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Villagers ignore injured woman's cry for help to pick mushrooms

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"Police tried to help but they were outnumbered."

In the picture there looked to be 20 or 30 people picking up the mushrooms and i can not imagine a strong policeman (with a gun and a radio) wandering among them could not have prevented the theft ?

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How hard would it have been for the villagers to check on the driver to make sure they were OK? How was it possible that the police were unable to do anything as they all carry a firearm? A simple shot in the air would have got the attention of the villagers. If this pick-up truck was filled with something of real value I might have understand the villagers reaction but for mushrooms............sodding mushrooms..........words escape me.

and if they weren't OK what would they have done? employed the first aid that they have all learnt? The police were there it's their job to call an ambulance etc. pick up the mushrooms seems pragmatic, i've seen worse behaviour in Europe.


Anyone here ever seen ... live or video ... what happens in USA when they open the doors to big stores which are having a big discount sale? It's pretty much the same as this story.


Minimum wage $10

Kilo of mushrooms $15

Your home country minimum wage $80

Relative value of mushrooms per kilo $120

Expected scavenge weight 5 kilos

Relative free money $600

Somebody else has probably already called an ambulance

You're not medically trained

If you don't take the mushrooms someone else will

You'll probably take the $600


Seen similar things many times in China and I am aware of them happening in Thailand. Doesn't surprise me at all, sadly

I think the Thai looters were quite lucky that there was no passing Chinese Tour Bus. Could have been mistaken for a food buffet.....


An indictment against the primative state of the human heart, so evident when overflowing threshholds of restraint, and needing deliverance. Every heart would permanently remain like this, if untouched and in its raw state.


All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

Wow colinneil......you have been right all this time, the entire Thai race is certainty sub human & evil for taking the Mushrooms , and to think because of your posts, we all thought you were OTT....or on medication all this time.


How wrong could we have been not to have seen it your way.....................coffee1.gif


I'll certainly view all Thais differently after this........already looking at my wife from a new perspective.


They have photos of these low life's. Track them down and put them into the monkey house for a week or two and charge them 5000 baht each. Just no respect for anything or anyone, dog eat dog !!!

There freaking mushrooms!!!!

Yes, they mat be just freaking mushrooms to you, but to a person/family whose livelihood depends on "there just freaking mushrooms" that are only available for a short period throughout the year, it means everything to them.

The punishment doesn't always fit the crime, but in this case, the blatant actions of those retrieving ill gotten gains in broad daylight, should indeed be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Maybe you should pull the silver spoon out of your mouth and try to make a living out of scratching dirt like most Thai farmers do, then maybe, just maybe you'll have a different outlook on "there just freaking mushrooms".


They have photos of these low life's. Track them down and put them into the monkey house for a week or two and charge them 5000 baht each. Just no respect for anything or anyone, dog eat dog !!!

There freaking mushrooms!!!!
Those freaking mushrooms are someone else's property. If some steals your car shall we say it's just a freaking car and stop moaning?

All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

But there was something FREE to be had!!!!

They weren't free, they belonged to another and we're taken without authority which is theft. If I accidently dropped my wallet would that make it a Freeby?

Anyone here ever seen ... live or video ... what happens in USA when they open the doors to big stores which are having a big discount sale? It's pretty much the same as this story.

can't see the connection between American Shoppers and Thai thieves.

The police are powerless in a situation like this? Amazing!!!

Oh well, nothing was done against a tourist or to insult the coup gov't, so no big deal I guess.

This incident says something very sad and discouraging about...many things.

...should have let a couple go into the air like they seem to do...scaredy cats...scavengers are really focused and its difficult to distract them to tell them what they are doing is very naughty...IMO..perishable goods..clean it up..come back this time next year and there will probably be a crop growing there...'X' marks the spot..hope the injured lady is ok.


It is quite possible in the eyes of some to rationalize the accident as being the injured woman’s karma and the opportunity to collect some very expensive mushrooms, free of charge, as the villager’s karma. We all have to deal with our own karma, in the eyes of some.

Lets not kid ourselves that this kind of looting and worse doesn’t go on in the West. Just read the world news. People in general are absolutely remarkable in their ability to rationalize their actions.

With karma like this around, don't leave your car unlocked, your kids alone for a second - and Lord help a woman daft enough to wear a short skirt.

There is NO excuse for this kind of behavior, whatever fancy label anyone cares to stick on it.


All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

But there was something FREE to be had!!!!

They weren't free, they belonged to another and we're taken without authority which is theft. If I accidently dropped my wallet would that make it a Freeby?

They acquired them for free, like those that come to work in my garden, any fruits on the trees are there to be 'taken'.


no no.

you farang not understand.

They were all collecting them to give back to the lady.

They were helping her as she was unable to pick themall back up herself.

Thai people so good, jai dee maak, farang not understand thai.



All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

Its got nothing to do with being thai, its about people.

Yes,Thai people!


All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

Its got nothing to do with being thai, its about people.

After many years working and living here I have to say that it is absolutely about Thais, particularity the ill educated ones. Of course that does not exclude the people of our own countries but there is a huge difference.


I don't not want to jump the gun until I get a clearer picture of the timeline. Did the bystanders start picking the spilled mushrooms before providing assistance to the injured person? Did the bystanders pick the spilled shrooms for themselves or did they return them to the owner? How seriously injured was that person? Or perhaps, the title of the Thread is somewhat misleading?


All the posters who condemned me in the post about caring Thais should read this, then hang their heads in shame.

Its got nothing to do with being thai, its about people.
Yeah .... Thai people..

So you actually believe its only thai people who act like this? Wow you really are a very nieve person.

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