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Father admits raping his eight year old daughter


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Scott Bkk. My wifes 6 year old daughter was raped by an extended family member. The family are protecting him. My daughter in law was staying with an aunt. She asked the family member to look after the girl as she had to go to the market.

So yes it happens all to often.

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Reply to ScotBkk

I think my previous post was not put up.

My wifes 6 yr old daughter was raped by an extended family member. Family protects him. Your avatar makes me wonder why you should question such happens in LoS

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Scott Bkk. My wifes 6 year old daughter was raped by an extended family member. The family are protecting him. My daughter in law was staying with an aunt. She asked the family member to look after the girl as she had to go to the market.

So yes it happens all to often.

Poor child very strange family members she has

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Scott Bkk. My wifes 6 year old daughter was raped by an extended family member. The family are protecting him. My daughter in law was staying with an aunt. She asked the family member to look after the girl as she had to go to the market.

So yes it happens all to often.

Poor child very strange family members she has


Your wifes 6 year old daughter is therefore your stepdaughter or not?

What are you doing about this protection from this disgusting family?

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What a way for a young girl to have life ended, raped by her own father and subsequently dying from an overdose, one assumes from drugs forced in to her by the father? It doesn't get any worse, the very person who is supposed to protect her, the one who she would rely on to protect her.... In the words of Robert Heinlein, "young children, like butterflies, need no excuses".

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This is a horrible act. We as humans can easily understand the reasons that this is not at all acceptable for a human. Because of our natural ability to be empathetic, we all know this is morally a dastardly act as it harms a child every way there is to harm a child. What is worst is that 1.2 billion people worship a man that did this 1400 years ago and they all think it's ok. So being this is in Southern Thailand...?

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Sorry Yes Stepdaughter.

First time posting and don't know how you reply to an individual's post.

The police are not much help as the child was not examined at the time and therefore no proof. That's what I mean by protection. The first my wife heard about it was when the child coplained of pain. The village knew what happened before my wife. We were away. What can be done.

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Nasty, but more common than one might think.

Yep, my ex wife's neighbor tried to rape his 14 year old. Nothing was reported to the police though, but at least the girl was allowed to stay with other family in the village.

Disgusting, I can only hope the guy dies a long slow and very painful death.

When my Wife was a youngster a man in her village tried to touch her up but she fortunately ran away....nothing came of it.

Under reported all over I imagine

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Eight year old girls should never have to experience this kind of trauma and abuse...sickening...it is not just Thailand...the world is crazed...filled with greed and lust...

Maybe it is time that Nature did a reset...clean the table and start from scratch...

There are few positive vibes on the horizon...each subsequent generation seems doomed to become more decadent...more violent...and if possible...more moronic...

Correct, the percentage now vs.a century ago is about the same.

With seven billion and counting it is called OVERPOPULATION something Mother Nature had never made any provisions for and the human animal with its GREED mentality of “it will last my time” had let get out of control, like all the other items the human animal has let get out of control on Planet Earth. No need to make a list as it will be as long as your arm, it is by now 2016 all very well documented and in the Public Domain, of which the human animal does not take one iota of notice. There is no hope for this present-day human animal mass on its way to self-destruction at an ever increasing tempo. Only solution; Mother Nature has to start over again from scratch.


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however after intense interrogation, he finally confessed he raped the girl.

Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thai-man-tries-hanging-himself-after-admitting-to-raping-of-eight-year-old-daughter.html


-- Chiang Rai Times 2016-05-25

"Intense interrogation" has been a method of the BiB to extract confessions forever. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence, tbh.

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however after intense interrogation, he finally confessed he raped the girl.

Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thai-man-tries-hanging-himself-after-admitting-to-raping-of-eight-year-old-daughter.html


-- Chiang Rai Times 2016-05-25

"Intense interrogation" has been a method of the BiB to extract confessions forever. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence, tbh.

Under such "intense interrogation" many people in this country (and other countries) have admitted to crimes they did not commit just to stop the pain of the said "intensive interrogation." Frequently it results in an unjust conviction in some cases execution. And the real culprits get away free. Many people are certain that the KT backpackers rape/murder was one of these cases. In this case we have dad admitting while the original suspect (who called the police, I think) is still held by them for consideration in some way as a suspect. What, both of them????? Have cake and eat it too?

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What a way for a young girl to have life ended, raped by her own father and subsequently dying from an overdose, one assumes from drugs forced in to her by the father? It doesn't get any worse, the very person who is supposed to protect her, the one who she would rely on to protect her.... In the words of Robert Heinlein, "young children, like butterflies, need no excuses".

or.........Just because you can have children doesnt mean you should

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Did any of you conclusion-jumpers happen to notice the phrase "intense interrogation" in the CR Times story? Do you think the word "intense" means they ask question after question really quickly?

DNA evidence, eh? The same police force that handled the DNA evidence in the stitch-em-up Koh Tao murders case?

You've been in Thailand long enough to have noticed that an astonishing number of accused "confess" their crimes under police "interrogation." My understanding is that their methods are quite creative. Remember that such methods aren't very useful for getting at the truth; for producing the information you want—dynamite!

Did you notice the victim herself named the neighbour?

A news report is not the same thing as a conviction.

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I am not a follower of the capital punishment, death sentence.

If really deserved, it's an easy way to get out.

If not, it's another life wasted.

But in this case, I would use his body to save other lives.

Cut out the healthy organs and body parts 1 by 1 until there is nothing left anymore.

Give the organs to children who are dying on the wait list for transplantation.

The rest of his body can be used as food for inmates like him.

You should change your name to Confusedious because what you just suggested is the most confused idea I've read here in quite a while!

Let me rephrase; cut the man's organs out, one by one, while he is still alive and then chop his remaining body parts up for an inmate soup......ummmm.

Perhaps we are dealing with a new Jeffrey Dahlmer here on TV.

The hang em high brigade are getting crazier and crazier here. No wonder the world is such a messed up place

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This is a horrible act. We as humans can easily understand the reasons that this is not at all acceptable for a human. Because of our natural ability to be empathetic, we all know this is morally a dastardly act as it harms a child every way there is to harm a child. What is worst is that 1.2 billion people worship a man that did this 1400 years ago and they all think it's ok. So being this is in Southern Thailand...?

What to say about Mozes in the Bible?

He wanted to kill his own son as a present to God.

And MILLIONS OF PEOPLE worship that Bible.

I am sure that you will find similar stories in every religious book.

Edited by Confuscious
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Did any of you conclusion-jumpers happen to notice the phrase "intense interrogation" in the CR Times story? Do you think the word "intense" means they ask question after question really quickly?

DNA evidence, eh? The same police force that handled the DNA evidence in the stitch-em-up Koh Tao murders case?

You've been in Thailand long enough to have noticed that an astonishing number of accused "confess" their crimes under police "interrogation." My understanding is that their methods are quite creative. Remember that such methods aren't very useful for getting at the truth; for producing the information you want—dynamite!

Did you notice the victim herself named the neighbour?

A news report is not the same thing as a conviction.

Agreed. How bad would it be for the father if he was stitched up or perhaps both of them are guilty. I wouldn't believe the cops either way. It's typical and just a sick state of affairs. Poor kid. What a shitty world!
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