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Clinton, Sanders make all-out blitz in California primary


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Clinton, Sanders make all-out blitz in California primary

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders dueled for support Tuesday ahead of California's presidential primary, as the Vermont senator showed few signs of backing off his efforts to boost his longshot odds for the nomination.

Sanders' campaign launched a $1.5 million ad buy in the state and announced it would seek a recanvass in last week's Kentucky primary, where he trailed Clinton by less than one-half of 1 percent. The recanvass, which is not a recount, involves reviewing the election results but is unlikely to change the results or the awarding of delegates.

The Democratic hopefuls campaigned in California, where Clinton hopes to make a statement in the June 7 contest that will effectively end the primaries and encourage the party to coalesce around her candidacy. Clinton is targeting Latino and black voters, who have typically backed her candidacy is high numbers, as she campaigns across the state.

"I can't do any of this without your help," Clinton told a crowd of supporters in Los Angeles. "California, I need your help."

Sanders, meanwhile, unveiled new advertising that will appear in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento, underscoring his intense focus on the state. The ad urged voters to choose a "new direction" for the Democratic Party.

"If we win big in California, we're going to go marching into the Democratic convention with a lot of momentum," Sanders said to cheers at a rally on the outskirts of Disneyland. "And if we go marching into the Democratic convention with a lot of momentum, we're going to march out with the Democratic nomination. And if we march out with the Democratic nomination, Donald Trump is toast."

Sanders hopes that winning a large share of the state's 475 delegates will give him momentum heading into the party's Philadelphia convention in July. He is barnstorming the state, holding multiple rallies a day in hopes of connecting directly with grassroots supporters.

Entering the final contests in June, Clinton leads Sanders by 271 pledged delegates according to a count by The Associated Press but the self-described democratic socialist has vowed to soldier on and amass as many delegates as possible.

Clinton holds a substantial lead with party leaders and elected officials, called superdelegates, and is on track to clinch the nomination through the combination of pledged delegates and superdelegates after contests in California, New Jersey and four other states on June 7.

But despite the math, some Democrats are concerned that Sanders' tactics could make it more difficult to unite in the summer. In an AP interview on Monday, Sanders said the process of crafting the party's platform and holding its convention could be "messy," adding, "Democracy is messy."

Sanders held a rally at a convention center in Anaheim, where he asked supporters, "Anybody here making a living wage from Disney?" The crowd shouted back, "No!" He said Disney offered an example of a "rigged economy" in which the corporation generates large profits but workers fail to get ahead.

He does not make as many references to Clinton in his stump speech as he did weeks ago. But in Anaheim, the crowd booed when he told them that Clinton "has a number of super pacs and she is also raising significant sums from Wall Street."

As she has for weeks, Clinton avoided all mentions of her primary opponent while campaigning in the state. Instead, she unveiled a new line of attack against Republican nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump, hammering him on his past statements over the housing crisis and suggesting that he paid nothing in taxes.

"Trump economics is a recipe for lower wages, fewer jobs and more debt," she told union workers in Los Angeles. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'll never let Wall Street bankrupt Main Street again."

Clinton devoted the bulk of her remarks to criticizing Trump's foreign policy record, his economic policies and personal finances, an approach she has taken as she pivots to the general election.

Trump shot back in a statement, saying he's "made a lot of money in down markets."

"Frankly, this is the kind of thinking our country needs, understanding how to get a good result out of a very bad and sad situation."


Lerer reported from Los Angeles. Associated Press writer Jill Colvin contributed from Albuquerque.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-25

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"Trump economics is a recipe for lower wages, fewer jobs and more debt," she told union workers in Los Angeles. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'll never let Wall Street bankrupt Main Street again." (Hillary)

Now Hillary getting $250,000 a speech on Wall Street speaks pure BS. Wall Street/big business owns her and all but the ignorant or profiteers of her scandals see through this.

Trump is holding his tax returns back, not because he has something to hide but because it is his bargaining tactic to get the corruption Queen to release those Wall Street transcripts.

Clinton devoted the bulk of her remarks to criticizing Trump's foreign policy record, his economic policies and personal finances, an approach she has taken as she pivots to the general election.

As Trump has never held a public office he does not have a policy record he only had an opinion. Hillary on the other hand, has a foreign policy record and none of it is popular with most of the voting public now.

Edited by bassman
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Read all about the Clintons here, from being ' dead broke in 2001" to having a 150 million dollars today...


I went to that link. There's a short video with a clip from the new film Clinton Cash, which is due for release this July 24.

In the clip, it discusses that while Hillary was Sec. of State, Bill was running around the world asking for contributions to the Clinton Foundation. I do not know the details of what had happened, but I do think that it obviously raises a certain degree of suspicion.

The problem for me is that I have heard far too many tales of Clinton improprieties, and especially that silly Lewinsky affair. (Yeah, maybe he had sex with her, but didn't we have more important things to do than to impeach Bill just for that? What a waste of time and resources! God, I should hope that the worst thing any president or other politician ever does. Didn't FDR have a longtime affair? Maybe just censure the guy or something quick like that, and then focus on fixing our roads and bridges and so many other things.)

So, it seems to me that maybe the Clintons were up to something at times, but their political opponents have so overstated their case or even misled at times, especially in videos with those melodramatic visuals and background music, that I have automatically become skeptical of these conspiracy theories.

Oh yeah, and let's not forget Benghazi. After all of that time and money spent on Benghazi hearings, I don't see how that hurt HIllary except to those who had already hated her. That was another example of where legislators could have focused their time on problems that American families have instead of yet another hatchet job done for selfish political purposes.

