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Japanese man dies after being hit by train while taking selfie on Death Railway


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A very emotive subject for MANY

When the Japanese nation as a whole face the atrocities of the 1930-1945 era then maybe just maybe

There can be no real closure for many while Japanese politicians continue to honour class A war criminals

Thats non negotiable in my book and that includes all of you bleeding heart liberals

I will be making NO APOLOGY for this post

In access of 55M people died 1939-1945 the aggressors will not receive ANY sympathy from this yeoman of Suffolk


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It is sad, that the report of an unfortunate death of a tourist in Thailand, turns this thread into a vitriolic, history argument among members, some of whom are bitter and twisted.

Maybe you could start a new thread, with the help of the moderators, in which you can all vent your anger and hatred ?

No need for anybody to join in if they dont want to

I am convinced this thread will soon be greatly reduced in size

Possible even probably that will be a justified course of action

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A very emotive subject for MANY

When the Japanese nation as a whole face the atrocities of the 1930-1945 era then maybe just maybe

There can be no real closure for many while Japanese politicians continue to honour class A war criminals

Thats non negotiable in my book and that includes all of you bleeding heart liberals

I will be making NO APOLOGY for this post

In access of 55M people died 1939-1945 the aggressors will not receive ANY sympathy from this yeoman of Suffolk


I accept your point of view. Chicken and egg a little bit. Axis powers carried out outrageous acts, unfortunately the "allies" did as well. The "allies" contend that their acts were necessary, and maybe true. Personally it happened 70 years ago and I cannot harbour animosity towards people that were not alive at the time. Visited the cemeteries with my parents who lived through WW2 as children. My father bombed people in later life for the RAF. Yemen, Borne etc. He holds no animosity for the people he bombed and regrets having to do it. Such were the times. Communism was the enemy of the day. Looking forward to President Trump who's policy will be to bomb the shit out of them. Go Donald go. "A bright shining lie".

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It is sad, that the report of an unfortunate death of a tourist in Thailand, turns this thread into a vitriolic, history argument among members, some of whom are bitter and twisted.

Maybe you could start a new thread, with the help of the moderators, in which you can all vent your anger and hatred ?

No need for anybody to join in if they dont want to

I am convinced this thread will soon be greatly reduced in size

Possible even probably that will be a justified course of action

Nobody said anyone had to join in. But when you click on a thread, to read about an unfortunate death in Thailand, you don't expect to read the shit that some bitter and twisteds are posting.

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What a lot of very mixed comments , yes he was born after WW2 , then again what did his father do during that war , he might of been a supervisor on the bridge building and his son wanted to take a visit. I would certainly post some anger if the deceased was taking a selfie in the cemetery in Kachanaburi but like suicides over here we don't know the full story . I do wonder if his last 2 words were " Oh clap " though.

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What a lot of very mixed comments , yes he was born after WW2 , then again what did his father do during that war , he might of been a supervisor on the bridge building and his son wanted to take a visit. I would certainly post some anger if the deceased was taking a selfie in the cemetery in Kachanaburi but like suicides over here we don't know the full story . I do wonder if his last 2 words were " Oh clap " though.

"Oh clap" chuckle. Way to go.

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Classic, first attempted suicide crying for help or attention?

Possibly, but who knows?

The train was no doubt sounding it's horn for a lengthy period of time if he was anywhere near the tracks.

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If the train operator had time to sound the whistle, several times, why didn't he swerve around the guy taking photos of himself?

Afterall, as everyone should know, you are obligated to give way to those who are ignoring everything going on around themselves and playing with their telephones.

Pray tell how a train on a railway track could swerve around the man? I suggest that you think a little more deeply before posting your next reply. Maybe the train driver could have applied his emergency brake if he had one installed.

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Exactly, I'm not being anti-British with my comment. Quite the opposite. From the islands that gave us Monty Python, the Beatles, the Clash, fish and chips and the English language it's a pity that there is that dark side, and all nations and super powers have their dark sides, some more than most.

Did not think you were being anti British. Unfortunately we are an example to be used and rightly so. Month Python quote was just a bit of an indication for history. Most countries have done what would be called despicable acts today in their past. The Bible and Koran (Quran?) are full of it in the name of God.

If you feel the need to quote anybody or anything please quote correctly word for word

If you dont it becomes a misquote

Only a form of words I know but important

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If the train operator had time to sound the whistle, several times, why didn't he swerve around the guy taking photos of himself?

Afterall, as everyone should know, you are obligated to give way to those who are ignoring everything going on around themselves and playing with their telephones.

Pray tell how a train on a railway track could swerve around the man? I suggest that you think a little more deeply before posting your next reply. Maybe the train driver could have applied his emergency brake if he had one installed.

Please don't point out the stupidity of posters. Swerving trains? Classic.

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A very emotive subject for MANY

When the Japanese nation as a whole face the atrocities of the 1930-1945 era then maybe just maybe

There can be no real closure for many while Japanese politicians continue to honour class A war criminals

Thats non negotiable in my book and that includes all of you bleeding heart liberals

I will be making NO APOLOGY for this post

In access of 55M people died 1939-1945 the aggressors will not receive ANY sympathy from this yeoman of Suffolk


I accept your point of view. Chicken and egg a little bit. Axis powers carried out outrageous acts, unfortunately the "allies" did as well. The "allies" contend that their acts were necessary, and maybe true. Personally it happened 70 years ago and I cannot harbour animosity towards people that were not alive at the time. Visited the cemeteries with my parents who lived through WW2 as children. My father bombed people in later life for the RAF. Yemen, Borne etc. He holds no animosity for the people he bombed and regrets having to do it. Such were the times. Communism was the enemy of the day. Looking forward to President Trump who's policy will be to bomb the shit out of them. Go Donald go. "A bright shining lie".

