'll say bad things about you. So there, Poo Poo Head!"

I was watching Trump a little while ago, talking about how great Brexit was. In the mean time, the pound, Euro, and financial markets all over the world were getting annihilated. Trump is such an idiot and he doesn't even realize it.

Yea, because a one day snapshot of the stock markets is an indicator of where the future lies next year, five years from now, a decade from now and 50 years from now. Funny how all those people so opposed to favors for Wall Street and bankers and financiers in London want to cry and whine and use them as an example of knowledge everlasting when it suits their interests.

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Who the hell wants to have a good relationship with that muppet Cameron anyway!

Expected response from intelligence-challenged Trump supporters. Trump won't get to be prez, but he's sure soiling himself often on the campaign trail. Thus far he's 1 for 6 with overseas leaders.

He's turned off the current and former leaders of Mexico

He's lashed out at the Pope

He's on the London mayor's black list.

The only leader who seems to like him is Putin. My theory is; Putin pretends to like Trump because Putin knows that Trump as prez would degrade the USA.

Trump continues to alienate and anger nearly every foreign leader he has anything to do with. Way to go Trump!

Trump supporters are responding in the only way they know how: The redneck, immature way: "Well, if you don't like my hero, then I'll say bad things about you. So there, Poo Poo Head!"

I was watching Trump a little while ago, talking about how great Brexit was. In the mean time, the pound, Euro, and financial markets all over the world were getting annihilated. Trump is such an idiot and he doesn't even realize it.

Yea, because a one day snapshot of the stock markets is an indicator of where the future lies next year, five years from now, a decade from now and 50 years from now. Funny how all those people so opposed to favors for Wall Street and bankers and financiers in London want to cry and whine and use them as an example of knowledge everlasting when it suits their interests.

Trump was kissing up to his audience, as he always does. He has no idea what he's talking about. That was the point. I personally don't give a hoot what the Brits decide to do with their own country. But Trump will stick his nose into affairs that he doesn't understand.

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