After stating all that, I do think that what Hillary and Bill have done is very fishy. And, I am not a Hillary supporter. However, now that maybe someone has something credible to say about them, I wonder how many of those now supporting Hillary, whether strongly or less so, will just blow the film off as yet another silly and wasteful attack on the Clintons. It's like that story of the boy who cried "Wolf!"

Well, we'll see how well-presented the film may be and whether it gets any attention or traction with those with some degree of support to Hillary Clinton.

Edited by helpisgood
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What Bernie is aiming for is to keep Hillary from securing enough pledged delegates to give her a guaranteed first ballot win at the convention. If he can pull away enough delegates, then it becomes a "contested" convention, and it's most likely that he'll take the nomination. Hillary's poll numbers against Trump are sliding while Bernie's are improving, and several senior members of the DNC are worried about her lack of popularity with a huge section of the party base, as well as seriously discussing how to get rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the DNC and a major supporter of Hillary, who sided with the Republicans on the issue of drastically reducing the outrageous interest rates charged by payday lenders, an issue that hurts the poor and working people, and who cost the Dems the Senate and House in 2012. They recognize that Schultz is toxic when it comes to Sanders' supporters, and that she has engaged in open favoritism in the primaries. This is going to be an interesting finish to a very weird primary season.

To quote Yogi Berra, "It ain't over 'til it's over."

Edited by Traveler19491
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C'mon Hillary....Give Bernie a debate in Cali

For what purpose?

Hillary has the nomination sewn up. She won't need even one "super" delegate to win. So enough with the tedious whining.

All that would do is give more ammunition to the vile monster.

It's been a good fight, but Sanders has lost, and it's time to compromise, adjust the platform, and support the nominee because the alternative (the vile monster) is just too horrible to even contemplate.

To add, get real, if Sanders was in the position Clinton was in right now, he would do EXACTLY the same thing, and deny the debate. That's basic politics, and sorry, Sanders is still a politician, and any politician knows that when you've already won, exposing yourself to potential damage is just STUPID.


To the Bernie voters who are disgusted with the process and disillusioned with the Democratic nominee, I hear you. But if you plan to stay home, defect to a third party candidate, or vote Trump in November, think back to the fall of 2000. It only took 100,000 ideological purists in one state to give our country away to a know-nothing nightmare of a president.
Edited by Jingthing
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C'mon Hillary....Give Bernie a debate in Cali

For what purpose?

Hillary has the nomination sewn up. She won't need even one "super" delegate to win. So enough with the tedious whining.

All that would do is give more ammunition to the vile monster.

It's been a good fight, but Sanders has lost, and it's time to compromise, adjust the platform, and support the nominee because the alternative (the vile monster) is just too horrible to even contemplate.

To add, get real, if Sanders was in the position Clinton was in right now, he would do EXACTLY the same thing, and deny the debate. That's basic politics, and sorry, Sanders is still a politician, and any politician knows that when you've already won, exposing yourself to potential damage is just STUPID.


To the Bernie voters who are disgusted with the process and disillusioned with the Democratic nominee, I hear you. But if you plan to stay home, defect to a third party candidate, or vote Trump in November, think back to the fall of 2000. It only took 100,000 ideological purists in one state to give our country away to a know-nothing nightmare of a president.

Your wrong JT. Bernie is going to take California in a 'clean sweep' victory and storm into the DNC Convention on a Tsunami of populous revolution the likes America has never witnessed in its political history. Trump will xxxx himself and withdraw his nomination, the orange coward that he is and Bernie will be elected unopposed with 100% of the vote. Bernie's first executive order will be to scramble the Air Force with orders to 'take down' any private bankster jet attempting to flee the country. It will announce a new golden era of prosperity for the American People. Mark my words. You heard it here first.

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C'mon Hillary....Give Bernie a debate in Cali

For what purpose?

Hillary has the nomination sewn up. She won't need even one "super" delegate to win. So enough with the tedious whining.

All that would do is give more ammunition to the vile monster.

It's been a good fight, but Sanders has lost, and it's time to compromise, adjust the platform, and support the nominee because the alternative (the vile monster) is just too horrible to even contemplate.

To add, get real, if Sanders was in the position Clinton was in right now, he would do EXACTLY the same thing, and deny the debate. That's basic politics, and sorry, Sanders is still a politician, and any politician knows that when you've already won, exposing yourself to potential damage is just STUPID.


To the Bernie voters who are disgusted with the process and disillusioned with the Democratic nominee, I hear you. But if you plan to stay home, defect to a third party candidate, or vote Trump in November, think back to the fall of 2000. It only took 100,000 ideological purists in one state to give our country away to a know-nothing nightmare of a president.

Why?....Because it will have an audience of over a 100 million people. Clinton's media and Party establishment has shielded her from the public and helped to orchestrate every appearance she makes from the beginning....all the while diminishing or outright ignoring Sanders. I think the people of California and the country should get the opportunity to see this juggernaut of a candidate as often as possible in as close to an unscripted venue as her enablers will allow.

Besides, every time she opens her mouth, her poll numbers drop.

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Bernie is likely to cost HRC if he continues. If he would have stood aside earlier his supporters would have jumped ship. Now that continues on and suggesting he will take the nomination he is causing a huge divide and some polls are beginning to suggest HRC already is falling behind Trump. However much people hate Trump you have to accept that nobody in their right mind wants Clinton either. Bernie should announce Nader as his running mate.

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"............................... Bernie should announce Nader as his running mate.

Wouldn't just dropping out serve the same purpose without making ones self appear unstable?

I guess I am just trying to point out the irony of the DFL facing some renegade that breaks up their votes. This is what people said early on Trump would do. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The Nader reference is a bit tongue in cheek.

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