Maybe I should not post this but here goes

Do you think that will be a change of policy on Trumps part if he does become the next president of the U S A

I am not anti american or racist sexist or homophobic I simply hate everybody

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It is sad, that the report of an unfortunate death of a tourist in Thailand, turns this thread into a vitriolic, history argument among members, some of whom are bitter and twisted.

Maybe you could start a new thread, with the help of the moderators, in which you can all vent your anger and hatred ?

No need for anybody to join in if they dont want to

I am convinced this thread will soon be greatly reduced in size

Possible even probably that will be a justified course of action

Nobody said anyone had to join in. But when you click on a thread, to read about an unfortunate death in Thailand, you don't expect to read the shit that some bitter and twisteds are posting.

I said quite clearly that nobody HAS to join in ie-NO NEED TO JOIN IN if they dont want to

If you do join in SIR I assume you do so because you think you have a point to make and you have the right to air that view

I concur with that 100%

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A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

"And the sins of the fathers shall be on their descendants until the seventh generation"

Or something like that.

Not only have the Japanese NOT apologised for their warcrimes,(to the Allies & the Chinese people), they still feel justified for their actions & have a sense of being harassed by us.

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Didn't a Dutch guy fall out of the same train last year whilst taking a photo.

The locals will say evil spirits are up to no good on this line.

If there are any such, and they're up to no good, this would certainly be the place for it...

Can't understand why Japanese ever even go near this.

Because they have no shame about what they did to their prisoners or the local civilians.

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A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

"And the sins of the fathers shall be on their descendants until the seventh generation"

Or something like that.

Not only have the Japanese NOT apologised for their warcrimes,(to the Allies & the Chinese people), they still feel justified for their actions & have a sense of being harassed by us.

How many nations have apologised for their crimes?

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Day off for Thai bashing, looks like it's the Japanese's turn, albeit in tragic circumstances.

Thank god it was a Jap. Delayed justice in my opinion !

Never too late to show your racism, eh?

"Jap" is an ethnic slur, whether you think it's justified or not.

Any moderators willing to do the right thing?


Oh what a goody-two-shoes you are.

"Jap" are the first letters of Japan

"Brit" are the first letters of Britain.

Are you going into bat for the British posters?

No……thought not.

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A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?


How far will you go to get a laugh about someone's death?

Don't think that he was laughing.

Could very well be Reincarnation.

Billions(not millions)of people believe in it.

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This post should be about the accidental death of a Japanese tourist on an infamous bridge in Thailand

I suspect you have missed the main thrust of this thread as it has been going through a process of metamorphosis

With my help which I dont deny

It could have not been any other nationality apart from a small chance a Korean could have been involved

No Germans Italians or a few other assorted odds and ends were involved namely Axis forces as far as I am award

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Why would a Japanese person want a selfie of all things standing on the site of such a great national shame? 'Would be like a German wanting a picture of himself standing next to one of the ovens.

Because to the Japanese this was a great achievement, finishing a project that the British started and could not finish.The Japanese had free slave labor while the British had to pay for their workers.There is even a monument located nearby in Japanese attesting to this Japanese built railway

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A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

"And the sins of the fathers shall be on their descendants until the seventh generation"

Or something like that.

Not only have the Japanese NOT apologised for their warcrimes,(to the Allies & the Chinese people), they still feel justified for their actions & have a sense of being harassed by us.

How many nations have apologised for their crimes?

Quite a few.

Australians had "sorry" day.

Now fly the Aboriginal flag along side the national flag.

Have given land back to the Aboriginal people.

The British are continually apologising & compensating native peoples.

e.g. Chagos lslanders, Mau Mau terrorists in Kenya.

Don't know too much about what the Americans are doing, but the lndians have reserves where some of them are making money from tourists & casinos. Also the lndians have the final say on "sacred" lands.

The Japanese however don't acknowledge that they did ANY wrongdoing.

As some one pointed out, they do not teach their children about their part in WWII.

They even try to brush the "comfort women" saga under the carpet & hope that they will all die out.

Does that answer your question?

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A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

I guess we can call 9/11 poetic justice. What a pity a few more Americans didn't die as it must be their fault for all people who have lost lives around the world from their bombs.

Shameful people on this forum.

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Didn't a Dutch guy fall out of the same train last year whilst taking a photo.

The locals will say evil spirits are up to no good on this line.

Quick, find out the number of that train and buy lottery tickets!

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Why would a Japanese person want a selfie of all things standing on the site of such a great national shame? 'Would be like a German wanting a picture of himself standing next to one of the ovens.

Well, why wouldn't he? He didn't have anything to do with it. Do you suppose white Americans feel shame when they visit the site of the Wounded Knee Massacre? I didn't. I may have been appalled but not ashamed. Many Americans unashamedly visit VietNam and why wouldn't they? Take selfies too.

Quite simply, Americans have no shame.

Thousands upon thousands of innocent women and children killed in Japan (not to mention Iraq) by possibly the worst act of terrorism in history, and you think the Japanese were atrocious?? Spare me!!

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