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Germany’s carrot and stick approach to refugee integration


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Germany’s carrot and stick approach to refugee integration


BERLIN: -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel presented her government’s new refugee integration law on Wednesday after a coalition summit in Meseberg in eastern Germany.

Taking a carrot and stick approach, the legislation stipulates refugees must learn German in return for financial support.

“I think it’s a milestone that the federal government passes an integration law. An integration law according to the principle of challenging and rewarding, rewarding and challenging.”

The new law which still needs parliamentary approval, is designed to push refugees into obtaining skills needed to find employment and thus not become a burden on the German taxpayer.

Merkel has been strongly criticised for opening the door to record numbers of refugees and is taking a firm line, introducing cultural training programmes, regulating settlement areas while threating to reduce benefits for non participation.

The law has been criticised by some aid agencies as threatening refugees’ constitutional rights.

Integration law rules

-- Each refugee who stands a chance of remaining in the country must attend 600 hours of German-language teaching.

-- They must also attend 100 hours of cultural “orientation” that end with a “Living in Germany” test.

-- Jobs: The government intends to create some 100,000 “one-euro jobs” – work schemes that were designed for the long-term unemployed, typically paid by a government subsidy of between 1 euro and 2.50 euros an hour as compensation – on top of existing benefits. Newcomers can have their benefits reduced to the bare minimum (and only in tokens, not cash) if they refuse to work.

-- Education and training: Under the new law, refugees will be allowed to apply for training courses at a much earlier stage – after three months, whether or not their asylum applications have been processed. If they have been in Germany for 15 months, they can also apply for money for job training programs. However, asylum applicants from a so-called “safe” country of origin – a category the German government is constantly expanding – are not entitled to training.

-- Permanent residency: This deadline for refugees being given permanent residency status has been extended from three to five years – and only on the condition they have learned adequate German and secured their own living.

-- Obligatory residence: From now on, and for the next three years, regional governments will be allowed to determine where refugees may settle – either by banning them from certain areas or by allocating them to certain areas. Refugees who have found work or a place on a training program are exempt from the rule.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-26

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Germany should be doing everything possible to ensure peace and stability in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Not sure who made this little chart, but the vast majority of migrants arriving in Germany are north African. I believe your chart is the PC ideal of where refugees would come from if there were any refugees. Theoretical only and bearing no relationship whatsoever to actuality.

It has been pointed out again and again, but the OP is totally incorrect. There are NO refugees in Germany. None. True refugees must register in the 1st safe country they arrive in after fleeing their home country(as per the Dublin convention). Germany is not bordering any war zones. This is a very simple point. Now Italy is collecting over 2,000 muslim migrants per day by sending out it's coastguard and picking up all the boats as they set off from Libya. These are also not refugees because they paid a kings ransom for the trip - they are economic migrants or religious colonists. They will integrate the dwindling ethnic German population into their strict religious ideals such as FGM. Merkel is totally nuts.

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Germany should be doing everything possible to ensure peace and stability in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Exactly. Then send them all straight back to where they came from.

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These are the official numbers from the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. They only show applications for asylum in Germany in 2015, they do not show the actual number of refugees (or whatever anybody wish to call them) because due to current organizational problems applicants have to wait quite some time until they can file their applications. Nevertheless, the numbers correspond roughly with the Eurostat statistics.

As one can see, North Africans are not among the 10 main countries of origin. One might perceive North Africans as the largest group because respective media coverage was understandably high after Cologne New Years Eve. The number of people coming from Morocco and Algeria even increased in January 2016 but decreased again after the German Government decided to declare these two countries as "safe states" (meaning that applications for asylum are generally regarded as unfounded, unless the applicants prove in their specific cases that they are politically persecuted).

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Here we go from temporary stay to permanent residency.

On 01 February, yet all have been warned:

BERLIN: -- Angela Merkel has warned asylum seekers that they are only in Germany temporarily and cannot stay long-term.

