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Debt responsibility

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Well this subject reminds me of a friend of mine since he is legally married and long before that when he arrived at his gf/now wifes village or area she lived ( she changed places a lot ) a small crowd of people would see him from time to time asking money back his gf had borrowed when he was away...

He complained often but paid up..this is the real true love ...dont worry its only money ( in his case over the years

Hundret of thousand of euros .. Now he is near broke and worked two jobs to keep going / what can be done if your love is a gambling lady with little luck / i guess this is thai style a honest authentic life experience i missed out till now )

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silly boy.....if you hadn't been here she wouldn't have taken out the loan so of course you are responsible for it,you are farang..........just saying.

You need to read the OP before making comments. If you don't understand it, get a mate to help

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Would be interested in any thoughts on this post also

What if the wife acts as gurantor for say an auto loan to her kid though she does not work and has no income, i.e. Wife married to a farang who has a registered marriage and a decent pension. Will the husband be liable for default on payment ?

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One thing I have learned from this topic is that peoplke do not actually read the original posts, but are happy to contribute is a good idea to understand the question and situation first. Thanks all for taking the time though. I still think these are important questions though

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Oh dear, it seems a few posters have had bad experiences with their Thai wifes or girlfriends, and want to tar all Thai women with the same brush. As I said, read the original post. My wife did not bring this subject up, or plant the idea of a loan to be paid in my head. We were talking about a situation that could involve a friend of mine, and I was asking questions about how Thai people would handle the situation. This in turn lead to me asking about this particular situation.

if you want to give your opinion about this, that would be great. If you actually know anything, even better. However, if all you want to do is make insinuations about Thai women in general, and my wife in particular, can you go and start another of these " I have been hard done by by my wife/girlfriend" threads of your own.

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Hmm, your wife has no debt but decides to bring this topic up!! Could be nothing, but perhaps its a mighty red flag in disguise.

Another big reason why you don't marry in someone else backyard, or build up assets in joint holdings.

The risk to rewards are definitely not in your favor.

Oh I forgot, for some marriage is not optional, so adjust your strategies. wai2.gif

Can you please read the oringinal post again. I have been married for 10 years , and know I can implicitly trust my wife. Just because your trust level has hit rock bottom, don't assume other people don't have trust any more.

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It is always a debate as to who could be held responsible.

Meantime....do not doubt that all too often "they" ( who ever they may be) would TRY to make you, the husband, pay the wife's debts owed to them...that is if they do not just come and take your house or car or land as compensation....and even have you threatened by the police or others and maybe even arrested and spend some time in Jail....just to put the pressure on you.

You would not be the first

Remember...this is Thailand and you, as a Farang.... are vulnerable to the shady and underhanded tactics of Thai people who are owed money ....and they are not going to lose "that money" owed to them.


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Well this subject reminds me of a friend of mine since he is legally married and long before that when he arrived at his gf/now wifes village or area she lived ( she changed places a lot ) a small crowd of people would see him from time to time asking money back his gf had borrowed when he was away...

He complained often but paid up..this is the real true love ...dont worry its only money ( in his case over the years

Hundret of thousand of euros .. Now he is near broke and worked two jobs to keep going / what can be done if your love is a gambling lady with little luck / i guess this is thai style a honest authentic life experience i missed out till now )

I would be very suspicious of that sort of money requests.

Nice of him to pay but I would be thinking that the friends of the wife, in collusion with the wife, would tell the man the wife borrowed money or owes us money from gambling with us and then collect the money and share it with the wife ...and then repeat the scam over and over again.

I would hire a private detective to check out if people did actually loan her money or she is gambling and owing all too many people money telling them the husband will pay my debts.

Too easy for all those people to say the wife borrowed money or owes them money from gambling debts.


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Do a search....I recall reading that a legally married husband IS responsible for his wife's debt under Thai law, The people who got married in a village or temple ceremony are NOT married and have NO legal obligations..

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Joint and Severable is the technical term... Yes you can be liable...

That would be "jointly and severally" liability, i.e. each party has full responsibility.

Indeed you are right, surprising the little typo's you can make when you've had Several beers :-)

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Do a search....I recall reading that a legally married husband IS responsible for his wife's debt under Thai law, The people who got married in a village or temple ceremony are NOT married and have NO legal obligations..

Why a temple village marriage should not be legal...? I thik u wro ng here...

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Do a search....I recall reading that a legally married husband IS responsible for his wife's debt under Thai law, The people who got married in a village or temple ceremony are NOT married and have NO legal obligations..

Why a temple village marriage should not be legal...? I thik u wro ng here...
Temple marriage is not legal.
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Morally it is wrong to be lumbered with spousal debt, but in sickness and in health and all that...

They could come after joint assets, for sure, and possibly threaten individual assets, but as for making foreign husband cough up monies, how would they do that exactly, especially if capital is overseas and he never signed anything? Bung him in jail? I don't think so. All pressure is on the wife and they'd be counting on good-heart spouse to bail them out.

And, with that, it depends where debt was sourced. If bank/finance company, string it out/plead poverty and let it go through the courts... if a loan shark, well, that's a different kettle of fish.

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this marriage thing sounds great!!!!!

Fraught with danger, in any culture. Not tarring all with same brush as there are many wonderful, well educated, good-hearted, squeaky clean Thai women here, but unfortunately very few farang guys will ever be in their sphere, tending towards those with the potential for a lot of baggage. If you're heading down that path, go slow, keep your head and listen to intuition.

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Do a search....I recall reading that a legally married husband IS responsible for his wife's debt under Thai law, The people who got married in a village or temple ceremony are NOT married and have NO legal obligations..

Why a temple village marriage should not be legal...? I thik u wro ng here...
Temple marriage is not legal.

A temple marriage is not recognised in law as being valid. The husband and wife do not have a marriage certificate issued by the government.

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