4 month later: Now she celebrates her new integration law.

Permanent residency: This deadline for refugees being given permanent residency status has been extended from three to five years – and only on the condition they have learned adequate German and secured their own living.

I could puke as here, the german people are fooled.

Edited by tomacht8
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It is a violation of human rights to require a person who is not 'capable' of learning a language to be required to do so. It is a violation of human rights to require someone to work in a position for which they have no desire. It is a violation of... ad nauseum. Blah blah blah...

Basically, this is a stick and carrot fantasy. The target audience is not migrants, they are the means; its a PR bill for citizens, those who have fulfilled their social contract and now oppose wanton agenda. There are few examples in progressivism/liberalism/socialism where escape clauses have not been provided, and then became the entire exit- in other words, stalking horses! If anyone thinks everyone will be required to do the things suggested in the legislation its pure nonsense. This is why liberal policies don't work- they are BS.

Besides, the fallacy is the predicate: who said language is the reason that these migrants have an assimilation problem?

Wanna know why there is an assimilation problem? Stop and ask every second person on the streets; they do not want to assimilate! An idiot knows this.

In any event, I thought Merkel offered there were not existing assimilation problems when she threw the doors open to this reason recent social engineering agenda. Basically, its one damn lie after another. Always lie, always crisis, always provide solution....while always moving left.

But the audience here? Citizens are the intended PR audience and this bill is the vehicle to transfer wealth to the new arrivals.

Edited by arjunadawn
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It is a violation of human rights to require a person who is not 'capable' of learning a language to be required to do so. It is a violation of human rights to require someone to work in a position for which they have no desire. It is a violation of... ad nauseum. Blah blah blah...

Basically, this is a stick and carrot fantasy. The target audience is not migrants, they are the means; its a PR bill for citizens, those who have fulfilled their social contract and now oppose wanton agenda. There are few examples in progressivism/liberalism/socialism where escape clauses have not been provided, and then became the entire exit- in other words, stalking horses! If anyone thinks everyone will be required to do the things suggested in the legislation its pure nonsense. This is why liberal policies don't work- they are BS.

Besides, the fallacy is the predicate: who said language is the reason that these migrants have an assimilation problem?

Wanna know why there is an assimilation problem? Stop and ask every second person on the streets; they do not want to assimilate! An idiot knows this.

In any event, I thought Merkel offered there were not existing assimilation problems when she threw the doors open to this reason recent social engineering agenda. Basically, its one damn lie after another. Always lie, always crisis, always provide solution....while always moving left.

But the audience here? Citizens are the intended PR audience and this bill is the vehicle to transfer wealth to the new arrivals.

So true.

And the lies go further.

The traditional Labour Party SPD now agrees with the 1 Euro jobs.

I would be not surprised if the SPD falls in 2017 at the next election under 20% throughout the country. In their power lust these so-called representatives of the people do not realize, what they are doing for damage to their own country. The country is as divided as ever.

Unity, Justice and Freedom be here shamelessly kicked by the grand coalition, with feets.

The German population is not even asked. Since the future fate of an entire country is autocratically governed by 20-30 politicians. And the large part of the media, licks there feet.

Out of nowhere appeared suddenly a new right-wing party, the AFD.

In the next state election in Brandenburg they are predicted with over 20%.

Many Germans feel betrayed by the established parties.

Now they are massively vilified as Nazis, but in those ranks there are many ordinary people who simply have the snout full of this nonsense from Merkel and Co.

Interesting also to see the parallels with the elections in the US.

In my family there are Thais, Japanese, Russians, Poles, Americans, Canadians, Italians, French, Swiss, Belgians, Dutch, Danish and Australian people.

So do not label me as xenophobic.Nobody wants the Holocaust again. But the current immigration policy from EU and Germany is aiming to destroy the heart of European and occidental identity. And the reaction will come.

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